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The trifunctional protein mediates thyroid hormone receptor-dependent stimulation of mitochondria metabolism., Chocron ES, Sayre NL, Holstein D, Saelim N, Ibdah JA, Dong LQ, Zhu X, Cheng SY, Lechleiter JD., Mol Endocrinol. July 1, 2012; 26 (7): 1117-28.

Thermal instability of ΔF508 cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel function: protection by single suppressor mutations and inhibiting channel activity., Liu X, O'Donnell N, Landstrom A, Skach WR, Dawson DC., Biochemistry. June 26, 2012; 51 (25): 5113-24.

The Drosophila nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits Dα5 and Dα7 form functional homomeric and heteromeric ion channels., Lansdell SJ, Collins T, Goodchild J, Millar NS., BMC Neurosci. June 22, 2012; 13 73.   

Tiki1 is required for head formation via Wnt cleavage-oxidation and inactivation., Zhang X, Abreu JG, Yokota C, MacDonald BT, Singh S, Coburn KL, Cheong SM, Zhang MM, Ye QZ, Hang HC, Steen H, He X., Cell. June 22, 2012; 149 (7): 1565-77.   

The subcellular localization of cyclin B2 is required for bipolar spindle formation during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Yoshitome S, Furuno N, Prigent C, Hashimoto E., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 15, 2012; 422 (4): 770-5.   

The role of aspartic acid residues 405 and 416 of the kidney isotype of sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter 1 in its targeting to the plasma membrane., Li HC, Kucher V, Li EY, Conforti L, Zahedi KA, Soleimani M., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. June 15, 2012; 302 (12): C1713-30.

Three decades of Wnts: a personal perspective on how a scientific field developed., Nusse R, Varmus H., EMBO J. June 13, 2012; 31 (12): 2670-84.

The many faces and functions of β-catenin., Valenta T, Hausmann G, Basler K., EMBO J. June 13, 2012; 31 (12): 2714-36.

The prereplication complex recruits XEco2 to chromatin to promote cohesin acetylation in Xenopus egg extracts., Higashi TL, Ikeda M, Tanaka H, Nakagawa T, Bando M, Shirahige K, Kubota Y, Takisawa H, Masukata H, Takahashi TS., Curr Biol. June 5, 2012; 22 (11): 977-88.

The structure of Wntch signalling and the resolution of transition states in development., Muñoz Descalzo S, Martinez Arias A., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2012; 23 (4): 443-9.

The hymenochirins: a family of host-defense peptides from the Congo dwarf clawed frog Hymenochirus boettgeri (Pipidae)., Mechkarska M, Prajeep M, Coquet L, Leprince J, Jouenne T, Vaudry H, King JD, Conlon JM., Peptides. June 1, 2012; 35 (2): 269-75.

The Cys-loop pentameric ligand-gated ion channel receptors: 50 years on., Kozuska JL, Paulsen IM., Can J Physiol Pharmacol. June 1, 2012; 90 (6): 771-82.

The Xenopus oocyte: a model for studying the metabolic regulation of cancer cell death., Nutt LK., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2012; 23 (4): 412-8.

The microvascular anatomy of the trachea in adult Xenopus laevis Daudin (Lissamphibia; Anura): scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts and correlative light microscopy., Tangphokhanon W, Lametschwandtner A., Anat Rec (Hoboken). June 1, 2012; 295 (6): 1045-52.

Two etomidate sites in α1β2γ2 γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors contribute equally and noncooperatively to modulation of channel gating., Guitchounts G, Stewart DS, Forman SA., Anesthesiology. June 1, 2012; 116 (6): 1235-44.

The neural crest is a powerful regulator of pre-otic brain development., Le Douarin NM, Couly G, Creuzet SE., Dev Biol. June 1, 2012; 366 (1): 74-82.

The embryonic development of Xenopus laevis under a low frequency electric field., Boga A, Binokay S, Emre M, Sertdemir Y., In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. June 1, 2012; 48 (6): 385-91.

Treslin, DUE-B, and GEMC1 cannot complement Sld3 mutants in fission yeast., Wang Z, Kim E, Leffak M, Xu YJ., FEMS Yeast Res. June 1, 2012; 12 (4): 486-90.

The TRPV5/6 calcium channels contain multiple calmodulin binding sites with differential binding properties., Kovalevskaya NV, Bokhovchuk FM, Vuister GW., J Struct Funct Genomics. June 1, 2012; 13 (2): 91-100.   

Time space translation: a hox mechanism for vertebrate a-p patterning., Durston A, Wacker S, Bardine N, Jansen H., Curr Genomics. June 1, 2012; 13 (4): 300-7.   

Translation of incenp during oocyte maturation is required for embryonic development in Xenopus laevis., Leblond GG, Sarazin H, Li R, Suzuki M, Ueno N, Liu XJ., Biol Reprod. May 31, 2012; 86 (5): 161, 1-8.

The role of a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel intracellular linker: a structure-function analysis., Almagor L, Chomsky-Hecht O, Ben-Mocha A, Hendin-Barak D, Dascal N, Hirsch JA., J Neurosci. May 30, 2012; 32 (22): 7602-13.

Tracking a complete voltage-sensor cycle with metal-ion bridges., Henrion U, Renhorn J, Börjesson SI, Nelson EM, Schwaiger CS, Bjelkmar P, Wallner B, Lindahl E, Elinder F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 29, 2012; 109 (22): 8552-7.

The mechanistic basis for noncompetitive ibogaine inhibition of serotonin and dopamine transporters., Bulling S, Schicker K, Steinkellner T, Stockner T, Gruber CW, Boehm S, Freissmuth M, Rudnick G, Sitte HH, Sandtner W., J Biol Chem. May 25, 2012; 287 (22): 18524-34.   

The role of a trigeminal sensory nucleus in the initiation of locomotion., Buhl E, Roberts A, Soffe SR., J Physiol. May 15, 2012; 590 (10): 2453-69.

The control of locomotor frequency by excitation and inhibition., Li WC, Moult PR., J Neurosci. May 2, 2012; 32 (18): 6220-30.

Thyroid hormone-dependent development in Xenopus laevis: a sensitive screen of thyroid hormone signaling disruption by municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent., Searcy BT, Beckstrom-Sternberg SM, Beckstrom-Sternberg JS, Stafford P, Schwendiman AL, Soto-Pena J, Owen MC, Ramirez C, Phillips J, Veldhoen N, Helbing CC, Propper CR., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 2012; 176 (3): 481-92.

The synthetic progestogen, Levonorgestrel, but not natural progesterone, affects male mate calling behavior of Xenopus laevis., Hoffmann F, Kloas W., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 2012; 176 (3): 385-90.   

Tracing the emergence of a novel sex-determining gene in medaka, Oryzias luzonensis., Myosho T, Otake H, Masuyama H, Matsuda M, Kuroki Y, Fujiyama A, Naruse K, Hamaguchi S, Sakaizumi M., Genetics. May 1, 2012; 191 (1): 163-70.

Translational regulation by the 5'-UTR of thyroid hormone receptor α mRNA., Okada M, Nakajima K, Yaoita Y., J Biochem. May 1, 2012; 151 (5): 519-31.

The formation and positioning of cilia in Ciona intestinalis embryos in relation to the generation and evolution of chordate left-right asymmetry., Thompson H, Shaw MK, Dawe HR, Shimeld SM., Dev Biol. April 15, 2012; 364 (2): 214-23.

Turning randomness into meaning at the molecular level using Muller's morphs., Henson K, Cooper MM, Klymkowsky MW., Biol Open. April 15, 2012; 1 (4): 405-10.   

The N-terminal domain determines the affinity and specificity of H1 binding to chromatin., Öberg C, Belikov S., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 6, 2012; 420 (2): 321-4.

TWIK1, a unique background channel with variable ion selectivity., Chatelain FC, Bichet D, Douguet D, Feliciangeli S, Bendahhou S, Reichold M, Warth R, Barhanin J, Lesage F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 3, 2012; 109 (14): 5499-504.

The cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists rimonabant (SR141716) and AM251 directly potentiate GABA(A) receptors., Baur R, Gertsch J, Sigel E., Br J Pharmacol. April 1, 2012; 165 (8): 2479-84.

The Xenopus retinal ganglion cell as a model neuron to study the establishment of neuronal connectivity., McFarlane S, Lom B., Dev Neurobiol. April 1, 2012; 72 (4): 520-36.

The cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase Arg regulates gastrulation via control of actin organization., Bonacci G, Fletcher J, Devani M, Dwivedi H, Keller R, Chang C., Dev Biol. April 1, 2012; 364 (1): 42-55.   

TAK1 promotes BMP4/Smad1 signaling via inhibition of erk MAPK: a new link in the FGF/BMP regulatory network., Liu C, Goswami M, Talley J, Chesser-Martinez PL, Lou CH, Sater AK., Differentiation. April 1, 2012; 83 (4): 210-9.   

The p21-activated kinase Pak1 regulates induction and migration of the neural crest in Xenopus., Bisson N, Wedlich D, Moss T., Cell Cycle. April 1, 2012; 11 (7): 1316-24.

Two water-specific aquaporins at the apical and basal plasma membranes of insect epithelia: molecular basis for water recycling through the cryptonephric rectal complex of lepidopteran larvae., Azuma M, Nagae T, Maruyama M, Kataoka N, Miyake S., J Insect Physiol. April 1, 2012; 58 (4): 523-33.

The human gastric cancer-associated DNA polymerase β variant D160N is a mutator that induces cellular transformation., Donigan KA, Hile SE, Eckert KA, Sweasy JB., DNA Repair (Amst). April 1, 2012; 11 (4): 381-90.

Time-dependent predominance of nonhomologous DNA end-joining pathways during embryonic development in mice., Chiruvella KK, Sebastian R, Sharma S, Karande AA, Choudhary B, Raghavan SC., J Mol Biol. March 30, 2012; 417 (3): 197-211.

Thyroid hormone activates protein arginine methyltransferase 1 expression by directly inducing c-Myc transcription during Xenopus intestinal stem cell development., Fujimoto K, Matsuura K, Hu-Wang E, Lu R, Shi YB., J Biol Chem. March 23, 2012; 287 (13): 10039-10050.

The testis anion transporter TAT1 (SLC26A8) physically and functionally interacts with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator channel: a potential role during sperm capacitation., Rode B, Dirami T, Bakouh N, Rizk-Rabin M, Norez C, Lhuillier P, Lorès P, Jollivet M, Melin P, Zvetkova I, Bienvenu T, Becq F, Planelles G, Edelman A, Gacon G, Touré A., Hum Mol Genet. March 15, 2012; 21 (6): 1287-98.

The RNA-binding protein XSeb4R regulates maternal Sox3 at the posttranscriptional level during maternal-zygotic transition in Xenopus., Bentaya S, Ghogomu SM, Vanhomwegen J, Van Campenhout C, Thelie A, Dhainaut M, Bellefroid EJ, Souopgui J., Dev Biol. March 15, 2012; 363 (2): 362-72.   

Transcription factors involved in lens development from the preplacodal ectoderm., Ogino H, Ochi H, Reza HM, Yasuda K., Dev Biol. March 15, 2012; 363 (2): 333-47.   

The metamorphosis of amphibian toxicogenomics., Helbing CC., Front Genet. March 14, 2012; 3 37.   

Topoisomerase I poisoning results in PARP-mediated replication fork reversal., Ray Chaudhuri A, Hashimoto Y, Herrador R, Neelsen KJ, Fachinetti D, Bermejo R, Cocito A, Costanzo V, Lopes M., Nat Struct Mol Biol. March 4, 2012; 19 (4): 417-23.

The signaling protein CD38 is essential for early embryonic development., Churamani D, Geach TJ, Ramakrishnan L, Prideaux N, Patel S, Dale L., J Biol Chem. March 2, 2012; 287 (10): 6974-8.   

Two novel homozygous SLC2A9 mutations cause renal hypouricemia type 2., Dinour D, Gray NK, Ganon L, Knox AJ, Shalev H, Sela BA, Campbell S, Sawyer L, Shu X, Valsamidou E, Landau D, Wright AF, Holtzman EJ., Nephrol Dial Transplant. March 1, 2012; 27 (3): 1035-41.

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