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Beating is necessary for transdifferentiation of skeletal muscle-derived cells into cardiomyocytes., Iijima Y, Nagai T, Mizukami M, Matsuura K, Ogura T, Wada H, Toko H, Akazawa H, Takano H, Nakaya H, Komuro I., FASEB J. July 1, 2003; 17 (10): 1361-3.

beta-Funaltrexamine, a gauge for the recognition site of wildtype and mutant H297Q mu-opioid receptors., Spivak CE, Beglan CL, Zöllner C, Surratt CK., Synapse. July 1, 2003; 49 (1): 55-60.

Biogenesis and nuclear export of ribosomal subunits in higher eukaryotes depend on the CRM1 export pathway., Thomas F, Kutay U., J Cell Sci. June 15, 2003; 116 (Pt 12): 2409-19.

BeKm-1 is a HERG-specific toxin that shares the structure with ChTx but the mechanism of action with ErgTx1., Zhang M, Korolkova YV, Liu J, Jiang M, Grishin EV, Tseng GN., Biophys J. May 1, 2003; 84 (5): 3022-36.

Block to DNA replication in meiotic maturation: a unified view for a robust arrest of cell cycle in oocytes and somatic cells., Kubota Y, Takisawa H., Bioessays. April 1, 2003; 25 (4): 313-6.

Building a cell cycle oscillator: hysteresis and bistability in the activation of Cdc2., Pomerening JR, Sontag ED, Ferrell JE., Nat Cell Biol. April 1, 2003; 5 (4): 346-51.

Bilobalide, a sesquiterpene trilactone from Ginkgo biloba, is an antagonist at recombinant alpha1beta2gamma2L GABA(A) receptors., Huang SH, Duke RK, Chebib M, Sasaki K, Wada K, Johnston GA., Eur J Pharmacol. March 7, 2003; 464 (1): 1-8.

Biphasic activation of Aurora-A kinase during the meiosis I- meiosis II transition in Xenopus oocytes., Ma C, Cummings C, Liu XJ., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 2003; 23 (5): 1703-16.

Bacterial stimulation upregulates the surface expression of the stress protein gp96 on B cells in the frog Xenopus., Morales H, Muharemagic A, Gantress J, Cohen N, Robert J., Cell Stress Chaperones. January 1, 2003; 8 (3): 265-71.

Base compositions of genes encoding alpha-actin and lactate dehydrogenase-A from differently adapted vertebrates show no temperature-adaptive variation in G + C content., Ream RA, Johns GC, Somero GN., Mol Biol Evol. January 1, 2003; 20 (1): 105-10.

beta3-Adrenergic regulation of an ion channel in the heart-inhibition of the slow delayed rectifier potassium current I(Ks) in guinea pig ventricular myocytes., Bosch RF, Schneck AC, Kiehn J, Zhang W, Hambrock A, Eigenberger BW, Rüb N, Gogel J, Mewis C, Seipel L, Kühlkamp V., Cardiovasc Res. December 1, 2002; 56 (3): 393-403.

Beta-catenin/Tcf-regulated transcription prior to the midblastula transition., Yang J, Tan C, Darken RS, Wilson PA, Klein PS., Development. December 1, 2002; 129 (24): 5743-52.

Basolateral and apical A1 adenosine receptors mediate sodium transport in cultured renal epithelial (A6) cells., Macala LJ, Hayslett JP., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 1, 2002; 283 (6): F1216-25.

Benzoate X receptors alpha and beta are pharmacologically distinct and do not function as xenobiotic receptors., Grün F, Venkatesan RN, Tabb MM, Zhou C, Cao J, Hemmati D, Blumberg B., J Biol Chem. November 15, 2002; 277 (46): 43691-7.

Binding symmetry of extracellular divalent cations to conduction pore studied using tandem dimers of a CNG channel., Kwon RJ, Ha TS, Kim W, Park CS., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 8, 2002; 298 (4): 478-85.

Bid, Bax, and lipids cooperate to form supramolecular openings in the outer mitochondrial membrane., Kuwana T, Mackey MR, Perkins G, Ellisman MH, Latterich M, Schneiter R, Green DR, Newmeyer DD., Cell. November 1, 2002; 111 (3): 331-42.

Brief, repeated exposure to substrates down-regulates dopamine transporter function in Xenopus oocytes in vitro and rat dorsal striatum in vivo., Gulley JM, Doolen S, Zahniser NR., J Neurochem. October 1, 2002; 83 (2): 400-11.

Blockade of an inward sodium current facilitates pharmacological study of hemi-gap-junctional currents in Xenopus oocytes., Ripps H, Qian H, Zakevicius J., Biol Bull. October 1, 2002; 203 (2): 192-4.

Basic transcription element binding protein is a thyroid hormone-regulated transcription factor expressed during metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis., Hoopfer ED, Huang L, Denver RJ., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2002; 44 (5): 365-81.   

BMP signaling is required for development of the ciliary body., Zhao S, Chen Q, Hung FC, Overbeek PA., Development. October 1, 2002; 129 (19): 4435-42.

Biochemical effects of chlorpyrifos on two developmental stages of Xenopus laevis., Richards SM, Kendall RJ., Environ Toxicol Chem. September 1, 2002; 21 (9): 1826-35.

Bertosamil blocks HERG potassium channels in their open and inactivated states., Zitron E, Karle CA, Wendt-Nordahl G, Kathöfer S, Zhang W, Thomas D, Weretka S, Kiehn J., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 2002; 137 (2): 221-8.

Bupropion inhibits nicotine-evoked [(3)H]overflow from rat striatal slices preloaded with [(3)H]dopamine and from rat hippocampal slices preloaded with [(3)H]norepinephrine., Miller DK, Sumithran SP, Dwoskin LP., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. September 1, 2002; 302 (3): 1113-22.

Biochemical and toxicological evaluation of agent-cofactor reactivity as a mechanism of action for osteolathyrism., Dawson DA, Rinaldi AC, Pöch G., Toxicology. August 15, 2002; 177 (2-3): 267-84.

Biliverdin during Xenopus laevis oogenesis and early embryogenesis., Montorzi M, Dziedzic TS, Falchuk KH., Biochemistry. August 6, 2002; 41 (31): 10115-22.

BubR1 is essential for kinetochore localization of other spindle checkpoint proteins and its phosphorylation requires Mad1., Chen RH., J Cell Biol. August 5, 2002; 158 (3): 487-96.   

Barrier-to-autointegration factor: major roles in chromatin decondensation and nuclear assembly., Segura-Totten M, Kowalski AK, Craigie R, Wilson KL., J Cell Biol. August 5, 2002; 158 (3): 475-85.   

Bone morphogenetic protein-4-induced activation of Xretpos is mediated by Smads and Olf-1/EBF associated zinc finger (OAZ)., Shim S, Bae N, Han JK., Nucleic Acids Res. July 15, 2002; 30 (14): 3107-17.   

beta -Amyloid peptide activates alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Dineley KT, Bell KA, Bui D, Sweatt JD., J Biol Chem. July 12, 2002; 277 (28): 25056-61.

Barttin increases surface expression and changes current properties of ClC-K channels., Waldegger S, Jeck N, Barth P, Peters M, Vitzthum H, Wolf K, Kurtz A, Konrad M, Seyberth HW., Pflugers Arch. June 1, 2002; 444 (3): 411-8.

Betam, a structural member of the X,K-ATPase beta subunit family, resides in the ER and does not associate with any known X,K-ATPase alpha subunit., Crambert G, Béguin P, Pestov NB, Modyanov NN, Geering K., Biochemistry. May 28, 2002; 41 (21): 6723-33.

Branchpoint selection in the splicing of U12-dependent introns in vitro., McConnell TS, Cho SJ, Frilander MJ, Steitz JA., RNA. May 1, 2002; 8 (5): 579-86.

Bioaccumulation of lead in Xenopus laevis tadpoles from water and sediment., Berzins DW, Bundy KJ., Environ Int. April 1, 2002; 28 (1-2): 69-77.

Belief vs. scientific observation: the curious story of the precardiac mesoderm., Eisenberg LM., Anat Rec. April 1, 2002; 266 (4): 194-7.

Biosensing of opioids using frog melanophores., Karlsson AM, Bjuhr K, Testorf M, Oberg PA, Lerner E, Lundstrom I, Svensson SP., Biosens Bioelectron. April 1, 2002; 17 (4): 331-5.

Base excision repair is limited by different proteins in male germ cell nuclear extracts prepared from young and old mice., Intano GW, McMahan CA, McCarrey JR, Walter RB, McKenna AE, Matsumoto Y, MacInnes MA, Chen DJ, Walter CA., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 2002; 22 (7): 2410-8.

Biological effect of the Planktothrix sp. FP1 cyanobacterial extract., Prati M, Molteni M, Pomati F, Rossetti C, Bernardini G., Toxicon. March 1, 2002; 40 (3): 267-72.

Brachyury proteins regulate target genes through modular binding sites in a cooperative fashion., Kusch T, Storck T, Walldorf U, Reuter R., Genes Dev. February 15, 2002; 16 (4): 518-29.

Boron deficiency disables Xenopus laevis oocyte maturation events., Fort DJ., Biol Trace Elem Res. February 1, 2002; 85 (2): 157-69.

Basis for intracellular retention of a human mutant of the retinal rod channel alpha subunit., Mallouk N, Ildefonse M, Pagès F, Ragno M, Bennett N., J Membr Biol. January 15, 2002; 185 (2): 129-36.

Benign familial neonatal convulsions caused by altered gating of KCNQ2/KCNQ3 potassium channels., Castaldo P, del Giudice EM, Coppola G, Pascotto A, Annunziato L, Taglialatela M., J Neurosci. January 15, 2002; 22 (2): RC199.

Bmp, Fgf and Wnt signalling in programmed cell death and chondrogenesis during vertebrate limb development: the role of Dickkopf-1., Grotewold L, Rüther U., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2002; 46 (7): 943-7.

BMP-2, BMP-4, and PDGF-bb stimulate chemotactic migration of primary human mesenchymal progenitor cells., Fiedler J, Röderer G, Günther KP, Brenner RE., J Cell Biochem. January 1, 2002; 87 (3): 305-12.

Breeding and genotyping of Tfam conditional knockout mice., Ekstrand M, Larsson NG., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2002; 197 391-400.

Beta-catenin, MAPK and Smad signaling during early Xenopus development., Schohl A, Fagotto F., Development. January 1, 2002; 129 (1): 37-52.   

Band 3 Walton, a C-terminal deletion associated with distal renal tubular acidosis, is expressed in the red cell membrane but retained internally in kidney cells., Toye AM, Bruce LJ, Unwin RJ, Wrong O, Tanner MJ., Blood. January 1, 2002; 99 (1): 342-7.

Basolateral membrane expression of the Kir 2.3 channel is coordinated by PDZ interaction with Lin-7/CASK complex., Olsen O, Liu H, Wade JB, Merot J, Welling PA., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. January 1, 2002; 282 (1): C183-95.

Bacteria-selective synergism between the antimicrobial peptides alpha-helical magainin 2 and cyclic beta-sheet tachyplesin I: toward cocktail therapy., Kobayashi S, Hirakura Y, Matsuzaki K., Biochemistry. December 4, 2001; 40 (48): 14330-5.

Brix from xenopus laevis and brx1p from yeast define a new family of proteins involved in the biogenesis of large ribosomal subunits., Kaser A, Bogengruber E, Hallegger M, Doppler E, Lepperdinger G, Jantsch M, Breitenbach M, Kreil G., Biol Chem. December 1, 2001; 382 (12): 1637-47.

Benzylidene analogs of anabaseine display partial agonist and antagonist properties at the mouse 5-hydroxytryptamine(3A) receptor., Machu TK, Hamilton ME, Frye TF, Shanklin CL, Harris MC, Sun H, Tenner TE, Soti FS, Kem WR., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. December 1, 2001; 299 (3): 1112-9.

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