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Search Results

Subcellular scaling: does size matter for cell division?, Heald R, Gibeaux R., Curr Opin Cell Biol. June 1, 2018; 52 88-95.

Spindle assembly in egg extracts of the Marsabit clawed frog, Xenopus borealis., Kitaoka M, Heald R, Gibeaux R., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). June 1, 2018; 75 (6): 244-257.

Spiral waves and vertebrate embryonic handedness., Durston AJ, Peres J, Cohen MH., J Biosci. June 1, 2018; 43 (2): 375-390.

SATB1 downregulation induced by oxidative stress participates in trophoblast invasion by regulating β-catenin., Rao H, Bai Y, Li Q, Zhuang B, Yuan Y, Liu Y, Peng W, Baker PN, Tong C, Luo X, Qi H., Biol Reprod. June 1, 2018; 98 (6): 810-820.

Single and mixture toxicity of strobilurin and SDHI fungicides to Xenopus tropicalis embryos., Wu S, Lei L, Liu M, Song Y, Lu S, Li D, Shi H, Raley-Susman KM, He D., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. May 30, 2018; 153 8-15.

Structure of a TRPM2 channel in complex with Ca2+ explains unique gating regulation., Zhang Z, Tóth B, Szollosi A, Chen J, Csanády L., Elife. May 10, 2018; 7   

Synthetic Analogues of the Snail Toxin 6-Bromo-2-mercaptotryptamine Dimer (BrMT) Reveal That Lipid Bilayer Perturbation Does Not Underlie Its Modulation of Voltage-Gated Potassium Channels., Dockendorff C, Gandhi DM, Kimball IH, Eum KS, Rusinova R, Ingólfsson HI, Kapoor R, Peyear T, Dodge MW, Martin SF, Aldrich RW, Andersen OS, Sack JT., Biochemistry. May 8, 2018; 57 (18): 2733-2743.

Structural Mechanism of Functional Modulation by Gene Splicing in NMDA Receptors., Regan MC, Grant T, McDaniel MJ, Karakas E, Zhang J, Traynelis SF, Grigorieff N, Furukawa H., Neuron. May 2, 2018; 98 (3): 521-529.e3.

Symmetric dimeric adamantanes for exploring the structure of two viroporins: influenza virus M2 and hepatitis C virus p7., Mandour YM, Breitinger U, Ma C, Wang J, Boeckler FM, Breitinger HG, Zlotos DP., Drug Des Devel Ther. April 30, 2018; 12 1019-1031.   

Spider toxin inhibits gating pore currents underlying periodic paralysis., Männikkö R, Shenkarev ZO, Thor MG, Berkut AA, Myshkin MY, Paramonov AS, Kulbatskii DS, Kuzmin DA, Sampedro Castañeda M, King L, Wilson ER, Lyukmanova EN, Kirpichnikov MP, Schorge S, Bosmans F, Hanna MG, Kullmann DM, Vassilevski AA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 24, 2018; 115 (17): 4495-4500.   

Structural Basis for a Bimodal Allosteric Mechanism of General Anesthetic Modulation in Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels., Fourati Z, Howard RJ, Heusser SA, Hu H, Ruza RR, Sauguet L, Lindahl E, Delarue M., Cell Rep. April 24, 2018; 23 (4): 993-1004.   

Sema3a plays a role in the pathogenesis of CHARGE syndrome., Ufartes R, Schwenty-Lara J, Freese L, Neuhofer C, Möller J, Wehner P, van Ravenswaaij-Arts CMA, Wong MTY, Schanze I, Tzschach A, Bartsch O, Borchers A, Pauli S., Hum Mol Genet. April 15, 2018; 27 (8): 1343-1352.   

Structural rearrangements of the histone octamer translocate DNA., Bilokapic S, Strauss M, Halic M., Nat Commun. April 6, 2018; 9 (1): 1330.   

Shank3-deficient thalamocortical neurons show HCN channelopathy and alterations in intrinsic electrical properties., Zhu M, Idikuda VK, Wang J, Wei F, Kumar V, Shah N, Waite CB, Liu Q, Zhou L., J Physiol. April 1, 2018; 596 (7): 1259-1276.

Structural and functional properties of a probabilistic model of neuronal connectivity in a simple locomotor network., Ferrario A, Merrison-Hort R, Soffe SR, Borisyuk R., Elife. March 28, 2018; 7   

Synthesis of Novel Amino Acid-Fipronil Conjugates and Study on Their Phloem Loading Mechanism., Sheng Q, Liu X, Xie Y, Lin F, Zhang Z, Zhao C, Xu H., Molecules. March 28, 2018; 23 (4):   

Size-dependent functional response of Xenopus laevis feeding on mosquito larvae., Thorp CJ, Alexander ME, Vonesh JR, Measey J., PeerJ. March 15, 2018; 6 e5813.   

Sensitivity of Takifugu TRPA1 to thermal stimulations analyzed in oocytes expression system., Oda M, Kubo Y, Saitoh O., Neuroreport. March 7, 2018; 29 (4): 280-285.

Stac3 enhances expression of human CaV1.1 in Xenopus oocytes and reveals gating pore currents in HypoPP mutant channels., Wu F, Quinonez M, DiFranco M, Cannon SC., J Gen Physiol. March 5, 2018; 150 (3): 475-489.   

SUMO co-expression modifies KV 11.1 channel activity., Steffensen AB, Andersen MN, Mutsaers N, Mujezinovic A, Schmitt N., Acta Physiol (Oxf). March 1, 2018; 222 (3):

Structural variations in wheat HKT1;5 underpin differences in Na+ transport capacity., Xu B, Waters S, Byrt CS, Plett D, Tyerman SD, Tester M, Munns R, Hrmova M, Gilliham M., Cell Mol Life Sci. March 1, 2018; 75 (6): 1133-1144.

Simulated developmental and reproductive impacts on amphibian populations and implications for assessing long-term effects., Awkerman JA, Raimondo S., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. March 1, 2018; 149 233-240.

SynDIG4/Prrt1 Is Required for Excitatory Synapse Development and Plasticity Underlying Cognitive Function., Matt L, Kirk LM, Chenaux G, Speca DJ, Puhger KR, Pride MC, Qneibi M, Haham T, Plambeck KE, Stern-Bach Y, Silverman JL, Crawley JN, Hell JW, Díaz E., Cell Rep. February 27, 2018; 22 (9): 2246-2253.

Structure-function analysis of ferroportin defines the binding site and an alternative mechanism of action of hepcidin., Aschemeyer S, Qiao B, Stefanova D, Valore EV, Sek AC, Ruwe TA, Vieth KR, Jung G, Casu C, Rivella S, Jormakka M, Mackenzie B, Ganz T, Nemeth E., Blood. February 22, 2018; 131 (8): 899-910.

Sites and Functional Consequence of Alkylphenol Anesthetic Binding to Kv1.2 Channels., Bu W, Liang Q, Zhi L, Maciunas L, Loll PJ, Eckenhoff RG, Covarrubias M., Mol Neurobiol. February 1, 2018; 55 (2): 1692-1702.

Species specific RNA A-to-I editing of mosquito RDL modulates GABA potency and influences agonistic, potentiating and antagonistic actions of ivermectin., Taylor-Wells J, Senan A, Bermudez I, Jones AK., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. February 1, 2018; 93 1-11.

Suppression of targeting of Dbf4-dependent kinase to pre-replicative complex in G0 nuclei., Okada T, Okabe G, Tak YS, Mimura S, Takisawa H, Kubota Y., Genes Cells. February 1, 2018; 23 (2): 94-104.

Structural mechanisms of centromeric nucleosome recognition by the kinetochore protein CENP-N., Chittori S, Hong J, Saunders H, Feng H, Ghirlando R, Kelly AE, Bai Y, Subramaniam S., Science. January 19, 2018; 359 (6373): 339-343.

Site-Specific Disulfide Crosslinked Nucleosomes with Enhanced Stability., Frouws TD, Barth PD, Richmond TJ., J Mol Biol. January 5, 2018; 430 (1): 45-57.   

Structural characterisation reveals insights into substrate recognition by the glutamine transporter ASCT2/SLC1A5., Scopelliti AJ, Font J, Vandenberg RJ, Boudker O, Ryan RM., Nat Commun. January 2, 2018; 9 (1): 38.

Sequence and timing of early cranial skeletal development in Xenopus laevis., Lukas P, Olsson L., J Morphol. January 1, 2018; 279 (1): 62-74.   

Site-Directed Unnatural Amino Acid Mutagenesis to Investigate Potassium Channel Pharmacology in Xenopus laevis Oocytes., Kim RY, Kurata HT., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1684 253-263.

Single Channel Analysis of Isoflurane and Ethanol Enhancement of Taurine-Activated Glycine Receptors., Kirson D, Todorovic J, Mihic SJ., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. January 1, 2018; 364 (1): 70-76.

Structure, folding and stability of a minimal homologue from Anemonia sulcata of the sea anemone potassium channel blocker ShK., Krishnarjuna B, MacRaild CA, Sunanda P, Morales RAV, Peigneur S, Macrander J, Yu HH, Daly M, Raghothama S, Dhawan V, Chauhan S, Tytgat J, Pennington MW, Norton RS., Peptides. January 1, 2018; 99 169-178.

Silurana Chromosomal Evolution: A New Piece to the Puzzle., Knytl M, Tlapakova T, Vankova T, Krylov V., Cytogenet Genome Res. January 1, 2018; 156 (4): 223-228.

Simulating optical coherence tomography for observing nerve activity: A finite difference time domain bi-dimensional model., Troiani F, Nikolic K, Constandinou TG., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (7): e0200392.   

Supersensitive Odorant Receptor Underscores Pleiotropic Roles of Indoles in Mosquito Ecology., Ruel DM, Yakir E, Bohbot JD., Front Cell Neurosci. January 1, 2018; 12 533.   

Structural basis of TRPV5 channel inhibition by econazole revealed by cryo-EM., Hughes TET, Lodowski DT, Huynh KW, Yazici A, Del Rosario J, Kapoor A, Basak S, Samanta A, Han X, Chakrapani S, Zhou ZH, Filizola M, Rohacs T, Han S, Moiseenkova-Bell VY., Nat Struct Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 25 (1): 53-60.

Sonic hedgehog antagonists reduce size and alter patterning of the frog inner ear., Zarei S, Zarei K, Fritzsch B, Elliott KL., Dev Neurobiol. December 1, 2017; 77 (12): 1385-1400.   

Signaling Networks in Epithelial Tube Formation., Bernascone I, Hachimi M, Martin-Belmonte F., Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. December 1, 2017; 9 (12):

Specific inhibition of GPCR-independent G protein signaling by a rationally engineered protein., Leyme A, Marivin A, Maziarz M, DiGiacomo V, Papakonstantinou MP, Patel PP, Blanco-Canosa JB, Walawalkar IA, Rodriguez-Davila G, Dominguez I, Garcia-Marcos M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 28, 2017; 114 (48): E10319-E10328.

Six1 and Eya1 both promote and arrest neuronal differentiation by activating multiple Notch pathway genes., Riddiford N, Schlosser G., Dev Biol. November 15, 2017; 431 (2): 152-167.   

Structure and Biological Activity of a Turripeptide from Unedogemmula bisaya Venom., Omaga CA, Carpio LD, Imperial JS, Daly NL, Gajewiak J, Flores MS, Espino SS, Christensen S, Filchakova OM, López-Vera E, Raghuraman S, Olivera BM, Concepcion GP., Biochemistry. November 14, 2017; 56 (45): 6051-6060.

Structural insights into binding of STAC proteins to voltage-gated calcium channels., Wong King Yuen SM, Campiglio M, Tung CC, Flucher BE, Van Petegem F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 7, 2017; 114 (45): E9520-E9528.

Synthesis and pharmaceutical characterization of site specific mycophenolic acid-modified Xenopus glucagon-like peptide-1 analogs., Han J, Fu J, Sun L, Han Y, Mao Q, Liao F, Zheng X, Zhu K., Medchemcomm. November 7, 2017; 9 (1): 67-80.

Structural insight into the XTACC3/XMAP215 interaction from CD and NMR studies on model peptides., Partida-Hanon A, Treviño MA, Mompeán M, Jiménez MÁ, Bruix M., Biopolymers. November 1, 2017; 107 (11):

Subunit-dependent oxidative stress sensitivity of LRRC8 volume-regulated anion channels., Gradogna A, Gavazzo P, Boccaccio A, Pusch M., J Physiol. November 1, 2017; 595 (21): 6719-6733.

Sensing and Processing of DNA Interstrand Crosslinks by the Mismatch Repair Pathway., Kato N, Kawasoe Y, Williams H, Coates E, Roy U, Shi Y, Beese LS, Schärer OD, Yan H, Gottesman ME, Takahashi TS, Gautier J., Cell Rep. October 31, 2017; 21 (5): 1375-1385.   

Single-molecule force spectroscopy on histone H4 tail-cross-linked chromatin reveals fiber folding., Kaczmarczyk A, Allahverdi A, Brouwer TB, Nordenskiöld L, Dekker NH, van Noort J., J Biol Chem. October 20, 2017; 292 (42): 17506-17513.

Studying the role of axon fasciculation during development in a computational model of the Xenopus tadpole spinal cord., Davis O, Merrison-Hort R, Soffe SR, Borisyuk R., Sci Rep. October 19, 2017; 7 (1): 13551.   

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