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Potassium conductances in isolated single cells from Xenopus laevis colonic epithelium., Heinke B, Clauss W., J Comp Physiol B. March 1, 1999; 169 (2): 148-56.

Phylogenetic analysis of vertebrate and invertebrate Delta/Serrate/LAG-2 (DSL) proteins., Lissemore JL, Starmer WT., Mol Phylogenet Evol. March 1, 1999; 11 (2): 308-19.

Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunits of the Na+/K+-ATPase from mammalian kidneys and Xenopus oocytes by cGMP-dependent protein kinase results in stimulation of ATPase activity., Fotis H, Tatjanenko LV, Vasilets LA., Eur J Biochem. March 1, 1999; 260 (3): 904-10.

Purification and lipid dependence of the recombinant hyaluronan synthases from Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus equisimilis., Tlapak-Simmons VL, Baggenstoss BA, Clyne T, Weigel PH., J Biol Chem. February 12, 1999; 274 (7): 4239-45.

Pregnenolone sulfate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate inhibit GABA-gated chloride currents in Xenopus oocytes expressing picrotoxin-insensitive GABA(A) receptors., Shen W, Mennerick S, Zorumski EC, Covey DF, Zorumski CF., Neuropharmacology. February 1, 1999; 38 (2): 267-71.

Properties of the hyaluronan synthase from group A Streptococcus pyogenes., Tlapak-Simmons VL, Heldermon C, Kempner ES, Weigel PH., Biochem Soc Trans. February 1, 1999; 27 (2): 105-9.

PCR primers and amplification methods for 12S ribosomal DNA, the control region, cytochrome oxidase I, and cytochrome b in bufonids and other frogs, and an overview of PCR primers which have amplified DNA in amphibians successfully., Goebel AM, Donnelly JM, Atz ME., Mol Phylogenet Evol. February 1, 1999; 11 (1): 163-99.

Phosphorescence quenching method for measurement of intracellular PO2 in isolated skeletal muscle fibers., Hogan MC., J Appl Physiol (1985). February 1, 1999; 86 (2): 720-4.

Protein kinase C modulation of recombinant NMDA receptor currents: roles for the C-terminal C1 exon and calcium ions., Logan SM, Rivera FE, Leonard JP., J Neurosci. February 1, 1999; 19 (3): 974-86.

Phosphorylation of yeast TBP by protein kinase CK2 reduces its specific binding to DNA., Maldonado E, Allende JE., FEBS Lett. January 29, 1999; 443 (3): 256-60.

Purification and functional reconstitution of soybean nodulin 26. An aquaporin with water and glycerol transport properties., Dean RM, Rivers RL, Zeidel ML, Roberts DM., Biochemistry. January 5, 1999; 38 (1): 347-53.

Preparation of chromatin assembly extracts from Xenopus oocytes., Tremethick DJ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 1999; 119 175-86.

PPARs: nuclear receptors for fatty acids, eicosanoids, and xenobiotics., Devchand PR, Ijpenberg A, Devesvergne B, Wahli W., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 1999; 469 231-6.

Polyelectrolyte vectors for gene delivery: influence of cationic polymer on biophysical properties of complexes formed with DNA., Wolfert MA, Dash PR, Nazarova O, Oupicky D, Seymour LW, Smart S, Strohalm J, Ulbrich K., Bioconjug Chem. January 1, 1999; 10 (6): 993-1004.

Phase III interlaboratory study of FETAX. Part 3. FETAX validation using 12 compounds with and without an exogenous metabolic activation system., Bantle JA, Finch RA, Fort DJ, Stover EL, Hull M, Kumsher-King M, Gaudet-Hull AM., J Appl Toxicol. January 1, 1999; 19 (6): 447-72.

Protein kinase C affects reformation of endothelial junctions in xenopus XTH-2 cells., Werner NS, Meyer R, Achenbach F., Cell Biol Int. January 1, 1999; 23 (1): 73-80.

Preparation and testing of synthetic mRNA for microinjection., Moore W, Guille M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 1999; 127 99-109.

Phosphorylation by CDK1 regulates XMAP215 function in vitro., Vasquez RJ, Gard DL, Cassimeris L., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1999; 43 (4): 310-21.

Polymorphism and signalling of melatonin receptors., Brydon L, Petit L, de Coppet P, Barrett P, Morgan PJ, Strosberg AD, Jockers R., Reprod Nutr Dev. January 1, 1999; 39 (3): 315-24.

Probing the role of H-Ras lipidation for signaling functions in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Dudler T, Gelb MH., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 1999; 116 161-76.

Purification of a histone deacetylase complex from Xenopus laevis: preparation of substrates and assay procedures., Wade PA, Jones PL, Vermaak D, Wolffe AP., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1999; 304 715-25.

Preparation of nucleosome core particle from recombinant histones., Luger K, Rechsteiner TJ, Richmond TJ., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1999; 304 3-19.

Peptide growth factors in amphibian embryogenesis: intersection of modern molecular approaches with traditional inductive interaction paradigms., Asashima M, Yokota C, Takahashi S, Lau CL, Malacinski GM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1999; 43 (1): 1-10.

Progress toward understanding craniofacial malformations., Nuckolls GH, Shum L, Slavkin HC., Cleft Palate Craniofac J. January 1, 1999; 36 (1): 12-26.

Pronounced differences between the native K+ channels and KAT1 and KST1 alpha-subunit homomers of guard cells., Brüggemann L, Dietrich P, Dreyer I, Hedrich R., Planta. January 1, 1999; 207 (3): 370-6.

Purification and heterologous expression of inhibitory glycine receptors., Laube B, Betz H., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1999; 294 260-73.

Picrotoxin blockade of invertebrate glutamate-gated chloride channels: subunit dependence and evidence for binding within the pore., Etter A, Cully DF, Liu KK, Reiss B, Vassilatis DK, Schaeffer JM, Arena JP., J Neurochem. January 1, 1999; 72 (1): 318-26.

Physicochemical and functional comparison of Xenopus laevis nucleoplasmin obtained from oocytes and from overexpression in bacteria., Saperas N, Chiva M, Aligu, Itoh T, Katagiri C, Subirana JA, Ausió J., Arch Biochem Biophys. January 1, 1999; 361 (1): 135-41.

Pieter Nieuwkoop's contributions to the understanding of meso-endoderm induction and neural induction in chordate development., Gerhart J., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1999; 43 (7): 605-13.

pH-dependent gating of ROMK (Kir1.1) channels involves conformational changes in both N and C termini., Schulte U, Hahn H, Wiesinger H, Ruppersberg JP, Fakler B., J Biol Chem. December 18, 1998; 273 (51): 34575-9.

pEg7, a new Xenopus protein required for mitotic chromosome condensation in egg extracts., Cubizolles F, Legagneux V, Le Guellec R, Chartrain I, Uzbekov R, Ford C, Le Guellec K., J Cell Biol. December 14, 1998; 143 (6): 1437-46.   

Proofreading and aminoacylation of tRNAs before export from the nucleus., Lund E, Dahlberg JE., Science. December 11, 1998; 282 (5396): 2082-5.

Protein phosphatase 2A is required for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication., Lin XH, Walter J, Scheidtmann K, Ohst K, Newport J, Walter G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 8, 1998; 95 (25): 14693-8.

Progressive C-terminal deletions of the renal cystine transporter, NBAT, reveal a novel bimodal pattern of functional expression., Deora AB, Ghosh RN, Tate SS., J Biol Chem. December 4, 1998; 273 (49): 32980-7.

Phenylethanolamines inhibit NMDA receptors by enhancing proton inhibition., Mott DD, Doherty JJ, Zhang S, Washburn MS, Fendley MJ, Lyuboslavsky P, Traynelis SF, Dingledine R., Nat Neurosci. December 1, 1998; 1 (8): 659-67.

pH-dependent modulation of the cloned renal K+ channel, ROMK., McNicholas CM, MacGregor GG, Islas LD, Yang Y, Hebert SC, Giebisch G., Am J Physiol. December 1, 1998; 275 (6): F972-81.

Purification and cloning of a protein kinase that phosphorylates and activates the polo-like kinase Plx1., Qian YW, Erikson E, Maller JL., Science. November 27, 1998; 282 (5394): 1701-4.

Post-synaptic inhibitory mechanisms of anaesthesia; glycine receptors., Daniels S, Roberts RJ., Toxicol Lett. November 23, 1998; 100-101 71-6.

Phosphorylation site independent single R-domain mutations affect CFTR channel activity., Wei L, Vankeerberghen A, Cuppens H, Droogmans G, Cassiman JJ, Nilius B., FEBS Lett. November 13, 1998; 439 (1-2): 121-6.

Protons activate brain Na+ channel 1 by inducing a conformational change that exposes a residue associated with neurodegeneration., Adams CM, Snyder PM, Price MP, Welsh MJ., J Biol Chem. November 13, 1998; 273 (46): 30204-7.

Pharmacological properties of homomeric and heteromeric GluR1o and GluR3o receptors., Nielsen BS, Banke TG, Schousboe A, Pickering DS., Eur J Pharmacol. November 6, 1998; 360 (2-3): 227-38.

PIP2 and PIP as determinants for ATP inhibition of KATP channels., Baukrowitz T, Schulte U, Oliver D, Herlitze S, Krauter T, Tucker SJ, Ruppersberg JP, Fakler B., Science. November 6, 1998; 282 (5391): 1141-4.

Properties of ectopic neurons induced by Xenopus neurogenin1 misexpression., Olson EC, Schinder AF, Dantzker JL, Marcus EA, Spitzer NC, Harris WA., Mol Cell Neurosci. November 1, 1998; 12 (4-5): 281-99.

Programmed cell death during Xenopus development: a spatio-temporal analysis., Hensey C, Gautier J., Dev Biol. November 1, 1998; 203 (1): 36-48.   

Patterning of morphogenetic cell behaviors in neural ectoderm of Xenopus laevis., Elul T, Koehl MA, Keller RE., Ann N Y Acad Sci. October 23, 1998; 857 248-51.

Phosphorylation and activation of 13S condensin by Cdc2 in vitro., Kimura K, Hirano M, Kobayashi R, Hirano T., Science. October 16, 1998; 282 (5388): 487-90.

Possible arrangement of the five domains in human complement factor I as determined by a combination of X-ray and neutron scattering and homology modeling., Chamberlain D, Ullman CG, Perkins SJ., Biochemistry. October 6, 1998; 37 (40): 13918-29.

Properties of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mutants from humans suffering from autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy., Bertrand S, Weiland S, Berkovic SF, Steinlein OK, Bertrand D., Br J Pharmacol. October 1, 1998; 125 (4): 751-60.

Production of a polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant flounder p53 protein., Cachot J, Galgani F, Vincent F., Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endocrinol. October 1, 1998; 120 (3): 351-6.

Permeation and gating of an inwardly rectifying potassium channel. Evidence for a variable energy well., Choe H, Sackin H, Palmer LG., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 1998; 112 (4): 433-46.   

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