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Search Results

Functional dissection of a transcriptionally active, target-specific Hox-Pbx complex., Di Rocco G, Mavilio F, Zappavigna V., EMBO J. June 16, 1997; 16 (12): 3644-54.

Functional expression of human intestinal Na+-dependent and Na+-independent nucleoside transporters in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Chandrasena G, Giltay R, Patil SD, Bakken A, Unadkat JD., Biochem Pharmacol. June 15, 1997; 53 (12): 1909-18.

Fatty acids, eicosanoids, and hypolipidemic agents identified as ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors by coactivator-dependent receptor ligand assay., Krey G, Braissant O, L'Horset F, Kalkhoven E, Perroud M, Parker MG, Wahli W., Mol Endocrinol. June 1, 1997; 11 (6): 779-91.

Fine resolution of histones by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: developmental implications., Dimitrov SI, Wolffe AP., Methods. May 1, 1997; 12 (1): 57-61.

Functional expression of rat renal cortex taurine transporter in Xenopus laevis oocytes: adaptive regulation by dietary manipulation., Han X, Budreau AM, Chesney RW., Pediatr Res. May 1, 1997; 41 (5): 624-31.

Fatty acids and eicosanoids regulate gene expression through direct interactions with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha and gamma., Kliewer SA, Sundseth SS, Jones SA, Brown PJ, Wisely GB, Koble CS, Devchand P, Wahli W, Willson TM, Lenhard JM, Lehmann JM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 29, 1997; 94 (9): 4318-23.

Functional expression of the rat liver canalicular isoform of the multidrug resistance-associated protein., Madon J, Eckhardt U, Gerloff T, Stieger B, Meier PJ., FEBS Lett. April 7, 1997; 406 (1-2): 75-8.

Fritz: a secreted frizzled-related protein that inhibits Wnt activity., Mayr T, Deutsch U, Kühl M, Drexler HC, Lottspeich F, Deutzmann R, Wedlich D, Risau W., Mech Dev. April 1, 1997; 63 (1): 109-25.   

Fish are like flies are like frogs: conservation of dorsal-ventral patterning mechanisms., Holley SA, Ferguson EL., Bioessays. April 1, 1997; 19 (4): 281-4.

Functional expression of a P2T ADP receptor in Xenopus oocytes injected with megakaryocyte (CMK 11-5) RNA., Greco NJ., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. April 1, 1997; 17 (4): 769-77.

Functional coupling of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor with the G-protein-activated K+ (GIRK) channel., Ikeda K, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi T, Ichikawa T, Kumanishi T, Kishida H, Yano R, Manabe T., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. April 1, 1997; 45 (1): 117-26.

Frzb, a secreted protein expressed in the Spemann organizer, binds and inhibits Wnt-8., Wang S, Krinks M, Lin K, Luyten FP, Moos M., Cell. March 21, 1997; 88 (6): 757-66.   

Frzb-1 is a secreted antagonist of Wnt signaling expressed in the Spemann organizer., Leyns L, Bouwmeester T, Kim SH, Piccolo S, De Robertis EM., Cell. March 21, 1997; 88 (6): 747-56.   

Feedback inhibition of Ca2+ channels by Ca2+ depends on a short sequence of the C terminus that does not include the Ca2+ -binding function of a motif with similarity to Ca2+ -binding domains., Zhou J, Olcese R, Qin N, Noceti F, Birnbaumer L, Stefani E., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 18, 1997; 94 (6): 2301-5.

Fast inactivation of Shaker K+ channels is highly temperature dependent., Nobile M, Olcese R, Toro L, Stefani E., Exp Brain Res. March 1, 1997; 114 (1): 138-42.

Follicular tissues reduce drug effects on ion channels in oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Madeja M, Musshoff U, Speckmann EJ., Eur J Neurosci. March 1, 1997; 9 (3): 599-604.

Functional effects of protein kinase C activation on the human cardiac Na+ channel., Murray KT, Hu NN, Daw JR, Shin HG, Watson MT, Mashburn AB, George AL., Circ Res. March 1, 1997; 80 (3): 370-6.

Function and regulation of seed aquaporins., Maurel C, Chrispeels M, Lurin C, Tacnet F, Geelen D, Ripoche P, Guern J., J Exp Bot. March 1, 1997; 48 Spec No 421-30.

Flavin adenine dinucleotide as a chromophore of the Xenopus (6-4)photolyase., Todo T, Kim ST, Hitomi K, Otoshi E, Inui T, Morioka H, Kobayashi H, Ohtsuka E, Toh H, Ikenaga M., Nucleic Acids Res. February 15, 1997; 25 (4): 764-8.

Functional re-evaluation of the putative glutathione transporters, RcGshT and RsGshT., Li L, Lee TK, Ballatori N., Yale J Biol Med. January 1, 1997; 70 (4): 301-10.

Fluorescent labeling of NK2 receptor at specific sites in vivo and fluorescence energy transfer analysis of NK2 ligand-receptor complexes., Turcatti G, Nemeth K, Edgerton MD, Knowles J, Vogel H, Chollet A., Recept Channels. January 1, 1997; 5 (3-4): 201-7.

Functional differences of a Kv2.1 channel and a Kv2.1/Kv1.2S4-chimera are confined to a concerted voltage shift of various gating parameters., Koopmann R, Benndorf K, Lorra C, Pongs O., Recept Channels. January 1, 1997; 5 (1): 15-28.

Fucosylation of synthetic oligosaccharides--plant xyloglucan fragments--by mammalian and amphibian fucosyltransferases., Druzhinina TN, Sizova OV, Shibaev VN., Biochemistry (Mosc). January 1, 1997; 62 (1): 62-5.

Function of a cell adhesion molecule, plexin, in neuron network formation., Fujisawa H, Ohta K, Kameyama T, Murakami Y., Dev Neurosci. January 1, 1997; 19 (1): 101-5.

Functional characterization of a mutant thyroid hormone receptor in Xenopus laevis., Puzianowska-Kuznicka M, Wong J, Kanamori A, Shi YB., J Biol Chem. December 27, 1996; 271 (52): 33394-403.

Functional expression of a recombinant unitary glutamate receptor from Xenopus, which contains N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptor subunits., Soloviev MM, Brierley MJ, Shao ZY, Mellor IR, Volkova TM, Kamboj R, Ishimaru H, Sudan H, Harris J, Foldes RL, Grishin EV, Usherwood PN, Barnard EA., J Biol Chem. December 20, 1996; 271 (51): 32572-9.

Functional analysis of a chimeric mammalian peptide transporter derived from the intestinal and renal isoforms., Döring F, Dorn D, Bachfischer U, Amasheh S, Herget M, Daniel H., J Physiol. December 15, 1996; 497 ( Pt 3) 773-9.

Felbamate inhibits cloned voltage-dependent Na+ channels from human and rat brain., Taglialatela M, Ongini E, Brown AM, Di Renzo G, Annunziato L., Eur J Pharmacol. December 5, 1996; 316 (2-3): 373-7.

Functional expression of GABA rho 3 receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Shingai R, Yanagi K, Fukushima T, Sakata K, Ogurusu T., Neurosci Res. December 1, 1996; 26 (4): 387-90.

Functional differentiation of the human red blood cell and kidney urea transporters., Martial S, Olivès B, Abrami L, Couriaud C, Bailly P, You G, Hediger MA, Cartron JP, Ripoche P, Rousselet G., Am J Physiol. December 1, 1996; 271 (6 Pt 2): F1264-8.

Fugu intron oversize reveals the presence of U15 snoRNA coding sequences in some introns of the ribosomal protein S3 gene., Crosio C, Cecconi F, Mariottini P, Cesareni G, Brenner S, Amaldi F., Genome Res. December 1, 1996; 6 (12): 1227-31.

Functional interactions between the zinc fingers of Xenopus transcription factor IIIA during 5S rRNA binding., Setzer DR, Menezes SR, Del Rio S, Hung VS, Subramanyan G., RNA. December 1, 1996; 2 (12): 1254-69.

Functional studies of single-site variants in the calmodulin-binding domain of RC3/neurogranin in Xenopus oocytes., Watson JB, Margulies JE, Coulter PM, Gerendasy DD, Sutcliffe JG, Cohen RW., Neurosci Lett. November 29, 1996; 219 (3): 183-6.

Fertilization stimulates an increase in inositol trisphosphate and inositol lipid levels in Xenopus eggs., Snow P, Yim DL, Leibow JD, Saini S, Nuccitelli R., Dev Biol. November 25, 1996; 180 (1): 108-18.

Functional expression of the colonic H+,K+-ATPase alpha-subunit. Pharmacologic properties and assembly with X+,K+-ATPase beta-subunits., Codina J, Kone BC, Delmas-Mata JT, DuBose TD., J Biol Chem. November 22, 1996; 271 (47): 29759-63.

Functional characterization by heterologous expression of a novel cloned tachykinin peptide receptor., Donaldson LF, Haskell CA, Hanley MR., Biochem J. November 15, 1996; 320 ( Pt 1) 1-5.

Functional domains for assembly of histones H3 and H4 into the chromatin of Xenopus embryos., Freeman L, Kurumizaka H, Wolffe AP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 12, 1996; 93 (23): 12780-5.

Functional interactions between isolated SH2 domains and insulin/Ras signaling pathways of Xenopus oocytes: opposite effects of the carboxy- and amino-terminal SH2 domains of p85 PI 3-kinase., Aroca P, Mahadevan D, Santos E., Oncogene. November 7, 1996; 13 (9): 1839-46.

Functional differences between rabbit and human Na(+)-dicarboxylate cotransporters, NaDC-1 and hNaDC-1., Pajor AM, Sun N., Am J Physiol. November 1, 1996; 271 (5 Pt 2): F1093-9.

Fast voltage clamp discloses a new component of presteady-state currents from the Na(+)-glucose cotransporter., Chen XZ, Coady MJ, Lapointe JY., Biophys J. November 1, 1996; 71 (5): 2544-52.

Flux coupling in a neuronal glutamate transporter., Zerangue N, Kavanaugh MP., Nature. October 17, 1996; 383 (6601): 634-7.

Force-dependent and force-independent heat production in single slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibres from Xenopus laevis., Buschman HP, van der Laarse WJ, Stienen GJ, Elzinga G., J Physiol. October 15, 1996; 496 ( Pt 2) 503-19.

Function of Xenopus cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl channels and use of human-Xenopus chimeras to investigate the pore properties of CFTR., Price MP, Ishihara H, Sheppard DN, Welsh MJ., J Biol Chem. October 11, 1996; 271 (41): 25184-91.

Fine structural immunocytochemistry of catenins in amphibian and mammalian muscle., Kurth T, Schwarz H, Schneider S, Hausen P., Cell Tissue Res. October 1, 1996; 286 (1): 1-12.

Functional cloning of the cDNA for a human hyaluronan synthase., Shyjan AM, Heldin P, Butcher EC, Yoshino T, Briskin MJ., J Biol Chem. September 20, 1996; 271 (38): 23395-9.

Functional analysis of Shigella VirG domains essential for interaction with vinculin and actin-based motility., Suzuki T, Saga S, Sasakawa C., J Biol Chem. September 6, 1996; 271 (36): 21878-85.

Functional characterization of human gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptors containing the alpha 4 subunit., Wafford KA, Thompson SA, Thomas D, Sikela J, Wilcox AS, Whiting PJ., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 1996; 50 (3): 670-8.

Functional selectivity of orphanin FQ for its receptor coexpressed with potassium channel subunits in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Matthes H, Seward EP, Kieffer B, North RA., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 1996; 50 (3): 447-50.

Forskolin stimulation of water and cation permeability in aquaporin 1 water channels., Yool AJ, Stamer WD, Regan JW., Science. August 30, 1996; 273 (5279): 1216-8.

Functional interaction of syntaxin and SNAP-25 with voltage-sensitive L- and N-type Ca2+ channels., Wiser O, Bennett MK, Atlas D., EMBO J. August 15, 1996; 15 (16): 4100-10.

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