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Search Results

Two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization using chromogenic substrates in Xenopus., Agricola Z, Cha SW., Biotechniques. November 1, 2016; 61 (5): 263-268.

The Hv1 proton channel responds to mechanical stimuli., Pathak MM, Tran T, Hong L, Joós B, Morris CE, Tombola F., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2016; 148 (5): 405-418.   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms of tissue repair and regeneration as revealed by studies in Xenopus., Li J, Zhang S, Amaya E., Regeneration (Oxf). October 28, 2016; 3 (4): 198-208.   

The C-terminal domain of TPX2 is made of alpha-helical tandem repeats., Sanchez-Pulido L, Perez L, Kuhn S, Vernos I, Andrade-Navarro MA., BMC Struct Biol. October 26, 2016; 16 (1): 17.   

The European Eel NCCβ Gene Encodes a Thiazide-resistant Na-Cl Cotransporter., Moreno E, Plata C, Rodríguez-Gama A, Argaiz ER, Vázquez N, Leyva-Ríos K, Islas L, Cutler C, Pacheco-Alvarez D, Mercado A, Cariño-Cortés R, Castañeda-Bueno M, Gamba G., J Biol Chem. October 21, 2016; 291 (43): 22472-22481.

The isolated voltage sensing domain of the Shaker potassium channel forms a voltage-gated cation channel., Zhao J, Blunck R., Elife. October 6, 2016; 5   

Thyroid Hormone Acts Locally to Increase Neurogenesis, Neuronal Differentiation, and Dendritic Arbor Elaboration in the Tadpole Visual System., Thompson CK, Cline HT., J Neurosci. October 5, 2016; 36 (40): 10356-10375.

Triggering signaling pathways using F-actin self-organization., Colin A, Bonnemay L, Gayrard C, Gautier J, Gueroui Z., Sci Rep. October 4, 2016; 6 34657.   

The insecticidal activity and action mode of an imidacloprid analogue, 1-(3-pyridylmethyl)-2-nitroimino-imidazolidine., Zhuang AX, Zhang YX, Zhang H, Liu ZW., Insect Sci. October 1, 2016; 23 (5): 688-94.

The unique myelopoiesis strategy of the amphibian Xenopus laevis., Yaparla A, Wendel ES, Grayfer L., Dev Comp Immunol. October 1, 2016; 63 136-43.

The sequential activation of the mitotic microtubule assembly pathways favors bipolar spindle formation., Cavazza T, Malgaretti P, Vernos I., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 2016; 27 (19): 2935-45.   

The proteins of Vent-family and their mRNAs are located in different areas of the tails of Zebrafish and Xenopus embryos., Pshennikova ES, Voronina AS., Int J Biochem Cell Biol. October 1, 2016; 79 388-392.

The histone methyltransferase Setd7 promotes pancreatic progenitor identity., Kofent J, Zhang J, Spagnoli FM., Development. October 1, 2016; 143 (19): 3573-3581.   

Tbx3 represses bmp4 expression and, with Pax6, is required and sufficient for retina formation., Motahari Z, Martinez-De Luna RI, Viczian AS, Zuber ME., Development. October 1, 2016; 143 (19): 3560-3572.   

The Kinesin-5 Chemomechanical Cycle Is Dominated by a Two-heads-bound State., Chen GY, Mickolajczyk KJ, Hancock WO., J Biol Chem. September 23, 2016; 291 (39): 20283-20294.

The E3 ubiquitin ligase Hace1 is required for early embryonic development in Xenopus laevis., Iimura A, Yamazaki F, Suzuki T, Endo T, Nishida E, Kusakabe M., BMC Dev Biol. September 21, 2016; 16 (1): 31.   

The Chd1 chromatin remodeler can sense both entry and exit sides of the nucleosome., Nodelman IM, Horvath KC, Levendosky RF, Winger J, Ren R, Patel A, Li M, Wang MD, Roberts E, Bowman GD., Nucleic Acids Res. September 19, 2016; 44 (16): 7580-91.   

The splicing factor SRSF1 modulates pattern formation by inhibiting transcription of tissue specific genes during embryogenesis., Lee SH, Lee HK, Kim C, Kim YK, Ismail T, Jeong Y, Park K, Park JW, Kwon OS, Kang BS, Lee DS, Park MJ, Park DS, Lee HS., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 2, 2016; 477 (4): 1011-1016.   

The muscarinic antagonists scopolamine and atropine are competitive antagonists at 5-HT3 receptors., Lochner M, Thompson AJ., Neuropharmacology. September 1, 2016; 108 220-8.   

The plasticizer bisphenol A affects somatic and sexual development, but differently in pipid, hylid and bufonid anurans., Tamschick S, Rozenblut-Kościsty B, Ogielska M, Kekenj D, Gajewski F, Krüger A, Kloas W, Stöck M., Environ Pollut. September 1, 2016; 216 282-291.

Toward Understanding Functional Properties and Subunit Arrangement of α4β2δ γ-Aminobutyric Acid, Type A (GABAA) Receptors., Wongsamitkul N, Baur R, Sigel E., J Biol Chem. August 26, 2016; 291 (35): 18474-83.

The Dinoflagellate Toxin 20-Methyl Spirolide-G Potently Blocks Skeletal Muscle and Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors., Couesnon A, Aráoz R, Iorga BI, Benoit E, Reynaud M, Servent D, Molgó J., Toxins (Basel). August 24, 2016; 8 (9):   

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor controls cyclin O to promote epithelial multiciliogenesis., Villa M, Crotta S, Dingwell KS, Hirst EM, Gialitakis M, Ahlfors H, Smith JC, Stockinger B, Wack A., Nat Commun. August 24, 2016; 7 12652.   

The cardiac-restricted protein ADP-ribosylhydrolase-like 1 is essential for heart chamber outgrowth and acts on muscle actin filament assembly., Smith SJ, Towers N, Saldanha JW, Shang CA, Mahmood SR, Taylor WR, Mohun TJ., Dev Biol. August 15, 2016; 416 (2): 373-88.   

The positive transcriptional elongation factor (P-TEFb) is required for neural crest specification., Hatch VL, Marin-Barba M, Moxon S, Ford CT, Ward NJ, Tomlinson ML, Desanlis I, Hendry AE, Hontelez S, van Kruijsbergen I, Veenstra GJ, Münsterberg AE, Wheeler GN., Dev Biol. August 15, 2016; 416 (2): 361-72.   

Tyrosine Residues from the S4-S5 Linker of Kv11.1 Channels Are Critical for Slow Deactivation., Ng CA, Gravel AE, Perry MD, Arnold AA, Marcotte I, Vandenberg JI., J Biol Chem. August 12, 2016; 291 (33): 17293-302.

Thyroglobulin Represents a Novel Molecular Architecture of Vertebrates., Holzer G, Morishita Y, Fini JB, Lorin T, Gillet B, Hughes S, Tohmé M, Deléage G, Demeneix B, Arvan P, Laudet V., J Biol Chem. August 5, 2016; 291 (32): 16553-66.   

TTC25 Deficiency Results in Defects of the Outer Dynein Arm Docking Machinery and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia with Left-Right Body Asymmetry Randomization., Wallmeier J, Shiratori H, Dougherty GW, Edelbusch C, Hjeij R, Loges NT, Menchen T, Olbrich H, Pennekamp P, Raidt J, Werner C, Minegishi K, Shinohara K, Asai Y, Takaoka K, Lee C, Griese M, Memari Y, Durbin R, Kolb-Kokocinski A, Sauer S, Wallingford JB, Hamada H, Omran H., Am J Hum Genet. August 4, 2016; 99 (2): 460-9.

Thyroid hormone activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling involved in adult epithelial development during intestinal remodeling in Xenopus laevis., Hasebe T, Fujimoto K, Kajita M, Ishizuya-Oka A., Cell Tissue Res. August 1, 2016; 365 (2): 309-18.

The two-pore domain potassium channel, TWIK-1, has a role in the regulation of heart rate and atrial size., Christensen AH, Chatelain FC, Huttner IG, Olesen MS, Soka M, Feliciangeli S, Horvat C, Santiago CF, Vandenberg JI, Schmitt N, Olesen SP, Lesage F, Fatkin D., J Mol Cell Cardiol. August 1, 2016; 97 24-35.

The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel directly affects gene expression in thyroid and pituitary glands of Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Lorenz C, Opitz R, Trubiroha A, Lutz I, Zikova A, Kloas W., Aquat Toxicol. August 1, 2016; 177 63-73.

The Possible Role of TASK Channels in Rank-Ordered Recruitment of Motoneurons in the Dorsolateral Part of the Trigeminal Motor Nucleus., Okamoto K, Emura N, Sato H, Fukatsu Y, Saito M, Tanaka C, Morita Y, Nishimura K, Kuramoto E, Xu Yin D, Furutani K, Okazawa M, Kurachi Y, Kaneko T, Maeda Y, Yamashiro T, Takada K, Toyoda H, Kang Y., eNeuro. July 20, 2016; 3 (3):   

The Role of microRNAs in Animal Cell Reprogramming., Cruz-Santos MC, Aragón-Raygoza A, Espinal-Centeno A, Arteaga-Vázquez M, Cruz-Hernández A, Bako L, Cruz-Ramírez A., Stem Cells Dev. July 15, 2016; 25 (14): 1035-49.

The old and new face of craniofacial research: How animal models inform human craniofacial genetic and clinical data., Van Otterloo E, Williams T, Artinger KB., Dev Biol. July 15, 2016; 415 (2): 171-187.   

The structure of ends determines the pathway choice and Mre11 nuclease dependency of DNA double-strand break repair., Liao S, Tammaro M, Yan H., Nucleic Acids Res. July 8, 2016; 44 (12): 5689-701.   

The proposed channel-enzyme transient receptor potential melastatin 2 does not possess ADP ribose hydrolase activity., Iordanov I, Mihályi C, Tóth B, Csanády L., Elife. July 6, 2016; 5   

The spleen and skin wound healing in Xenopus adults., Franchini A, Della Rocca A, Bertolotti E., J Morphol. July 1, 2016; 277 (7): 888-95.

Trialkyltin Rexinoid-X Receptor Agonists Selectively Potentiate Thyroid Hormone Induced Programs of Xenopus laevis Metamorphosis., Mengeling BJ, Murk AJ, Furlow JD., Endocrinology. July 1, 2016; 157 (7): 2712-23.

The polycystin complex mediates Wnt/Ca(2+) signalling., Kim S, Nie H, Nesin V, Tran U, Outeda P, Bai CX, Keeling J, Maskey D, Watnick T, Wessely O, Tsiokas L., Nat Cell Biol. July 1, 2016; 18 (7): 752-764.   

The Ca2+-activated Cl- channel Ano1 controls microvilli length and membrane surface area in the oocyte., Courjaret R, Hodeify R, Hubrack S, Ibrahim A, Dib M, Daas S, Machaca K., J Cell Sci. July 1, 2016; 129 (13): 2548-58.

Train stimulation of parallel fibre to Purkinje cell inputs reveals two populations of synaptic responses with different receptor signatures., Devi SP, Howe JR, Auger C., J Physiol. July 1, 2016; 594 (13): 3705-27.

Tuning the ion selectivity of glutamate transporter-associated uncoupled conductances., Cater RJ, Vandenberg RJ, Ryan RM., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2016; 148 (1): 13-24.   

The adaptor protein DCAF7 mediates the interaction of the adenovirus E1A oncoprotein with the protein kinases DYRK1A and HIPK2., Glenewinkel F, Cohen MJ, King CR, Kaspar S, Bamberg-Lemper S, Mymryk JS, Becker W., Sci Rep. June 16, 2016; 6 28241.   

The acquisition of myelin: An evolutionary perspective., Zalc B., Brain Res. June 15, 2016; 1641 (Pt A): 4-10.

Two Different Functions of Connexin43 Confer Two Different Bone Phenotypes in Zebrafish., Misu A, Yamanaka H, Aramaki T, Kondo S, Skerrett IM, Iovine MK, Watanabe M., J Biol Chem. June 10, 2016; 291 (24): 12601-11.

Transcriptome profiles of metamorphosis in the ornamented pygmy frog Microhyla fissipes clarify the functions of thyroid hormone receptors in metamorphosis., Zhao L, Liu L, Wang S, Wang H, Jiang J., Sci Rep. June 2, 2016; 6 27310.   

The N-terminal domain of the GluN3A subunit determines the efficacy of glycine-activated NMDA receptors., Mesic I, Madry C, Geider K, Bernhard M, Betz H, Laube B., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 2016; 105 133-141.

The search for NKCC1-selective drugs for the treatment of epilepsy: Structure-function relationship of bumetanide and various bumetanide derivatives in inhibiting the human cation-chloride cotransporter NKCC1A., Lykke K, Töllner K, Feit PW, Erker T, MacAulay N, Löscher W., Epilepsy Behav. June 1, 2016; 59 42-9.

Tissue- and stage-specific Wnt target gene expression is controlled subsequent to β-catenin recruitment to cis-regulatory modules., Nakamura Y, de Paiva Alves E, Veenstra GJ, Hoppler S., Development. June 1, 2016; 143 (11): 1914-25.   

The ciliopathy-associated CPLANE proteins direct basal body recruitment of intraflagellar transport machinery., Toriyama M, Lee C, Taylor SP, Duran I, Cohn DH, Bruel AL, Tabler JM, Drew K, Kelly MR, Kim S, Park TJ, Braun DA, Pierquin G, Biver A, Wagner K, Malfroot A, Panigrahi I, Franco B, Al-Lami HA, Yeung Y, Choi YJ, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Duffourd Y, Faivre L, Rivière JB, Chen J, Liu KJ, Marcotte EM, Hildebrandt F, Thauvin-Robinet C, Krakow D, Jackson PK, Wallingford JB., Nat Genet. June 1, 2016; 48 (6): 648-56.   

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