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Search Results

Ubiquitylation on canonical and non-canonical sites targets the transcription factor neurogenin for ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis., Vosper JM, McDowell GS, Hindley CJ, Fiore-Heriche CS, Kucerova R, Horan I, Philpott A., J Biol Chem. June 5, 2009; 284 (23): 15458-68.

Use of adenovirus for ectopic gene expression in Xenopus., Dutton JR, Daughters RS, Chen Y, O'Neill KE, Slack JM., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2009; 238 (6): 1412-21.   

Unc5B interacts with FLRT3 and Rnd1 to modulate cell adhesion in Xenopus embryos., Karaulanov E, Böttcher RT, Stannek P, Wu W, Rau M, Ogata S, Cho KW, Niehrs C., PLoS One. May 29, 2009; 4 (5): e5742.   

Use of acetylcholine binding protein in the search for novel alpha7 nicotinic receptor ligands. In silico docking, pharmacological screening, and X-ray analysis., Ulens C, Akdemir A, Jongejan A, van Elk R, Bertrand S, Perrakis A, Leurs R, Smit AB, Sixma TK, Bertrand D, de Esch IJ., J Med Chem. April 23, 2009; 52 (8): 2372-83.

U1-independent pre-mRNA splicing contributes to the regulation of alternative splicing., Fukumura K, Taniguchi I, Sakamoto H, Ohno M, Inoue K., Nucleic Acids Res. April 1, 2009; 37 (6): 1907-14.   

Using transgenic animal models in neuroendocrine research: lessons from Xenopus laevis., Scheenen WJ, Jansen EJ, Roubos EW, Martens GJ., Ann N Y Acad Sci. April 1, 2009; 1163 296-307.

Unanticipated structural and functional properties of delta-subunit-containing GABAA receptors., Kaur KH, Baur R, Sigel E., J Biol Chem. March 20, 2009; 284 (12): 7889-96.

Use of KikGR a photoconvertible green-to-red fluorescent protein for cell labeling and lineage analysis in ES cells and mouse embryos., Nowotschin S, Hadjantonakis AK., BMC Dev Biol. January 28, 2009; 9 49.   

Use of genetic immunization to generate a high-level antibody against rat dicarboxylate transporter., Xu G, Liu A, Liu X., Int Urol Nephrol. January 1, 2009; 41 (1): 171-8.

Use of a reporter gene assay in yeast for genetic analysis of DNA-protein interactions., Setzer DR, Schulman DB, Gunther CV, Bumbulis MJ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 543 219-41.

Use of DNA combing to study DNA replication in Xenopus and human cell-free systems., Marheineke K, Goldar A, Krude T, Hyrien O., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 521 575-603.

Use of a real-time polymerase chain reaction thermocycler to study bacterial cell permeabilization by antimicrobial peptides., Bourbon C, Bry C, Roggemans C, Soulard C, Thizon C, Garbay B., Anal Biochem. October 15, 2008; 381 (2): 279-81.

Up-regulation of WRN and DNA ligase IIIalpha in chronic myeloid leukemia: consequences for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks., Sallmyr A, Tomkinson AE, Rassool FV., Blood. August 15, 2008; 112 (4): 1413-23.

Use of tc-99m mebrofenin as a clinical probe to assess altered hepatobiliary transport: integration of in vitro, pharmacokinetic modeling, and simulation studies., Ghibellini G, Leslie EM, Pollack GM, Brouwer KL., Pharm Res. August 1, 2008; 25 (8): 1851-60.

Upstream stimulatory factors, USF1 and USF2 are differentially expressed during Xenopus embryonic development., Fujimi TJ, Aruga J., Gene Expr Patterns. July 1, 2008; 8 (6): 376-381.   

Using Morpholinos to control gene expression., Moulton JD, Yan YL., Curr Protoc Mol Biol. July 1, 2008; Chapter 26 Unit 26.8.   

Understanding how morphogens work., Smith JC, Hagemann A, Saka Y, Williams PH., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. April 12, 2008; 363 (1495): 1387-92.

UNC-98 and UNC-96 interact with paramyosin to promote its incorporation into thick filaments of Caenorhabditis elegans., Miller RK, Qadota H, Mercer KB, Gernert KM, Benian GM., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2008; 19 (4): 1529-39.

Up-regulation of hypertonicity-activated myo-inositol transporter SMIT1 by the cell volume-sensitive protein kinase SGK1., Klaus F, Palmada M, Lindner R, Laufer J, Jeyaraj S, Lang F, Boehmer C., J Physiol. March 15, 2008; 586 (6): 1539-47.

Use of a new polyclonal antibody to study the distribution and glycosylation of the sodium-coupled bicarbonate transporter NCBE in rodent brain., Chen LM, Kelly ML, Rojas JD, Parker MD, Gill HS, Davis BA, Boron WF., Neuroscience. January 24, 2008; 151 (2): 374-85.

Unexpected activities of Smad7 in Xenopus mesodermal and neural induction., de Almeida I, Rolo A, Batut J, Hill C, Stern CD, Linker C., Mech Dev. January 1, 2008; 125 (5-6): 421-31.   

Uncoupling proton activation of vanilloid receptor TRPV1., Ryu S, Liu B, Yao J, Fu Q, Qin F., J Neurosci. November 21, 2007; 27 (47): 12797-807.

U2 snRNP binds intronless histone pre-mRNAs to facilitate U7-snRNP-dependent 3' end formation., Friend K, Lovejoy AF, Steitz JA., Mol Cell. October 26, 2007; 28 (2): 240-52.

Undamaged DNA transmits and enhances DNA damage checkpoint signals in early embryos., Peng A, Lewellyn AL, Maller JL., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2007; 27 (19): 6852-62.

Urodele p53 tolerates amino acid changes found in p53 variants linked to human cancer., Villiard E, Brinkmann H, Moiseeva O, Mallette FA, Ferbeyre G, Roy S., BMC Evol Biol. September 28, 2007; 7 180.   

Uncoupling by (--)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate of ATP-sensitive potassium channels from phosphatidylinositol polyphosphates and ATP., Jin JY, Park SH, Bae JH, Cho HC, Lim JG, Park WS, Han J, Lee JH, Song DK., Pharmacol Res. September 1, 2007; 56 (3): 237-47.

Understanding the somitogenesis clock: what's missing?, Cinquin O., Mech Dev. August 1, 2007; 124 (7-8): 501-17.

U bodies are cytoplasmic structures that contain uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and associate with P bodies., Liu JL, Gall JG., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 10, 2007; 104 (28): 11655-9.

Ultrastructural observations of the tunica muscularis in the small intestine of Xenopus laevis, with special reference to the interstitial cells of Cajal., Miyamoto-Kikuta S, Komuro T., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 2007; 328 (2): 271-9.

Upregulation of KCNE1 induces QT interval prolongation in patients with chronic heart failure., Watanabe E, Yasui K, Kamiya K, Yamaguchi T, Sakuma I, Honjo H, Ozaki Y, Morimoto S, Hishida H, Kodama I., Circ J. April 1, 2007; 71 (4): 471-8.

Uroplakins: new molecular players in the biology of urinary tract malformations., Jenkins D, Woolf AS., Kidney Int. February 1, 2007; 71 (3): 195-200.

Unusual slow gating of gap junction channels in oocytes expressing connexin32 or its COOH-terminus truncated mutant., Peracchia C, Salim M, Peracchia LL., J Membr Biol. February 1, 2007; 215 (2-3): 161-8.

Unnatural amino acid mutagenesis of the GABA(A) receptor binding site residues reveals a novel cation-pi interaction between GABA and beta 2Tyr97., Padgett CL, Hanek AP, Lester HA, Dougherty DA, Lummis SC., J Neurosci. January 24, 2007; 27 (4): 886-92.

Using Xenopus embryos to investigate integrin function., DeSimone DW, Dzamba B, Davidson LA., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2007; 426 403-14.

Use of Xenopus oocytes to measure ionic selectivity of pore-forming peptides and ion channels., Cens T, Charnet P., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2007; 403 287-302.

UNC-98 links an integrin-associated complex to thick filaments in Caenorhabditis elegans muscle., Miller RK, Qadota H, Landsverk ML, Mercer KB, Epstein HF, Benian GM., J Cell Biol. December 18, 2006; 175 (6): 853-9.   

Unliganded thyroid hormone receptor is essential for Xenopus laevis eye development., Havis E, Le Mevel S, Morvan Dubois G, Shi DL, Scanlan TS, Demeneix BA, Sachs LM., EMBO J. October 18, 2006; 25 (20): 4943-51.

Uncompetitive antagonism of AMPA receptors: Mechanistic insights from studies of polyamine toxin derivatives., Andersen TF, Tikhonov DB, Bølcho U, Bolshakov K, Nelson JK, Pluteanu F, Mellor IR, Egebjerg J, Strømgaard K., J Med Chem. September 7, 2006; 49 (18): 5414-23.

Use of a ROSA26:GFP transgenic line for long-term Xenopus fate-mapping studies., Gross JB, Hanken J, Oglesby E, Marsh-Armstrong N., J Anat. September 1, 2006; 209 (3): 401-13.

Ubiquitylation-independent ER-associated degradation of an AE1 mutant associated with dominant hereditary spherocytosis in cattle., Ito D, Koshino I, Arashiki N, Adachi H, Tomihari M, Tamahara S, Kurogi K, Amano T, Ono K, Inaba M., J Cell Sci. September 1, 2006; 119 (Pt 17): 3602-12.

Unique players in the BMP pathway: small C-terminal domain phosphatases dephosphorylate Smad1 to attenuate BMP signaling., Knockaert M, Sapkota G, Alarcón C, Massagué J, Brivanlou AH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 8, 2006; 103 (32): 11940-5.

Uncoupling global and fine-tuning replication timing determinants for mouse pericentric heterochromatin., Wu R, Singh PB, Gilbert DM., J Cell Biol. July 17, 2006; 174 (2): 185-94.   

Untranslated region-dependent exclusive expression of high-sensitivity subforms of alpha4beta2 and alpha3beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Briggs CA, Gubbins EJ, Marks MJ, Putman CB, Thimmapaya R, Meyer MD, Surowy CS., Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 2006; 70 (1): 227-40.

Uncleaved TFIIA is a substrate for taspase 1 and active in transcription., Zhou H, Spicuglia S, Hsieh JJ, Mitsiou DJ, Høiby T, Veenstra GJ, Korsmeyer SJ, Stunnenberg HG., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 2006; 26 (7): 2728-35.

Uncompetitive inhibition of Xenopus laevis aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 by divalent cations., Rahman FB, Yamauchi K., Zoolog Sci. March 1, 2006; 23 (3): 239-44.

Ubiquitination of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, Xic1, is mediated by the Xenopus F-box protein xSkp2., Lin HR, Chuang LC, Boix-Perales H, Philpott A, Yew PR., Cell Cycle. February 1, 2006; 5 (3): 304-14.

Ultrahigh-resolution full-field optical coherence microscopy using InGaAs camera., Oh WY, Bouma BE, Iftimia N, Yun SH, Yelin R, Tearney GJ., Opt Express. January 23, 2006; 14 (2): 726-35.

Using Xenopus oocyte extracts to study signal transduction., Crane RF, Ruderman JV., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 435-43.

Use of intact Xenopus oocytes in nucleocytoplasmic transport studies., Panté N., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 301-14.

Use of Xenopus laevis oocyte nuclei and nuclear envelopes in nucleocytoplasmic transport studies., Peters R., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 259-72.

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