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NHE(VNAT): an H+ V-ATPase electrically coupled to a Na+:nutrient amino acid transporter (NAT) forms an Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE)., Harvey WR, Boudko DY, Rheault MR, Okech BA., J Exp Biol. February 1, 2009; 212 (Pt 3): 347-57.

Nucleosomes can invade DNA territories occupied by their neighbors., Engeholm M, de Jager M, Flaus A, Brenk R, van Noort J, Owen-Hughes T., Nat Struct Mol Biol. February 1, 2009; 16 (2): 151-8.   

NIP1;1, an aquaporin homolog, determines the arsenite sensitivity of Arabidopsis thaliana., Kamiya T, Tanaka M, Mitani N, Ma JF, Maeshima M, Fujiwara T., J Biol Chem. January 23, 2009; 284 (4): 2114-20.

Nuclear localization of the pre-mRNA associating protein THOC7 depends upon its direct interaction with Fms tyrosine kinase interacting protein (FMIP)., El Bounkari O, Guria A, Klebba-Faerber S, Claussen M, Pieler T, Griffiths JR, Whetton AD, Koch A, Tamura T., FEBS Lett. January 5, 2009; 583 (1): 13-8.

Natural variation in embryo mechanics: gastrulation in Xenopus laevis is highly robust to variation in tissue stiffness., von Dassow M, Davidson LA., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2009; 238 (1): 2-18.

Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta1 subunit from the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens: A-to-I RNA editing and its possible roles in neonicotinoid sensitivity., Yao X, Song F, Zhang Y, Shao Y, Li J, Liu Z., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 39 (5-6): 348-54.

Neuropeptides and thymic hormones in the Xenopus thymus., Silva AB, Aw D, Palmer DB., Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). January 1, 2009; 14 (6): 1990-2003.

Neural-immune system interactions in Xenopus., Kinney KS, Cohen N., Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). January 1, 2009; 14 (1): 112-29.

Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are modulated by zinc., Vázquez-Gómez E, García-Colunga J., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 2009; 56 (6-7): 1035-40.

Nucleocytoplasmic transport: a thermodynamic mechanism., Kopito RB, Elbaum M., HFSP J. January 1, 2009; 3 (2): 130-41.

Nkx-2.3 gene in mouse epidermal maturation., Ma CM., Biol Res. January 1, 2009; 42 (3): 267-80.

Novel mammalian cell lines expressing reporter genes for the detection of environmental chemicals activating endogenous aryl hydrocarbon receptors (ArhR) or estrogen receptors (ER)., Minh SD, Below S, Müller C, Hildebrandt JP., Toxicol In Vitro. December 1, 2008; 22 (8): 1935-47.

Neogenin and RGMa control neural tube closure and neuroepithelial morphology by regulating cell polarity., Kee N, Wilson N, De Vries M, Bradford D, Key B, Cooper HM., J Neurosci. November 26, 2008; 28 (48): 12643-53.   

N-lobe dynamics of myosin light chain dictates its mode of interaction with myosin V IQ1., Amata I, Gallo M, Pennestri M, Paci M, Ragnini-Wilson A, Cicero DO., Biochemistry. November 25, 2008; 47 (47): 12332-45.

Nucleolar protein B23/nucleophosmin regulates the vertebrate SUMO pathway through SENP3 and SENP5 proteases., Yun C, Wang Y, Mukhopadhyay D, Backlund P, Kolli N, Yergey A, Wilkinson KD, Dasso M., J Cell Biol. November 17, 2008; 183 (4): 589-95.   

Nucleotide-induced Ca2+ signaling in sustentacular supporting cells of the olfactory epithelium., Hassenklöver T, Kurtanska S, Bartoszek I, Junek S, Schild D, Manzini I., Glia. November 15, 2008; 56 (15): 1614-24.

Neuroscience: Light moulds plastic brains., Thor S., Nature. November 13, 2008; 456 (7219): 177-8.

Nuclear translocation and DNAse I-like enzymatic activity of Acinetobacter baumannii outer membrane protein A., Choi CH, Hyun SH, Kim J, Lee YC, Seol SY, Cho DT., FEMS Microbiol Lett. November 1, 2008; 288 (1): 62-7.

Non-genomic effects of sex hormones on CLC-1 may contribute to gender differences in myotonia congenita., Fialho D, Kullmann DM, Hanna MG, Schorge S., Neuromuscul Disord. November 1, 2008; 18 (11): 869-72.

Non-linear intramolecular interactions and voltage sensitivity of a KV1 family potassium channel from Polyorchis penicillatus (Eschscholtz 1829)., Klassen TL, O'Mara ML, Redstone M, Spencer AN, Gallin WJ., J Exp Biol. November 1, 2008; 211 (Pt 21): 3442-53.

Novel treatment for lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus rat model using the Sendai-virus vector carrying aquaporin 2 gene., Suga H, Nagasaki H, Kondo TA, Okajima Y, Suzuki C, Ozaki N, Arima H, Yamamoto T, Ozaki N, Akai M, Sato A, Uozumi N, Inoue M, Hasegawa M, Oiso Y., Endocrinology. November 1, 2008; 149 (11): 5803-10.

NIP6;1 is a boric acid channel for preferential transport of boron to growing shoot tissues in Arabidopsis., Tanaka M, Wallace IS, Takano J, Roberts DM, Fujiwara T., Plant Cell. October 1, 2008; 20 (10): 2860-75.

Noncanonical Wnt11 signaling and cardiomyogenic differentiation., Flaherty MP, Dawn B., Trends Cardiovasc Med. October 1, 2008; 18 (7): 260-8.

Nucleoredoxin regulates the Wnt/planar cell polarity pathway in Xenopus., Funato Y, Michiue T, Terabayashi T, Yukita A, Danno H, Asashima M, Miki H., Genes Cells. September 1, 2008; 13 (9): 965-75.   

Neuronally micro-conotoxins from Conus striatus utilize an alpha-helical motif to target mammalian sodium channels., Schroeder CI, Ekberg J, Nielsen KJ, Adams D, Loughnan ML, Thomas L, Adams DJ, Alewood PF, Lewis RJ., J Biol Chem. August 1, 2008; 283 (31): 21621-8.

Novel properties of the wheat aluminum tolerance organic acid transporter (TaALMT1) revealed by electrophysiological characterization in Xenopus Oocytes: functional and structural implications., Piñeros MA, Cançado GM, Kochian LV., Plant Physiol. August 1, 2008; 147 (4): 2131-46.

Nonenzymatic proton handling by carbonic anhydrase II during H+-lactate cotransport via monocarboxylate transporter 1., Becker HM, Deitmer JW., J Biol Chem. August 1, 2008; 283 (31): 21655-67.

Novel chloride channel mutations leading to mild myotonia among Chinese., Burgunder JM, Huifang S, Beguin P, Baur R, Eng CS, Seet RC, Lim EC, Ong BK, Hunziker W, Sigel E., Neuromuscul Disord. August 1, 2008; 18 (8): 633-40.

N-Hydroxypyrazolyl glycine derivatives as selective N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor ligands., Clausen RP, Christensen C, Hansen KB, Greenwood JR, Jørgensen L, Micale N, Madsen JC, Nielsen B, Egebjerg J, Bräuner-Osborne H, Traynelis SF, Kristensen JL., J Med Chem. July 24, 2008; 51 (14): 4179-87.

NSC348884, a nucleophosmin inhibitor disrupts oligomer formation and induces apoptosis in human cancer cells., Qi W, Shakalya K, Stejskal A, Goldman A, Beeck S, Cooke L, Mahadevan D., Oncogene. July 10, 2008; 27 (30): 4210-20.

Novel gamma-aminobutyric acid rho1 receptor antagonists; synthesis, pharmacological activity and structure-activity relationships., Kumar RJ, Chebib M, Hibbs DE, Kim HL, Johnston GA, Salam NK, Hanrahan JR., J Med Chem. July 10, 2008; 51 (13): 3825-40.

Non-agonist-binding subunit interfaces confer distinct functional signatures to the alternate stoichiometries of the alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptor: an alpha4-alpha4 interface is required for Zn2+ potentiation., Moroni M, Vijayan R, Carbone A, Zwart R, Biggin PC, Bermudez I., J Neurosci. July 2, 2008; 28 (27): 6884-94.

n-Alcohols inhibit voltage-gated Na+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Horishita T, Harris RA., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. July 1, 2008; 326 (1): 270-7.

Nuclear pore disassembly from endoplasmic reticulum membranes promotes Ca2+ signalling competency., Boulware MJ, Marchant JS., J Physiol. June 15, 2008; 586 (12): 2873-88.

NMR observation of Tau in Xenopus oocytes., Bodart JF, Wieruszeski JM, Amniai L, Leroy A, Landrieu I, Rousseau-Lescuyer A, Vilain JP, Lippens G., J Magn Reson. June 1, 2008; 192 (2): 252-7.

N,N-dimethyl-thioamphetamine and methyl-thioamphetamine, two non-neurotoxic substrates of 5-HT transporters, have scant in vitro efficacy for the induction of transporter-mediated 5-HT release and currents., Gobbi M, Funicello M, Gerstbrein K, Holy M, Moya PR, Sotomayor R, Forray MI, Gysling K, Paluzzi S, Bonanno G, Reyes-Parada M, Sitte HH, Mennini T., J Neurochem. June 1, 2008; 105 (5): 1770-80.

Neurosteroids 3beta, 20 (R/S)-pregnandiols decrease offset rate of the GABA-site activation at the recombinant GABA A receptor., Wang MD, Borra VB, Strömberg J, Lundgren P, Haage D, Bäckström T., Eur J Pharmacol. May 31, 2008; 586 (1-3): 67-73.

Naturally occurring disulfide-bound dimers of three-fingered toxins: a paradigm for biological activity diversification., Osipov AV, Kasheverov IE, Makarova YV, Starkov VG, Vorontsova OV, Ziganshin RKh, Andreeva TV, Serebryakova MV, Benoit A, Hogg RC, Bertrand D, Tsetlin VI, Utkin YN., J Biol Chem. May 23, 2008; 283 (21): 14571-80.

Neurogenic development of the auditory areas of the midbrain and diencephalon in the Xenopus laevis and evolutionary implications., Zeng SJ, Tian C, Zhang X, Zuo MX., Dev Biol. April 24, 2008; 1206 44-60.   

Nup53 is required for nuclear envelope and nuclear pore complex assembly., Hawryluk-Gara LA, Platani M, Santarella R, Wozniak RW, Mattaj IW., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2008; 19 (4): 1753-62.   

New isoforms of rat Aquaporin-4., Moe SE, Sorbo JG, Sogaard R, Zeuthen T, Petter Ottersen O, Holen T., Genomics. April 1, 2008; 91 (4): 367-77.

Nuclear architecture and chromatin dynamics revealed by atomic force microscopy in combination with biochemistry and cell biology., Hirano Y, Takahashi H, Kumeta M, Hizume K, Hirai Y, Otsuka S, Yoshimura SH, Takeyasu K., Pflugers Arch. April 1, 2008; 456 (1): 139-53.

Negative regulation of cell-cycle progression by RINGO/Speedy E., Dinarina A, Ruiz EJ, O'Loghlen A, Mouron S, Perez L, Nebreda AR., Biochem J. March 15, 2008; 410 (3): 535-42.

Neurosteroid analogues. 14. Alternative ring system scaffolds: GABA modulatory and anesthetic actions of cyclopenta[b]phenanthrenes and cyclopenta[b]anthracenes., Scaglione JB, Jastrzebska I, Krishnan K, Li P, Akk G, Manion BD, Benz A, Taylor A, Rath NP, Evers AS, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S, Covey DF., J Med Chem. March 13, 2008; 51 (5): 1309-18.

Neurite outgrowth and in vivo sensory innervation mediated by a Ca(V)2.2-laminin beta 2 stop signal., Sann SB, Xu L, Nishimune H, Sanes JR, Spitzer NC., J Neurosci. March 5, 2008; 28 (10): 2366-74.   

NEP-A and NEP-B both contribute to nuclear pore formation in Xenopus eggs and oocytes., Salpingidou G, Rzepecki R, Kiseleva E, Lyon C, Lane B, Fusiek K, Golebiewska A, Drummond S, Allen T, Ellis JA, Smythe C, Goldberg MW, Hutchison CJ., J Cell Sci. March 1, 2008; 121 (Pt 5): 706-16.

Noninvasive monitoring of transporter-substrate interaction at cell membrane., Sakata T, Miyahara Y., Anal Chem. March 1, 2008; 80 (5): 1493-6.

Neurogenic role of the depolarizing chloride gradient revealed by global overexpression of KCC2 from the onset of development., Reynolds A, Brustein E, Liao M, Mercado A, Babilonia E, Mount DB, Drapeau P., J Neurosci. February 13, 2008; 28 (7): 1588-97.

Nuclear transfer and iPS may work best together., Gurdon J, Murdoch A., Cell Stem Cell. February 7, 2008; 2 (2): 135-8.

Non-equivalent role of TM2 gating hinges in heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 potassium channels., Shang L, Tucker SJ., Eur Biophys J. February 1, 2008; 37 (2): 165-71.   

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