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Meiosis initiation: a story of two sexes in all creatures great and small., Sou IF, Pryce RM, Tee WW, McClurg UL., Biochem J. October 29, 2021; 478 (20): 3791-3805.   

Markov state models of proton- and pore-dependent activation in a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel., Bergh C, Heusser SA, Howard R, Lindahl E., Elife. October 15, 2021; 10   

Making In Situ Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recordings from Xenopus laevis Tadpole Neurons., Li WC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. October 1, 2021; 2021 (10):

Modulation of the carbohydrate-binding specificity of two Xenopus proto-type galectins by site-directed mutagenesis., Nonaka Y, Ogawa T, Shoji H, Nishi N, Kamitori S, Nakamura T., Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. October 1, 2021; 1869 (10): 140684.

Mitotic waves in an import-diffusion model with multiple nuclei in a shared cytoplasm., Nolet FE, Gelens L., Biosystems. October 1, 2021; 208 104478.

Modular assembly of dynamic models in systems biology., Pan M, Gawthrop PJ, Cursons J, Crampin EJ., PLoS Comput Biol. October 1, 2021; 17 (10): e1009513.

Mutational analysis to explore long-range allosteric couplings involved in a pentameric channel receptor pre-activation and activation., Lefebvre SN, Taly A, Menny A, Medjebeur K, Corringer PJ., Elife. September 30, 2021; 10   

Multistep mechanism of G-quadruplex resolution during DNA replication., Sato K, Martin-Pintado N, Post H, Altelaar M, Knipscheer P., Sci Adv. September 24, 2021; 7 (39): eabf8653.

Molecular Confirmation of Ranavirus Infection in Amphibians From Chad, Africa., Box EK, Cleveland CA, Subramaniam K, Waltzek TB, Yabsley MJ., Front Vet Sci. September 16, 2021; 8 733939.   

Mid-Tibiofibular Amputation as a Method of Terminal Blood Collection in Xenopus Laevis., Dixon BC, Culbreth MJ, Kumsher DM, Carbaugh CM, Fetterer DP, Reiter CP., J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. September 1, 2021; 60 (5): 582-586.

Managing the Health of Captive Groups of Reptiles and Amphibians., Charles van Zanten T, Craig Simpson S., Vet Clin North Am Exot Anim Pract. September 1, 2021; 24 (3): 609-645.

Modeling human congenital disorders with neural crest developmental defects using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells., Okuno H, Okano H., Regen Ther. August 24, 2021; 18 275-280.   

Molecular mechanisms of hearing loss in Nager syndrome., Maharana SK, Saint-Jeannet JP., Dev Biol. August 1, 2021; 476 200-208.   

Molecular and Functional Characterization of GABA Receptor Subunits GRD and LCCH3 from Human Louse Pediculus Humanus Humanus., Hashim O, Charvet CL, Toubaté B, Ahmed AAE, Lamassiaude N, Neveu C, Dimier-Poisson I, Debierre-Grockiego F, Dupuy C., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2021; 102 (2): 116-127.

mem-iLID, a fast and economic protein purification method., Tang R, Yang S, Nagel G, Gao S., Biosci Rep. July 30, 2021; 41 (7):   

Mapping the interaction surface of scorpion β-toxins with an insect sodium channel., Zhorov BS, Du Y, Song W, Luo N, Gordon D, Gurevitz M, Dong K., Biochem J. July 30, 2021; 478 (14): 2843-2869.

Metal ion fluxes controlling amphibian fertilization., Seeler JF, Sharma A, Zaluzec NJ, Bleher R, Lai B, Schultz EG, Hoffman BM, LaBonne C, Woodruff TK, O'Halloran TV., Nat Chem. July 1, 2021; 13 (7): 683-691.   

Modulation of Intracellular ROS and Senescence-Associated Phenotypes of Xenopus Oocytes and Eggs by Selective Antioxidants., Tokmakov AA, Sato KI., Antioxidants (Basel). July 1, 2021; 10 (7):   

Mutations in SIX1 Associated with Branchio-oto-Renal Syndrome (BOR) Differentially Affect Otic Expression of Putative Target Genes., Mehdizadeh T, Majumdar HD, Ahsan S, Tavares ALP, Moody SA., J Dev Biol. June 30, 2021; 9 (3):   

Mechanical stretch scales centriole number to apical area via Piezo1 in multiciliated cells., Kulkarni S, Marquez J, Date P, Ventrella R, Mitchell BJ, Khokha MK., Elife. June 29, 2021; 10   

Mechanical heterogeneity along single cell-cell junctions is driven by lateral clustering of cadherins during vertebrate axis elongation., Huebner RJ, Malmi-Kakkada AN, Sarıkaya S, Weng S, Thirumalai D, Wallingford JB., Elife. May 25, 2021; 10   

Modulating the voltage sensor of a cardiac potassium channel shows antiarrhythmic effects., Lin Y, Grinter SZ, Lu Z, Xu X, Wang HZ, Liang H, Hou P, Gao J, Clausen C, Shi J, Zhao W, Ma Z, Liu Y, White KM, Zhao L, Kang PW, Zhang G, Cohen IS, Zou X, Cui J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 18, 2021; 118 (20):

Mapping single-cell atlases throughout Metazoa unravels cell type evolution., Tarashansky AJ, Musser JM, Khariton M, Li P, Arendt D, Quake SR, Wang B., Elife. May 4, 2021; 10   

Mind the GAP: Purification and characterization of urea resistant GAPDH during extreme dehydration., Hadj-Moussa H, Wade SC, Childers CL, Storey KB., Proteins. May 1, 2021; 89 (5): 544-557.

Molecular Regulation of Betulinic Acid on α3β4 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors., Lee S, Jung W, Eom S, Yeom HD, Park HD, Lee JH., Molecules. May 1, 2021; 26 (9):   

Molecular determinants of binding of non-oxime bispyridinium nerve agent antidote compounds to the adult muscle nAChR., Epstein M, Bali K, Piggot TJ, Green AC, Timperley CM, Bird M, Tattersall JEH, Bermudez I, Biggin PC., Toxicol Lett. April 1, 2021; 340 114-122.

Modulation of Glycinergic Neurotransmission may Contribute to the Analgesic Effects of Propacetamol., Barsch L, Werdehausen R, Leffler A, Eulenburg V., Biomolecules. March 25, 2021; 11 (4):   

Microglial trogocytosis and the complement system regulate axonal pruning in vivo., Lim TK, Ruthazer ES., Elife. March 16, 2021; 10   

Multi-species transcriptome meta-analysis of the response to retinoic acid in vertebrates and comparative analysis of the effects of retinol and retinoic acid on gene expression in LMH cells., Falker-Gieske C, Mott A, Franzenburg S, Tetens J., BMC Genomics. March 2, 2021; 22 (1): 146.   

Microvascular anatomy of the urinary bladder in the adult African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis: A scanning electron microscope study of vascular casts., Lametschwandtner A, Minnich B., J Morphol. March 1, 2021; 282 (3): 368-377.   

Mutations in PRDM15 Are a Novel Cause of Galloway-Mowat Syndrome., Mann N, Mzoughi S, Schneider R, Kühl SJ, Schanze D, Klämbt V, Lovric S, Mao Y, Shi S, Tan W, Kühl M, Onuchic-Whitford AC, Treimer E, Kitzler TM, Kause F, Schumann S, Nakayama M, Buerger F, Shril S, van der Ven AT, Majmundar AJ, Holton KM, Kolb A, Braun DA, Rao J, Jobst-Schwan T, Mildenberger E, Lennert T, Kuechler A, Wieczorek D, Gross O, Ermisch-Omran B, Werberger A, Skalej M, Janecke AR, Soliman NA, Mane SM, Lifton RP, Kadlec J, Guccione E, Schmeisser MJ, Zenker M, Hildebrandt F., J Am Soc Nephrol. March 1, 2021; 32 (3): 580-596.   

Mambalgin-1 pain-relieving peptide locks the hinge between α4 and α5 helices to inhibit rat acid-sensing ion channel 1a., Salinas M, Kessler P, Douguet D, Sarraf D, Tonali N, Thai R, Servent D, Lingueglia E., Neuropharmacology. March 1, 2021; 185 108453.

Molecular basis for functional connectivity between the voltage sensor and the selectivity filter gate in Shaker K+ channels., Bassetto CA, Carvalho-de-Souza JL, Bezanilla F., Elife. February 23, 2021; 10   

Modulation of α1β3γ2 GABAA receptors expressed in X. laevis oocytes using a propofol photoswitch tethered to the transmembrane helix., Borghese CM, Wang HL, McHardy SF, Messing RO, Trudell JR, Harris RA, Bertaccini EJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 23, 2021; 118 (8):   

Manipulating water for amphibian conservation., Mathwin R, Wassens S, Young J, Ye Q, Bradshaw CJA., Conserv Biol. February 1, 2021; 35 (1): 24-34.

Mechanism of membrane-curvature generation by ER-tubule shaping proteins., Wang N, Clark LD, Gao Y, Kozlov MM, Shemesh T, Rapoport TA., Nat Commun. January 25, 2021; 12 (1): 568.   

Molecular Mechanism of Autosomal Recessive Long QT-Syndrome 1 without Deafness., Oertli A, Rinné S, Moss R, Kääb S, Seemann G, Beckmann BM, Decher N., Int J Mol Sci. January 23, 2021; 22 (3):   

Molecular and functional characterization of interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) in amphibian Xenopus tropicalis., Gan Z, Cheng J, Hou J, Xia L, Lu Y, Nie P., Int J Biol Macromol. January 15, 2021; 167 719-725.

Mechanistic insights into the synergistic activation of the RXR-PXR heterodimer by endocrine disruptor mixtures., Delfosse V, Huet T, Harrus D, Granell M, Bourguet M, Gardia-Parège C, Chiavarina B, Grimaldi M, Le Mével S, Blanc P, Huang D, Gruszczyk J, Demeneix B, Cianférani S, Fini JB, Balaguer P, Bourguet W., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 5, 2021; 118 (1):

Motilin- and ghrelin-induced contractions in isolated gastrointestinal strips from three species of frogs., Zhang S, Teraoka H, Kaiya H, Kitazawa T., Gen Comp Endocrinol. January 1, 2021; 300 113649.   

Modeling endoderm development and disease in Xenopus., Edwards NA, Zorn AM., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 145 61-90.

Mass spectrometry based proteomics for developmental neurobiology in the amphibian Xenopus laevis., Baxi AB, Pade LR, Nemes P., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 145 205-231.

Mechanosensitive TREK-1 two-pore-domain potassium (K2P) channels in the cardiovascular system., Wiedmann F, Rinné S, Donner B, Decher N, Katus HA, Schmidt C., Prog Biophys Mol Biol. January 1, 2021; 159 126-135.

Mitotic timing is differentially controlled by A- and B-type cyclins and by CDC6 associated with a bona fide CDK inhibitor Xic1 in Xenopus laevis cell-free extract., El Dika M, Wechselberger L, Djeghout B, Benouareth DE, Jęderka K, Lewicki S, Zdanowski R, Prigent C, Kloc M, Kubiak JZ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2021; 65 (7-8-9): 487-496.   

Membrane cholesterol regulates TRPV4 function, cytoskeletal expression, and the cellular response to tension., Lakk M, Hoffmann GF, Gorusupudi A, Enyong E, Lin A, Bernstein PS, Toft-Bertelsen T, MacAulay N, Elliott MH, Križaj D., J Lipid Res. January 1, 2021; 62 100145.   

Mechanistic Insights into Regulation of the ALC1 Remodeler by the Nucleosome Acidic Patch., Lehmann LC, Bacic L, Hewitt G, Brackmann K, Sabantsev A, Gaullier G, Pytharopoulou S, Degliesposti G, Okkenhaug H, Tan S, Costa A, Skehel JM, Boulton SJ, Deindl S., Cell Rep. December 22, 2020; 33 (12): 108529.   

Mechanistic insights into volatile anesthetic modulation of K2P channels., Wague A, Joseph TT, Woll KA, Bu W, Vaidya KA, Bhanu NV, Garcia BA, Nimigean CM, Eckenhoff RG, Riegelhaupt PM., Elife. December 21, 2020; 9   

Mutation affecting the conserved acidic WNK1 motif causes inherited hyperkalemic hyperchloremic acidosis., Louis-Dit-Picard H, Kouranti I, Rafael C, Loisel-Ferreira I, Chavez-Canales M, Abdel-Khalek W, Argaiz ER, Baron S, Vacle S, Migeon T, Coleman R, Do Cruzeiro M, Hureaux M, Thurairajasingam N, Decramer S, Girerd X, O'Shaugnessy K, Mulatero P, Roussey G, Tack I, Unwin R, Vargas-Poussou R, Staub O, Grimm R, Welling PA, Gamba G, Clauser E, Hadchouel J, Jeunemaitre X., J Clin Invest. December 1, 2020; 130 (12): 6379-6394.

Microtubule-dependent pushing forces contribute to long-distance aster movement and centration in Xenopus laevis egg extracts., Sulerud T, Sami AB, Li G, Kloxin A, Oakey J, Gatlin J., Mol Biol Cell. December 1, 2020; 31 (25): 2791-2802.   

Membrane progesterone receptor induces meiosis in Xenopus oocytes through endocytosis into signaling endosomes and interaction with APPL1 and Akt2., Nader N, Dib M, Hodeify R, Courjaret R, Elmi A, Hammad AS, Dey R, Huang XY, Machaca K., PLoS Biol. November 2, 2020; 18 (11): e3000901.   

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