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Functional expression of sperm angiotensin II type I receptor in Xenopus oocyte: modulation of a sperm Ca2+-activated K+ channel., So SC, Wu WL, Grima J, Leung PS, Chung YW, Cheng CY, Wong PY, Yan YC, Chan HC., Biochim Biophys Acta. December 9, 1998; 1415 (1): 261-5.

Fast- and slow-gating modes of the sodium channel are altered by a paramyotonia congenita-linked mutation., Moran O, Melani R, Nizzari M, Conti F., J Bioenerg Biomembr. December 1, 1998; 30 (6): 579-88.

Fourth module of Xenopus interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein: activity in retinoid transfer between the retinal pigment epithelium and rod photoreceptors., Gonzalez-Fernandez F, Baer CA, Baker E, Okajima TI, Wiggert B, Braiman MS, Pepperberg DR., Curr Eye Res. December 1, 1998; 17 (12): 1150-7.

Fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling in Xenopus retinal axon extension., Lom B, Höpker V, McFarlane S, Bixby JL, Holt CE., J Neurobiol. December 1, 1998; 37 (4): 633-41.

Four pharmacologically distinct subtypes of alpha4beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Zwart R, Vijverberg HP., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 1998; 54 (6): 1124-31.

Functional coupling of human L-type Ca2+ channels and angiotensin AT1A receptors coexpressed in xenopus laevis oocytes: involvement of the carboxyl-terminal Ca2+ sensors., Oz M, Melia MT, Soldatov NM, Abernethy DR, Morad M., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 1998; 54 (6): 1106-12.

Functional characterization of renal chloride channel, CLCN5, mutations associated with Dent'sJapan disease., Igarashi T, Günther W, Sekine T, Inatomi J, Shiraga H, Takahashi S, Suzuki J, Tsuru N, Yanagihara T, Shimazu M, Jentsch TJ, Thakker RV., Kidney Int. December 1, 1998; 54 (6): 1850-6.

Failure of ventral closure and axial rotation in embryos lacking the proprotein convertase Furin., Roebroek AJ, Umans L, Pauli IG, Robertson EJ, van Leuven F, Van de Ven WJ, Constam DB., Development. December 1, 1998; 125 (24): 4863-76.

Functional and biochemical interactions of Wnts with FrzA, a secreted Wnt antagonist., Xu Q, D'Amore PA, Sokol SY., Development. December 1, 1998; 125 (23): 4767-76.   

Functional characteristics of recombinant human GABA(A) receptors containing the epsilon-subunit., Thompson SA, Bonnert TP, Whiting PJ, Wafford KA., Toxicol Lett. November 23, 1998; 100-101 233-8.

Functional heterodimeric amino acid transporters lacking cysteine residues involved in disulfide bond., Pfeiffer R, Spindler B, Loffing J, Skelly PJ, Shoemaker CB, Verrey F., FEBS Lett. November 13, 1998; 439 (1-2): 157-62.

Functional characterization of the rat multispecific organic anion transporter OAT1 mediating basolateral uptake of anionic drugs in the kidney., Uwai Y, Okuda M, Takami K, Hashimoto Y, Inui K., FEBS Lett. November 6, 1998; 438 (3): 321-4.

Fluorescent speckle microscopy, a method to visualize the dynamics of protein assemblies in living cells., Waterman-Storer CM, Desai A, Bulinski JC, Salmon ED., Curr Biol. November 5, 1998; 8 (22): 1227-30.

Frizzled signaling and the developmental control of cell polarity., Shulman JM, Perrimon N, Axelrod JD., Trends Genet. November 1, 1998; 14 (11): 452-8.

FGFs and BMP4 induce both Msx1-independent and Msx1-dependent signaling pathways in early tooth development., Bei M, Maas R., Development. November 1, 1998; 125 (21): 4325-33.

Fine structure of three types of olfactory organs in Xenopus laevis., Oikawa T, Suzuki K, Saito TR, Takahashi KW, Taniguchi K., Anat Rec. October 1, 1998; 252 (2): 301-10.

Functional interaction between the estrogen receptor and CTF1: analysis of the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter in yeast., Tsai-Pflugfelder M, Gasser SM, Wahli W., Mol Endocrinol. October 1, 1998; 12 (10): 1525-41.

Fundamental properties of local anesthetics: half-maximal blocking concentrations for tonic block of Na+ and K+ channels in peripheral nerve., Bräu ME, Vogel W, Hempelmann G., Anesth Analg. October 1, 1998; 87 (4): 885-9.

Functional differentiation of multiple dopamine D1-like receptors by NNC 01-0012., Sugamori KS, Hamadanizadeh SA, Scheideler MA, Hohlweg R, Vernier P, Niznik HB., J Neurochem. October 1, 1998; 71 (4): 1685-93.

Function of GABA rho1 receptors is up-regulated by chronic GABA treatment in Xenopus oocytes., Lin LH, Din TS, Pan YL., Neurosci Lett. September 25, 1998; 254 (2): 81-4.

Fibroblast and epidermal growth factor receptor expression in Xenopus oocytes displays distinct calcium oscillatory patterns., Browaeys-Poly E, Cailliau K, Vilain JP., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 16, 1998; 1404 (3): 484-9.

Functional expression of a Ca2+-activated K+ channel in Xenopus oocytes injected with RNAs from the rat testis., Wu WL, So SC, Sun YP, Zhou TS, Yu Y, Chung YW, Wang XF, Bao YD, Yan YC, Chan HC., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 2, 1998; 1373 (2): 360-5.

Functional expression of the rabbit intestinal Na+/L-proline cotransporter (IMINO system) in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Urdaneta E, Barber A, Wright EM, Lostao MP., J Physiol Biochem. September 1, 1998; 54 (3): 155-60.

Functional expression of putative H+-K+-ATPase from guinea pig distal colon., Asano S, Hoshina S, Nakaie Y, Watanabe T, Sato M, Suzuki Y, Takeguchi N., Am J Physiol. September 1, 1998; 275 (3): C669-74.

Functional interaction between the bovine papillomavirus virus type 1 replicative helicase E1 and cyclin E-Cdk2., Cueille N, Nougarede R, Mechali F, Philippe M, Bonne-Andrea C., J Virol. September 1, 1998; 72 (9): 7255-62.

From genes to behavior in the vestibular system., Baker R., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. September 1, 1998; 119 (3): 263-75.

Functional characterization and visualization of a GABAA receptor-GFP chimera expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Bueno OF, Robinson LC, Alvarez-Hernandez X, Leidenheimer NJ., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. August 31, 1998; 59 (2): 165-77.

FGF-mediated mesoderm induction involves the Src-family kinase Laloo., Weinstein DC, Marden J, Carnevali F, Hemmati-Brivanlou A., Nature. August 27, 1998; 394 (6696): 904-8.

Functional reassembly of the anion transport domain of human red cell band 3 (AE1) from multiple and non-complementary fragments., Groves JD, Wang L, Tanner MJ., FEBS Lett. August 21, 1998; 433 (3): 223-7.

Functional analysis of the mouse Scn8a sodium channel., Smith MR, Smith RD, Plummer NW, Meisler MH, Goldin AL., J Neurosci. August 15, 1998; 18 (16): 6093-102.

Functionally relevant histone-DNA interactions extend beyond the classically defined nucleosome core region., Thiriet C, Hayes JJ., J Biol Chem. August 14, 1998; 273 (33): 21352-8.

Failure of egg cylinder elongation and mesoderm induction in mouse embryos lacking the tumor suppressor smad2., Weinstein M, Yang X, Li C, Xu X, Gotay J, Deng CX., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 4, 1998; 95 (16): 9378-83.

Febrile seizures and generalized epilepsy associated with a mutation in the Na+-channel beta1 subunit gene SCN1B., Wallace RH, Wang DW, Singh R, Scheffer IE, George AL, Phillips HA, Saar K, Reis A, Johnson EW, Sutherland GR, Berkovic SF, Mulley JC., Nat Genet. August 1, 1998; 19 (4): 366-70.

Functional expression of two KvLQT1-related potassium channels responsible for an inherited idiopathic epilepsy., Yang WP, Levesque PC, Little WA, Conder ML, Ramakrishnan P, Neubauer MG, Blanar MA., J Biol Chem. July 31, 1998; 273 (31): 19419-23.

Functional expression of P2U receptors in rat spermatogenic cells: dual modulation of a Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel., Wu WL, So SC, Sun YP, Chung YW, Grima J, Wong PY, Yan YC, Chan HC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 30, 1998; 248 (3): 728-32.

Functional characterization of mongoose nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit: resistance to alpha-bungarotoxin and high sensitivity to acetylcholine., Asher O, Lupu-Meiri M, Jensen BS, Paperna T, Fuchs S, Oron Y., FEBS Lett. July 24, 1998; 431 (3): 411-4.

From cortical rotation to organizer gene expression: toward a molecular explanation of axis specification in Xenopus., Moon RT, Kimelman D., Bioessays. July 1, 1998; 20 (7): 536-45.

Frog genetics: Xenopus tropicalis jumps into the future., Amaya E, Offield MF, Grainger RM., Trends Genet. July 1, 1998; 14 (7): 253-5.

Fizzy is required for activation of the APC/cyclosome in Xenopus egg extracts., Lorca T, Castro A, Martinez AM, Vigneron S, Morin N, Sigrist S, Lehner C, Dorée M, Labbé JC., EMBO J. July 1, 1998; 17 (13): 3565-75.   

Functional analysis and tissue-specific expression of Drosophila Na+,K+-ATPase subunits., Sun B, Wang W, Salvaterra PM., J Neurochem. July 1, 1998; 71 (1): 142-51.

Functional conservation of the transportin nuclear import pathway in divergent organisms., Siomi MC, Fromont M, Rain JC, Wan L, Wang F, Legrain P, Dreyfuss G., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1998; 18 (7): 4141-8.

Frizzled-8 is expressed in the Spemann organizer and plays a role in early morphogenesis., Deardorff MA, Tan C, Conrad LJ, Klein PS., Development. July 1, 1998; 125 (14): 2687-700.   

Functional characterization of a mutated chicken alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit with a leucine residue inserted in transmembrane domain 2., Buckingham SD, Adcock C, Sansom MS, Sattelle DB, Baylis HA., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 1998; 124 (4): 747-55.

Functional changes in rat nigral GABA(A) receptors induced by degeneration of the striatonigral GABAergic pathway: an electrophysiological study of receptors incorporated into Xenopus oocytes., Sanna E, Motzo C, Usala M, Pau D, Cagetti E, Biggio G., J Neurochem. June 1, 1998; 70 (6): 2539-44.

Functional analysis of a voltage-gated sodium channel and its splice variant from rat dorsal root ganglia., Dietrich PS, McGivern JG, Delgado SG, Koch BD, Eglen RM, Hunter JC, Sangameswaran L., J Neurochem. June 1, 1998; 70 (6): 2262-72.

Functional analysis of diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter. Its involvement in growth regulation of chondrocytes mediated by sulfated proteoglycans., Satoh H, Susaki M, Shukunami C, Iyama K, Negoro T, Hiraki Y., J Biol Chem. May 15, 1998; 273 (20): 12307-15.

Functional expression of Na(+)-independent bile acid transport in Xenopus laevis oocytes following injection with pig intestinal mRNA., Mullins JG, Knight GL, Gilani SS, Murphy GM, Wilkinson M., Biochem Soc Trans. May 1, 1998; 26 (2): S179.

Functional differences in ionic regulation between alternatively spliced isoforms of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger from Drosophila melanogaster., Omelchenko A, Dyck C, Hnatowich M, Buchko J, Nicoll DA, Philipson KD, Hryshko LV., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 1998; 111 (5): 691-702.   

Fast inactivation in Shaker K+ channels. Properties of ionic and gating currents., Roux MJ, Olcese R, Toro L, Bezanilla F, Stefani E., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 1998; 111 (5): 625-38.   

Functional coupling between human E-type Ca2+ channels and mu opioid receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Ottolia M, Platano D, Qin N, Noceti F, Birnbaumer M, Toro L, Birnbaumer L, Stefani E, Olcese R., FEBS Lett. May 1, 1998; 427 (1): 96-102.

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