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Nucleolar localization signals of box H/ACA small nucleolar RNAs., Narayanan A, Lukowiak A, Jády BE, Dragon F, Kiss T, Terns RM, Terns MP., EMBO J. September 15, 1999; 18 (18): 5120-30.

New mode of DNA binding of multi-zinc finger transcription factors: deltaEF1 family members bind with two hands to two target sites., Remacle JE, Kraft H, Lerchner W, Wuytens G, Collart C, Verschueren K, Smith JC, Huylebroeck D., EMBO J. September 15, 1999; 18 (18): 5073-84.

Nuclear organization studied with the help of a hypotonic shift: its use permits hydrophilic molecules to enter into living cells., Koberna K, Stanek D, Malínský J, Eltsov M, Pliss A, Ctrnáctá V, Cermanová S, Raska I., Chromosoma. September 1, 1999; 108 (5): 325-35.

Neuronal pathfinding during development of the rostral brain in Xenopus., Key B, Anderson RB., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. September 1, 1999; 26 (9): 752-4.

Notch signalling controls pancreatic cell differentiation., Apelqvist A, Li H, Sommer L, Beatus P, Anderson DJ, Honjo T, Hrabe de Angelis M, Lendahl U, Edlund H., Nature. August 26, 1999; 400 (6747): 877-81.

Nuclear import of p53 during Xenopus laevis early development in relation to DNA replication and DNA repair., Tchang F, Méchali M., Exp Cell Res. August 25, 1999; 251 (1): 46-56.

Nitric oxide in the retinotectal system: a signal but not a retrograde messenger during map refinement and segregation., Rentería RC, Constantine-Paton M., J Neurosci. August 15, 1999; 19 (16): 7066-76.   

Novel method for evaluation of the oligomeric structure of membrane proteins., Ramjeesingh M, Huan LJ, Garami E, Bear CE., Biochem J. August 15, 1999; 342 ( Pt 1) 119-23.

Nitric oxide activates a potassium current in olfactory receptor neurons from Caudiverbera caudiverbera and Xenopus laevis., Schmachtenberg O, Bacigalupo J., Dev Biol. August 7, 1999; 837 (1-2): 301-5.

Nuclear import of RPA in Xenopus egg extracts requires a novel protein XRIPalpha but not importin alpha., Jullien D, Görlich D, Laemmli UK, Adachi Y., EMBO J. August 2, 1999; 18 (15): 4348-58.

Newt RAD51: cloning of cDNA and analysis of gene expression during spermatogenesis., Yamamoto T, Hikino T, Nakayama Y, Abé S., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 1999; 41 (4): 401-6.

N-Methyl-D-aspartate-induced oscillations in whole cell clamped neurons from the isolated spinal cord of Xenopus laevis embryos., Prime L, Pichon Y, Moore LE., J Neurophysiol. August 1, 1999; 82 (2): 1069-73.

Neuropeptide Y receptor subtype with unique properties cloned in the zebrafish: the zYa receptor., Starbäck P, Lundell I, Fredriksson R, Berglund MM, Yan YL, Wraith A, Söderberg C, Postlethwait JH, Larhammar D., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. July 5, 1999; 70 (2): 242-52.

Nerve-independence of limb regeneration in larval Xenopus laevis is related to the presence of mitogenic factors in early limb tissues., Filoni S, Bernardini S, Cannata SM, Ghittoni R., J Exp Zool. July 1, 1999; 284 (2): 188-96.

Nuclear export in plants. Use of geminivirus movement proteins for a cell-based export assay., Ward BM, Lazarowitz SG., Plant Cell. July 1, 1999; 11 (7): 1267-76.

Neurogenin1 and neurogenin2 control two distinct waves of neurogenesis in developing dorsal root ganglia., Ma Q, Fode C, Guillemot F, Anderson DJ., Genes Dev. July 1, 1999; 13 (13): 1717-28.

Nuclear pore localization and nucleocytoplasmic transport of eIF-5A: evidence for direct interaction with the export receptor CRM1., Rosorius O, Reichart B, Krätzer F, Heger P, Dabauvalle MC, Hauber J., J Cell Sci. July 1, 1999; 112 ( Pt 14) 2369-80.

N-Terminal deletions of rKv1.4 channels affect the voltage dependence of channel availability., Höllerer-Beitz G, Schönherr R, Koenen M, Heinemann SH., Pflugers Arch. July 1, 1999; 438 (2): 141-6.

Nuclear beta-catenin and the development of bilateral symmetry in normal and LiCl-exposed chick embryos., Roeser T, Stein S, Kessel M., Development. July 1, 1999; 126 (13): 2955-65.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors assembled from the alpha7 and beta3 subunits., Palma E, Maggi L, Barabino B, Eusebi F, Ballivet M., J Biol Chem. June 25, 1999; 274 (26): 18335-40.

Noggin and bone morphogenetic protein-4 coordinately regulate the progression of chondrogenic differentiation in mouse clonal EC cells, ATDC5., Ito H, Akiyama H, Shigeno C, Nakamura T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 24, 1999; 260 (1): 240-4.

Noggin expression in a mesodermal pluripotent cell line C1 and its regulation by BMP., Nifuji A, Kellermann O, Noda M., J Cell Biochem. June 15, 1999; 73 (4): 437-44.

NMDA receptor subunit gene expression in the rat brain: a quantitative analysis of endogenous mRNA levels of NR1Com, NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, NR2D and NR3A., Goebel DJ, Poosch MS., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. June 8, 1999; 69 (2): 164-70.

New roles for RGS2, 5 and 8 on the ratio-dependent modulation of recombinant GIRK channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Herlitze S, Ruppersberg JP, Mark MD., J Physiol. June 1, 1999; 517 ( Pt 2) 341-52.

Nuclear transport protein does double duty in mitosis., Pennisi E., Science. May 21, 1999; 284 (5418): 1260-1.

Neuronal nAChR stereoselectivity to non-natural epibatidine derivatives., Bertrand S, Patt JT, Spang JE, Westera G, Schubiger PA, Bertrand D., FEBS Lett. May 7, 1999; 450 (3): 273-9.

Novel mechanism associated with an inherited cardiac arrhythmia: defective protein trafficking by the mutant HERG (G601S) potassium channel., Furutani M, Trudeau MC, Hagiwara N, Seki A, Gong Q, Zhou Z, Imamura S, Nagashima H, Kasanuki H, Takao A, Momma K, January CT, Robertson GA, Matsuoka R., Circulation. May 4, 1999; 99 (17): 2290-4.

Not only the nature of peptide but also the characteristics of cell membrane determine the antimicrobial mechanism of a peptide., Liang JF, Kim SC., J Pept Res. May 1, 1999; 53 (5): 518-22.

Novel properties of the depolarization-induced endogenous sodium conductance in the Xenopus laevis oocyte., Rettinger J., Pflugers Arch. May 1, 1999; 437 (6): 917-24.

Nicotinamide inhibits sodium-dependent phosphate cotransport activity in rat small intestine., Katai K, Tanaka H, Tatsumi S, Fukunaga Y, Genjida K, Morita K, Kuboyama N, Suzuki T, Akiba T, Miyamoto K, Takeda E., Nephrol Dial Transplant. May 1, 1999; 14 (5): 1195-201.

Novel membrane transporter OCTN1 mediates multispecific, bidirectional, and pH-dependent transport of organic cations., Yabuuchi H, Tamai I, Nezu J, Sakamoto K, Oku A, Shimane M, Sai Y, Tsuji A., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. May 1, 1999; 289 (2): 768-73.

Novel guidance cues during neuronal pathfinding in the early scaffold of axon tracts in the rostral brain., Anderson RB, Key B., Development. May 1, 1999; 126 (9): 1859-68.

Neighboring glycine residues are essential for P2X2 receptor/channel function., Nakazawa K, Ohno Y., Eur J Pharmacol. April 16, 1999; 370 (3): R5-6.

Neural inducing factors from Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos., Tiedemann H, Tiedemann H., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 1999; 41 (2): 201-5.   

Novel gating mechanism of polyamine block in the strong inward rectifier K channel Kir2.1., John SA, Weiss JN., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 1999; 113 (4): 555-64.   

NS-257, a novel competitive AMPA receptor antagonist, interacts with kainate and NMDA receptors., Nijholt I, Blank T, Grafelmann B, Cepok S, Kügler H, Spiess J., Dev Biol. March 13, 1999; 821 (2): 374-82.

Ni2+ treatment causes cement gland formation in ectoderm explants of Xenopus laevis embryo., Huang Y, Ding XY., Cell Res. March 1, 1999; 9 (1): 71-6.

NMDAR channel segments forming the extracellular vestibule inferred from the accessibility of substituted cysteines., Beck C, Wollmuth LP, Seeburg PH, Sakmann B, Kuner T., Neuron. March 1, 1999; 22 (3): 559-70.

Neuronal differentiation and patterning in Xenopus: the role of cdk5 and a novel activator xp35.2., Philpott A, Tsai L, Kirschner MW., Dev Biol. March 1, 1999; 207 (1): 119-32.   

NMDA receptor activity stabilizes presynaptic retinotectal axons and postsynaptic optic tectal cell dendrites in vivo., Rajan I, Witte S, Cline HT., J Neurobiol. February 15, 1999; 38 (3): 357-68.

Nuclear localization of ciliary neurotrophic factor in glial cells., Bajetto A, Schettini G, Chimini G., Dev Biol. February 13, 1999; 818 (2): 565-9.

Neurotransmitter secretion along growing nerve processes: comparison with synaptic vesicle exocytosis., Zakharenko S, Chang S, O'Donoghue M, Popov SV., J Cell Biol. February 8, 1999; 144 (3): 507-18.   

NH4+ conductance in Xenopus laevis oocytes.II. Effect Of hypoosmolality., Ludwig A, Burckhardt G, Burckhardt BC., Pflugers Arch. February 1, 1999; 437 (3): 484-90.

Nuclear import of Cdk/cyclin complexes: identification of distinct mechanisms for import of Cdk2/cyclin E and Cdc2/cyclin B1., Moore JD, Yang J, Truant R, Kornbluth S., J Cell Biol. January 25, 1999; 144 (2): 213-24.   

Nucleobase transport in opossum kidney epithelial cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes: the characterisation, structure-activity relationship of uracil analogues and oocyte expression studies of sodium-dependent and -independent hypoxanthine uptake., Shayeghi M, Akerman R, Jarvis SM., Biochim Biophys Acta. January 12, 1999; 1416 (1-2): 109-18.

Nucleotide excision repair coupled to chromatin assembly., Gaillard PH, Roche D, Almouzni G., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 1999; 119 231-43.

Nucleotide sequences of animal mitochondrial tRNAs(Met) possibly recognizing both AUG and AUA codons., Takemoto C, Ueda T, Miura K, Watanabe K., Nucleic Acids Symp Ser. January 1, 1999; (42): 77-8.

Novel interactions between vertebrate Hox genes., Hooiveld MH, Morgan R, in der Rieden P, Houtzager E, Pannese M, Damen K, Boncinelli E, Durston AJ., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1999; 43 (7): 665-74.

Neural induction., Weinstein DC, Hemmati-Brivanlou A., Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 1999; 15 411-33.

Nicotine depresses the functions of multiple cardiac potassium channels., Wang H, Shi H, Wang Z., Life Sci. January 1, 1999; 65 (12): PL143-9.

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