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Substrate specificity of a chimera made from Xenopus SGLT1-like protein and rabbit SGLT1., Nagata K, Hata Y., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 1, 2006; 1758 (6): 747-54.

Survivin increased vascular development during Xenopus ontogenesis., Du Pasquier D, Phung AC, Ymlahi-Ouazzani Q, Sinzelle L, Ballagny C, Bronchain O, Du Pasquier L, Mazabraud A., Differentiation. June 1, 2006; 74 (5): 244-53.   

Sequencing and analysis of 10,967 full-length cDNA clones from Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis reveals post-tetraploidization transcriptome remodeling., Morin RD, Chang E, Petrescu A, Liao N, Griffith M, Chow W, Kirkpatrick R, Butterfield YS, Young AC, Stott J, Barber S, Babakaiff R, Dickson MC, Matsuo C, Wong D, Yang GS, Smailus DE, Wetherby KD, Kwong PN, Grimwood J, Brinkley CP, Brown-John M, Reddix-Dugue ND, Mayo M, Schmutz J, Beland J, Park M, Gibson S, Olson T, Bouffard GG, Tsai M, Featherstone R, Chand S, Siddiqui AS, Jang W, Lee E, Klein SL, Blakesley RW, Zeeberg BR, Narasimhan S, Weinstein JN, Pennacchio CP, Myers RM, Green ED, Wagner L, Gerhard DS, Marra MA, Jones SJ, Holt RA., Genome Res. June 1, 2006; 16 (6): 796-803.

Subunit selectivity of topiramate modulation of heteromeric GABA(A) receptors., Simeone TA, Wilcox KS, White HS., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 2006; 50 (7): 845-57.

Subcellular translocation signals regulate Geminin activity during embryonic development., Boos A, Lee A, Thompson DM, Kroll KL., Biol Cell. June 1, 2006; 98 (6): 363-75.

Stimulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (Sgk) involves the PY motifs of the channel but is independent of sodium feedback inhibition., Rauh R, Dinudom A, Fotia AB, Paulides M, Kumar S, Korbmacher C, Cook DI., Pflugers Arch. June 1, 2006; 452 (3): 290-9.

Strong modulation by RFamide neuropeptides of the ASIC1b/3 heteromer in competition with extracellular calcium., Chen X, Paukert M, Kadurin I, Pusch M, Gründer S., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 2006; 50 (8): 964-74.

Structural and functional analysis of the putative pH sensor in the Kir1.1 (ROMK) potassium channel., Rapedius M, Haider S, Browne KF, Shang L, Sansom MS, Baukrowitz T, Tucker SJ., EMBO Rep. June 1, 2006; 7 (6): 611-6.

Second messenger pas de deux: the coordinated dance between calcium and cAMP., Borodinsky LN, Spitzer NC., Sci STKE. May 23, 2006; 2006 (336): pe22.

Syndecan-4 regulates non-canonical Wnt signalling and is essential for convergent and extension movements in Xenopus embryos., Muñoz R, Moreno M, Oliva C, Orbenes C, Larraín J., Nat Cell Biol. May 1, 2006; 8 (5): 492-500.

Spatiotemporal sequence of appearance of NPFF-immunoreactive structures in the developing central nervous system of Xenopus laevis., López JM, Moreno N, Morona R, Muñoz M, González A., Peptides. May 1, 2006; 27 (5): 1036-53.

Sudden infant death syndrome and long QT syndrome: an epidemiological and genetic study., Wedekind H, Bajanowski T, Friederich P, Breithardt G, Wülfing T, Siebrands C, Engeland B, Mönnig G, Haverkamp W, Brinkmann B, Schulze-Bahr E., Int J Legal Med. May 1, 2006; 120 (3): 129-37.

Solution structure of the RBCC/TRIM B-box1 domain of human MID1: B-box with a RING., Massiah MA, Simmons BN, Short KM, Cox TC., J Mol Biol. April 28, 2006; 358 (2): 532-45.

State-dependent cross-linking of the M2 and M3 segments: functional basis for the alignment of GABAA and acetylcholine receptor M3 segments., Jansen M, Akabas MH., J Neurosci. April 26, 2006; 26 (17): 4492-9.

Stimulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by cAMP involves putative ERK phosphorylation sites in the C termini of the channel's beta- and gamma-subunit., Yang LM, Rinke R, Korbmacher C., J Biol Chem. April 14, 2006; 281 (15): 9859-68.

Spike timing-dependent LTP/LTD mediates visual experience-dependent plasticity in a developing retinotectal system., Mu Y, Poo MM., Neuron. April 6, 2006; 50 (1): 115-25.

Spatiotemporal specificity of neuronal activity directs the modification of receptive fields in the developing retinotectal system., Vislay-Meltzer RL, Kampff AR, Engert F., Neuron. April 6, 2006; 50 (1): 101-14.

Shining light on spike timing-dependent plasticity., Constantine-Paton M., Neuron. April 6, 2006; 50 (1): 5-7.

Structural determinants of M-type KCNQ (Kv7) K+ channel assembly., Schwake M, Athanasiadu D, Beimgraben C, Blanz J, Beck C, Jentsch TJ, Saftig P, Friedrich T., J Neurosci. April 5, 2006; 26 (14): 3757-66.

Signal transduction pathways leading to Ca2+ release in a vertebrate model system: lessons from Xenopus eggs., Sato K, Fukami Y, Stith BJ., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 17 (2): 285-92.

Severe arrhythmia as a result of the interaction of cetirizine and pilsicainide in a patient with renal insufficiency: first case presentation showing competition for excretion via renal multidrug resistance protein 1 and organic cation transporter 2., Tsuruoka S, Ioka T, Wakaumi M, Sakamoto K, Ookami H, Fujimura A., Clin Pharmacol Ther. April 1, 2006; 79 (4): 389-96.

Site-specific phosphorylation of a checkpoint mediator protein controls its responses to different DNA structures., Yoo HY, Jeong SY, Dunphy WG., Genes Dev. April 1, 2006; 20 (7): 772-83.

Selective mobility and sensitivity to SNAREs is exhibited by the Arabidopsis KAT1 K+ channel at the plasma membrane., Sutter JU, Campanoni P, Tyrrell M, Blatt MR., Plant Cell. April 1, 2006; 18 (4): 935-54.

Studies of pigment transfer between Xenopus laevis melanophores and fibroblasts in vitro and in vivo., Aspengren S, Hedberg D, Wallin M., Pigment Cell Res. April 1, 2006; 19 (2): 136-45.

Spatiotemporal characterization of short versus long duration calcium transients in embryonic muscle and their role in myofibrillogenesis., Campbell NR, Podugu SP, Ferrari MB., Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 292 (1): 253-64.   

Spatial and temporal expression profiles suggest the involvement of gelatinase A and membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in amphibian metamorphosis., Hasebe T, Hartman R, Matsuda H, Shi YB., Cell Tissue Res. April 1, 2006; 324 (1): 105-16.

Smads oppose Hox transcriptional activities., Li X, Nie S, Chang C, Qiu T, Cao X., Exp Cell Res. April 1, 2006; 312 (6): 854-64.

Shedding light on cones., Knox BE, Solessio E., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 2006; 127 (4): 355-8.

Stabilization of axon branch dynamics by synaptic maturation., Ruthazer ES, Li J, Cline HT., J Neurosci. March 29, 2006; 26 (13): 3594-603.

Stimulation of the creatine transporter SLC6A8 by the protein kinase mTOR., Shojaiefard M, Christie DL, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 24, 2006; 341 (4): 945-9.

Structure-activity relationships for the action of 11 pyrethroid insecticides on rat Na v 1.8 sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Choi JS, Soderlund DM., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. March 15, 2006; 211 (3): 233-44.

Structural basis for the inhibition of activin signalling by follistatin., Harrington AE, Morris-Triggs SA, Ruotolo BT, Robinson CV, Ohnuma S, Hyvönen M., EMBO J. March 8, 2006; 25 (5): 1035-45.

Subcellular in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of Xenopus laevis oocytes., Lee SC, Cho JH, Mietchen D, Kim YS, Hong KS, Kang D, Park KD, Choi BS, Cheong C., Biophys J. March 1, 2006; 90 (5): 1797-803.

Stable knockdown of CFTR establishes a role for the channel in P2Y receptor-stimulated anion secretion., Palmer ML, Lee SY, Carlson D, Fahrenkrug S, O'Grady SM., J Cell Physiol. March 1, 2006; 206 (3): 759-70.

Similar gene expression profiles do not imply similar tissue functions., Yanai I, Korbel JO, Boue S, McWeeney SK, Bork P, Lercher MJ., Trends Genet. March 1, 2006; 22 (3): 132-8.

Subunit-subunit interactions are critical for proton sensitivity of ROMK: evidence in support of an intermolecular gating mechanism., Leng Q, MacGregor GG, Dong K, Giebisch G, Hebert SC., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 7, 2006; 103 (6): 1982-7.

Structural determinants for functional coupling between the beta and alpha subunits in the Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channel., Orio P, Torres Y, Rojas P, Carvacho I, Garcia ML, Toro L, Valverde MA, Latorre R., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2006; 127 (2): 191-204.   

Sites in TM2 and 3 are critical for alcohol-induced conformational changes in GABA receptors., Jung S, Harris RA., J Neurochem. February 1, 2006; 96 (3): 885-92.

Spatio-temporal expression of MRF4 transcripts and protein during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis., Della Gaspera B, Sequeira I, Charbonnier F, Becker C, Shi DL, Chanoine C., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 524-9.   

SGK1 activates Na+-K+-ATPase in amphibian renal epithelial cells., Alvarez de la Rosa D, Gimenez I, Forbush B, Canessa CM., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. February 1, 2006; 290 (2): C492-8.

SGK1 kinase upregulates GLUT1 activity and plasma membrane expression., Palmada M, Boehmer C, Akel A, Rajamanickam J, Jeyaraj S, Keller K, Lang F., Diabetes. February 1, 2006; 55 (2): 421-7.

Site-directed mutagenesis of the Nidovirus replicative endoribonuclease NendoU exerts pleiotropic effects on the arterivirus life cycle., Posthuma CC, Nedialkova DD, Zevenhoven-Dobbe JC, Blokhuis JH, Gorbalenya AE, Snijder EJ., J Virol. February 1, 2006; 80 (4): 1653-61.

Studies of nucleoside transporters using novel autofluorescent nucleoside probes., Zhang J, Sun X, Smith KM, Visser F, Carpenter P, Barron G, Peng Y, Robins MJ, Baldwin SA, Young JD, Cass CE., Biochemistry. January 31, 2006; 45 (4): 1087-98.

SOL-1 is an auxiliary subunit that modulates the gating of GLR-1 glutamate receptors in Caenorhabditis elegans., Zheng Y, Brockie PJ, Mellem JE, Madsen DM, Walker CS, Francis MM, Maricq AV., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 24, 2006; 103 (4): 1100-5.

Signaling mechanisms underlying Slit2-induced collapse of Xenopus retinal growth cones., Piper M, Anderson R, Dwivedy A, Weinl C, van Horck F, Leung KM, Cogill E, Holt C., Neuron. January 19, 2006; 49 (2): 215-28.

Synthesis of enantiopure C3- and C4-hydroxyretinals and their enzymatic reduction by ADH8 from Xenopus laevis., Domínguez M, Alvarez R, Borràs E, Farrés J, Parés X, de Lera AR., Org Biomol Chem. January 7, 2006; 4 (1): 155-64.

Spectroscopy-based quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis., Zheng J., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 337 65-77.

Studying fertilization in cell-free extracts: focusing on membrane/lipid raft functions and proteomics., Sato K, Yoshino K, Tokmakov AA, Iwasaki T, Yonezawa K, Fukami Y., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 395-411.

Study of apoptosis in vitro using the Xenopus egg extract reconstitution system., Deming P, Kornbluth S., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 379-93.

Studying the mechanosensitivity of voltage-gated channels using oocyte patches., Morris CE, Juranka PF, Lin W, Morris TJ, Laitko U., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 315-29.

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