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Search Results

Repatterning in amphibian limb regeneration: A model for study of genetic and epigenetic control of organ regeneration., Yakushiji N, Yokoyama H, Tamura K., Semin Cell Dev Biol. July 1, 2009; 20 (5): 565-74.   

Regulatory sequences in the 3' untranslated region of the human cGMP-phosphodiesterase beta-subunit gene., Verardo MR, Viczian A, Piri N, Akhmedov NB, Knox BE, Farber DB., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. June 1, 2009; 50 (6): 2591-8.

Rapid gynogenetic mapping of Xenopus tropicalis mutations to chromosomes., Khokha MK, Krylov V, Reilly MJ, Gall JG, Bhattacharya D, Cheung CY, Kaufman S, Lam DK, Macha J, Ngo C, Prakash N, Schmidt P, Tlapakova T, Trivedi T, Tumova L, Abu-Daya A, Geach T, Vendrell E, Ironfield H, Sinzelle L, Sater AK, Wells DE, Harland RM, Zimmerman LB., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2009; 238 (6): 1398-46.   

Renal and brain isoforms of WNK3 have opposite effects on NCCT expression., Glover M, Zuber AM, O'Shaughnessy KM., J Am Soc Nephrol. June 1, 2009; 20 (6): 1314-22.

Regulation of desmin expression in adult-type myogenesis and muscle maturation during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Kawakami K, Kuroda M, Nishikawa A., Zoolog Sci. June 1, 2009; 26 (6): 389-97.

Regulation of epithelial sodium channels by cGMP/PKGII., Nie HG, Chen L, Han DY, Li J, Song WF, Wei SP, Fang XH, Gu X, Matalon S, Ji HL., J Physiol. June 1, 2009; 587 (Pt 11): 2663-76.

Retinal regeneration in the Xenopus laevis tadpole: a new model system., Vergara MN, Del Rio-Tsonis K., Mol Vis. May 18, 2009; 15 1000-13.   

Rasip1 is required for endothelial cell motility, angiogenesis and vessel formation., Xu K, Chong DC, Rankin SA, Zorn AM, Cleaver O., Dev Biol. May 15, 2009; 329 (2): 269-79.   

Rapid temperature jump by infrared diode laser irradiation for patch-clamp studies., Yao J, Liu B, Qin F., Biophys J. May 6, 2009; 96 (9): 3611-9.

RAP55: insights into an evolutionarily conserved protein family., Marnef A, Sommerville J, Ladomery MR., Int J Biochem Cell Biol. May 1, 2009; 41 (5): 977-81.

Rapid responses of a melanophore cell line to chemical contaminants in water., Iuga A, Lerner E, Shedd TR, van der Schalie WH., J Appl Toxicol. May 1, 2009; 29 (4): 346-9.

Role of p54 RNA helicase activity and its C-terminal domain in translational repression, P-body localization and assembly., Minshall N, Kress M, Weil D, Standart N., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2009; 20 (9): 2464-72.

Regulator of complement activation (RCA) gene cluster in Xenopus tropicalis., Oshiumi H, Suzuki Y, Matsumoto M, Seya T., Immunogenetics. May 1, 2009; 61 (5): 371-84.   

Resources and transgenesis techniques for functional genomics in Xenopus., Ogino H, Ochi H., Dev Growth Differ. May 1, 2009; 51 (4): 387-401.   

Residues important for nitrate/proton coupling in plant and mammalian CLC transporters., Bergsdorf EY, Zdebik AA, Jentsch TJ., J Biol Chem. April 24, 2009; 284 (17): 11184-93.

Remodeling of insulin producing beta-cells during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Mukhi S, Horb ME, Brown DD., Dev Biol. April 15, 2009; 328 (2): 384-91.   

RNA localization to the Balbiani body in Xenopus oocytes is regulated by the energy state of the cell and is facilitated by kinesin II., Heinrich B, Deshler JO., RNA. April 1, 2009; 15 (4): 524-36.

Replication initiation complex formation in the absence of nuclear function in Xenopus., Krasinska L, Fisher D., Nucleic Acids Res. April 1, 2009; 37 (7): 2238-48.   

Responses of hatchling Xenopus tadpoles to water currents: first function of lateral line receptors without cupulae., Roberts A, Feetham B, Pajak M, Teare T., J Exp Biol. April 1, 2009; 212 (Pt 7): 914-21.

Roles of surface residues of intracellular domains of heag potassium channels., Stevens L, Ju M, Wray D., Eur Biophys J. April 1, 2009; 38 (4): 523-32.

Relative CO2/NH3 selectivities of AQP1, AQP4, AQP5, AmtB, and RhAG., Musa-Aziz R, Chen LM, Pelletier MF, Boron WF., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 31, 2009; 106 (13): 5406-11.

Requirement for Nudel and dynein for assembly of the lamin B spindle matrix., Ma L, Tsai MY, Wang S, Lu B, Chen R, Yates JR, Zhu X, Zheng Y., Nat Cell Biol. March 1, 2009; 11 (3): 247-56.   

Regulatory evolution of a duplicated heterodimer across species and tissues of allopolyploid clawed frogs (Xenopus)., Anderson DW, Evans BJ., J Mol Evol. March 1, 2009; 68 (3): 236-47.

Role of the N-terminal alpha-helix in biogenesis of alpha7 nicotinic receptors., Castillo M, Mulet J, Aldea M, Gerber S, Sala S, Sala F, Criado M., J Neurochem. March 1, 2009; 108 (6): 1399-409.

Role of multiple phosphorylation sites in the COOH-terminal tail of aquaporin-2 for water transport: evidence against channel gating., Moeller HB, MacAulay N, Knepper MA, Fenton RA., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. March 1, 2009; 296 (3): F649-57.

Regulation of epithelial Na+ transport by soluble adenylyl cyclase in kidney collecting duct cells., Hallows KR, Wang H, Edinger RS, Butterworth MB, Oyster NM, Li H, Buck J, Levin LR, Johnson JP, Pastor-Soler NM., J Biol Chem. February 27, 2009; 284 (9): 5774-83.

Rice OsYSL15 is an iron-regulated iron(III)-deoxymugineic acid transporter expressed in the roots and is essential for iron uptake in early growth of the seedlings., Inoue H, Kobayashi T, Nozoye T, Takahashi M, Kakei Y, Suzuki K, Nakazono M, Nakanishi H, Mori S, Nishizawa NK., J Biol Chem. February 6, 2009; 284 (6): 3470-9.

Research funding: Closing arguments., Wadman M., Nature. February 5, 2009; 457 (7230): 650-5.

Repression of nascent strand elongation by deregulated Cdt1 during DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts., Tsuyama T, Watanabe S, Aoki A, Cho Y, Seki M, Enomoto T, Tada S., Mol Biol Cell. February 1, 2009; 20 (3): 937-47.

Retinol dehydrogenase 10 is a feedback regulator of retinoic acid signalling during axis formation and patterning of the central nervous system., Strate I, Min TH, Iliev D, Pera EM., Development. February 1, 2009; 136 (3): 461-72.   

Role of the aquaporin PIP1 subfamily in the chilling tolerance of rice., Matsumoto T, Lian HL, Su WA, Tanaka D, Liu Cw, Iwasaki I, Kitagawa Y., Plant Cell Physiol. February 1, 2009; 50 (2): 216-29.

Refinement of the binding site and mode of action of the anticonvulsant Retigabine on KCNQ K+ channels., Lange W, Geissendörfer J, Schenzer A, Grötzinger J, Seebohm G, Friedrich T, Schwake M., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 2009; 75 (2): 272-80.

Regulation of antiarrhythmic drug propafenone effects on the c-type Kv1.4 potassium channel by PHo and K+., Wang Z, Wang S, Li J, Jiang X, Wang N., J Korean Med Sci. February 1, 2009; 24 (1): 84-91.   

Reproductive toxicity in Xenopus tropicalis after developmental exposure to environmental concentrations of ethynylestradiol., Gyllenhammar I, Holm L, Eklund R, Berg C., Aquat Toxicol. January 31, 2009; 91 (2): 171-8.

Red fluorescent Xenopus laevis: a new tool for grafting analysis., Waldner C, Roose M, Ryffel GU., BMC Dev Biol. January 28, 2009; 9 37.   

Review. The mammalian proton-coupled peptide cotransporter PepT1: sitting on the transporter-channel fence?, Meredith D., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. January 27, 2009; 364 (1514): 203-7.   

Reproductive maturation of the tropical clawed frog: Xenopus tropicalis., Olmstead AW, Korte JJ, Woodis KK, Bennett BA, Ostazeski S, Degitz SJ., Gen Comp Endocrinol. January 15, 2009; 160 (2): 117-23.

Reanalysis of structure/function correlations in the region of transmembrane segments 4 and 5 of the rabbit sodium/glucose cotransporter., Liu T, Speight P, Silverman M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 2, 2009; 378 (1): 133-8.

RNA isolation from Xenopus inner ear sensory endorgans for transcriptional profiling and molecular cloning., Trujillo-Provencio C, Powers TR, Sultemeier DR, Serrano EE., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 493 3-20.

Regions of the amino terminus of the P2X receptor required for modification by phorbol ester and mGluR1alpha receptors., Wen H, Evans RJ., J Neurochem. January 1, 2009; 108 (2): 331-40.   

Relocations of cell convergence sites and formation of pharyngula-like shapes in mechanically relaxed Xenopus embryos., Kornikova ES, Korvin-Pavlovskaya EG, Beloussov LV., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 2009; 219 (1): 1-10.

Requirement of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in pronephric kidney development., Lyons JP, Miller RK, Zhou X, Weidinger G, Deroo T, Denayer T, Park JI, Ji H, Hong JY, Li A, Moon RT, Jones EA, Vleminckx K, Vize PD, McCrea PD., Mech Dev. January 1, 2009; 126 (3-4): 142-59.   

Rotation in Xenopus laevis embryos during the second cell cycle., Starodubov SM, Golychenkov VA., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (1): 135-7.   

Regulation of ERK activity duration by Sprouty contributes to dorsoventral patterning., Hanafusa H, Matsumoto K, Nishida E., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2009; 11 (1): 106-9.

Regulation of cytokinesis by Rho GTPase flux., Miller AL, Bement WM., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2009; 11 (1): 71-7.   

Regulation of the Na(+)-coupled glutamate transporter EAAT3 by PIKfyve., Klaus F, Gehring EM, Zürn A, Laufer J, Lindner R, Strutz-Seebohm N, Tavaré JM, Rothstein JD, Boehmer C, Palmada M, Gruner I, Lang UE, Seebohm G, Lang F., Neurochem Int. January 1, 2009; 54 (5-6): 372-7.

Reorganisation of human sperm nuclear architecture during formation of pronuclei in a model system., Mudrak O, Chandra R, Jones E, Godfrey E, Zalensky A., Reprod Fertil Dev. January 1, 2009; 21 (5): 665-71.

Role of Arg123 in light-driven anion pump mechanisms of pharaonis halorhodopsin., Kubo M, Kikukawa T, Miyauchi S, Seki A, Kamiya M, Aizawa T, Kawano K, Kamo N, Demura M., Photochem Photobiol. January 1, 2009; 85 (2): 547-55.

Regulation of expression of zebrafish (Danio rerio) insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor: implications for evolution at the IGF2R locus., Tsalavouta M, Astudillo O, Byrnes L, Nolan CM., Evol Dev. January 1, 2009; 11 (5): 546-58.

Role of the terminal domains in sodium channel localization., Lee A, Goldin AL., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2009; 3 (3): 171-80.

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