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Dependence of I(Ks) biophysical properties on the expression system., Seebohm G, Lerche C, Busch AE, Bachmann A., Pflugers Arch. September 1, 2001; 442 (6): 891-5.

Distinct properties and differential beta subunit regulation of two C-terminal isoforms of the P/Q-type Ca(2+)-channel alpha(1A) subunit., Sandoz G, Bichet D, Cornet V, Mori Y, Felix R, De Waard M., Eur J Neurosci. September 1, 2001; 14 (6): 987-97.

DNA double-strand breaks induce formation of RP-A/Ku foci on in vitro reconstituted Xenopus sperm nuclei., Grandi P, Eltsov M, Nielsen I, Raska I., J Cell Sci. September 1, 2001; 114 (Pt 18): 3345-57.

Developmental effects of estrogenic agents on mice, fish, and frogs: a mini-review., Iguchi T, Watanabe H, Katsu Y., Horm Behav. September 1, 2001; 40 (2): 248-51.

Differential gene expression of Xenopus Pitx1, Pitx2b and Pitx2c during cement gland, stomodeum and pituitary development., Schweickert A, Steinbeisser H, Blum M., Mech Dev. September 1, 2001; 107 (1-2): 191-4.   

Distinct characteristics of two human Nedd4 proteins with respect to epithelial Na(+) channel regulation., Kamynina E, Tauxe C, Staub O., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. September 1, 2001; 281 (3): F469-77.

DNA repair of a single UV photoproduct in a designed nucleosome., Kosmoski JV, Ackerman EJ, Smerdon MJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 28, 2001; 98 (18): 10113-8.

Ducky mouse phenotype of epilepsy and ataxia is associated with mutations in the Cacna2d2 gene and decreased calcium channel current in cerebellar Purkinje cells., Barclay J, Balaguero N, Mione M, Ackerman SL, Letts VA, Brodbeck J, Canti C, Meir A, Page KM, Kusumi K, Perez-Reyes E, Lander ES, Frankel WN, Gardiner RM, Dolphin AC, Rees M., J Neurosci. August 15, 2001; 21 (16): 6095-104.

Developmental expression of the novel voltage-gated sodium channel auxiliary subunit beta3, in rat CNS., Shah BS, Stevens EB, Pinnock RD, Dixon AK, Lee K., J Physiol. August 1, 2001; 534 (Pt 3): 763-76.

Drastic reduction of the slow gate of human muscle chloride channel (ClC-1) by mutation C277S., Accardi A, Ferrera L, Pusch M., J Physiol. August 1, 2001; 534 (Pt 3): 745-52.

Dynamic interaction of S5 and S6 during voltage-controlled gating in a potassium channel., Espinosa F, Fleischhauer R, McMahon A, Joho RH., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2001; 118 (2): 157-70.   

DNA looping in the RNA polymerase I enhancesome is the result of non-cooperative in-phase bending by two UBF molecules., Stefanovsky VY, Pelletier G, Bazett-Jones DP, Crane-Robinson C, Moss T., Nucleic Acids Res. August 1, 2001; 29 (15): 3241-7.

Dynamic reorientation of cultured cells and stress fibers under mechanical stress from periodic stretching., Hayakawa K, Sato N, Obinata T., Exp Cell Res. August 1, 2001; 268 (1): 104-14.

Dynamics and plasticity of peptidergic control centres in the retino-brain-pituitary system of Xenopus laevis., Kramer BM, Kolk SM, Berghs CA, Tuinhof R, Ubink R, Jenks BG, Roubos EW., Microsc Res Tech. August 1, 2001; 54 (3): 188-99.

Does the PITSLRE gene complex contribute to the pathogenesis of malignant melanoma of the skin? A study of patient-derived tumor samples?, Poetsch M, Dittberner T, Woenckhaus C., Cancer Genet Cytogenet. July 15, 2001; 128 (2): 181-2.

Developmental regulation of CPG15 expression in Xenopus., Nedivi E, Javaherian A, Cantallops I, Cline HT., J Comp Neurol. July 9, 2001; 435 (4): 464-73.   

Development. The message is in the translation., Richter JD, Theurkauf WE., Science. July 6, 2001; 293 (5527): 60-2.

Differential effects of general anesthetics on G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying and other potassium channels., Yamakura T, Lewohl JM, Harris RA., Anesthesiology. July 1, 2001; 95 (1): 144-53.

Differential ultraviolet-B-induced immunomodulation in XPA, XPC, and CSB DNA repair-deficient mice., Boonstra A, van Oudenaren A, Baert M, van Steeg H, Leenen PJ, van der Horst GT, Hoeijmakers JH, Savelkoul HF, Garssen J., J Invest Dermatol. July 1, 2001; 117 (1): 141-6.

Developmentally-regulated packaging of mitochondrial DNA by the HMG-box protein mtTFA during Xenopus oogenesis., Shen EL, Bogenhagen DF., Nucleic Acids Res. July 1, 2001; 29 (13): 2822-8.

Different fast-gate regulation by external Cl(-) and H(+) of the muscle-type ClC chloride channels., Chen MF, Chen TY., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2001; 118 (1): 23-32.   

Down-regulation of L-type calcium channel in pups born to 52 kDa SSA/Ro immunized rabbits., Xiao GQ, Qu Y, Hu K, Boutjdir M., FASEB J. July 1, 2001; 15 (9): 1539-45.

Different effects of the Ca(2+)-binding protein, KChIP1, on two Kv4 subfamily members, Kv4.1 and Kv4.2., Nakamura TY, Nandi S, Pountney DJ, Artman M, Rudy B, Coetzee WA., FEBS Lett. June 22, 2001; 499 (3): 205-9.

Differential effect of two stathmin/Op18 phosphorylation mutants on Xenopus embryo development., Küntziger T, Gavet O, Sobel A, Bornens M., J Biol Chem. June 22, 2001; 276 (25): 22979-84.

DMT1 gene expression and cadmium absorption in human absorptive enterocytes., Tallkvist J, Bowlus CL, Lönnerdal B., Toxicol Lett. June 20, 2001; 122 (2): 171-7.

Distinct enhancer elements control Hex expression during gastrulation and early organogenesis., Rodriguez TA, Casey ES, Harland RM, Smith JC, Beddington RS., Dev Biol. June 15, 2001; 234 (2): 304-16.   

Difference in XTcf-3 dependency accounts for change in response to beta-catenin-mediated Wnt signalling in Xenopus blastula., Hamilton FS, Wheeler GN, Hoppler S., Development. June 1, 2001; 128 (11): 2063-73.   

Divergence of volatile anesthetic effects in inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors., Greenblatt EP, Meng X., Anesthesiology. June 1, 2001; 94 (6): 1026-33.

Differential regulation of Dlx gene expression by a BMP morphogenetic gradient., Luo T, Matsuo-Takasaki M, Lim JH, Sargent TD., Int J Dev Biol. June 1, 2001; 45 (4): 681-4.   

Differential and overlapping expression patterns of X-dll3 and Pax-6 genes suggest distinct roles in olfactory system development of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Franco MD, Pape MP, Swiergiel JJ, Burd GD., J Exp Biol. June 1, 2001; 204 (Pt 12): 2049-61.   

Developmental expression, tissue distribution and hormonal regulation of fish (Sparus aurata) serum retinol-binding protein., Funkenstein B., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. June 1, 2001; 129 (2-3): 613-22.

Dimerization co-factor of hepatocyte nuclear factor 1/pterin-4alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase is necessary for pigmentation in Xenopus and overexpressed in primary human melanoma lesions., von Strandmann EP, Senkel S, Ryffel G, Hengge UR., Am J Pathol. June 1, 2001; 158 (6): 2021-9.

Differential sensitivity of expressed L-type calcium channels and muscarinic M(1) receptors to volatile anesthetics in Xenopus oocytes., Kamatchi GL, Durieux ME, Lynch C., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. June 1, 2001; 297 (3): 981-90.

Descending supraspinal pathways in amphibians. II. Distribution and origin of the catecholaminergic innervation of the spinal cord., Sánchez-Camacho C, Marín O, Smeets WJ, Ten Donkelaar HJ, González A., J Comp Neurol. May 28, 2001; 434 (2): 209-32.

Descending supraspinal pathways in amphibians. I. A dextran amine tracing study of their cells of origin., Sánchez-Camacho C, Marín O, Ten Donkelaar HJ, González A., J Comp Neurol. May 28, 2001; 434 (2): 186-208.

Do all voltage-gated potassium channels use MiRPs?, Abbott GW, Goldstein SA, Sesti F., Circ Res. May 25, 2001; 88 (10): 981-3.

DEG/ENaC ion channels involved in sensory transduction are modulated by cold temperature., Askwith CC, Benson CJ, Welsh MJ, Snyder PM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 22, 2001; 98 (11): 6459-63.

Differential expression of max and two types of c-myc genes in a tetraploid fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio)., Futami K, Komiya T, Zhang H, Okamoto N., Gene. May 16, 2001; 269 (1-2): 113-9.

Developmental expression of the Xenopus Iroquois-family homeobox genes, Irx4 and Irx5., Garriock RJ, Vokes SA, Small EM, Larson R, Krieg PA., Dev Genes Evol. May 1, 2001; 211 (5): 257-60.

Differential expression and localization of neuronal intermediate filament proteins within newly developing neurites in dissociated cultures of Xenopus laevis embryonic spinal cord., Undamatla J, Szaro BG., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. May 1, 2001; 49 (1): 16-32.

DNA polymerase epsilon is required for coordinated and efficient chromosomal DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts., Waga S, Masuda T, Takisawa H, Sugino A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 24, 2001; 98 (9): 4978-83.

Direct activation of cloned K(atp) channels by intracellular acidosis., Xu H, Cui N, Yang Z, Wu J, Giwa LR, Abdulkadir L, Sharma P, Jiang C., J Biol Chem. April 20, 2001; 276 (16): 12898-902.

Dimerization of the largest subunit of chromatin assembly factor 1: importance in vitro and during Xenopus early development., Quivy JP, Grandi P, Almouzni G., EMBO J. April 17, 2001; 20 (8): 2015-27.

Differential pH sensitivity of Kir4.1 and Kir4.2 potassium channels and their modulation by heteropolymerisation with Kir5.1., Pessia M, Imbrici P, D'Adamo MC, Salvatore L, Tucker SJ., J Physiol. April 15, 2001; 532 (Pt 2): 359-67.

Detection of aquaporin-2 in the plasma membranes of oocytes: a novel isolation method with improved yield and purity., Kamsteeg EJ, Deen PM., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 6, 2001; 282 (3): 683-90.

Differential expression of two carbohydrate epitopes, CD15 and HNK-1, in developing vertebrate olfactory receptor neurones., Arnhold S, Wenisch S, Leiser R, Andressen C, Addicks K., Eur J Morphol. April 1, 2001; 39 (2): 65-71.

Development. The path to the heart and the road not taken., Olson EN., Science. March 23, 2001; 291 (5512): 2327-8.

Direct inhibition of expressed cardiac l- and t-type calcium channels by igg from mothers whose children have congenital heart block., Xiao GQ, Hu K, Boutjdir M., Circulation. March 20, 2001; 103 (11): 1599-604.

Day/night variations of dopamine ocular content during Xenopus laevis ontogeny., Delgado MJ, Céspedes MV, De Pedro N, Alonso-Bedate M, Alonso-Gómez AL., Neurosci Lett. March 16, 2001; 300 (3): 129-32.

Direct interaction of a brain voltage-gated K+ channel with syntaxin 1A: functional impact on channel gating., Fili O, Michaelevski I, Bledi Y, Chikvashvili D, Singer-Lahat D, Boshwitz H, Linial M, Lotan I., J Neurosci. March 15, 2001; 21 (6): 1964-74.

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