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Search Results

DNA replication is required for the checkpoint response to damaged DNA in Xenopus egg extracts., Stokes MP, Van Hatten R, Lindsay HD, Michael WM., J Cell Biol. September 2, 2002; 158 (5): 863-72.   

Diterpenes from the roots of Euphorbia kansui and their in vitro effects on the cell division of Xenopus., Wang LY, Wang NL, Yao XS, Miyata S, Kitanaka S., J Nat Prod. September 1, 2002; 65 (9): 1246-51.

Defining pallial and subpallial divisions in the developing Xenopus forebrain., Bachy I, Berthon J, Rétaux S., Mech Dev. September 1, 2002; 117 (1-2): 163-72.   

Dimer structure of magainin 2 bound to phospholipid vesicles., Wakamatsu K, Takeda A, Tachi T, Matsuzaki K., Biopolymers. September 1, 2002; 64 (6): 314-27.

Direct noncompetitive inhibition of 5-HT(3) receptor-mediated responses by forskolin and steroids., Oz M, Zhang L, Spivak CE., Arch Biochem Biophys. August 15, 2002; 404 (2): 293-301.

Determinants of cardiac Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger temperature dependence: NH(2)-terminal transmembrane segments., Marshall C, Elias C, Xue XH, Le HD, Omelchenko A, Hryshko LV, Tibbits GF., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 1, 2002; 283 (2): C512-20.

Did myocilin evolve from two different primordial proteins?, Mukhopadhyay A, Gupta A, Mukherjee S, Chaudhuri K, Ray K., Mol Vis. July 22, 2002; 8 271-9.

DNA ligase III is degraded by calpain during cell death induced by DNA-damaging agents., Bordone L, Campbell C., J Med Genet. July 19, 2002; 277 (29): 26673-80.

Dissolution of the maskin-eIF4E complex by cytoplasmic polyadenylation and poly(A)-binding protein controls cyclin B1 mRNA translation and oocyte maturation., Cao Q, Richter JD., EMBO J. July 15, 2002; 21 (14): 3852-62.

Dynamic interactions of cyclic AMP transients and spontaneous Ca(2+) spikes., Gorbunova YV, Spitzer NC., Nature. July 4, 2002; 418 (6893): 93-6.

Developmentally modulated cardiac conduction failure in transgenic mice with fetal or postnatal overexpression of DNA nonbinding mutant Nkx2.5., Wakimoto H, Kasahara H, Maguire CT, Izumo S, Berul CI., J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. July 1, 2002; 13 (7): 682-8.

Differential regulation of the cardiac sodium calcium exchanger promoter in adult and neonatal cardiomyocytes by Nkx2.5 and serum response factor., Müller JG, Thompson JT, Edmonson AM, Rackley MS, Kasahara H, Izumo S, McQuinn TC, Menick DR, O'Brien TX., J Mol Cell Cardiol. July 1, 2002; 34 (7): 807-21.

Distinct patterns of downstream target activation are specified by the helix-loop-helix domain of proneural basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors., Talikka M, Perez SE, Zimmerman K., Dev Biol. July 1, 2002; 247 (1): 137-48.   

Developmental changes in interrenal responsiveness in anuran amphibians., Glennemeier KA, Denver RJ., Integr Comp Biol. July 1, 2002; 42 (3): 565-73.

Dominant-negative suppression of HCN1- and HCN2-encoded pacemaker currents by an engineered HCN1 construct: insights into structure-function relationships and multimerization., Xue T, Marbán E, Li RA., Circ Res. June 28, 2002; 90 (12): 1267-73.

Directionality of heart looping: effects of Pitx2c misexpression on flectin asymmetry and midline structures., Linask KK, Yu X, Chen Y, Han MD., Dev Biol. June 15, 2002; 246 (2): 407-17.

Differences in potency and efficacy of a series of phenylisopropylamine/phenylethylamine pairs at 5-HT(2A) and 5-HT(2C) receptors., Acuña-Castillo C, Villalobos C, Moya PR, Sáez P, Cassels BK, Huidobro-Toro JP., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 2002; 136 (4): 510-9.

Domain 2 of Drosophila para voltage-gated sodium channel confers insect properties to a rat brain channel., Shichor I, Zlotkin E, Ilan N, Chikashvili D, Stuhmer W, Gordon D, Lotan I., J Neurosci. June 1, 2002; 22 (11): 4364-71.

Desumoylation activity of Axam, a novel Axin-binding protein, is involved in downregulation of beta-catenin., Kadoya T, Yamamoto H, Suzuki T, Yukita A, Fukui A, Michiue T, Asahara T, Tanaka K, Asashima M, Kikuchi A., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2002; 22 (11): 3803-19.

Different residues in the GABA(A) receptor alpha 1T60-alpha 1K70 region mediate GABA and SR-95531 actions., Holden JH, Czajkowski C., J Biol Chem. May 24, 2002; 277 (21): 18785-92.

Degradation of human Aurora-A protein kinase is mediated by hCdh1., Taguchi Si, Honda K, Sugiura K, Yamaguchi A, Furukawa K, Urano T., FEBS Lett. May 22, 2002; 519 (1-3): 59-65.

Developmental biology: signalling polarity., Moon RT, Shah K., Nature. May 16, 2002; 417 (6886): 239-40.

Differential regulation of Ca(2+)-dependent Cl- currents by FP prostanoid receptor isoforms in Xenopus oocytes., Anthony TL, Fujino H, Pierce KL, Yool AJ, Regan JW., Biochem Pharmacol. May 15, 2002; 63 (10): 1797-806.

Desensitization of pigment granule aggregation in Xenopus leavis melanophores: melatonin degradation rather than receptor down-regulation is responsible., Teh MT, Sugden D., J Neurochem. May 1, 2002; 81 (4): 719-27.

Distinct enhancers regulate skeletal and cardiac muscle-specific expression programs of the cardiac alpha-actin gene in Xenopus embryos., Latinkić BV, Cooper B, Towers N, Sparrow D, Kotecha S, Mohun TJ., Dev Biol. May 1, 2002; 245 (1): 57-70.   

Distinct but overlapping domains of AKAP95 are implicated in chromosome condensation and condensin targeting., Eide T, Carlson C, Taskén KA, Hirano T, Taskén K, Collas P., EMBO Rep. May 1, 2002; 3 (5): 426-32.

DdNek2, the first non-vertebrate homologue of human Nek2, is involved in the formation of microtubule-organizing centers., Gräf R., J Cell Sci. May 1, 2002; 115 (Pt 9): 1919-29.

Direct binding of NuMA to tubulin is mediated by a novel sequence motif in the tail domain that bundles and stabilizes microtubules., Haren L, Merdes A., J Cell Sci. May 1, 2002; 115 (Pt 9): 1815-24.

Discovery of diaminobutane derivatives as Ca(2+)-permeable AMPA receptor antagonists., Yoneda Y, Mimura T, Kawagoe K, Yasukouchi T, Tatematu T, Ito M, Saito M, Sugimura M, Kito F, Kawajiri S., Bioorg Med Chem. May 1, 2002; 10 (5): 1347-59.

Developmental biology: an arresting activity., Duesbery NS, Vande Woude GF., Nature. April 25, 2002; 416 (6883): 804-5.

Descending supraspinal pathways in amphibians: III. Development of descending projections to the spinal cord in Xenopus laevis with emphasis on the catecholaminergic inputs., Sánchez-Camacho C, Martín O, Ten Donkelaar HJ, González A., J Comp Neurol. April 22, 2002; 446 (1): 11-24.

Dynamic equilibrium between coupled and uncoupled modes of a neuronal glutamate transporter., Borre L, Kavanaugh MP, Kanner BI., J Biol Chem. April 19, 2002; 277 (16): 13501-7.

Distinct conformational states mediate the transport and anion channel properties of the glutamate transporter EAAT-1., Ryan RM, Vandenberg RJ., J Biol Chem. April 19, 2002; 277 (16): 13494-500.

Drosophila Aurora-A is required for centrosome maturation and actin-dependent asymmetric protein localization during mitosis., Berdnik D, Knoblich JA., Curr Biol. April 16, 2002; 12 (8): 640-7.

Differential mRNA translation and meiotic progression require Cdc2-mediated CPEB destruction., Mendez R, Barnard D, Richter JD., EMBO J. April 2, 2002; 21 (7): 1833-44.

Disappearance of M(r) 25,000 protein, a new protein kinase substrate, in parallel with a kind of serpin during embryogenesis., Funami J, Miyoshi N, Sugimoto I, Hashimoto E., J Biochem Mol Biol Biophys. April 1, 2002; 6 (2): 107-11.

Dapper, a Dishevelled-associated antagonist of beta-catenin and JNK signaling, is required for notochord formation., Cheyette BN, Waxman JS, Miller JR, Takemaru K, Sheldahl LC, Khlebtsova N, Fox EP, Earnest T, Moon RT., Dev Cell. April 1, 2002; 2 (4): 449-61.   

Droperidol inhibits GABA(A) and neuronal nicotinic receptor activation., Flood P, Coates KM., Anesthesiology. April 1, 2002; 96 (4): 987-93.

Distribution and effects of PACAP, VIP, nitric oxide and GABA in the gut of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Olsson C., J Exp Biol. April 1, 2002; 205 (Pt 8): 1123-34.

Deuterium/hydrogen exchange factors measured by solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as indicators of the structure and topology of membrane proteins., Veglia G, Zeri AC, Ma C, Opella SJ., Biophys J. April 1, 2002; 82 (4): 2176-83.

Determinants of the anesthetic sensitivity of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Downie DL, Vicente-Agullo F, Campos-Caro A, Bushell TJ, Lieb WR, Franks NP., J Biol Chem. March 22, 2002; 277 (12): 10367-73.

Dual-function vector for protein expression in both mammalian cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes., Jespersen T, Grunnet M, Angelo K, Klaerke DA, Olesen SP., Biotechniques. March 1, 2002; 32 (3): 536-8, 540.

DNA methylation at promoter regions regulates the timing of gene activation in Xenopus laevis embryos., Stancheva I, El-Maarri O, Walter J, Niveleau A, Meehan RR., Dev Biol. March 1, 2002; 243 (1): 155-65.   

Docking protein SNT1 is a critical mediator of fibroblast growth factor signaling during Xenopus embryonic development., Akagi K, Kyun Park E, Mood K, Daar IO., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2002; 223 (2): 216-28.   

Dissecting intersubunit contacts in cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels., Rosenbaum T, Gordon SE., Neuron. February 28, 2002; 33 (5): 703-13.

Disulfide bond assignments of secreted Frizzled-related protein-1 provide insights about Frizzled homology and netrin modules., Chong JM, Uren A, Rubin JS, Speicher DW., J Biol Chem. February 15, 2002; 277 (7): 5134-44.

Dorsalization of the neural tube by Xenopus tiarin, a novel patterning factor secreted by the flanking nonneural head ectoderm., Tsuda H, Sasai N, Matsuo-Takasaki M, Sakuragi M, Murakami Y, Sasai Y., Neuron. February 14, 2002; 33 (4): 515-28.

Drosophila Aurora A kinase is required to localize D-TACC to centrosomes and to regulate astral microtubules., Giet R, McLean D, Descamps S, Lee MJ, Raff JW, Prigent C, Glover DM., J Cell Biol. February 4, 2002; 156 (3): 437-51.   

Dofetilide block involves interactions with open and inactivated states of HERG channels., Weerapura M, Hébert TE, Nattel S., Pflugers Arch. February 1, 2002; 443 (4): 520-31.

Developmental expression of cardiac myosin-binding protein C in Xenopus., Duan LJ, George ME, Drysdale TA., Dev Genes Evol. February 1, 2002; 212 (1): 47-9.

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