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Functional analysis of LjSUT4, a vacuolar sucrose transporter from Lotus japonicus., Reinders A, Sivitz AB, Starker CG, Gantt JS, Ward JM., Plant Mol Biol. October 1, 2008; 68 (3): 289-99.

Functional contribution of alpha3L8' to the neuronal nicotinic alpha3 receptor., Nieves-Cintrón M, Caballero-Rivera D, Silva WI, Navedo MF, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., J Neurosci Res. October 1, 2008; 86 (13): 2884-94.

Functional and structural characterization of PKA-mediated pHi gating of ROMK1 channels., Huang PT, Lou KL, Liou HH., J Mol Graph Model. October 1, 2008; 27 (3): 332-41.

Flavan-3-ol derivatives are positive modulators of GABA(A) receptors with higher efficacy for the alpha(2) subtype and anxiolytic action in mice., Fernandez SP, Mewett KN, Hanrahan JR, Chebib M, Johnston GA., Neuropharmacology. October 1, 2008; 55 (5): 900-7.

Functional characterization of NIPA2, a selective Mg2+ transporter., Goytain A, Hines RM, Quamme GA., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. October 1, 2008; 295 (4): C944-53.

Fourier transform coupled to tryptophan-scanning mutagenesis: lessons from its application to the prediction of secondary structure in the acetylcholine receptor lipid-exposed transmembrane domains., Otero-Cruz JD, Torres-Núñez DA, Báez-Pagán CA, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 1, 2008; 1784 (9): 1200-7.

Fli1 acts at the top of the transcriptional network driving blood and endothelial development., Liu F, Walmsley M, Rodaway A, Patient R., Curr Biol. August 26, 2008; 18 (16): 1234-40.   

Functional and structural characterization of the zebrafish Na+-sulfate cotransporter 1 (NaS1) cDNA and gene (slc13a1)., Markovich D, Romano A, Storelli C, Verri T., Physiol Genomics. August 15, 2008; 34 (3): 256-64.

Formation of the full SNARE complex eliminates interactions of its individual protein components with the Kv2.1 channel., Tsuk S, Lvov A, Michaelevski I, Chikvashvili D, Lotan I., Biochemistry. August 12, 2008; 47 (32): 8342-9.

Functional studies indicate amantadine binds to the pore of the influenza A virus M2 proton-selective ion channel., Jing X, Ma C, Ohigashi Y, Oliveira FA, Jardetzky TS, Pinto LH, Lamb RA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 5, 2008; 105 (31): 10967-72.

Functional architecture of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate signaling in restricted spaces of myoendothelial projections., Ledoux J, Taylor MS, Bonev AD, Hannah RM, Solodushko V, Shui B, Tallini Y, Kotlikoff MI, Nelson MT., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 15, 2008; 105 (28): 9627-32.

Functional characterization of a human aquaporin 0 mutation that leads to a congenital dominant lens cataract., Varadaraj K, Kumari SS, Patil R, Wax MB, Mathias RT., Exp Eye Res. July 1, 2008; 87 (1): 9-21.

From fish to man: understanding endogenous remyelination in central nervous system demyelinating diseases., Dubois-Dalcq M, Williams A, Stadelmann C, Stankoff B, Zalc B, Lubetzki C., Brain. July 1, 2008; 131 (Pt 7): 1686-700.   

FoxM1-driven cell division is required for neuronal differentiation in early Xenopus embryos., Ueno H, Nakajo N, Watanabe M, Isoda M, Sagata N., Development. June 1, 2008; 135 (11): 2023-30.   

Function and regulation of the mammalian Musashi mRNA translational regulator., MacNicol AM, Wilczynska A, MacNicol MC., Biochem Soc Trans. June 1, 2008; 36 (Pt 3): 528-30.

Functional characterization of mouse urea transporters UT-A2 and UT-A3 expressed in purified Xenopus laevis oocyte plasma membranes., Maciver B, Smith CP, Hill WG, Zeidel ML., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. April 1, 2008; 294 (4): F956-64.

Functional coupling between the Kv1.1 channel and aldoketoreductase Kvbeta1., Pan Y, Weng J, Cao Y, Bhosle RC, Zhou M., J Biol Chem. March 28, 2008; 283 (13): 8634-42.

Feedback regulation of opposing enzymes generates robust, all-or-none bistable responses., Ferrell JE., Curr Biol. March 25, 2008; 18 (6): R244-5.

Functional characterization of PCFT/HCP1 as the molecular entity of the carrier-mediated intestinal folate transport system in the rat model., Inoue K, Nakai Y, Ueda S, Kamigaso S, Ohta KY, Hatakeyama M, Hayashi Y, Otagiri M, Yuasa H., Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. March 1, 2008; 294 (3): G660-8.

Fibroblast growth factor controls the timing of Scl, Lmo2, and Runx1 expression during embryonic blood development., Walmsley M, Cleaver D, Patient R., Blood. February 1, 2008; 111 (3): 1157-66.

Functional consequences of various leucine mutations in the M3/M4 loop of the Na+,K +-ATPase alpha-Subunit., Eguchi H, Morii M, Takahashi Y, Sakai H, Nakano M, Ochiai H, Shirahata A, Hara Y, Kawamura M, Takeda K., J Membr Biol. February 1, 2008; 221 (3): 133-40.

Functional studies of the effect of NO donor on human CLCN1 polymorphism/mutants expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Lin MJ, Huang RY, Pan H, Hsiao KM., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 25, 2008; 365 (4): 724-8.

Filaments made from A- and B-type lamins differ in structure and organization., Goldberg MW, Huttenlauch I, Hutchison CJ, Stick R., J Cell Sci. January 15, 2008; 121 (Pt 2): 215-25.

Formation of NR1/NR2 and NR1/NR3 heterodimers constitutes the initial step in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor assembly., Schüler T, Mesic I, Madry C, Bartholomäus I, Laube B., J Biol Chem. January 4, 2008; 283 (1): 37-46.

Functional analysis of a novel missense NBC1 mutation and of other mutations causing proximal renal tubular acidosis., Suzuki M, Vaisbich MH, Yamada H, Horita S, Li Y, Sekine T, Moriyama N, Igarashi T, Endo Y, Cardoso TP, de Sá LC, Koch VH, Seki G, Fujita T., Pflugers Arch. January 1, 2008; 455 (4): 583-93.

Fish and frogs: models for vertebrate cilia signaling., Wessely O, Obara T., Front Biosci. January 1, 2008; 13 1866-80.

Functions of Rac GTPases during neuronal development., de Curtis I., Dev Neurosci. January 1, 2008; 30 (1-3): 47-58.

Forward Transport of K2p3.1: mediation by 14-3-3 and COPI, modulation by p11., O'Kelly I, Goldstein SA., Traffic. January 1, 2008; 9 (1): 72-8.

Functional expression, targeting and Ca2+ signaling of a mouse melanopsin-eYFP fusion protein in a retinal pigment epithelium cell line., Giesbers ME, Shirzad-Wasei N, Bosman GJ, de Grip WJ., Photochem Photobiol. January 1, 2008; 84 (4): 990-5.

Functional and immunochemical characterization of a novel organic anion transporter Oat8 (Slc22a9) in rat renal collecting duct., Yokoyama H, Anzai N, Ljubojevic M, Ohtsu N, Sakata T, Miyazaki H, Nonoguchi H, Islam R, Onozato M, Tojo A, Tomita K, Kanai Y, Igarashi T, Sabolic I, Endou H., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2008; 21 (4): 269-78.

Functional characterization of human aquaporin 9 as a facilitative glycerol carrier., Ohgusu Y, Ohta KY, Ishii M, Katano T, Urano K, Watanabe J, Inoue K, Yuasa H., Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. January 1, 2008; 23 (4): 279-84.

Frizzled-7-dependent tissue separation in the Xenopus gastrula., Winklbauer R, Luu O., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 469 485-92.

Fluoroscopic assessment of protein leakage during Xenopus oocytes in-cell NMR experiment by co-injected EGFP., Sakai T, Tochio H, Inomata K, Sasaki Y, Tenno T, Tanaka T, Kokubo T, Hiroaki H, Shirakawa M., Anal Biochem. December 15, 2007; 371 (2): 247-9.

Foliar trichome- and aquaporin-aided water uptake in a drought-resistant epiphyte Tillandsia ionantha Planchon., Ohrui T, Nobira H, Sakata Y, Taji T, Yamamoto C, Nishida K, Yamakawa T, Sasuga Y, Yaguchi Y, Takenaga H, Tanaka S., Planta. December 1, 2007; 227 (1): 47-56.

Functional coupling between substantia nigra and basal ganglia homologues in amphibians., Hoke KL, Ryan MJ, Wilczynski W., Behav Neurosci. December 1, 2007; 121 (6): 1393-9.

Functional evolution of the vitamin D and pregnane X receptors., Reschly EJ, Bainy AC, Mattos JJ, Hagey LR, Bahary N, Mada SR, Ou J, Venkataramanan R, Krasowski MD., BMC Evol Biol. November 12, 2007; 7 222.   

Functional analysis of two Kir6.2 (KCNJ11) mutations, K170T and E322K, causing neonatal diabetes., Tarasov AI, Girard CA, Larkin B, Tammaro P, Flanagan SE, Ellard S, Ashcroft FM., Diabetes Obes Metab. November 1, 2007; 9 Suppl 2 46-55.

Feminizing/demasculinizing effects of polychlorinated biphenyls on the secondary sexual development of Xenopus laevis., Qin ZF, Qin XF, Yang L, Li HT, Zhao XR, Xu XB., Aquat Toxicol. October 15, 2007; 84 (3): 321-327.

Functional assignment of MAPK phosphatase domains., Nordle AK, Rios P, Gaulton A, Pulido R, Attwood TK, Tabernero L., Proteins. October 1, 2007; 69 (1): 19-31.

Four primordial immunoglobulin light chain isotypes, including lambda and kappa, identified in the most primitive living jawed vertebrates., Criscitiello MF, Flajnik MF., Eur J Immunol. October 1, 2007; 37 (10): 2683-94.

Fertilization: calcium''s double punch., Jessus C, Haccard O., Nature. September 20, 2007; 449 (7160): 297-8.

From endoderm to pancreas: a multistep journey., Spagnoli FM., Cell Mol Life Sci. September 1, 2007; 64 (18): 2378-90.

Functional characterization of Tet-AMPA [tetrazolyl-2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl- 4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid] analogues at ionotropic glutamate receptors GluR1-GluR4. The molecular basis for the functional selectivity profile of 2-Bn-Tet-AMPA., Jensen AA, Christesen T, Bølcho U, Greenwood JR, Postorino G, Vogensen SB, Johansen TN, Egebjerg J, Bräuner-Osborne H, Clausen RP., J Med Chem. August 23, 2007; 50 (17): 4177-85.

Fibroblast growth factor 13 is essential for neural differentiation in Xenopus early embryonic development., Nishimoto S, Nishida E., J Biol Chem. August 17, 2007; 282 (33): 24255-61.   

Factors associated with a purine-rich exonic splicing enhancer sequence in Xenopus oocyte nucleus., Masuyama K, Taniguchi I, Okawa K, Ohno M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 3, 2007; 359 (3): 580-5.

Flavonoid glycosides are not transported by the human Na+/glucose transporter when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, but effectively inhibit electrogenic glucose uptake., Kottra G, Daniel H., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. August 1, 2007; 322 (2): 829-35.

FRET imaging in living maize cells reveals that plasma membrane aquaporins interact to regulate their subcellular localization., Zelazny E, Borst JW, Muylaert M, Batoko H, Hemminga MA, Chaumont F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 24, 2007; 104 (30): 12359-64.

FXPRL-amide peptides induce ecdysteroidogenesis through a G-protein coupled receptor expressed in the prothoracic gland of Bombyx mori., Watanabe K, Hull JJ, Niimi T, Imai K, Matsumoto S, Yaginuma T, Kataoka H., Mol Cell Endocrinol. July 15, 2007; 273 (1-2): 51-8.

Functional role of extracellular loop cysteine residues of the epithelial Na+ channel in Na+ self-inhibition., Sheng S, Maarouf AB, Bruns JB, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. July 13, 2007; 282 (28): 20180-90.

Foxc2 induces expression of MyoD and differentiation of the mouse myoblast cell line C2C12., Omoteyama K, Mikami Y, Takagi M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 6, 2007; 358 (3): 885-9.

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