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G-protein-coupled receptor regulation of P2X1 receptors does not involve direct channel phosphorylation., Vial C, Tobin AB, Evans RJ., Biochem J. August 15, 2004; 382 (Pt 1): 101-10.

Geminin: a major DNA replication safeguard in higher eukaryotes., Melixetian M, Helin K., Cell Cycle. August 1, 2004; 3 (8): 1002-4.

Gene silencing of CENP-E by small interfering RNA in HeLa cells leads to missegregation of chromosomes after a mitotic delay., Tanudji M, Shoemaker J, L'Italien L, Russell L, Chin G, Schebye XM., Mol Biol Cell. August 1, 2004; 15 (8): 3771-81.

Gbetagamma-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channel activation kinetics via Galphai and Galphao-coupled receptors are determined by Galpha-specific interdomain interactions that affect GDP release rates., Zhang Q, Dickson A, Doupnik CA., J Biol Chem. July 9, 2004; 279 (28): 29787-96.

Gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptors do not mediate the immobility produced by isoflurane., Zhang Y, Sonner JM, Eger EI, Stabernack CR, Laster MJ, Raines DE, Harris RA., Anesth Analg. July 1, 2004; 99 (1): 85-90.

GSD: a genetic screen database., Henrich T, Ramialison M, Segerdell E, Westerfield M, Furutani-Seiki M, Wittbrodt J, Kondoh H., Mech Dev. July 1, 2004; 121 (7-8): 959-63.

Ginkgolides, diterpene trilactones of Ginkgo biloba, as antagonists at recombinant alpha1beta2gamma2L GABAA receptors., Huang SH, Duke RK, Chebib M, Sasaki K, Wada K, Johnston GA., Eur J Pharmacol. June 28, 2004; 494 (2-3): 131-8.

Ginseng saponins induce store-operated calcium entry in Xenopus oocytes., Jeong SM, Lee JH, Kim S, Rhim H, Lee BH, Kim JH, Oh JW, Lee SM, Nah SY., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 2004; 142 (3): 585-93.

Guidance of mesoderm cell migration in the Xenopus gastrula requires PDGF signaling., Nagel M, Tahinci E, Symes K, Winklbauer R., Development. June 1, 2004; 131 (11): 2727-36.   

G1/S phase cyclin-dependent kinase overexpression perturbs early development and delays tissue-specific differentiation in Xenopus., Richard-Parpaillon L, Cosgrove RA, Devine C, Vernon AE, Philpott A., Development. June 1, 2004; 131 (11): 2577-86.   

Gating allosterism at a single class of etomidate sites on alpha1beta2gamma2L GABA A receptors accounts for both direct activation and agonist modulation., Rüsch D, Zhong H, Forman SA., J Biol Chem. May 14, 2004; 279 (20): 20982-92.

Gap junctions and the connexin protein family., Söhl G, Willecke K., Cardiovasc Res. May 1, 2004; 62 (2): 228-32.

G protein-activated K+ channels: a reporter for rapid activation of G proteins by lysophosphatidic acid in Xenopus oocytes., Itzhaki Van-Ham I, Peleg S, Dascal N, Shapira H, Oron Y., FEBS Lett. April 23, 2004; 564 (1-2): 157-60.

Galphai1 and Galphai3 differentially interact with, and regulate, the G protein-activated K+ channel., Ivanina T, Varon D, Peleg S, Rishal I, Porozov Y, Dessauer CW, Keren-Raifman T, Dascal N., J Biol Chem. April 23, 2004; 279 (17): 17260-8.

Genetic variant Arg57His in human H+/peptide cotransporter 2 causes a complete loss of transport function., Terada T, Irie M, Okuda M, Inui K., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 2, 2004; 316 (2): 416-20.

Gastric parietal cell secretory membrane contains PKA- and acid-activated Kir2.1 K+ channels., Malinowska DH, Sherry AM, Tewari KP, Cuppoletti J., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. March 1, 2004; 286 (3): C495-506.

Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase stimulates receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand expression independent of its enzymatic activity and serves as a pathological bone-resorbing factor., Niida S, Kawahara M, Ishizuka Y, Ikeda Y, Kondo T, Hibi T, Suzuki Y, Ikeda K, Taniguchi N., J Biol Chem. February 13, 2004; 279 (7): 5752-6.

Genetic defects, ionic currents and electrocardiographic alterations., Rudy Y., Ann Med. January 1, 2004; 36 Suppl 1 15-21.

Glucose accumulation can account for the initial water flux triggered by Na+/glucose cotransport., Gagnon MP, Bissonnette P, Deslandes LM, Wallendorff B, Lapointe JY., Biophys J. January 1, 2004; 86 (1 Pt 1): 125-33.

GoSurfer: a graphical interactive tool for comparative analysis of large gene sets in Gene Ontology space., Zhong S, Storch KF, Lipan O, Kao MC, Weitz CJ, Wong WH., Appl Bioinformatics. January 1, 2004; 3 (4): 261-4.

GSK-3-selective inhibitors derived from Tyrian purple indirubins., Meijer L, Skaltsounis AL, Magiatis P, Polychronopoulos P, Knockaert M, Leost M, Ryan XP, Vonica CA, Brivanlou A, Dajani R, Crovace C, Tarricone C, Musacchio A, Roe SM, Pearl L, Greengard P., Chem Biol. December 1, 2003; 10 (12): 1255-66.

GABAA receptor modulation by the novel intravenous general anaesthetic E-6375., Pau D, Belelli D, Callachan H, Peden DR, Dunlop JI, Peters JA, Guitart X, Gutierrez B, Lambert JJ., Neuropharmacology. December 1, 2003; 45 (8): 1029-40.

GBP binds kinesin light chain and translocates during cortical rotation in Xenopus eggs., Weaver C, Farr GH, Pan W, Rowning BA, Wang J, Mao J, Wu D, Li L, Larabell CA, Kimelman D., Development. November 1, 2003; 130 (22): 5425-36.   

Glutamine efflux from astrocytes is mediated by multiple pathways., Deitmer JW, Bröer A, Bröer S., J Neurochem. October 1, 2003; 87 (1): 127-35.

Gamma-secretase activity is dispensable for mesenchyme-to-epithelium transition but required for podocyte and proximal tubule formation in developing mouse kidney., Cheng HT, Miner JH, Lin M, Tansey MG, Roth K, Kopan R., Development. October 1, 2003; 130 (20): 5031-42.

Glypican 4 modulates FGF signalling and regulates dorsoventral forebrain patterning in Xenopus embryos., Galli A, Roure A, Zeller R, Dono R., Development. October 1, 2003; 130 (20): 4919-29.   

Glycine receptor knock-in mice and hyperekplexia-like phenotypes: comparisons with the null mutant., Findlay GS, Phelan R, Roberts MT, Homanics GE, Bergeson SE, Lopreato GF, Mihic SJ, Blednov YA, Harris RA., J Neurosci. September 3, 2003; 23 (22): 8051-9.

Gating currents associated with intramembrane charge displacement in HERG potassium channels., Piper DR, Varghese A, Sanguinetti MC, Tristani-Firouzi M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 2, 2003; 100 (18): 10534-9.

Gating competence of constitutively open CLC-0 mutants revealed by the interaction with a small organic Inhibitor., Traverso S, Elia L, Pusch M., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2003; 122 (3): 295-306.   

Glutamate 59 is critical for transport function of the amino acid cotransporter KAAT1., Sacchi VF, Castagna M, Mari SA, Perego C, Bossi E, Peres A., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2003; 285 (3): C623-32.

GANESH: software for customized annotation of genome regions., Huntley D, Hummerich H, Smedley D, Kittivoravitkul S, McCarthy M, Little P, Sergot M., Genome Res. September 1, 2003; 13 (9): 2195-202.

Glucose transporter GLUT12-functional characterization in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Rogers S, Chandler JD, Clarke AL, Petrou S, Best JD., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 29, 2003; 308 (3): 422-6.

GATA-6 maintains BMP-4 and Nkx2 expression during cardiomyocyte precursor maturation., Peterkin T, Gibson A, Patient R., EMBO J. August 15, 2003; 22 (16): 4260-73.

Gene expression and functional characterization of melatonin receptors in the spinal cord of the rat: implications for pain modulation., Zahn PK, Lansmann T, Berger E, Speckmann EJ, Musshoff U., J Pineal Res. August 1, 2003; 35 (1): 24-31.

GATA4 mutations cause human congenital heart defects and reveal an interaction with TBX5., Garg V, Kathiriya IS, Barnes R, Schluterman MK, King IN, Butler CA, Rothrock CR, Eapen RS, Hirayama-Yamada K, Joo K, Matsuoka R, Cohen JC, Srivastava D., Nature. July 24, 2003; 424 (6947): 443-7.

G2 checkpoint in uterine cervical cancer with HPV 16 E6 according to p53 polymorphism and its screening value., Cho NH, Lim SY, Kim YT, Kim D, Kim YS, Kim JW., Gynecol Oncol. July 1, 2003; 90 (1): 15-22.

Gremlin is the BMP antagonist required for maintenance of Shh and Fgf signals during limb patterning., Khokha MK, Hsu D, Brunet LJ, Dionne MS, Harland RM., Nat Genet. July 1, 2003; 34 (3): 303-7.

Glutamate receptor subunit 3 is modified by site-specific limited proteolysis including cleavage by gamma-secretase., Meyer EL, Strutz N, Gahring LC, Rogers SW., J Biol Chem. June 27, 2003; 278 (26): 23786-96.

Gating properties of a sodium channel with three arginines substituted by histidines in the central part of voltage sensor S4D4., Kühn FJ, Greeff NG., J Membr Biol. May 1, 2003; 193 (1): 23-34.

Gaboxadol: in vitro interaction studies with benzodiazepines and ethanol suggest functional selectivity., Stórustovu Sí, Ebert B., Eur J Pharmacol. April 25, 2003; 467 (1-3): 49-56.

Gating the selectivity filter in ClC chloride channels., Dutzler R, Campbell EB, MacKinnon R., Science. April 4, 2003; 300 (5616): 108-12.

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and diazepam antagonize a rapid increase in GABA(A) receptors alpha(4) subunit mRNA abundance induced by ethanol withdrawal in cerebellar granule cells., Follesa P, Mancuso L, Biggio F, Mostallino MC, Manca A, Mascia MP, Busonero F, Talani G, Sanna E, Biggio G., Mol Pharmacol. April 1, 2003; 63 (4): 896-907.

Genetic analysis of zebrafish gli1 and gli2 reveals divergent requirements for gli genes in vertebrate development., Karlstrom RO, Tyurina OV, Kawakami A, Nishioka N, Talbot WS, Sasaki H, Schier AF., Development. April 1, 2003; 130 (8): 1549-64.

Granular gland transcriptomes in stimulated amphibian skin secretions., Chen T, Farragher S, Bjourson AJ, Orr DF, Rao P, Shaw C., Biochem J. April 1, 2003; 371 (Pt 1): 125-30.

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor signals for increased glucose transport via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase- and hydrogen peroxide-dependent mechanisms., Dhar-Mascareno M, Chen J, Zhang RH, Cárcamo JM, Golde DW., J Biol Chem. March 28, 2003; 278 (13): 11107-14.

Genome duplication, a trait shared by 22000 species of ray-finned fish., Taylor JS, Braasch I, Frickey T, Meyer A, Van de Peer Y., Genome Res. March 1, 2003; 13 (3): 382-90.

Glu496Ala polymorphism of human P2X7 receptor does not affect its electrophysiological phenotype., Boldt W, Klapperstück M, Büttner C, Sadtler S, Schmalzing G, Markwardt F., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. March 1, 2003; 284 (3): C749-56.

Galpha(16/z) chimeras efficiently link a wide range of G protein-coupled receptors to calcium mobilization., Liu AM, Ho MK, Wong CS, Chan JH, Pau AH, Wong YH., J Biomol Screen. February 1, 2003; 8 (1): 39-49.

Gating of taurine transport: role of the fourth segment of the taurine transporter., Han X, Patters AB, Chesney RW., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2003; 526 149-57.

Gene expression patterns predict exposure to PCBs in developing Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Jelaso AM, Lehigh-Shirey E, Means J, Ide CF., Environ Mol Mutagen. January 1, 2003; 42 (1): 1-10.

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