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Domain interactions regulating ampa receptor desensitization., Partin KM., J Neurosci. March 15, 2001; 21 (6): 1939-48.

Developmental neuroscience. Moving on., Dickson BJ., Science. March 9, 2001; 291 (5510): 1910-1.

Distinct roles of maf genes during Xenopus lens development., Ishibashi S, Yasuda K., Mech Dev. March 1, 2001; 101 (1-2): 155-66.   

Drosophila mitochondrial transcription factor A (d-TFAM) is dispensable for the transcription of mitochondrial DNA in Kc167 cells., Goto A, Matsushima Y, Kadowaki T, Kitagawa Y., Biochem J. March 1, 2001; 354 (Pt 2): 243-8.

Desensitization of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors conferred by N-terminal segments of the beta 2 subunit., Bohler S, Gay S, Bertrand S, Corringer PJ, Edelstein SJ, Changeux JP, Bertrand D., Biochemistry. February 20, 2001; 40 (7): 2066-74.

Differential regulation and expression of hyaluronan synthases in human articular chondrocytes, synovial cells and osteosarcoma cells., Recklies AD, White C, Melching L, Roughley PJ., Biochem J. February 15, 2001; 354 (Pt 1): 17-24.

Design of polyzinc finger peptides with structured linkers., Moore M, Choo Y, Klug A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 13, 2001; 98 (4): 1432-6.

Disulfide bridge reorganization induced by proline mutations in maurotoxin., Carlier E, Fajloun Z, Mansuelle P, Fathallah M, Mosbah A, Oughideni R, Sandoz G, Di Luccio E, Geib S, Regaya I, Brocard J, Rochat H, Darbon H, Devaux C, Sabatier JM, de Waard M., FEBS Lett. February 2, 2001; 489 (2-3): 202-7.

Dissection of inhibitory Smad proteins: both N- and C-terminal domains are necessary for full activities of Xenopus Smad6 and Smad7., Nakayama T, Berg LK, Christian JL., Mech Dev. February 1, 2001; 100 (2): 251-62.

Drosophila stem loop binding protein coordinates accumulation of mature histone mRNA with cell cycle progression., Sullivan E, Santiago C, Parker ED, Dominski Z, Yang X, Lanzotti DJ, Ingledue TC, Marzluff WF, Duronio RJ., Genes Dev. January 15, 2001; 15 (2): 173-87.

DNA methylation and control of gene expression in vertebrate development., Meehan RR, Stancheva I., Essays Biochem. January 1, 2001; 37 59-70.

DAPIT, a novel protein down-regulated in insulin-sensitive tissues in streptozotocin-induced diabetes., Päivärinne H, Kainulainen H., Acta Diabetol. January 1, 2001; 38 (2): 83-6.

Dickkopf1 and the Spemann-Mangold head organizer., Niehrs C, Kazanskaya O, Wu W, Glinka A., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 237-40.   

Determination of protein-protein interactions of ICIn by the yeast two-hybrid system., Schmarda A, Fresser F, Gschwentner M, Fürst J, Ritter M, Lang F, Baier G, Paulmichl M., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2001; 11 (1): 55-60.

Dome formation and tubule morphogenesis by Xenopus kidney A6 cell cultures exposed to microgravity simulated with a 3D-clinostat and to hypergravity., Ichigi J, Asashima M., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. January 1, 2001; 37 (1): 31-44.

Downregulation of Hedgehog signaling is required for organogenesis of the small intestine in Xenopus., Zhang J, Rosenthal A, de Sauvage FJ, Shivdasani RA., Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 229 (1): 188-202.   

Defining cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors in RNA localization., Yaniv K, Yisraeli JK., Int Rev Cytol. January 1, 2001; 203 521-39.

Dopamine D2 receptor regulation of the dopamine transporter expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes is voltage-independent., Mayfield RD, Zahniser NR., Mol Pharmacol. January 1, 2001; 59 (1): 113-21.

Different binding modes of amphibian and human corticotropin-releasing factor type 1 and type 2 receptors: evidence for evolutionary differences., Dautzenberg FM, Py-Lang G, Higelin J, Fischer C, Wright MB, Huber G., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. January 1, 2001; 296 (1): 113-20.

Defining roles for HOX and MEIS1 genes in induction of acute myeloid leukemia., Thorsteinsdottir U, Kroon E, Jerome L, Blasi F, Sauvageau G., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 2001; 21 (1): 224-34.

Df31 is a novel nuclear protein involved in chromatin structure in Drosophila melanogaster., Crevel G, Huikeshoven H, Cotterill S., J Cell Sci. January 1, 2001; 114 (Pt 1): 37-47.

Developmental biology of amphibians after Hans Spemann in Germany., Grunz H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2001; 45 (1): 39-50.

Distinct roles for TBP and TBP-like factor in early embryonic gene transcription in Xenopus., Veenstra GJ, Weeks DL, Wolffe AP., Science. December 22, 2000; 290 (5500): 2312-5.

Differential activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase isoforms depending on signal strength., Alonso G, Ambrosino C, Jones M, Nebreda AR., J Biol Chem. December 22, 2000; 275 (51): 40641-8.

Domain architecture of a Caenorhabditis elegans AKAP suggests a novel AKAP function., Herrgård S, Jambeck P, Taylor SS, Subramaniam S., FEBS Lett. December 8, 2000; 486 (2): 107-11.

Drug-resistant Drosophila indicate glutamate-gated chloride channels are targets for the antiparasitics nodulisporic acid and ivermectin., Kane NS, Hirschberg B, Qian S, Hunt D, Thomas B, Brochu R, Ludmerer SW, Zheng Y, Smith M, Arena JP, Cohen CJ, Schmatz D, Warmke J, Cully DF., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 5, 2000; 97 (25): 13949-54.

Disease attributed to Mycobacterium chelonae in South African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)., Green SL, Lifland BD, Bouley DM, Brown BA, Wallace RJ, Ferrell JE., Comp Med. December 1, 2000; 50 (6): 675-9.

Dominant-negative polo-like kinase 1 induces mitotic catastrophe independent of cdc25C function., Cogswell JP, Brown CE, Bisi JE, Neill SD., Cell Growth Differ. December 1, 2000; 11 (12): 615-23.

Desensitization and internalization of human and xenopus gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors expressed in alphaT4 pituitary cells using recombinant adenovirus., Hislop JN, Madziva MT, Everest HM, Harding T, Uney JB, Willars GB, Millar RP, Troskie BE, Davidson JS, McArdle CA., Endocrinology. December 1, 2000; 141 (12): 4564-75.

Differential response of K(ATP) channels containing SUR2A or SUR2B subunits to nucleotides and pinacidil., Reimann F, Gribble FM, Ashcroft FM., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2000; 58 (6): 1318-25.

Differential DNA binding and transcription modulation by three T-box proteins, T, TBX1 and TBX2., Sinha S, Abraham S, Gronostajski RM, Campbell CE., Gene. November 27, 2000; 258 (1-2): 15-29.

Differentiation of electrical excitability in motoneurons., Spitzer NC, Vincent A, Lautermilch NJ., Brain Res Bull. November 15, 2000; 53 (5): 547-52.

Dystroglycan overexpression in vivo alters acetylcholine receptor aggregation at the neuromuscular junction., Heathcote RD, Ekman JM, Campbell KP, Godfrey EW., Dev Biol. November 15, 2000; 227 (2): 595-605.   

Developmental cardiology comes of age., Epstein JA., Circ Res. November 10, 2000; 87 (10): 833-4.

Dual role for the RNA-binding domain of Xenopus laevis SLBP1 in histone pre-mRNA processing., Ingledue TC, Dominski Z, Sánchez R, Erkmann JA, Marzluff WF., RNA. November 1, 2000; 6 (11): 1635-48.

Dielectrospectroscopic monitoring of early embryogenesis in single frog embryos., Asami K, Irimajiri A., Phys Med Biol. November 1, 2000; 45 (11): 3285-97.

Direct interaction of Na-azide with the KATP channel., Trapp S, Ashcroft FM., Br J Pharmacol. November 1, 2000; 131 (6): 1105-12.

Different activities of the frizzled-related proteins frzb2 and sizzled2 during Xenopus anteroposterior patterning., Bradley L, Sun B, Collins-Racie L, LaVallie E, McCoy J, Sive H., Dev Biol. November 1, 2000; 227 (1): 118-32.   

Distinct expression of two types of Xenopus Patched genes during early embryogenesis and hindlimb development., Takabatake T, Takahashi TC, Takabatake Y, Yamada K, Ogawa M, Takeshima K., Mech Dev. November 1, 2000; 98 (1-2): 99-104.   

Double-stranded RNA adenosine deaminases ADAR1 and ADAR2 have overlapping specificities., Lehmann KA, Bass BL., Biochemistry. October 24, 2000; 39 (42): 12875-84.

Dual roles of the 11S regulatory subcomplex in condensin functions., Kimura K, Hirano T., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 24, 2000; 97 (22): 11972-7.

Differential regulation of two period genes in the Xenopus eye., Zhuang M, Wang Y, Steenhard BM, Besharse JC., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. October 20, 2000; 82 (1-2): 52-64.

Domains of axin and disheveled required for interaction and function in wnt signaling., Julius MA, Schelbert B, Hsu W, Fitzpatrick E, Jho E, Fagotto F, Costantini F, Kitajewski J., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 5, 2000; 276 (3): 1162-9.

Dynein, dynactin, and kinesin II's interaction with microtubules is regulated during bidirectional organelle transport., Reese EL, Haimo LT., J Cell Biol. October 2, 2000; 151 (1): 155-66.   

Differential expression and regulation of K(+) channels in the maize coleoptile: molecular and biophysical analysis of cells isolated from cortex and vasculature., Bauer CS, Hoth S, Haga K, Philippar K, Aoki N, Hedrich R., Plant J. October 1, 2000; 24 (2): 139-45.

Distinct origins of adult and embryonic blood in Xenopus., Ciau-Uitz A, Walmsley M, Patient R., Cell. September 15, 2000; 102 (6): 787-96.   

Determinants of topogenesis and glycosylation of type II membrane proteins. Analysis of Na,K-ATPase beta 1 AND beta 3 subunits by glycosylation mapping., Hasler U, Greasley PJ, von Heijne G, Geering K., J Biol Chem. September 15, 2000; 275 (37): 29011-22.

Dehydroascorbic acid transport by GLUT4 in Xenopus oocytes and isolated rat adipocytes., Rumsey SC, Daruwala R, Al-Hasani H, Zarnowski MJ, Simpson IA, Levine M., J Biol Chem. September 8, 2000; 275 (36): 28246-53.

Determinants of vitellogenin B1 promoter architecture. HNF3 and estrogen responsive transcription within chromatin., Robyr D, Gegonne A, Wolffe AP, Wahli W., J Biol Chem. September 8, 2000; 275 (36): 28291-300.

Dual-specific Cdc25B phosphatase: in search of the catalytic acid., Chen W, Wilborn M, Rudolph J., Biochemistry. September 5, 2000; 39 (35): 10781-9.

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