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xlgv7: a maternal gene product localized in nuclei of the central nervous system in Xenopus laevis., Miller M, Kloc M, Reddy B, Eastman E, Dreyer C, Etkin L., Genes Dev. April 1, 1989; 3 (4): 572-83.   

XlHbox 8: a novel Xenopus homeo protein restricted to a narrow band of endoderm., Wright CV, Schnegelsberg P, De Robertis EM., Development. April 1, 1989; 105 (4): 787-94.   

Xenopus laevis serum albumin: sequence of the complementary deoxyribonucleic acids encoding the 68- and 74-kilodalton peptides and the regulation of albumin gene expression by thyroid hormone during development., Moskaitis JE, Sargent TD, Smith LH, Pastori RL, Schoenberg DR., Mol Endocrinol. March 1, 1989; 3 (3): 464-73.

Xenopus egg extracts: a model system for chromatin replication., Almouzni G, Méchali M., Biochim Biophys Acta. December 20, 1988; 951 (2-3): 443-50.

Xenopus transcription factor IIIA forms a complex of covalent character with 5S DNA., Blanco J, Gottesfeld JM., Nucleic Acids Res. December 9, 1988; 16 (23): 11267-84.

Xenopus spermatozoon: is there any correlation between motility and oxygen consumption?, Bernardini G, Belgiojoso P, Camatini M., Gamete Res. December 1, 1988; 21 (4): 403-8.

Xenopus transcription factor IIIA-dependent DNA renaturation., Fiser-Littell RM, Hanas JS., J Biol Chem. November 15, 1988; 263 (32): 17136-41.

Xenopsin-related peptide generated in avian gastric extracts., Carraway RE, Cochrane DE, Mitra SP., Regul Pept. September 1, 1988; 22 (4): 303-14.

Xenopus skin mucus induces oral dyskinesias that promote escape from snakes., Barthalmus GT, Zielinski WJ., Pharmacol Biochem Behav. August 1, 1988; 30 (4): 957-9.

Xenopus transcription factor IIIA binds to the flanking regions of the 5 S RNA gene intragenic control region in a unique and highly ordered state., Windsor WT, Lee TC, Daly TJ, Wu CW., J Biol Chem. July 25, 1988; 263 (21): 10272-7.

Xenopus endo B is a keratin preferentially expressed in the embryonic notochord., LaFlamme SE, Jamrich M, Richter K, Sargent TD, Dawid IB., Genes Dev. July 1, 1988; 2 (7): 853-62.   

Xenopus laevis in developmental and molecular biology., Dawid IB, Sargent TD., Science. June 10, 1988; 240 (4858): 1443-8.

Xenopus spermatozoon: correlation between shape and motility., Bernardini G, Andrietti F, Camantini M, Cosson MP., Gamete Res. June 1, 1988; 20 (2): 165-75.

Xenopus laevis integrins. Structural conservation and evolutionary divergence of integrin beta subunits., DeSimone DW, Hynes RO., J Biol Chem. April 15, 1988; 263 (11): 5333-40.

Xenopus homeobox-containing cDNAs expressed in early development., Fritz A, De Robertis EM., Nucleic Acids Res. February 25, 1988; 16 (4): 1453-69.   

Xenopus tadpole melanophores are controlled by dark and light and melatonin without influence of time of day., Binkley S, Mosher K, Rubin F, White B., J Pineal Res. January 1, 1988; 5 (1): 87-97.

Xenopsin immunoreactivity in antral G-cells may reside in the N-terminus of gastrin 17., Johnston CF, Shaw C, Ardill JE, Sloan JM, Buchanan KD., Histochemistry. January 1, 1988; 90 (2): 161-4.

Xenopus laevis hemoglobin and its hybrids with hemoglobin A+., Condò SG, Giardina B, Bellelli A, Brunori M., Biochemistry. October 20, 1987; 26 (21): 6718-22.

Xfin: an embryonic gene encoding a multifingered protein in Xenopus., Ruiz i Altaba A, Perry-O'Keefe H, Melton DA., EMBO J. October 1, 1987; 6 (10): 3065-70.

Xenopsin- and neurotensin-like peptides in gastric juice from patients with duodenal ulcers., Shaw C, Stöckmann F, Conlon JM., Eur J Clin Invest. August 1, 1987; 17 (4): 306-12.

Xenopus tropicalis U6 snRNA genes transcribed by Pol III contain the upstream promoter elements used by Pol II dependent U snRNA genes., Krol A, Carbon P, Ebel JP, Appel B., Nucleic Acids Res. March 25, 1987; 15 (6): 2463-78.

Xenopus oocytes injected with rat uterine RNA express very slowly activating potassium currents., Boyle MB, Azhderian EM, MacLusky NJ, Naftolin F, Kaczmarek LK., Science. March 6, 1987; 235 (4793): 1221-4.

Xenopus cytoskeletal actin and human c-fos gene promoters share a conserved protein-binding site., Mohun T, Garrett N, Treisman R., EMBO J. March 1, 1987; 6 (3): 667-73.

Xenopus transcription factor IIIA binds primarily at junctions between double helical stems and internal loops in oocyte 5S RNA., Christiansen J, Brown RS, Sproat BS, Garrett RA., EMBO J. February 1, 1987; 6 (2): 453-60.

Xenopus laevis lectins., Barondes SH, Roberson MM., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1987; 138 516-20.

Xenopus myc proto-oncogene during development: expression as a stable maternal mRNA uncoupled from cell division., Taylor MV, Gusse M, Evan GI, Dathan N, Mechali M., EMBO J. December 20, 1986; 5 (13): 3563-70.

Xenopus nucleoplasmin: egg vs. oocyte., Sealy L, Cotten M, Chalkley R., Biochemistry. May 20, 1986; 25 (10): 3064-72.

Xenopus ribosomal gene enhancers function when inserted inside the gene they enhance., Labhart P, Reeder RH., Nucleic Acids Res. December 20, 1985; 13 (24): 8999-9009.

Xenopus marginal band disassembly by calcium-activated cytoplasmic factors., Gambino J, Ross MJ, Weatherbee JA, Gavin RH, Eckhardt RA., J Cell Sci. November 1, 1985; 79 199-215.

Xenopus transcription factor A promotes DNA reassociation., Hanas JS, Hazuda DJ, Wu CW., J Biol Chem. October 25, 1985; 260 (24): 13316-20.

Xenopus MHC class II molecules. II. Polymorphism as determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis., Kaufman JF, Flajnik MF, Du Pasquier L., J Immunol. May 1, 1985; 134 (5): 3258-64.

Xenopus MHC class II molecules. I. Identification and structural characterization., Kaufman JF, Flajnik MF, Du Pasquier L, Riegert P., J Immunol. May 1, 1985; 134 (5): 3248-57.

Xenopus vitellogenin genes., Wahli W, Ryffel GU., Oxf Surv Eukaryot Genes. January 1, 1985; 2 96-120.

Xenopus 5S gene transcription factor, TFIIIA: characterization of a cDNA clone and measurement of RNA levels throughout development., Ginsberg AM, King BO, Roeder RG., Cell. December 1, 1984; 39 (3 Pt 2): 479-89.

Xenopus fibrinogen: characterization of the mRNAs for the three subunits., Holland LJ, Wangh LJ., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 1984; 4 (11): 2543-8.

Xenopus hsp 70 genes are constitutively expressed in injected oocytes., Bienz M., EMBO J. November 1, 1984; 3 (11): 2477-83.

Xenopus laevis 28S ribosomal RNA: a secondary structure model and its evolutionary and functional implications., Clark CG, Tague BW, Ware VC, Gerbi SA., Nucleic Acids Res. August 10, 1984; 12 (15): 6197-220.

Xenopus oocyte resting potential, muscarinic responses and the role of calcium and guanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate., Dascal N, Landau EM, Lass Y., J Physiol. July 1, 1984; 352 551-74.

Xenopus oocytes can secrete bacterial beta-lactamase., Wiedmann M, Huth A, Rapoport TA., Nature. June 14, 1984; 309 (5969): 637-9.

Xenopus laevis U1 snRNA genes: characterisation of transcriptionally active genes reveals major and minor repeated gene families., Zeller R, Carri MT, Mattaj IW, De Robertis EM., EMBO J. May 1, 1984; 3 (5): 1075-81.

Xenopus laevis 18S ribosomal RNA: experimental determination of secondary structural elements, and locations of methyl groups in the secondary structure model., Atmadja J, Brimacombe R, Maden BE., Nucleic Acids Res. March 26, 1984; 12 (6): 2649-67.

Xenopus fibrinogen synthesis and secretion. Analysis of precursor polypeptides and their post-translational modification., Holland LJ, Wangh LJ., J Biol Chem. March 25, 1984; 259 (6): 3757-62.

Xenopus oocytes can synthesise but do not secrete the Z variant of human alpha 1-antitrypsin., Foreman RC, Judah JD, Colman A., FEBS Lett. March 12, 1984; 168 (1): 84-8.

Xenopsin: the neurotensin-like octapeptide from Xenopus skin at the carboxyl terminus of its precursor., Sures I, Crippa M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 1, 1984; 81 (2): 380-4.

Xenopus transcription factor A requires zinc for binding to the 5 S RNA gene., Hanas JS, Hazuda DJ, Bogenhagen DF, Wu FY, Wu CW., J Biol Chem. December 10, 1983; 258 (23): 14120-5.

Xenopus laevis lectin is localized at several sites in Xenopus oocytes, eggs, and embryos., Roberson MM, Barondes SH., J Cell Biol. December 1, 1983; 97 (6): 1875-81.

Xenopus neural crest cell migration in an applied electrical field., Stump RF, Robinson KR., J Cell Biol. October 1, 1983; 97 (4): 1226-33.

Xenopus fibrinogen. Characterization of subunits and hormonal regulation of biosynthesis., Wangh LJ, Holland LJ, Spolski RJ, Aprison BS, Weisel JW., J Biol Chem. April 10, 1983; 258 (7): 4599-605.

Xenopus lipovitellin, a new target protein for calmodulin., Molla A, Cartaud A, Lazaro R, Ozon R., FEBS Lett. April 5, 1983; 154 (1): 101-4.

Xanthine dehydrogenase activity in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Lyerla TA, Fournier PC., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1983; 76 (3): 497-502.

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