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Defining subregions of Hensen's node essential for caudalward movement, midline development and cell survival., Charrier JB, Teillet MA, Lapointe F, Le Douarin NM., Development. November 1, 1999; 126 (21): 4771-83.

Distinct domains of mouse dishevelled are responsible for the c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase activation and the axis formation in vertebrates., Moriguchi T, Kawachi K, Kamakura S, Masuyama N, Yamanaka H, Matsumoto K, Kikuchi A, Nishida E., J Biol Chem. October 22, 1999; 274 (43): 30957-62.   

Domains responsible for constitutive and Ca(2+)-dependent interactions between calmodulin and small conductance Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels., Keen JE, Khawaled R, Farrens DL, Neelands T, Rivard A, Bond CT, Janowsky A, Fakler B, Adelman JP, Maylie J., J Neurosci. October 15, 1999; 19 (20): 8830-8.

Delayed DNA joining at 3' mismatches by human DNA ligases., Bhagwat AS, Sanderson RJ, Lindahl T., Nucleic Acids Res. October 15, 1999; 27 (20): 4028-33.

Direct molecular force measurements of multiple adhesive interactions between cadherin ectodomains., Sivasankar S, Brieher W, Lavrik N, Gumbiner B, Leckband D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 12, 1999; 96 (21): 11820-4.

Dynamic confocal imaging of mitochondria in swimming Tetrahymena and of microtubule poleward flux in Xenopus extract spindles., Maddox P, Desai A, Salmon ED, Mitchison TJ, Oogema K, Kapoor T, Matsumoto B, Inoué S., Biol Bull. October 1, 1999; 197 (2): 263-5.

Distribution of emerin during the cell cycle., Dabauvalle MC, Müller E, Ewald A, Kress W, Krohne G, Müller CR., Eur J Cell Biol. October 1, 1999; 78 (10): 749-56.

Direct inhibition of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel by high concentrations of opioids., Yamakura T, Sakimura K, Shimoji K., Anesthesiology. October 1, 1999; 91 (4): 1053-63.

Defective processing and expression of thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter as a cause of Gitelman's syndrome., Kunchaparty S, Palcso M, Berkman J, Velázquez H, Desir GV, Bernstein P, Reilly RF, Ellison DH., Am J Physiol. October 1, 1999; 277 (4): F643-9.

Dissociation of MAP kinase activation and MPF activation in hormone-stimulated maturation of Xenopus oocytes., Fisher DL, Brassac T, Galas S, Dorée M., Development. October 1, 1999; 126 (20): 4537-46.

Differential modulation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type C receptor by neuroactive steroids., Morris KD, Moorefield CN, Amin J., Mol Pharmacol. October 1, 1999; 56 (4): 752-9.

Different hydrophobicities of orthologous proteins from Xenopus and human., Cruveiller S, Jabbari K, D'Onofrio G, Bernardi G., Gene. September 30, 1999; 238 (1): 15-21.

Deletion of protein kinase A phosphorylation sites in the HERG potassium channel inhibits activation shift by protein kinase A., Thomas D, Zhang W, Karle CA, Kathöfer S, Schöls W, Kübler W, Kiehn J., J Biol Chem. September 24, 1999; 274 (39): 27457-62.

Developmental biology. Antagonists on the left flank., King T, Brown NA., Nature. September 16, 1999; 401 (6750): 222-3.

Dpp and Notch specify the fusion cell fate in the dorsal branches of the Drosophila trachea., Steneberg P, Hemphälä J, Samakovlis C., Mech Dev. September 1, 1999; 87 (1-2): 153-63.

Dickkopf genes are co-ordinately expressed in mesodermal lineages., Monaghan AP, Kioschis P, Wu W, Zuniga A, Bock D, Poustka A, Delius H, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. September 1, 1999; 87 (1-2): 45-56.   

Direct regulation of the Xenopus engrailed-2 promoter by the Wnt signaling pathway, and a molecular screen for Wnt-responsive genes, confirm a role for Wnt signaling during neural patterning in Xenopus., McGrew LL, Takemaru K, Bates R, Moon RT., Mech Dev. September 1, 1999; 87 (1-2): 21-32.

Differential antigen expression during metamorphosis in the tripartite olfactory system of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Petti MA, Matheson SF, Burd GD., Cell Tissue Res. September 1, 1999; 297 (3): 383-96.

Differing effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subtype selective antagonists on dyskinesias in levodopa-treated 1-methyl-4-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine monkeys., Blanchet PJ, Konitsiotis S, Whittemore ER, Zhou ZL, Woodward RM, Chase TN., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. September 1, 1999; 290 (3): 1034-40.

Developmental regulation of replication fork pausing in Xenopus laevis ribosomal RNA genes., Maric C, Levacher B, Hyrien O., J Mol Biol. August 27, 1999; 291 (4): 775-88.

Differential signaling of human Mel1a and Mel1b melatonin receptors through the cyclic guanosine 3'-5'-monophosphate pathway., Petit L, Lacroix I, de Coppet P, Strosberg AD, Jockers R., Biochem Pharmacol. August 15, 1999; 58 (4): 633-9.

Dbp5, a DEAD-box protein required for mRNA export, is recruited to the cytoplasmic fibrils of nuclear pore complex via a conserved interaction with CAN/Nup159p., Schmitt C, von Kobbe C, Bachi A, Panté N, Rodrigues JP, Boscheron C, Rigaut G, Wilm M, Séraphin B, Carmo-Fonseca M, Izaurralde E., EMBO J. August 2, 1999; 18 (15): 4332-47.

Direct interaction between the ARF-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor msec7-1 and presynaptic Munc13-1., Neeb A, Koch H, Schürmann A, Brose N., Eur J Cell Biol. August 1, 1999; 78 (8): 533-8.

Drosophila choline acetyltransferase temperature-sensitive mutants., Wang W, Kitamoto T, Salvaterra PM., Neurochem Res. August 1, 1999; 24 (8): 1081-7.

Detection of proteins binding to short RNA.DNA hybrids or short antisense oligonucleotides in Xenopus laevis oocytes and human macrophage cell extracts by photoaffinity radiolabeling., Revers F, Cario M, Cao TL, Cazenave C., Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev. August 1, 1999; 9 (4): 317-31.

Deletion of SFI1, a novel suppressor of partial Ras-cAMP pathway deficiency in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, causes G(2) arrest., Ma P, Winderickx J, Nauwelaers D, Dumortier F, De Doncker A, Thevelein JM, Van Dijck P., Yeast. August 1, 1999; 15 (11): 1097-109.

Differential expression of VegT and Antipodean protein isoforms in Xenopus., Stennard F, Zorn AM, Ryan K, Garrett N, Gurdon JB., Mech Dev. August 1, 1999; 86 (1-2): 87-98.   

Determinants of voltage-dependent gating and open-state stability in the S5 segment of Shaker potassium channels., Kanevsky M, Aldrich RW., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 1999; 114 (2): 215-42.   

Different state dependencies of 4-aminopyridine binding to rKv1.4 and rKv4.2: role of the cytoplasmic halves of the fifth and sixth transmembrane segments., Tseng GN., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. August 1, 1999; 290 (2): 569-77.

DNA ligase III is recruited to DNA strand breaks by a zinc finger motif homologous to that of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Identification of two functionally distinct DNA binding regions within DNA ligase III., Mackey ZB, Niedergang C, Murcia JM, Leppard J, Au K, Chen J, de Murcia G, Tomkinson AE., J Med Genet. July 30, 1999; 274 (31): 21679-87.

Distribution of glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA in the forebrain of the rainbow trout as studied by in situ hybridization., Anglade I, Mazurais D, Douard V, Le Jossic-Corcos C, Mañanos EL, Michel D, Kah O., J Comp Neurol. July 26, 1999; 410 (2): 277-89.

Diurnal rhythms of tryptophan hydroxylase activity in Xenopus laevis retina: opposing phases in photoreceptors and inner retinal neurons., Valenciano AI, Alonso-Gómez AL, Iuvone PM., Neuroreport. July 13, 1999; 10 (10): 2131-5.

DmGluRA, a Drosophila metabotropic glutamate receptor, activates G-protein inwardly rectifying potassium channels in Xenopus oocytes., Raymond V, Hamon A, Grau Y, Lapied B., Neurosci Lett. July 2, 1999; 269 (1): 1-4.

Differential pharmacological properties and signal transduction of the sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors EDG-1, EDG-3, and EDG-5., Ancellin N, Hla T., J Biol Chem. July 2, 1999; 274 (27): 18997-9002.

Differential expression of the frizzled family involved in Wnt signaling during chick limb development., Nohno T, Kawakami Y, Wada N, Komaguchi C, Nishimatsu S., Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). July 1, 1999; 45 (5): 653-9.

Desiccation and osmotic stress increase the abundance of mRNA of the tonoplast aquaporin BobTIP26-1 in cauliflower cells., Barrieu F, Marty-Mazars D, Thomas D, Chaumont F, Charbonnier M, Marty F., Planta. July 1, 1999; 209 (1): 77-86.

Differential blockade of rat alpha3beta4 and alpha7 neuronal nicotinic receptors by omega-conotoxin MVIIC, omega-conotoxin GVIA and diltiazem., Herrero CJ, García-Palomero E, Pintado AJ, García AG, Montiel C., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 1999; 127 (6): 1375-87.

Dual mode of stimulation by the beta-carboline ZK 91085 of recombinant GABA(A) receptor currents: molecular determinants affecting its action., Thomet U, Baur R, Scholze P, Sieghart W, Sigel E., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 1999; 127 (5): 1231-9.

Differential sensitivity of beta-cell and extrapancreatic K(ATP) channels to gliclazide., Gribble FM, Ashcroft FM., Diabetologia. July 1, 1999; 42 (7): 845-8.

Directed evolution of the surface chemistry of the reporter enzyme beta-glucuronidase., Matsumura I, Wallingford JB, Surana NK, Vize PD, Ellington AD., Nat Biotechnol. July 1, 1999; 17 (7): 696-701.

Dual effects of ADP and adenylylimidodiphosphate on CFTR channel kinetics show binding to two different nucleotide binding sites., Weinreich F, Riordan JR, Nagel G., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 1999; 114 (1): 55-70.   

Dichromatic staining of electrophoretically separated extracellular matrix macromolecules., Bonnell BS, Smith SG, Hedrick JL., Anal Biochem. June 15, 1999; 271 (1): 91-3.

Distribution of lectin binding sites in Xenopus laevis egg jelly., Mozingo NM, Hedrick JL., Dev Biol. June 15, 1999; 210 (2): 428-39.

Direct interaction of hematopoietic transcription factors PU.1 and GATA-1: functional antagonism in erythroid cells., Rekhtman N, Radparvar F, Evans T, Skoultchi AI., Genes Dev. June 1, 1999; 13 (11): 1398-411.

Downregulation of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by CFTR co-expressed in Xenopus oocytes is independent of Cl- conductance., Chabot H, Vives MF, Dagenais A, Grygorczyk C, Berthiaume Y, Grygorczyk R., J Membr Biol. June 1, 1999; 169 (3): 175-88.

Divalent cation selectivity is a function of gating in native and recombinant cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels from retinal photoreceptors., Hackos DH, Korenbrot JI., J Gen Physiol. June 1, 1999; 113 (6): 799-818.   

Differential involvement of small G proteins in Alzheimer's disease., Shimohama S, Kamiya S, Taniguchi T, Sumida Y, Fujimoto S., Int J Mol Med. June 1, 1999; 3 (6): 597-600.

Dendritic dynamics in vivo change during neuronal maturation., Wu GY, Zou DJ, Rajan I, Cline H., J Neurosci. June 1, 1999; 19 (11): 4472-83.

Direct observation of microtubule-f-actin interaction in cell free lysates., Sider JR, Mandato CA, Weber KL, Zandy AJ, Beach D, Finst RJ, Skoble J, Bement WM., J Cell Sci. June 1, 1999; 112 ( Pt 12) 1947-56.

Determination of human DNA polymerase utilization for the repair of a model ionizing radiation-induced DNA strand break lesion in a defined vector substrate., Winters TA, Russell PS, Kohli M, Dar ME, Neumann RD, Jorgensen TJ., Nucleic Acids Res. June 1, 1999; 27 (11): 2423-33.

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