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On the coupling between DNA replication and mitosis., Newport J, Dasso M., J Cell Sci Suppl. January 1, 1989; 12 149-60.

Observation on the basal lamina of duodenal epithelial cells during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis., Murata E, Fujita K, Akita M, Kaneko K., Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn. October 1, 1988; 65 (4): 235-43.

Ouabain sensitivity of a chimeric alpha subunit (Torpedo/rat) of the (Na,K)ATPase expressed in Xenopus oocyte., Noguchi S, Ohta T, Takeda K, Ohtsubo M, Kawamura M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 30, 1988; 155 (3): 1237-43.

Oocyte and somatic 5S ribosomal RNA and 5S RNA encoding genes in Xenopus tropicalis., Nietfeld W, Digweed M, Mentzel H, Meyerhof W, Köster M, Knöchel W, Erdmann VA, Pieler T., Nucleic Acids Res. September 26, 1988; 16 (18): 8803-15.

Oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis in Xenopus egg extracts., Almouzni G, Mousseron-Grall S, Méchali M., Nucleic Acids Res. September 12, 1988; 16 (17): 8525-39.

Organization and rearrangement of immunoglobulin M genes in the amphibian Xenopus., Schwager J, Grossberger D, Du Pasquier L., EMBO J. August 1, 1988; 7 (8): 2409-15.

Oncogenic ras protein induces meiotic maturation of amphibian oocytes in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors., Allende CC, Hinrichs MV, Santos E, Allende JE., FEBS Lett. July 18, 1988; 234 (2): 426-30.

Oxygen consumption of single muscle fibres of Rana temporaria and Xenopus laevis at 20 degrees C., Elzinga G, van der Laarse WJ., J Physiol. May 1, 1988; 399 405-18.

On the ionic mechanism of hair cells. A comparative study., Jørgensen F., Prog Brain Res. January 1, 1988; 74 21-7.

Oocyte maturation in amphibians and the regulation of meiosis and mitosis., Maller J., Prog Clin Biol Res. January 1, 1988; 267 259-74.

Olfaction by melanophores: what does it mean?, Lerner MR, Reagan J, Gyorgyi T, Roby A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 1, 1988; 85 (1): 261-4.

Oryzalin, a dinitroaniline herbicide, binds to plant tubulin and inhibits microtubule polymerization in vitro., Morejohn LC, Bureau TE, Molè-Bajer J, Bajer AS, Fosket DE., Planta. October 1, 1987; 172 (2): 252-64.

Only two of the four sites of interaction with nuclear factors within the Xenopus U2 gene promoter are necessary for efficient transcription., Tebb G, Bohmann D, Mattaj IW., Nucleic Acids Res. August 25, 1987; 15 (16): 6437-53.

Opening of single gap junction channels during formation of electrical coupling between embryonic muscle cells., Chow I, Young SH., Dev Biol. August 1, 1987; 122 (2): 332-7.

Observations on the structure of two human 7SK pseudogenes and on homologous transcripts in vertebrate species., Humphries P, Russell SE, McWilliam P, McQuaid S, Pearson C, Humphries MM., Biochem J. July 1, 1987; 245 (1): 281-4.

Oscillatory chloride current evoked by temperature jumps during muscarinic and serotonergic activation in Xenopus oocyte., Miledi R, Parker I, Sumikawa K., J Physiol. February 1, 1987; 383 213-29.

Observations on the development of cerebellar afferents in Xenopus laevis., van der Linden JA, ten Donkelaar HJ., Anat Embryol (Berl). January 1, 1987; 176 (4): 431-9.

Oestradiol induction of a glucocorticoid-responsive gene by a chimaeric receptor., Green S, Chambon P., Nature. January 1, 1987; 325 (6099): 75-8.

Organisation of Xenopus egg cytoplasm: response to simulated microgravity., Smith RC, Neff AW., J Exp Zool. September 1, 1986; 239 (3): 365-78.

Optic fibers follow aberrant pathways from rotated eyes in Xenopus laevis., Grant P, Ma PM., J Comp Neurol. August 15, 1986; 250 (3): 364-76.

Observations on the mitochondrial distribution in normal, rotated and cold-treated 2-cell stage embryos of Xenopus laevis., Marinos E., Cell Differ. May 1, 1986; 18 (3): 163-71.

Organisation of lateral line and auditory areas in the midbrain of Xenopus laevis., Lowe DA., J Comp Neurol. March 22, 1986; 245 (4): 498-513.

Ocular migration and the metamorphic and postmetamorphic maturation of the retinotectal system in Xenopus laevis: an autoradiographic and morphometric study., Grant S, Keating MJ., J Embryol Exp Morphol. March 1, 1986; 92 43-69.

Origin and identification of fibers in the cranial nerve IX-X complex of Xenopus laevis: Lucifer Yellow backfills in vitro., Simpson HB, Tobias ML, Kelley DB., J Comp Neurol. February 22, 1986; 244 (4): 430-44.

Oocyte maturation inhibitor., Tsafriri A, Pomerantz SH., Clin Endocrinol Metab. February 1, 1986; 15 (1): 157-70.

Optical studies of excitation and secretion at vertebrate nerve terminals., Salzberg BM, Obaid AL, Gainer H., Soc Gen Physiol Ser. January 1, 1986; 40 133-64.

On the orientation of foreign neurotransmitter receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Parker I, Gundersen CB, Miledi R., Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. December 23, 1985; 226 (1244): 263-9.

Origin and voltage dependence of asparagine-induced depolarization in intestinal cells of Xenopus embryo., Bergman C, Bergman J., J Physiol. September 1, 1985; 366 197-220.

Oxygen binding in blood of Xenopus laevis (Amphibia) and evidence against Root effect., Bridges CR, Pelster B, Scheid P., Respir Physiol. August 1, 1985; 61 (2): 125-36.

Orientation-dependent transcriptional activator upstream of a human U2 snRNA gene., Ares M, Mangin M, Weiner AM., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1985; 5 (7): 1560-70.

On the diversity of sperm histones in the vertebrates: IV. Cytochemical and amino acid analysis in Anura., Kasinsky HE, Huang SY, Mann M, Roca J, Subirana JA., J Exp Zool. April 1, 1985; 234 (1): 33-46.

Occurrence of a species-specific nuclear antigen in the germ line of Xenopus and its expression from paternal genes in hybrid frogs., Wedlich D, Dreyer C, Hausen P., Dev Biol. March 1, 1985; 108 (1): 220-34.   

On the mechanism of barbiturate action on potassium channels in the nerve membrane., Arhem P, Kristbjarnarson H., Acta Physiol Scand. March 1, 1985; 123 (3): 369-71.

One Millimeter large Oocytes as a Tool to Study Hormonal Control of Meiotic Maturation in Starfish: Role of the Nucleus in Hormone-stimulated Phosphorylation of Cytoplasmic Proteins: (nucleus/maturation-promoting factor/protein phosphorylation)., Picard A, Peaucellier G, LE Bouffant F, Doree M., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 1985; 27 (3): 251-262.

On the basis of delayed depolarization and its role in repetitive firing of Rohon-Beard neurones in Xenopus tadpoles., Spitzer NC., J Physiol. December 1, 1984; 357 51-65.

On the occurrence of polymers of H1, H1(0) and H5 in extracts of whole tissues. Artificial production during protein preparation., Smith BJ, Harris MR, Sigournay CM, Wood JN., Biochim Biophys Acta. November 23, 1984; 791 (1): 50-6.

On the origin of the Alu family of repeated sequences., Brown AL., Nature. November 8, 1984; 312 (5990): 106.

Oocytes and early embryos of Xenopus laevis contain intermediate filaments which react with anti-mammalian vimentin antibodies., Godsave SF, Anderton BH, Heasman J, Wylie CC., J Embryol Exp Morphol. October 1, 1984; 83 169-87.

Oocyte adenylyl cyclase contains Ni, yet the guanine nucleotide-dependent inhibition by progesterone is not sensitive to pertussis toxin., Olate J, Allende CC, Allende JE, Sekura RD, Birnbaumer L., FEBS Lett. September 17, 1984; 175 (1): 25-30.

Ontogeny of brain neurotensin in the rat: a radioimmunoassay study., Bissette G, Richardson C, Kizer JS, Nemeroff CB., J Neurochem. July 1, 1984; 43 (1): 283-7.

Organization of Xenopus histone gene variants within clusters and their transcriptional expression., Destrée OH, Bendig MM, De Laaf RT, Koster JG., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 16, 1984; 782 (2): 132-41.

Osmium ferricyanide fixation improves microfilament preservation and membrane visualization in a variety of animal cell types., McDonald K., J Ultrastruct Res. February 1, 1984; 86 (2): 107-18.

Origins of replication and gene regulation., Taylor JH., Mol Cell Biochem. January 1, 1984; 61 (2): 99-109.

Ontogenetic development of L-gulonolactone oxidase activity in several vertebrates., Jenness R, Birney EC, Ayaz KL, Buzzell DM., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1984; 78 (1): 167-73.

Oscillatory motion of intra-axonal organelles of Xenopus laevis following inhibition of their rapid transport., Kendal WS, Koles ZJ, Smith RS., J Physiol. December 1, 1983; 345 501-13.

Optical recording of action potentials from vertebrate nerve terminals using potentiometric probes provides evidence for sodium and calcium components., Salzberg BM, Obaid AL, Senseman DM, Gainer H., Nature. November 3, 1983; 306 (5938): 36-40.

Organization of the noncontiguous promoter components of adenovirus VAI RNA gene is strikingly similar to that of eucaryotic tRNA genes., Bhat RA, Metz B, Thimmappaya B., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 1983; 3 (11): 1996-2005.

Origin of adult T-cell leukemia virus. Implication for its zoonosis., Fukui K, Noma T, Takeuchi K, Kobayashi N, Hatanaka M, Honjo T., Mol Biol Med. November 1, 1983; 1 (4): 447-56.

Onset of 5 S RNA gene regulation during Xenopus embryogenesis., Wormington WM, Brown DD., Dev Biol. September 1, 1983; 99 (1): 248-57.

On the capacity current in myelinated nerve fibres., Wiese H, Koppenhöfer E., Gen Physiol Biophys. August 1, 1983; 2 (4): 297-312.

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