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Search Results

Differential sensitivities of mammalian neuronal and muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to general anesthetics., Violet JM, Downie DL, Nakisa RC, Lieb WR, Franks NP., Anesthesiology. April 1, 1997; 86 (4): 866-74.

Disruption of nuclear lamin organization alters the distribution of replication factors and inhibits DNA synthesis., Spann TP, Moir RD, Goldman AE, Stick R, Goldman RD., J Cell Biol. March 24, 1997; 136 (6): 1201-12.   

Development of the retina is altered in the directly developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui (Leptodactylidae)., Schlosser G, Roth G., Neurosci Lett. March 21, 1997; 224 (3): 153-6.

DNA damage can alter the stability of nucleosomes: effects are dependent on damage type., Mann DB, Springer DL, Smerdon MJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 18, 1997; 94 (6): 2215-20.

Dominant-negative mutants of importin-beta block multiple pathways of import and export through the nuclear pore complex., Kutay U, Izaurralde E, Bischoff FR, Mattaj IW, Görlich D., EMBO J. March 17, 1997; 16 (6): 1153-63.

Desensitization of the P2X(2) receptor controlled by alternative splicing., Brändle U, Spielmanns P, Osteroth R, Sim J, Surprenant A, Buell G, Ruppersberg JP, Plinkert PK, Zenner HP, Glowatzki E., FEBS Lett. March 10, 1997; 404 (2-3): 294-8.

DNA methylation directs a time-dependent repression of transcription initiation., Kass SU, Landsberger N, Wolffe AP., Curr Biol. March 1, 1997; 7 (3): 157-65.

Differential inhibition of lysophosphatidate signaling by volatile anesthetics., Chan CK, Durieux ME., Anesthesiology. March 1, 1997; 86 (3): 660-9.

Dominant negative mutant of ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit GluR3: implications for the role of a cysteine residue for its channel activity and pharmacological properties., Watase K, Sekiguchi M, Matsui TA, Tagawa Y, Wada K., Biochem J. March 1, 1997; 322 ( Pt 2) 385-91.

Differential subunit dependence of the actions of the general anesthetics alphaxalone and etomidate at gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Sanna E, Murgia A, Casula A, Biggio G., Mol Pharmacol. March 1, 1997; 51 (3): 484-90.

Daunomycin disrupts nuclear assembly and the coordinate initiation of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extracts., Leng F, Leno GH., J Cell Biochem. March 1, 1997; 64 (3): 476-91.

Detection of a tyrosine-phosphorylated form of cyclin A during liver regeneration., Spiewak Rinaudo JA, Thorgeirsson SS., Cell Growth Differ. March 1, 1997; 8 (3): 301-9.

Developmental expression of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and structural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum during oogenesis and meiotic maturation of Xenopus laevis., Kume S, Yamamoto A, Inoue T, Muto A, Okano H, Mikoshiba K., Dev Biol. February 15, 1997; 182 (2): 228-39.   

Determinants of specificity for alpha-conotoxin MII on alpha3beta2 neuronal nicotinic receptors., Harvey SC, McIntosh JM, Cartier GE, Maddox FN, Luetje CW., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 1997; 51 (2): 336-42.

Dual modulation of an inwardly rectifying potassium conductance., Jones SV., Neuropharmacology. February 1, 1997; 36 (2): 209-15.

Differential effects of transforming growth factors beta 1, beta 2, beta 3 and beta 5 on chondrogenesis in mouse limb bud mesenchymal cells., Chimal-Monroy J, Díaz de León L., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 1997; 41 (1): 91-102.

Dimples, pores, star-rings, and thin rings on growing nuclear envelopes: evidence for structural intermediates in nuclear pore complex assembly., Goldberg MW, Wiese C, Allen TD, Wilson KL., J Cell Sci. February 1, 1997; 110 ( Pt 4) 409-20.

Diversity of potassium channels contributing to differences in brain area-specific seizure susceptibility: sensitivity of different potassium channels to the epileptogenic agent pentylenetetrazol., Madeja M, Musshoff U, Speckmann EJ., Eur J Neurosci. February 1, 1997; 9 (2): 390-5.

Dihydropyridine action on voltage-dependent potassium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Avdonin V, Shibata EF, Hoshi T., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 1997; 109 (2): 169-80.   

Direct binding of G-protein betagamma complex to voltage-dependent calcium channels., De Waard M, Liu H, Walker D, Scott VE, Gurnett CA, Campbell KP., Nature. January 30, 1997; 385 (6615): 446-50.

Dual phosphorylation of the T-loop in cdk7: its role in controlling cyclin H binding and CAK activity., Martinez AM, Afshar M, Martin F, Cavadore JC, Labbé JC, Dorée M., EMBO J. January 15, 1997; 16 (2): 343-54.

Determination of key structural requirements of a K+ channel pore., Nakamura RL, Anderson JA, Gaber RF., J Biol Chem. January 10, 1997; 272 (2): 1011-8.

Differential responses to ligands of overexpressed thyroid hormone and retinoid X receptors in a Xenopus cell line and in vivo., Ulisse S, Iwamura S, Tata JR., Mol Cell Endocrinol. January 3, 1997; 126 (1): 17-24.

Differential kinetics of transcription complex assembly distinguish oocyte and somatic 5S RNA genes of Xenopus., McBryant SJ, Gottesfeld JM., Gene Expr. January 1, 1997; 6 (6): 387-99.

Different experimental conditions which regulate type II 5'-deiodinase mRNA in rat Harderian gland., Garcia-Macias JF, Molinero P, Rubio A, Guerrero JM, Osuna C., Life Sci. January 1, 1997; 61 (2): 181-92.

Defining intermediate stages in cell determination: acquisition of a lens-forming bias in head ectoderm during lens determination., Grainger RM, Mannion JE, Cook TL, Zygar CA., Dev Genet. January 1, 1997; 20 (3): 246-57.   

Dynamic changes in the tubulin cytoskeleton during oogenesis and early development in the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis (Daudin)., Palecek J, Ubbels GA., Folia Histochem Cytobiol. January 1, 1997; 35 (1): 3-18.

Differential effects on Xenopus development of interference with type IIA and type IIB activin receptors., New HV, Kavka AI, Smith JC, Green JB., Mech Dev. January 1, 1997; 61 (1-2): 175-86.   

Direct neural induction and selective inhibition of mesoderm and epidermis inducers by Xnr3., Hansen CS, Marion CD, Steele K, George S, Smith WC., Development. January 1, 1997; 124 (2): 483-92.

Distinct stress-inducible and developmentally regulated heat shock transcription factors in Xenopus oocytes., Gordon S, Bharadwaj S, Hnatov A, Ali A, Ovsenek N., Dev Biol. January 1, 1997; 181 (1): 47-63.

Differential regulation of neurogenesis by the two Xenopus GATA-1 genes., Xu RH, Kim J, Taira M, Lin JJ, Zhang CH, Sredni D, Evans T, Kung HF., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1997; 17 (1): 436-43.

Domains of P2X receptors involved in desensitization., Werner P, Seward EP, Buell GN, North RA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 24, 1996; 93 (26): 15485-90.

Dynamic changes in nuclear architecture during mitosis: on the role of protein phosphorylation in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation., Nigg EA, Blangy A, Lane HA., Exp Cell Res. December 15, 1996; 229 (2): 174-80.

Differential activation of the clustered homeobox genes CNOT2 and CNOT1 during notogenesis in the chick., Stein S, Niss K, Kessel M., Dev Biol. December 15, 1996; 180 (2): 519-33.

Desensitization of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate/Ca2+-induced Cl- currents by prolonged activation of G proteins in Xenopus oocytes., Quick MW, Lester HA, Davidson N, Simon MI, Aragay AM., J Biol Chem. December 13, 1996; 271 (50): 32021-7.

Dimerization of TWIK-1 K+ channel subunits via a disulfide bridge., Lesage F, Reyes R, Fink M, Duprat F, Guillemare E, Lazdunski M., EMBO J. December 2, 1996; 15 (23): 6400-7.

Diagnostic exercise: parasitic organisms found in a South African clawed toad., Plummer PR, Snyder DE, Underwood WJ, Smith RC., Lab Anim Sci. December 1, 1996; 46 (6): 676-8.

Determinants of nicotinic receptor gating in natural and unnatural side chain structures at the M2 9' position., Kearney PC, Zhang H, Zhong W, Dougherty DA, Lester HA., Neuron. December 1, 1996; 17 (6): 1221-9.

Dominant inhibition of intercellular communication by two chimeric connexins., Goliger JA, Bruzzone R, White TW, Paul DL., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. December 1, 1996; 23 (12): 1062-7.

Differential sensitivity of recombinant N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunits to inhibition by dynorphin., Brauneis U, Oz M, Peoples RW, Weight FF, Zhang L., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. December 1, 1996; 279 (3): 1063-8.

Detection and localization of synexin (Annexin VII) in Xenopus adult and embryonic tissues using an antibody to the Xenopus N-terminal PGQM repeat domain., Srivastava M, Goping G, Caohuy H, McPhie P, Pollard HB., Exp Cell Res. November 25, 1996; 229 (1): 14-9.

Dose-response relations for unnatural amino acids at the agonist binding site of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: tests with novel side chains and with several agonists., Kearney PC, Nowak MW, Zhong W, Silverman SK, Lester HA, Dougherty DA., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1996; 50 (5): 1401-12.

Discovery of high affinity bombesin receptor subtype 3 agonists., Wu JM, Nitecki DE, Biancalana S, Feldman RI., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1996; 50 (5): 1355-63.

Disruption of cell adhesion in Xenopus embryos by Pagliaccio, an Eph-class receptor tyrosine kinase., Winning RS, Scales JB, Sargent TD., Dev Biol. November 1, 1996; 179 (2): 309-19.

Differential action of secreto-inhibitors on proopiomelanocortin biosynthesis in the intermediate pituitary of Xenopus laevis., Dotman CH, Cruijsen PM, Jenks BG, Roubos EW., Endocrinology. November 1, 1996; 137 (11): 4551-7.

Developmental biology. High hops of transgenic frogs., Slack JM., Nature. October 31, 1996; 383 (6603): 765-6.

Depletion of intracellular polyamines relieves inward rectification of potassium channels., Shyng SL, Sha Q, Ferrigni T, Lopatin AN, Nichols CG., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 15, 1996; 93 (21): 12014-9.

Development of cardiovascular responses to hypoxia in larvae of the frog Xenopus laevis., Fritsche R, Burggren W., Am J Physiol. October 1, 1996; 271 (4 Pt 2): R912-7.

Design and in vitro pharmacology of a selective gamma-aminobutyric acidC receptor antagonist., Ragozzino D, Woodward RM, Murata Y, Eusebi F, Overman LE, Miledi R., Mol Pharmacol. October 1, 1996; 50 (4): 1024-30.

DNA length is a critical parameter for eukaryotic transcription in vivo., Krebs JE, Dunaway M., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 1996; 16 (10): 5821-9.

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