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Interleukin-6 represses the transcription of the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-alpha gene in hepatoma cells by inhibiting its ability to autoactivate the proximal promoter region., Foka P, Irvine SA, Kockar F, Ramji DP., Nucleic Acids Res. December 1, 2003; 31 (23): 6722-32.

In vitro inhibition of adrenal catecholamine secretion by steroidal metabolites of ginseng saponins., Tachikawa E, Kudo K, Hasegawa H, Kashimoto T, Sasaki K, Miyazaki M, Taira H, Lindstrom JM., Biochem Pharmacol. December 1, 2003; 66 (11): 2213-21.

Identification of critical residues in the amino terminal domain of the human NR2B subunit involved in the RO 25-6981 binding pocket., Malherbe P, Mutel V, Broger C, Perin-Dureau F, Kemp JA, Neyton J, Paoletti P, Kew JN., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. December 1, 2003; 307 (3): 897-905.

Identification of the ZPC oligosaccharide ligand involved in sperm binding and the glycan structures of Xenopus laevis vitelline envelope glycoproteins., Vo LH, Yen TY, Macher BA, Hedrick JL., Biol Reprod. December 1, 2003; 69 (6): 1822-30.

Identification of a surface for binding to the GDNF-GFR alpha 1 complex in the first cadherin-like domain of RET., Kjaer S, Ibáñez CF., J Biol Chem. November 28, 2003; 278 (48): 47898-904.

Identification of a novel member of the CLIC family, CLIC6, mapping to 21q22.12., Friedli M, Guipponi M, Bertrand S, Bertrand D, Neerman-Arbez M, Scott HS, Antonarakis SE, Reymond A., Gene. November 27, 2003; 320 31-40.

Intersectin activates Ras but stimulates transcription through an independent pathway involving JNK., Mohney RP, Das M, Bivona TG, Hanes R, Adams AG, Philips MR, O'Bryan JP., J Biol Chem. November 21, 2003; 278 (47): 47038-45.

Identification of a C-terminal poly(A)-binding protein (PABP)-PABP interaction domain: role in cooperative binding to poly (A) and efficient cap distal translational repression., Melo EO, Dhalia R, Martins de Sa C, Standart N, de Melo Neto OP., J Biol Chem. November 21, 2003; 278 (47): 46357-68.

Identification of the blood group Lewis(a) determinant in the oviducal mucins of Xenopus tropicalis., Guérardel Y, Petit D, Madigou T, Guillet B, Maes E, Maftah A, Boujard D, Strecker G, Kol O., FEBS Lett. November 20, 2003; 554 (3): 330-6.

Internalization of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein by the Xenopus retinal pigment epithelium., Cunningham LL, Gonzalez-Fernandez F., J Comp Neurol. November 17, 2003; 466 (3): 331-42.

Identification of SLURP-1 as an epidermal neuromodulator explains the clinical phenotype of Mal de Meleda., Chimienti F, Hogg RC, Plantard L, Lehmann C, Brakch N, Fischer J, Huber M, Bertrand D, Hohl D., Hum Mol Genet. November 15, 2003; 12 (22): 3017-24.

Implication of geranylgeranyltransferase I in synapse formation., Luo ZG, Je HS, Wang Q, Yang F, Dobbins GC, Yang ZH, Xiong WC, Lu B, Mei L., Neuron. November 13, 2003; 40 (4): 703-17.

Interaction mechanisms between polyamines and IRK1 inward rectifier K+ channels., Guo D, Lu Z., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2003; 122 (5): 485-500.   

Inhibition of Caenorhabditis elegans social feeding by FMRFamide-related peptide activation of NPR-1., Rogers C, Reale V, Kim K, Chatwin H, Li C, Evans P, de Bono M., Nat Neurosci. November 1, 2003; 6 (11): 1178-85.

Importin beta negatively regulates nuclear membrane fusion and nuclear pore complex assembly., Harel A, Chan RC, Lachish-Zalait A, Zimmerman E, Elbaum M, Forbes DJ., Mol Biol Cell. November 1, 2003; 14 (11): 4387-96.

Identification of a novel system L amino acid transporter structurally distinct from heterodimeric amino acid transporters., Babu E, Kanai Y, Chairoungdua A, Kim DK, Iribe Y, Tangtrongsup S, Jutabha P, Li Y, Ahmed N, Sakamoto S, Anzai N, Nagamori S, Endou H., J Biol Chem. October 31, 2003; 278 (44): 43838-45.

Identification of a heteromeric interaction that influences the rectification, gating, and pH sensitivity of Kir4.1/Kir5.1 potassium channels., Casamassima M, D'Adamo MC, Pessia M, Tucker SJ., J Biol Chem. October 31, 2003; 278 (44): 43533-40.

Interaction between extracellular Hanatoxin and the resting conformation of the voltage-sensor paddle in Kv channels., Lee HC, Wang JM, Swartz KJ., Neuron. October 30, 2003; 40 (3): 527-36.

Identification and characterization of ameloblastin gene in an amphibian, Xenopus laevis., Shintani S, Kobata M, Toyosawa S, Ooshima T., Gene. October 30, 2003; 318 125-36.   

Identification of monocarboxylate transporter 8 as a specific thyroid hormone transporter., Friesema EC, Ganguly S, Abdalla A, Manning Fox JE, Halestrap AP, Visser TJ., J Biol Chem. October 10, 2003; 278 (41): 40128-35.

Isolation and characterization of a novel human thioredoxin-like gene hTLP19 encoding a secretory protein., Liu F, Rong YP, Zeng LC, Zhang X, Han ZG., Gene. October 2, 2003; 315 71-8.

Inhibition of lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase beta disrupts proliferative and survival signals in normal cells and induces apoptosis of tumor cells., Coon M, Ball A, Pound J, Ap S, Hollenback D, White T, Tulinsky J, Bonham L, Morrison DK, Finney R, Singer JW., Mol Cancer Ther. October 1, 2003; 2 (10): 1067-78.

Inhibition of translation and induction of apoptosis by Bunyaviral nonstructural proteins bearing sequence similarity to reaper., Colón-Ramos DA, Irusta PM, Gan EC, Olson MR, Song J, Morimoto RI, Elliott RM, Lombard M, Hollingsworth R, Hardwick JM, Smith GK, Kornbluth S., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 2003; 14 (10): 4162-72.   

Isolation and developmental expression of tyrosinase family genes in Xenopus laevis., Kumasaka M, Sato S, Yajima I, Yamamoto H., Pigment Cell Res. October 1, 2003; 16 (5): 455-62.

Integration of multiple signal transducing pathways on Fgf response elements of the Xenopus caudal homologue Xcad3., Haremaki T, Tanaka Y, Hongo I, Yuge M, Okamoto H., Development. October 1, 2003; 130 (20): 4907-17.   

Identification of novel phosphorylation sites on Xenopus laevis Aurora A and analysis of phosphopeptide enrichment by immobilized metal-affinity chromatography., Haydon CE, Eyers PA, Aveline-Wolf LD, Resing KA, Maller JL, Ahn NG., Mol Cell Proteomics. October 1, 2003; 2 (10): 1055-67.

Inhibition of cardiac sodium currents by toluene exposure., Cruz SL, Orta-Salazar G, Gauthereau MY, Millan-Perez Peña L, Salinas-Stefanón EM., Br J Pharmacol. October 1, 2003; 140 (4): 653-60.

Identification and characterization of Xenopus NDRG1., Kyuno J, Fukui A, Michiue T, Asashima M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 12, 2003; 309 (1): 52-7.   

Inhibitory effect of zinc on PEPT1-mediated transport of glycylsarcosine and beta-lactam antibiotics in human intestinal cell line Caco-2., Okamura M, Terada T, Katsura T, Saito H, Inui K., Pharm Res. September 1, 2003; 20 (9): 1389-93.

Identification and characterization of a Xenopus homolog of Dbf4, a regulatory subunit of the Cdc7 protein kinase required for the initiation of DNA replication., Furukohri A, Sato N, Masai H, Arai K, Sugino A, Waga S., J Biochem. September 1, 2003; 134 (3): 447-57.

Is the voltage gate of connexins CO2-sensitive? Cx45 channels and inhibition of calmodulin expression., Peracchia C, Young KC, Wang XG, Peracchia LL., J Membr Biol. September 1, 2003; 195 (1): 53-62.

Ionic currents in the human serotonin transporter reveal inconsistencies in the alternating access hypothesis., Adams SV, DeFelice LJ., Biophys J. September 1, 2003; 85 (3): 1548-59.

Interaction of Aurora-A and centrosomin at the microtubule-nucleating site in Drosophila and mammalian cells., Terada Y, Uetake Y, Kuriyama R., J Cell Biol. September 1, 2003; 162 (5): 757-63.   

Import of mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) into rat liver mitochondria stimulates transcription of mitochondrial DNA., Garstka HL, Schmitt WE, Schultz J, Sogl B, Silakowski B, Pérez-Martos A, Montoya J, Wiesner RJ., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 2003; 31 (17): 5039-47.

Intrinsic susceptibility to misfolding of a hot-spot for Hirschsprung disease mutations in the ectodomain of RET., Kjaer S, Ibáñez CF., Hum Mol Genet. September 1, 2003; 12 (17): 2133-44.

Interplay between the tumor suppressor p53 and TGF beta signaling shapes embryonic body axes in Xenopus., Takebayashi-Suzuki K, Funami J, Tokumori D, Saito A, Watabe T, Miyazono K, Kanda A, Suzuki A., Development. September 1, 2003; 130 (17): 3929-39.   

Identification of an apical Cl-/HCO-3 exchanger in rat kidney proximal tubule., Petrovic S, Ma L, Wang Z, Soleimani M., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2003; 285 (3): C608-17.

Integrin alpha5beta1 supports the migration of Xenopus cranial neural crest on fibronectin., Alfandari D, Cousin H, Gaultier A, Hoffstrom BG, DeSimone DW., Dev Biol. August 15, 2003; 260 (2): 449-64.

Identification of the laminar-inducing factor: Wnt-signal from the anterior rim induces correct laminar formation of the neural retina in vitro., Nakagawa S, Takada S, Takada R, Takeichi M., Dev Biol. August 15, 2003; 260 (2): 414-25.

Isoform switching of Cdc6 contributes to developmental cell cycle remodeling., Tikhmyanova N, Coleman TR., Dev Biol. August 15, 2003; 260 (2): 362-75.

Interaction of nucleoplasmin with core histones., Arnan C, Saperas N, Prieto C, Chiva M, Ausió J., J Biol Chem. August 15, 2003; 278 (33): 31319-24.

Isolation of the B3 transcription factor of the Xenopus TFIIIA gene., Griffin D, Penberthy WT, Lum H, Stein RW, Taylor WL., Gene. August 14, 2003; 313 179-88.

Intracellular disulfide bond that affects ATP responsiveness of P2X2 receptor/channel., Nakazawa K, Ojima H, Ishii-Nozawa R, Takeuchi K, Ohno Y., Eur J Pharmacol. August 8, 2003; 474 (2-3): 205-8.

Inhibition of alpha-subunit glycine receptors by quinoxalines., Meier J, Schmieden V., Neuroreport. August 6, 2003; 14 (11): 1507-10.

Interactions of glycyrrhizin with organic anion transporting polypeptides of rat and human liver., Ismair MG, Stanca C, Ha HR, Renner EL, Meier PJ, Kullak-Ublick GA., Hepatol Res. August 1, 2003; 26 (4): 343-347.

Involvement of Xenopus Pumilio in the translational regulation that is specific to cyclin B1 mRNA during oocyte maturation., Nakahata S, Kotani T, Mita K, Kawasaki T, Katsu Y, Nagahama Y, Yamashita M., Mech Dev. August 1, 2003; 120 (8): 865-80.

Identification and characterization of the Xlsirt cis-acting RNA localization element., Allen L, Kloc M, Etkin LD., Differentiation. August 1, 2003; 71 (6): 311-21.

Inhibition of ATP-sensitive K+ channels by substituted benzo[c]quinolizinium CFTR activators., Prost A, Dérand R, Gros L, Becq F, Vivaudou M., Biochem Pharmacol. August 1, 2003; 66 (3): 425-30.

Integrin-alpha3 mediates binding of Chordin to the cell surface and promotes its endocytosis., Larraín J, Brown C, De Robertis EM., EMBO Rep. August 1, 2003; 4 (8): 813-8.

Intercalary and supernumerary regeneration in the limbs of the frog, Xenopus laevis., Shimizu-Nishikawa K, Takahashi J, Nishikawa A., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2003; 227 (4): 563-72.   

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