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The stability of Fbw7α in M-phase requires its phosphorylation by PKC., Zitouni S, Méchali F, Papin C, Choquet A, Roche D, Baldin V, Coux O, Bonne-Andrea C., PLoS One. August 29, 2017; 12 (8): e0183500.   

The High-Affinity Interaction between ORC and DNA that Is Required for Replication Licensing Is Inhibited by 2-Arylquinolin-4-Amines., Gardner NJ, Gillespie PJ, Carrington JT, Shanks EJ, McElroy SP, Haagensen EJ, Frearson JA, Woodland A, Blow JJ., Cell Chem Biol. August 17, 2017; 24 (8): 981-992.e4.   

The Synthesis and Evaluation of Fluoro-, Trifluoromethyl-, and Iodomuscimols as GABA Agonists., Abdul Manan MAF, Cordes DB, Slawin AMZ, Bühl M, Liao VWY, Chua HC, Chebib M, O'Hagan D., Chemistry. August 10, 2017; 23 (45): 10848-10852.

The Design Space of the Embryonic Cell Cycle Oscillator., Mattingly HH, Sheintuch M, Shvartsman SY., Biophys J. August 8, 2017; 113 (3): 743-752.

Two-Element Transcriptional Regulation in the Canonical Wnt Pathway., Kim K, Cho J, Hilzinger TS, Nunns H, Liu A, Ryba BE, Goentoro L., Curr Biol. August 7, 2017; 27 (15): 2357-2364.e5.   

The greatwall kinase is dominant over PKA in controlling the antagonistic function of ARPP19 in Xenopus oocytes., Dupré AI, Haccard O, Jessus C., Cell Cycle. August 3, 2017; 16 (15): 1440-1452.

The Zahn drawings: new illustrations of Xenopus embryo and tadpole stages for studies of craniofacial development., Zahn N, Levin M, Adams DS., Development. August 1, 2017; 144 (15): 2708-2713.   

Tonoplast-localized nitrate uptake transporters involved in vacuolar nitrate efflux and reallocation in Arabidopsis., He YN, Peng JS, Cai Y, Liu DF, Guan Y, Yi HY, Gong JM., Sci Rep. July 25, 2017; 7 (1): 6417.   

The Cannabinoid Receptor Interacting Proteins 1 of zebrafish are not required for morphological development, viability or fertility., Fin L, Bergamin G, Steiner RA, Hughes SM., Sci Rep. July 7, 2017; 7 (1): 4858.   

Toolbox in a tadpole: Xenopus for kidney research., Getwan M, Lienkamp SS., Cell Tissue Res. July 1, 2017; 369 (1): 143-157.

The modulation of two motor behaviors by persistent sodium currents in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Svensson E, Jeffreys H, Li WC., J Neurophysiol. July 1, 2017; 118 (1): 121-130.   

The Gliotransmitter d-Serine Promotes Synapse Maturation and Axonal Stabilization In Vivo., Van Horn MR, Strasser A, Miraucourt LS, Pollegioni L, Ruthazer ES., J Neurosci. June 28, 2017; 37 (26): 6277-6288.   

TSPAN12 Is a Norrin Co-receptor that Amplifies Frizzled4 Ligand Selectivity and Signaling., Lai MB, Zhang C, Shi J, Johnson V, Khandan L, McVey J, Klymkowsky MW, Chen Z, Junge HJ., Cell Rep. June 27, 2017; 19 (13): 2809-2822.   

The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis: A model organism to study regeneration of the central nervous system., Lee-Liu D, Méndez-Olivos EE, Muñoz R, Larraín J., Neurosci Lett. June 23, 2017; 652 82-93.

Translational profiling of retinal ganglion cell optic nerve regeneration in Xenopus laevis., Whitworth GB, Misaghi BC, Rosenthal DM, Mills EA, Heinen DJ, Watson AH, Ives CW, Ali SH, Bezold K, Marsh-Armstrong N, Watson FL., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 360-373.   

The role of nitric oxide during embryonic epidermis development of Xenopus laevis., Tomankova S, Abaffy P, Sindelka R., Biol Open. June 15, 2017; 6 (6): 862-871.   

The phosphatase Pgam5 antagonizes Wnt/β-Catenin signaling in embryonic anterior-posterior axis patterning., Rauschenberger V, Bernkopf DB, Krenn S, Jalal K, Heller J, Behrens J, Gentzel M, Schambony A., Development. June 15, 2017; 144 (12): 2234-2247.   

The NOTCH1/SNAIL1/MEF2C Pathway Regulates Growth and Self-Renewal in Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma., Ignatius MS, Hayes MN, Lobbardi R, Chen EY, McCarthy KM, Sreenivas P, Motala Z, Durbin AD, Molodtsov A, Reeder S, Jin A, Sindiri S, Beleyea BC, Bhere D, Alexander MS, Shah K, Keller C, Linardic CM, Nielsen PG, Malkin D, Khan J, Langenau DM., Cell Rep. June 13, 2017; 19 (11): 2304-2318.   

Tunable GLUT-Hexose Binding and Transport via Modulation of Hexose C-3 Hydrogen-Bonding Capabilities., Kumar Kondapi VP, Soueidan OM, Cheeseman CI, West FG., Chemistry. June 12, 2017; 23 (33): 8073-8081.

The signalling receptor MCAM coordinates apical-basal polarity and planar cell polarity during morphogenesis., Gao Q, Zhang J, Wang X, Liu Y, He R, Liu X, Wang F, Feng J, Yang D, Wang Z, Meng A, Yan X., Nat Commun. June 7, 2017; 8 15279.   

The Nup62 Coiled-Coil Motif Provides Plasticity for Triple-Helix Bundle Formation., Dewangan PS, Sonawane PJ, Chouksey AR, Chauhan R., Biochemistry. June 6, 2017; 56 (22): 2803-2811.

The fungal UmSrt1 and maize ZmSUT1 sucrose transporters battle for plant sugar resources., Wittek A, Dreyer I, Al-Rasheid KAS, Sauer N, Hedrich R, Geiger D., J Integr Plant Biol. June 1, 2017; 59 (6): 422-435.

Thyroid Hormone Receptor α Controls Developmental Timing and Regulates the Rate and Coordination of Tissue-Specific Metamorphosis in Xenopus tropicalis., Wen L, Shibata Y, Su D, Fu L, Luu N, Shi YB., Endocrinology. June 1, 2017; 158 (6): 1985-1998.   

Tau-based fluorescent protein fusions to visualize microtubules., Mooney P, Sulerud T, Pelletier JF, Dilsaver MR, Tomschik M, Geisler C, Gatlin JC., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). June 1, 2017; 74 (6): 221-232.

Thujone inhibits the function of α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and impairs nicotine-induced memory enhancement in one-trial passive avoidance paradigm., Sultan A, Yang KS, Isaev D, Nebrisi EE, Syed N, Khan N, Howarth CF, Sadek B, Oz M., Toxicology. June 1, 2017; 384 23-32.

The Effect of Pungent and Tingling Compounds from Piper nigrum L. on Background K+ Currents., Beltrán LR, Dawid C, Beltrán M, Levermann J, Titt S, Thomas S, Pürschel V, Satalik M, Gisselmann G, Hofmann T, Hatt H., Front Pharmacol. May 26, 2017; 8 408.   

The Nodulin 26-like intrinsic membrane protein OsNIP3;2 is involved in arsenite uptake by lateral roots in rice., Chen Y, Sun SK, Tang Z, Liu G, Moore KL, Maathuis FJM, Miller AJ, McGrath SP, Zhao FJ., J Exp Bot. May 17, 2017; 68 (11): 3007-3016.

The heterochronic gene Lin28 regulates amphibian metamorphosis through disturbance of thyroid hormone function., Faunes F, Gundermann DG, Muñoz R, Bruno R, Larraín J., Dev Biol. May 15, 2017; 425 (2): 142-151.   

The MgcRacGAP SxIP motif tethers Centralspindlin to microtubule plus ends in Xenopus laevis., Breznau EB, Murt M, Blasius TL, Verhey KJ, Miller AL., J Cell Sci. May 15, 2017; 130 (10): 1809-1821.   

Transcriptomic and macroevolutionary evidence for phenotypic uncoupling between frog life history phases., Wollenberg Valero KC, Garcia-Porta J, Rodríguez A, Arias M, Shah A, Randrianiaina RD, Brown JL, Glaw F, Amat F, Künzel S, Metzler D, Isokpehi RD, Vences M., Nat Commun. May 15, 2017; 8 15213.   

The S1 helix critically regulates the finely tuned gating of Kv11.1 channels., Phan K, Ng CA, David E, Shishmarev D, Kuchel PW, Vandenberg JI, Perry MD., J Biol Chem. May 5, 2017; 292 (18): 7688-7705.

The Visual Cycle in the Inner Retina of Chicken and the Involvement of Retinal G-Protein-Coupled Receptor (RGR)., Díaz NM, Morera LP, Tempesti T, Guido ME., Mol Neurobiol. May 1, 2017; 54 (4): 2507-2517.

Transcriptome dynamics over a lunar month in a broadcast spawning Acroporid coral., Oldach MJ, Workentine M, Matz MV, Fan TY, Vize PD., Mol Ecol. May 1, 2017;

Tropisetron sensitizes α7 containing nicotinic receptors to low levels of acetylcholine in vitro and improves memory-related task performance in young and aged animals., Callahan PM, Bertrand D, Bertrand S, Plagenhoef MR, Terry AV., Neuropharmacology. May 1, 2017; 117 422-433.

The direct actions of cannabidiol and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol at GABAA receptors., Bakas T, van Nieuwenhuijzen PS, Devenish SO, McGregor IS, Arnold JC, Chebib M., Pharmacol Res. May 1, 2017; 119 358-370.

The neuronal and astrocytic protein SLC38A10 transports glutamine, glutamate, and aspartate, suggesting a role in neurotransmission., Hellsten SV, Hägglund MG, Eriksson MM, Fredriksson R., FEBS Open Bio. April 26, 2017; 7 (6): 730-746.   

The Proton Responsiveness in the Extracellular Domain of GLIC Differs in the Presence of the ELIC Transmembrane Domain., Alqazzaz MA, Price KL, Lummis SCR., Biochemistry. April 18, 2017; 56 (15): 2134-2138.

Transcriptomic insights into genetic diversity of protein-coding genes in X. laevis., Savova V, Pearl EJ, Boke E, Nag A, Adzhubei I, Horb ME, Peshkin L., Dev Biol. April 15, 2017; 424 (2): 181-188.   

The low binding affinity of D-serine at the ionotropic glutamate receptor GluD2 can be attributed to the hinge region., Tapken D, Steffensen TB, Leth R, Kristensen LB, Gerbola A, Gajhede M, Jørgensen FS, Olsen L, Kastrup JS., Sci Rep. April 7, 2017; 7 46145.   

TbIRK is a signature sequence free potassium channel from Trypanosoma brucei locating to acidocalcisomes., Steinmann ME, Schmidt RS, Bütikofer P, Mäser P, Sigel E., Sci Rep. April 6, 2017; 7 (1): 656.   

The cyclin-like protein, SPY1, regulates the ERα and ERK1/2 pathways promoting tamoxifen resistance., Ferraiuolo RM, Tubman J, Sinha I, Hamm C, Porter LA., Oncotarget. April 4, 2017; 8 (14): 23337-23352.   

Tissue-specific selenium accumulation and toxicity in adult female Xenopus laevis chronically exposed to elevated dietary selenomethionine., Massé AJ, Muscatello JR, Hogan NS, Janz DM., Environ Toxicol Chem. April 1, 2017; 36 (4): 1047-1055.

The Extracellular C-loop Domain Plays an Important Role in the Cell Adhesion Function of Aquaporin 0., Nakazawa Y, Oka M, Funakoshi-Tago M, Tamura H, Takehana M., Curr Eye Res. April 1, 2017; 42 (4): 617-624.

Thyroid Hormone-Induced Activation of Notch Signaling is Required for Adult Intestinal Stem Cell Development During Xenopus Laevis Metamorphosis., Hasebe T, Fujimoto K, Kajita M, Fu L, Shi YB, Ishizuya-Oka A., Stem Cells. April 1, 2017; 35 (4): 1028-1039.   

The CapZ interacting protein Rcsd1 is required for cardiogenesis downstream of Wnt11a in Xenopus laevis., Hempel A, Kühl SJ, Rothe M, Rao Tata P, Sirbu IO, Vainio SJ, Kühl M., Dev Biol. April 1, 2017; 424 (1): 28-39.   

Teratogenic hazard of BPEI-coated silver nanoparticles to Xenopus laevis., Colombo A, Saibene M, Moschini E, Bonfanti P, Collini M, Kasemets K, Mantecca P., Nanotoxicology. April 1, 2017; 11 (3): 405-418.

The receptor-like pseudokinase MRH1 interacts with the voltage-gated potassium channel AKT2., Sklodowski K, Riedelsberger J, Raddatz N, Riadi G, Caballero J, Chérel I, Schulze W, Graf A, Dreyer I., Sci Rep. March 16, 2017; 7 44611.   

The Sox transcriptional factors: Functions during intestinal development in vertebrates., Fu L, Shi YB., Semin Cell Dev Biol. March 1, 2017; 63 58-67.   

The Nedd4 binding protein 3 is required for anterior neural development in Xenopus laevis., Kiem LM, Dietmann P, Linnemann A, Schmeisser MJ, Kühl SJ., Dev Biol. March 1, 2017; 423 (1): 66-76.   

The Effect of 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde on the γ-aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor., Zhang J, Mohamad H, Wong JH, Bilal M, Ismail AHB, Lloyd AJ, Yusoff AAM, Osman H, Wong KT, Idris Z, Abdullah JM., Malays J Med Sci. March 1, 2017; 24 (2): 94-99.

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