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Wnt lipid modifications: not as saturated as we thought., Hausmann G, Basler K., Dev Cell. December 1, 2006; 11 (6): 751-2.

Wild-type and mutant HCN channels in a tandem biological-electronic cardiac pacemaker., Bucchi A, Plotnikov AN, Shlapakova I, Danilo P, Kryukova Y, Qu J, Lu Z, Liu H, Pan Z, Potapova I, KenKnight B, Girouard S, Cohen IS, Brink PR, Robinson RB, Rosen MR., Circulation. September 5, 2006; 114 (10): 992-9.

Wnt9b is the mutated gene involved in multifactorial nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in A/WySn mice, as confirmed by a genetic complementation test., Juriloff DM, Harris MJ, McMahon AP, Carroll TJ, Lidral AC., Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. August 1, 2006; 76 (8): 574-9.

WNK1 affects surface expression of the ROMK potassium channel independent of WNK4., Cope G, Murthy M, Golbang AP, Hamad A, Liu CH, Cuthbert AW, O'Shaughnessy KM., J Am Soc Nephrol. July 1, 2006; 17 (7): 1867-74.

Wnt pathway mutations selected by optimal beta-catenin signaling for tumorigenesis., Cho KH, Baek S, Sung MH., FEBS Lett. June 26, 2006; 580 (15): 3665-70.

WNK4 kinase regulates surface expression of the human sodium chloride cotransporter in mammalian cells., Cai H, Cebotaru V, Wang YH, Zhang XM, Cebotaru L, Guggino SE, Guggino WB., Kidney Int. June 1, 2006; 69 (12): 2162-70.

WNK1 kinase isoform switch regulates renal potassium excretion., Wade JB, Fang L, Liu J, Li D, Yang CL, Subramanya AR, Maouyo D, Mason A, Ellison DH, Welling PA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 30, 2006; 103 (22): 8558-63.

Wnt gradient formation requires retromer function in Wnt-producing cells., Coudreuse DY, Roël G, Betist MC, Destrée O, Korswagen HC., Science. May 12, 2006; 312 (5775): 921-4.

Wnt 5a signaling is critical for macrophage-induced invasion of breast cancer cell lines., Pukrop T, Klemm F, Hagemann T, Gradl D, Schulz M, Siemes S, Trümper L, Binder C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 4, 2006; 103 (14): 5454-9.

Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and body plan formation in mouse embryos., Marikawa Y., Semin Cell Dev Biol. April 1, 2006; 17 (2): 175-84.

Widespread tissue distribution and diverse functions of corticotropin-releasing factor and related peptides., Boorse GC, Denver RJ., Gen Comp Endocrinol. March 1, 2006; 146 (1): 9-18.   

WNK3, a kinase related to genes mutated in hereditary hypertension with hyperkalaemia, regulates the K+ channel ROMK1 (Kir1.1)., Leng Q, Kahle KT, Rinehart J, MacGregor GG, Wilson FH, Canessa CM, Lifton RP, Hebert SC., J Physiol. March 1, 2006; 571 (Pt 2): 275-86.

WNK3 bypasses the tonicity requirement for K-Cl cotransporter activation via a phosphatase-dependent pathway., de Los Heros P, Kahle KT, Rinehart J, Bobadilla NA, Vázquez N, San Cristobal P, Mount DB, Lifton RP, Hebert SC, Gamba G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 7, 2006; 103 (6): 1976-81.

Water transport by Na+-coupled cotransporters of glucose (SGLT1) and of iodide (NIS). The dependence of substrate size studied at high resolution., Zeuthen T, Belhage B, Zeuthen E., J Physiol. February 1, 2006; 570 (Pt 3): 485-99.

Wnt signaling: a shaggy dogma tale., Heeg-Truesdell E, LaBonne C., Curr Biol. January 24, 2006; 16 (2): R62-4.

WNK3 kinase is a positive regulator of NKCC2 and NCC, renal cation-Cl- cotransporters required for normal blood pressure homeostasis., Rinehart J, Kahle KT, de Los Heros P, Vazquez N, Meade P, Wilson FH, Hebert SC, Gimenez I, Gamba G, Lifton RP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 15, 2005; 102 (46): 16777-82.

WNK3 modulates transport of Cl- in and out of cells: implications for control of cell volume and neuronal excitability., Kahle KT, Rinehart J, de Los Heros P, Louvi A, Meade P, Vazquez N, Hebert SC, Gamba G, Gimenez I, Lifton RP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 15, 2005; 102 (46): 16783-8.

Wnt5 signaling in vertebrate pancreas development., Kim HJ, Schleiffarth JR, Jessurun J, Sumanas S, Petryk A, Lin S, Ekker SC., BMC Biol. October 24, 2005; 3 23.   

WNK1 activates SGK1 by a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent and non-catalytic mechanism., Xu BE, Stippec S, Lazrak A, Huang CL, Cobb MH., J Biol Chem. October 7, 2005; 280 (40): 34218-23.

Wound healing ability of Xenopus laevis embryos. II. Morphological analysis of wound marginal epidermis., Yoshii Y, Matsuzaki T, Ishida H, Ihara S., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2005; 47 (8): 563-72.

Wound healing ability of Xenopus laevis embryos. I. Rapid wound closure achieved by bisectional half embryos., Yoshii Y, Noda M, Matsuzaki T, Ihara S., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2005; 47 (8): 553-61.

Wee1B is an oocyte-specific kinase involved in the control of meiotic arrest in the mouse., Han SJ, Chen R, Paronetto MP, Conti M., Curr Biol. September 20, 2005; 15 (18): 1670-6.

WNT7b mediates macrophage-induced programmed cell death in patterning of the vasculature., Lobov IB, Rao S, Carroll TJ, Vallance JE, Ito M, Ondr JK, Kurup S, Glass DA, Patel MS, Shu W, Morrisey EE, McMahon AP, Karsenty G, Lang RA., Nature. September 15, 2005; 437 (7057): 417-21.

Water channel activities of Mimosa pudica plasma membrane intrinsic proteins are regulated by direct interaction and phosphorylation., Temmei Y, Uchida S, Hoshino D, Kanzawa N, Kuwahara M, Sasaki S, Tsuchiya T., FEBS Lett. August 15, 2005; 579 (20): 4417-22.

Wnt9b plays a central role in the regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transitions underlying organogenesis of the mammalian urogenital system., Carroll TJ, Park JS, Hayashi S, Majumdar A, McMahon AP., Dev Cell. August 1, 2005; 9 (2): 283-92.

Wrestling with SUMO in a new arena., Wilson VG, Rosas-Acosta G., Sci STKE. June 28, 2005; 2005 (290): pe32.

WDR5 associates with histone H3 methylated at K4 and is essential for H3 K4 methylation and vertebrate development., Wysocka J, Swigut T, Milne TA, Dou Y, Zhang X, Burlingame AL, Roeder RG, Brivanlou AH, Allis CD., Cell. June 17, 2005; 121 (6): 859-72.   

WNK kinases and the control of blood pressure., Cope G, Golbang A, O'Shaughnessy KM., Pharmacol Ther. May 1, 2005; 106 (2): 221-31.

Wnt-dependent regulation of the E-cadherin repressor snail., Yook JI, Li XY, Ota I, Fearon ER, Weiss SJ., J Biol Chem. March 25, 2005; 280 (12): 11740-8.

Wnt11-R, a protein closely related to mammalian Wnt11, is required for heart morphogenesis in Xenopus., Garriock RJ, D'Agostino SL, Pilcher KC, Krieg PA., Dev Biol. March 1, 2005; 279 (1): 179-92.   

Wnt11 facilitates embryonic stem cell differentiation to Nkx2.5-positive cardiomyocytes., Terami H, Hidaka K, Katsumata T, Iio A, Morisaki T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. December 17, 2004; 325 (3): 968-75.

Wnt-4 activates the canonical beta-catenin-mediated Wnt pathway and binds Frizzled-6 CRD: functional implications of Wnt/beta-catenin activity in kidney epithelial cells., Lyons JP, Mueller UW, Ji H, Everett C, Fang X, Hsieh JC, Barth AM, McCrea PD., Exp Cell Res. August 15, 2004; 298 (2): 369-87.

Whole-mount in situ hybridization and detection of RNAs in vertebrate embryos and isolated organs., Pizard A, Haramis A, Carrasco AE, Franco P, López S, Paganelli A., Curr Protoc Mol Biol. May 1, 2004; Chapter 14 Unit 14.9.

When the checkpoints have gone: insights into Cdc25 functional activation., Margolis SS, Kornbluth S., Cell Cycle. April 1, 2004; 3 (4): 425-8.

WNK4 regulates apical and basolateral Cl- flux in extrarenal epithelia., Kahle KT, Gimenez I, Hassan H, Wilson FH, Wong RD, Forbush B, Aronson PS, Lifton RP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 17, 2004; 101 (7): 2064-9.

What the frog''s nose tells the frog''s brain., Restrepo D., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2004; 123 (2): 97-8.

Water transport in the brain: role of cotransporters., MacAulay N, Hamann S, Zeuthen T., Neuroscience. January 1, 2004; 129 (4): 1031-44.

White meat or dark?, Brent AE, Tabin CJ., Nat Genet. January 1, 2004; 36 (1): 8-10.

Wolframin expression induces novel ion channel activity in endoplasmic reticulum membranes and increases intracellular calcium., Osman AA, Saito M, Makepeace C, Permutt MA, Schlesinger P, Mueckler M., J Biol Chem. December 26, 2003; 278 (52): 52755-62.

WNK4 regulates the balance between renal NaCl reabsorption and K+ secretion., Kahle KT, Wilson FH, Leng Q, Lalioti MD, O'Connell AD, Dong K, Rapson AK, MacGregor GG, Giebisch G, Hebert SC, Lifton RP., Nat Genet. December 1, 2003; 35 (4): 372-6.

Water permeability of C-terminally truncated aquaporin 0 (AQP0 1-243) observed in the aging human lens., Ball LE, Little M, Nowak MW, Garland DL, Crouch RK, Schey KL., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. November 1, 2003; 44 (11): 4820-8.

WAY-855 (3-amino-tricyclo[]heptane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid): a novel, EAAT2-preferring, nonsubstrate inhibitor of high-affinity glutamate uptake., Dunlop J, Eliasof S, Stack G, McIlvain HB, Greenfield A, Kowal D, Petroski R, Carrick T., Br J Pharmacol. November 1, 2003; 140 (5): 839-46.

Wnt signalling gets XEEKy., Clements WK, Kimelman D., Nat Cell Biol. October 1, 2003; 5 (10): 861-3.

Why is the Plasmodium falciparum hexose transporter a promising new drug target?, Joët T, Morin C, Fischbarg J, Louw AI, Eckstein-Ludwig U, Woodrow C, Krishna S., Expert Opin Ther Targets. October 1, 2003; 7 (5): 593-602.

Wise, a context-dependent activator and inhibitor of Wnt signalling., Itasaki N, Jones CM, Mercurio S, Rowe A, Domingos PM, Smith JC, Krumlauf R., Development. September 1, 2003; 130 (18): 4295-305.   

What's your position? the Xenopus cement gland as a paradigm of regional specification., Wardle FC, Sive HL., Bioessays. July 1, 2003; 25 (7): 717-26.

Wnt proteins are lipid-modified and can act as stem cell growth factors., Willert K, Brown JD, Danenberg E, Duncan AW, Weissman IL, Reya T, Yates JR, Nusse R., Nature. May 22, 2003; 423 (6938): 448-52.

WNK kinases regulate thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransport., Yang CL, Angell J, Mitchell R, Ellison DH., J Clin Invest. April 1, 2003; 111 (7): 1039-45.

Wnts and TGF beta in synaptogenesis: old friends signalling at new places., Packard M, Mathew D, Budnik V., Nat Rev Neurosci. February 1, 2003; 4 (2): 113-20.

Working with Xenopus spinal neurons in live cell culture., Gómez TM, Harrigan D, Henley J, Robles E., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2003; 71 129-56.

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