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Cryo-EM reveals two distinct serotonin-bound conformations of full-length 5-HT3A receptor., Basak S, Gicheru Y, Rao S, Sansom MSP, Chakrapani S., Nature. November 1, 2018; 563 (7730): 270-274.

Characterization of a Protein Phosphatase Type-1 and a Kinase Anchoring Protein in Plasmodium falciparum., Lenne A, De Witte C, Tellier G, Hollin T, Aliouat EM, Martoriati A, Cailliau K, Saliou JM, Khalife J, Pierrot C., Front Microbiol. October 31, 2018; 9 2617.   

Calcium Signaling in Vertebrate Development and Its Role in Disease., Paudel S, Sindelar R, Saha M., Int J Mol Sci. October 30, 2018; 19 (11):   

Cross-limb communication during Xenopus hindlimb regenerative response: non-local bioelectric injury signals., Busse SM, McMillen PT, Levin M., Development. October 8, 2018; 145 (19):   

Cytosolic malate and oxaloacetate activate S-type anion channels in Arabidopsis guard cells., Wang C, Zhang J, Wu J, Brodsky DE, Schroeder JI., New Phytol. October 1, 2018; 220 (1): 178-186.

Cardiovascular pharmacology of K2P17.1 (TASK-4, TALK-2) two-pore-domain K+ channels., Staudacher I, Illg C, Chai S, Deschenes I, Seehausen S, Gramlich D, Müller ME, Wieder T, Rahm AK, Mayer C, Schweizer PA, Katus HA, Thomas D., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. October 1, 2018; 391 (10): 1119-1131.

Curcumin analog, GO-Y078, overcomes resistance to tumor angiogenesis inhibitors., Shimazu K, Inoue M, Sugiyama S, Fukuda K, Yoshida T, Taguchi D, Uehara Y, Kuriyama S, Tanaka M, Miura M, Nanjyo H, Iwabuchi Y, Shibata H., Cancer Sci. October 1, 2018; 109 (10): 3285-3293.   

Combined effects of mutations in loop C and the loop D-E-G triangle on neonicotinoid interactions with Drosophila Dα1/chicken β2 hybrid nAChRs., Hikida M, Shimada S, Kurata R, Shigetou S, Ihara M, Sattelle DB, Matsuda K., Pestic Biochem Physiol. October 1, 2018; 151 47-52.

Cdc42 regulates the cellular localization of Cdc42ep1 in controlling neural crest cell migration., Cohen S, Kovari DT, Wei W, Keate R, Curtis JE, Nie S., J Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2018; 10 (5): 376-387.   

Colonic Potassium Absorption and Secretion in Health and Disease., Rajendran VM, Sandle GI., Compr Physiol. September 14, 2018; 8 (4): 1513-1536.

Concatenation of Human Connexin26 (hCx26) and Human Connexin46 (hCx46) for the Analysis of Heteromeric Gap Junction Hemichannels and Heterotypic Gap Junction Channels., Schadzek P, Hermes D, Stahl Y, Dilger N, Ngezahayo A., Int J Mol Sci. September 13, 2018; 19 (9):   

Controlling Ca2+ Permeable α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic Acid (AMPA) Receptors with Photochromic Ion Channel Blockers., Nørager NG, Poulsen MH, Strømgaard K., J Med Chem. September 13, 2018; 61 (17): 8048-8053.

Centromere and Kinetochore Assembly in Xenopus laevis Egg Extract., Flores Servin JC, Straight AF., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. September 4, 2018; 2018 (9):

Constitutive expression of CmSKOR, an outward K+ channel gene from melon, in Arabidopsis thaliana involved in saline tolerance., Long-Tang H, Li-Na Z, Li-Wei G, Anne-Aliénor V, Hervé S, Yi-Dong Z., Plant Sci. September 1, 2018; 274 492-502.

Cationic control of Panx1 channel function., Wang J, Jackson DG, Dahl G., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2018; 315 (3): C279-C289.

Comprehensive Substrate Characterization of 22 Antituberculosis Drugs for Multiple Solute Carrier (SLC) Uptake Transporters In Vitro., Parvez MM, Kaisar N, Shin HJ, Lee YJ, Shin JG., Antimicrob Agents Chemother. August 27, 2018; 62 (9):

Calcium is an essential cofactor for metal efflux by the ferroportin transporter family., Deshpande CN, Ruwe TA, Shawki A, Xin V, Vieth KR, Valore EV, Qiao B, Ganz T, Nemeth E, Mackenzie B, Jormakka M., Nat Commun. August 6, 2018; 9 (1): 3075.   

Chemical Screening Using Cell-Free Xenopus Egg Extract., Broadus MR, Lee E., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. August 1, 2018; 2018 (8):

CRISPR/Cas9 disease models in zebrafish and Xenopus: The genetic renaissance of fish and frogs., Naert T, Vleminckx K., Drug Discov Today Technol. August 1, 2018; 28 41-52.

Cloning and Functional Characterisation of the Duplicated RDL Subunits from the Pea Aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum., Del Villar SG, Jones AK., Int J Mol Sci. July 31, 2018; 19 (8):   

Correction: Polo-like kinase confers MPF autoamplification competence to growing Xenopus oocytes (doi:10.1242/dev.01050)., Karaiskou A, Leprêtre AC, Pahlavan G, Du Pasquier D, Ozon R, Jessus C., Development. July 30, 2018; 145 (14):   

Correction: The phosphorylation of ARPP19 by Greatwall renders the auto-amplification of MPF independently of PKA in Xenopus oocytes (doi:10.1242/jcs.126599)., Dupré A, Buffin E, Roustan C, Nairn AC, Jessus C, Haccard O., J Cell Sci. July 30, 2018; 131 (14):   

Controllable protein phase separation and modular recruitment to form responsive membraneless organelles., Schuster BS, Reed EH, Parthasarathy R, Jahnke CN, Caldwell RM, Bermudez JG, Ramage H, Good MC, Hammer DA., Nat Commun. July 30, 2018; 9 (1): 2985.   

Coulomb and CH-π interactions in (6-4) photolyase-DNA complex dominate DNA binding and repair abilities., Terai Y, Sato R, Yumiba T, Harada R, Shimizu K, Toga T, Ishikawa-Fujiwara T, Todo T, Iwai S, Shigeta Y, Yamamoto J., Nucleic Acids Res. July 27, 2018; 46 (13): 6761-6772.   

Channel current analysis estimates the pore-formation and the penetration of transmembrane peptides., Sekiya Y, Sakashita S, Shimizu K, Usui K, Kawano R., Analyst. July 23, 2018; 143 (15): 3540-3543.

Chromatin Accessibility Impacts Transcriptional Reprogramming in Oocytes., Miyamoto K, Nguyen KT, Allen GE, Jullien J, Kumar D, Otani T, Bradshaw CR, Livesey FJ, Kellis M, Gurdon JB., Cell Rep. July 10, 2018; 24 (2): 304-311.   

Comparative Early Life Stage Toxicity of the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis Following Exposure to Selected Herbicide Formulations Applied to Eradicate Alien Plants in South Africa., Babalola OO, Van Wyk JH., Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. July 1, 2018; 75 (1): 8-16.

Cellular composition and organization of the spinal cord central canal during metamorphosis of the frog Xenopus laevis., Edwards-Faret G, Cebrián-Silla A, Méndez-Olivos EE, González-Pinto K, García-Verdugo JM, Larraín J., J Comp Neurol. July 1, 2018; 526 (10): 1712-1732.

Coordination of Cell Polarity, Mechanics and Fate in Tissue Self-organization., Kim EJY, Korotkevich E, Hiiragi T., Trends Cell Biol. July 1, 2018; 28 (7): 541-550.   

Characterization of a 5-HT3-ELIC Chimera Revealing the Sites of Action of Modulators., Price KL, Lummis SCR., ACS Chem Neurosci. June 20, 2018; 9 (6): 1409-1415.

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated efficient and precise targeted integration of donor DNA harboring double cleavage sites in Xenopus tropicalis., Mao CZ, Zheng L, Zhou YM, Wu HY, Xia JB, Liang CQ, Guo XF, Peng WT, Zhao H, Cai WB, Kim SK, Park KS, Cai DQ, Qi XF., FASEB J. June 13, 2018; fj201800093.   

Collective gradient sensing and chemotaxis: modeling and recent developments., Camley BA., J Phys Condens Matter. June 6, 2018; 30 (22): 223001.

Cyclin A-cdk1-Dependent Phosphorylation of Bora Is the Triggering Factor Promoting Mitotic Entry., Vigneron S, Sundermann L, Labbé JC, Pintard L, Radulescu O, Castro A, Lorca T., Dev Cell. June 4, 2018; 45 (5): 637-650.e7.

Cotransporter-mediated water transport underlying cerebrospinal fluid formation., Steffensen AB, Oernbo EK, Stoica A, Gerkau NJ, Barbuskaite D, Tritsaris K, Rose CR, MacAulay N., Nat Commun. June 4, 2018; 9 (1): 2167.   

Cut loose and run: The complex role of ADAM proteases during neural crest cell development., Alfandari D, Taneyhill LA., Genesis. June 1, 2018; 56 (6-7): e23095.

Cerebellar α6 -subunit-containing GABAA receptors: a novel therapeutic target for disrupted prepulse inhibition in neuropsychiatric disorders., Chiou LC, Lee HJ, Ernst M, Huang WJ, Chou JF, Chen HL, Mouri A, Chen LC, Treven M, Mamiya T, Fan PC, Knutson DE, Witzigmann C, Cook J, Sieghart W, Nabeshima T., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 2018; 175 (12): 2414-2427.

CLAMP/Spef1 regulates planar cell polarity signaling and asymmetric microtubule accumulation in the Xenopus ciliated epithelia., Kim SK, Zhang S, Werner ME, Brotslaw EJ, Mitchell JW, Altabbaa MM, Mitchell BJ., J Cell Biol. May 7, 2018; 217 (5): 1633-1641.   

CALHM3 Is Essential for Rapid Ion Channel-Mediated Purinergic Neurotransmission of GPCR-Mediated Tastes., Ma Z, Taruno A, Ohmoto M, Jyotaki M, Lim JC, Miyazaki H, Niisato N, Marunaka Y, Lee RJ, Hoff H, Payne R, Demuro A, Parker I, Mitchell CH, Henao-Mejia J, Tanis JE, Matsumoto I, Tordoff MG, Foskett JK., Neuron. May 2, 2018; 98 (3): 547-561.e10.   

C8orf46 homolog encodes a novel protein Vexin that is required for neurogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Moore KB, Logan MA, Aldiri I, Roberts JM, Steele M, Vetter ML., Dev Biol. May 1, 2018; 437 (1): 27-40.   

Comparison of oocyte mRNA localization patterns in sterlet Acipenser ruthenus and African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Pocherniaieva K, Sidova M, Havelka M, Saito T, Psenicka M, Sindelka R, Kaspar V., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. May 1, 2018; 330 (3): 181-187.

Comparisons of behavioural and TRPA1 heat sensitivities in three sympatric Cuban Anolis lizards., Akashi HD, Saito S, Cádiz Díaz A, Makino T, Tominaga M, Kawata M., Mol Ecol. May 1, 2018; 27 (9): 2234-2242.

Cardiac regeneration in Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis: discrepancies and problems., Liao S, Dong W, Zhao H, Huang R, Qi X, Cai D., Cell Biosci. April 19, 2018; 8 32.

Cross-kingdom auxiliary subunit modulation of a voltage-gated sodium channel., Molinarolo S, Lee S, Leisle L, Lueck JD, Granata D, Carnevale V, Ahern CA., J Biol Chem. April 6, 2018; 293 (14): 4981-4992.

Curcumin Acts as a Positive Allosteric Modulator of α7-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Reverses Nociception in Mouse Models of Inflammatory Pain., El Nebrisi EG, Bagdas D, Toma W, Al Samri H, Brodzik A, Alkhlaif Y, Yang KS, Howarth FC, Damaj IM, Oz M., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. April 1, 2018; 365 (1): 190-200.

Coordinated regulation of the dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior patterning of Xenopus embryos by the BTB/POZ zinc finger protein Zbtb14., Takebayashi-Suzuki K, Konishi H, Miyamoto T, Nagata T, Uchida M, Suzuki A., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2018; 60 (3): 158-173.   

Coordinated d-cyclin/Foxd1 activation drives mitogenic activity of the Sonic Hedgehog signaling pathway., Fink DM, Sun MR, Heyne GW, Everson JL, Chung HM, Park S, Sheets MD, Lipinski RJ., Cell Signal. April 1, 2018; 44 1-9.

Cloning, Synthesis and Functional Characterization of a Novel α-Conotoxin Lt1.3., Chen J, Liang L, Ning H, Cai F, Liu Z, Zhang L, Zhou L, Dai Q., Mar Drugs. March 31, 2018; 16 (4):   

Conserved cysteines in the finger domain of the epithelial Na+ channel α and γ subunits are proximal to the dynamic finger-thumb domain interface., Blobner BM, Wang XP, Kashlan OB., J Biol Chem. March 30, 2018; 293 (13): 4928-4939.

Computational Methods for Estimating Molecular System from Membrane Potential Recordings in Nerve Growth Cone., Yamada T, Nishiyama M, Oba S, Jimbo HC, Ikeda K, Ishii S, Hong K, Sakumura Y., Sci Rep. March 14, 2018; 8 (1): 4559.   

Comparative Pharmacological Study of Common NMDA Receptor Open Channel Blockers Regarding Their Affinity and Functional Activity toward GluN2A and GluN2B NMDA Receptors., Temme L, Schepmann D, Schreiber JA, Frehland B, Wünsch B., ChemMedChem. March 6, 2018; 13 (5): 446-452.

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