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Search Results

Distribution of synaptic vesicle proteins within single retinotectal axons of Xenopus tadpoles., Pinches EM, Cline HT., J Neurobiol. June 15, 1998; 35 (4): 426-34.

Distinct domains of the voltage-gated K+ channel Kv beta 1.3 beta-subunit affect voltage-dependent gating., Uebele VN, England SK, Gallagher DJ, Snyders DJ, Bennett PB, Tamkun MM., Am J Physiol. June 1, 1998; 274 (6): C1485-95.

Diversity of the troponin C genes during chordate evolution., Yuasa HJ, Cox JA, Takagi T., J Biochem. June 1, 1998; 123 (6): 1180-90.

Does the colonic H,K-ATPase also act as an Na,K-ATPase?, Cougnon M, Bouyer P, Planelles G, Jaisser F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 26, 1998; 95 (11): 6516-20.

Direct channel-gating and modulatory effects of triiodothyronine on recombinant GABA(A) receptors., Chapell R, Martin J, Machu TK, Leidenheimer NJ., Eur J Pharmacol. May 15, 1998; 349 (1): 115-21.

Defective aquaporin-2 trafficking in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and correction by chemical chaperones., Tamarappoo BK, Verkman AS., J Clin Invest. May 15, 1998; 101 (10): 2257-67.

Downregulation of beta-catenin by human Axin and its association with the APC tumor suppressor, beta-catenin and GSK3 beta., Hart MJ, de los Santos R, Albert IN, Rubinfeld B, Polakis P., Curr Biol. May 7, 1998; 8 (10): 573-81.

Developmental toxicology of solamargine and solasonine glycoalkaloids in frog embryos., Blankemeyer JT, McWilliams ML, Rayburn JR, Weissenberg M, Friedman M., Food Chem Toxicol. May 1, 1998; 36 (5): 383-9.

Detection of transcripts for delayed rectifier potassium channels in the Xenopus laevis inner ear., Varela-Ramírez A, Trujillo-Provencio C, Serrano EE., Hear Res. May 1, 1998; 119 (1-2): 125-34.

Dbp5p, a cytosolic RNA helicase, is required for poly(A)+ RNA export., Tseng SS, Weaver PL, Liu Y, Hitomi M, Tartakoff AM, Chang TH., EMBO J. May 1, 1998; 17 (9): 2651-62.

Differentiation of glycine antagonist sites of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subtypes. Preferential interaction of CGP 61594 with NR1/2B receptors., Honer M, Benke D, Laube B, Kuhse J, Heckendorn R, Allgeier H, Angst C, Monyer H, Seeburg PH, Betz H, Mohler H., J Biol Chem. May 1, 1998; 273 (18): 11158-63.

Distribution of pro-opiomelanocortin and its peptide end products in the brain and hypophysis of the aquatic toad, Xenopus laevis., Tuinhof R, Ubink R, Tanaka S, Atzori C, van Strien FJ, Roubos EW., Cell Tissue Res. May 1, 1998; 292 (2): 251-65.

Disruption of mitochondrial respiration inhibits volume-regulated anion channels and provokes neuronal cell swelling., Patel AJ, Lauritzen I, Lazdunski M, Honoré E., J Neurosci. May 1, 1998; 18 (9): 3117-23.

dGNaC1, a gonad-specific amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel., Darboux I, Lingueglia E, Champigny G, Coscoy S, Barbry P, Lazdunski M., J Biol Chem. April 17, 1998; 273 (16): 9424-9.

Diffusion of proteins across the nuclear envelope of HeLa cells., Chatterjee S, Stochaj U., Biotechniques. April 1, 1998; 24 (4): 668-74.

Dystrophins in vertebrates and invertebrates., Roberts RG, Bobrow M., Hum Mol Genet. April 1, 1998; 7 (4): 589-95.

Determinants of slow gating in ClC-0, the voltage-gated chloride channel of Torpedo marmorata., Fong P, Rehfeldt A, Jentsch TJ., Am J Physiol. April 1, 1998; 274 (4): C966-73.

Differential effects of heavy metals on the binding of Xenopus upstream binding factor(xUBF) to DNA., Hsu T, Huang HM, Hu CH., Chemosphere. April 1, 1998; 36 (10): 2367-73.

dSLo interacting protein 1, a novel protein that interacts with large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels., Xia Xm, Hirschberg B, Smolik S, Forte M, Adelman JP., J Neurosci. April 1, 1998; 18 (7): 2360-9.

Differing roles for zinc fingers in DNA recognition: structure of a six-finger transcription factor IIIA complex., Nolte RT, Conlin RM, Harrison SC, Brown RS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 17, 1998; 95 (6): 2938-43.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS): identification of a carrier protein in human liver and brain., Kullak-Ublick GA, Fisch T, Oswald M, Hagenbuch B, Meier PJ, Beuers U, Paumgartner G., FEBS Lett. March 13, 1998; 424 (3): 173-6.

Developmental regulation of MCM replication factors in Xenopus laevis., Sible JC, Erikson E, Hendrickson M, Maller JL, Gautier J., Curr Biol. March 12, 1998; 8 (6): 347-50.

Drosophila Goosecoid requires a conserved heptapeptide for repression of paired-class homeoprotein activators., Mailhos C, André S, Mollereau B, Goriely A, Hemmati-Brivanlou A, Desplan C., Development. March 1, 1998; 125 (5): 937-47.

Development and evaluation of a multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139., Hoshino K, Yamasaki S, Mukhopadhyay AK, Chakraborty S, Basu A, Bhattacharya SK, Nair GB, Shimada T, Takeda Y., FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. March 1, 1998; 20 (3): 201-7.

Double-stranded-RNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) regulates Ca2+ stores in Xenopus oocytes., Thomas D, Kim HY, Morgan R, Hanley MR., Biochem J. March 1, 1998; 330 ( Pt 2) 599-603.

Differential inhibition by alpha-conotoxin-MII of the nicotinic stimulation of [3H]dopamine release from rat striatal synaptosomes and slices., Kaiser SA, Soliakov L, Harvey SC, Luetje CW, Wonnacott S., J Neurochem. March 1, 1998; 70 (3): 1069-76.

Direct activation of inward rectifier potassium channels by PIP2 and its stabilization by Gbetagamma., Huang CL, Feng S, Hilgemann DW., Nature. February 19, 1998; 391 (6669): 803-6.

DNA damage-dependent inactivation of complementary strand synthesis in Xenopus laevis egg or HeLa cell lysates., Morozova T, Naegeli H., Biochemistry. February 17, 1998; 37 (7): 1880-9.

Developmental changes in expression of ion currents accompany maturation of locomotor pattern in frog tadpoles., Sun Q, Dale N., J Physiol. February 15, 1998; 507 ( Pt 1) 257-64.

DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate, a potent blocker of excitatory amino acid transporters., Shimamoto K, Lebrun B, Yasuda-Kamatani Y, Sakaitani M, Shigeri Y, Yumoto N, Nakajima T., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 1998; 53 (2): 195-201.

Dual effects of anandamide on NMDA receptor-mediated responses and neurotransmission., Hampson AJ, Bornheim LM, Scanziani M, Yost CS, Gray AT, Hansen BM, Leonoudakis DJ, Bickler PE., J Neurochem. February 1, 1998; 70 (2): 671-6.

Dickkopf-1 is a member of a new family of secreted proteins and functions in head induction., Glinka A, Wu W, Delius H, Monaghan AP, Blumenstock C, Niehrs C., Nature. January 22, 1998; 391 (6665): 357-62.

Distinct requirements for chromatin assembly in transcriptional repression by thyroid hormone receptor and histone deacetylase., Wong J, Patterton D, Imhof A, Guschin D, Shi YB, Wolffe AP., EMBO J. January 15, 1998; 17 (2): 520-34.

Drosophila Shaking-B protein forms gap junctions in paired Xenopus oocytes., Phelan P, Stebbings LA, Baines RA, Bacon JP, Davies JA, Ford C., Nature. January 8, 1998; 391 (6663): 181-4.

Differential inhibition of AE1 and AE2 anion exchangers by oxonol dyes and by novel polyaminosterol analogs of the shark antibiotic squalamine., Alper SL, Chernova MN, Williams J, Zasloff M, Law FY, Knauf PA., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 1998; 76 (5): 799-806.

Dual expression of GABA or serotonin and dopamine in Xenopus amacrine cells is transient and may be regulated by laminar cues., Huang S, Moody SA., Vis Neurosci. January 1, 1998; 15 (5): 969-77.

Development and application of caged ligands for neurotransmitter receptors in transient kinetic and neuronal circuit mapping studies., Hess GP, Grewer C., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1998; 291 443-73.

Differential regulation of N- and Q-type Ca2+ channels by cyclic nucleotides and G-proteins., Kaneko S, Akaike A, Satoh M., Life Sci. January 1, 1998; 62 (17-18): 1543-7.

Depletion of a Drosophila homolog of yeast Sup35p disrupts spindle assembly, chromosome segregation, and cytokinesis during male meiosis., Basu J, Williams BC, Li Z, Williams EV, Goldberg ML., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. January 1, 1998; 39 (4): 286-302.

Differential expression of nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPK/NM23) during Xenopus early development., Ouatas T, Sélo M, Sadji Z, Hourdry J, Denis H, Mazabraud A., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1998; 42 (1): 43-52.   

Disk membrane initiation and insertion are not required for axial disk displacement in Xenopus laevis rod outer segments., Kaplan MW., Curr Eye Res. January 1, 1998; 17 (1): 73-8.

Differential expression of the TFF-peptides xP1 and xP4 in the gastrointestinal tract of Xenopus laevis., Jagla W, Wiede A, Kölle S, Hoffmann W., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1998; 291 (1): 13-8.

Differential regulation of chordin expression domains in mutant zebrafish., Miller-Bertoglio VE, Fisher S, Sánchez A, Mullins MC, Halpern ME., Dev Biol. December 15, 1997; 192 (2): 537-50.   

Differential dependence on GluR2 expression of three characteristic features of AMPA receptors., Washburn MS, Numberger M, Zhang S, Dingledine R., J Neurosci. December 15, 1997; 17 (24): 9393-406.

Dual role of the Smad4/DPC4 tumor suppressor in TGFbeta-inducible transcriptional complexes., Liu F, Pouponnot C, Massagué J., Genes Dev. December 1, 1997; 11 (23): 3157-67.

Disruption of downstream chromatin directed by a transcriptional activator., Brown SA, Kingston RE., Genes Dev. December 1, 1997; 11 (23): 3116-21.

Distribution and localization of galectin purified from Rana catesbeiana oocytes., Uchiyama H, Komazaki S, Oyama M, Matsui T, Ozeki Y., Glycobiology. December 1, 1997; 7 (8): 1159-65.

Dystrophin is replaced by utrophin in frog heart; implications for muscular dystrophy., Morris GE., Neuromuscul Disord. December 1, 1997; 7 (8): 493-8.

Differential modulation of rat neuronal nicotinic receptor subtypes by acute application of ethanol., Covernton PJ, Connolly JG., Br J Pharmacol. December 1, 1997; 122 (8): 1661-8.

Differences in agonist/antagonist binding affinity and receptor transduction using recombinant human gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors., Ebert B, Thompson SA, Saounatsou K, McKernan R, Krogsgaard-Larsen P, Wafford KA., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 1997; 52 (6): 1150-6.

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