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N-Glycans in Xenopus laevis testis characterised by lectin histochemistry., Valbuena G, Madrid JF, Martínez de Ubago M, Gómez-Santos L, Alonso E, Díaz-Flores L, Sáez FJ., Reprod Fertil Dev. March 1, 2016; 28 (3): 337-48.

Noncompetitive Inhibition of 5-HT3 Receptors by Citral, Linalool, and Eucalyptol Revealed by Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling., Jarvis GE, Barbosa R, Thompson AJ., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. March 1, 2016; 356 (3): 549-62.   

Neil DNA glycosylases promote substrate turnover by Tdg during DNA demethylation., Schomacher L, Han D, Musheev MU, Arab K, Kienhöfer S, von Seggern A, Niehrs C., Nat Struct Mol Biol. February 1, 2016; 23 (2): 116-124.   

Noggin4 is a long-range inhibitor of Wnt8 signalling that regulates head development in Xenopus laevis., Eroshkin FM, Nesterenko AM, Borodulin AV, Martynova NY, Ermakova GV, Gyoeva FK, Orlov EE, Belogurov AA, Lukyanov KA, Bayramov AV, Zaraisky AG., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 23049.   

Nearly 1000 Protein Identifications from 50 ng of Xenopus laevis Zygote Homogenate Using Online Sample Preparation on a Strong Cation Exchange Monolith Based Microreactor Coupled with Capillary Zone Electrophoresis., Zhang Z, Sun L, Zhu G, Cox OF, Huber PW, Dovichi NJ., Anal Chem. January 5, 2016; 88 (1): 877-82.

Nucleoporin gene expression in Xenopus tropicalis embryonic development., Reza N, Khokha MK, Del Viso F., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (4-6): 181-8.   

Noggin 1 overexpression in retinal progenitors affects bipolar cell generation., Messina A, Bridi S, Bozza A, Bozzi Y, Baudet ML, Casarosa S., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (4-6): 151-7.   

Nucleolar Dominance and Repression of 45S Ribosomal RNA Genes in Hybrids between Xenopus borealis and X. muelleri (2n = 36)., Maciak S, Michalak K, Kale SD, Michalak P., Cytogenet Genome Res. January 1, 2016; 149 (4): 290-296.

Nucleosomes Inhibit Cas9 Endonuclease Activity in Vitro., Hinz JM, Laughery MF, Wyrick JJ., Biochemistry. December 8, 2015; 54 (48): 7063-6.

Nucleolar dominance and maternal control of 45S rDNA expression., Michalak K, Maciak S, Kim YB, Santopietro G, Oh JH, Kang L, Garner HR, Michalak P., Proc Biol Sci. December 7, 2015; 282 (1820): 20152201.

Nitric Oxide Donor s-Nitroso-n-Acetyl Penicillamine (SNAP) Alters Meiotic Spindle Morphogenesis in Xenopus Oocytes., Gelaude A, Marin M, Cailliau K, Jeseta M, Lescuyer-Rousseau A, Vandame P, Nevoral J, Sedmikova M, Martoriati A, Bodart JF., J Cell Biochem. November 1, 2015; .

Novel Ca2+ increases in the maturing oocytes of starfish during the germinal vesicle breakdown., Limatola N, Chun JT, Kyozuka K, Santella L., Cell Calcium. November 1, 2015; 58 (5): 500-10.

NF2/Merlin is required for the axial pattern formation in the Xenopus laevis embryo., Zhu X, Min Z, Tan R, Tao Q., Mech Dev. November 1, 2015; 138 Pt 3 305-12.   

Novel Reporter for Faithful Monitoring of ERK2 Dynamics in Living Cells and Model Organisms., Sipieter F, Cappe B, Gonzalez Pisfil M, Spriet C, Bodart JF, Cailliau-Maggio K, Vandenabeele P, Héliot L, Riquet FB., PLoS One. October 20, 2015; 10 (10): e0140924.   

Nucleosome Core Particle Disassembly and Assembly Kinetics Studied Using Single-Molecule Fluorescence., Hazan NP, Tomov TE, Tsukanov R, Liber M, Berger Y, Masoud R, Toth K, Langowski J, Nir E., Biophys J. October 20, 2015; 109 (8): 1676-85.

Novel BCOR mutation in a boy with Lenz microphthalmia/oculo-facio-cardio-dental (OFCD) syndrome., Zhu X, Dai FR, Wang J, Zhang Y, Tan ZP, Zhang Y., Gene. October 15, 2015; 571 (1): 142-4.   

Nitrogenated honokiol derivatives allosterically modulate GABAA receptors and act as strong partial agonists., Bernaskova M, Schoeffmann A, Schuehly W, Hufner A, Baburin I, Hering S., Bioorg Med Chem. October 15, 2015; 23 (20): 6757-62.

Novel β-carbolines against colorectal cancer cell growth via inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signaling., Li X, Bai B, Liu L, Ma P, Kong L, Yan J, Zhang J, Ye Z, Zhou H, Mao B, Zhu H, Li Y., Cell Death Discov. October 5, 2015; 1 15033.   

Neural crest specification by Prohibitin1 depends on transcriptional regulation of prl3 and vangl1., Deichmann C, Link M, Seyfang M, Knotz V, Gradl D, Wedlich D., Genesis. October 1, 2015; 53 (10): 627-39.   

Novel Insertion Mutation in KCNJ5 Channel Produces Constitutive Aldosterone Release From H295R Cells., Hardege I, Xu S, Gordon RD, Thompson AJ, Figg N, Stowasser M, Murrell-Lagnado R, O'Shaughnessy KM., Mol Endocrinol. October 1, 2015; 29 (10): 1522-30.

Non-competitive Inhibition of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors by Ladybird Beetle Alkaloids., Leong RL, Xing H, Braekman JC, Kem WR., Neurochem Res. October 1, 2015; 40 (10): 2078-86.

Neurotoxins from snake venoms and α-conotoxin ImI inhibit functionally active ionotropic γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors., Kudryavtsev DS, Shelukhina IV, Son LV, Ojomoko LO, Kryukova EV, Lyukmanova EN, Zhmak MN, Dolgikh DA, Ivanov IA, Kasheverov IE, Starkov VG, Ramerstorfer J, Sieghart W, Tsetlin VI, Utkin YN., J Biol Chem. September 11, 2015; 290 (37): 22747-58.

Nephron Patterning: Lessons from Xenopus, Zebrafish, and Mouse Studies., Desgrange A, Cereghini S., Cells. September 11, 2015; 4 (3): 483-99.   

Noggin-Mediated Retinal Induction Reveals a Novel Interplay Between Bone Morphogenetic Protein Inhibition, Transforming Growth Factor β, and Sonic Hedgehog Signaling., Messina A, Lan L, Incitti T, Bozza A, Andreazzoli M, Vignali R, Cremisi F, Bozzi Y, Casarosa S., Stem Cells. August 1, 2015; 33 (8): 2496-508.

Nonclassical MHC-Restricted Invariant Vα6 T Cells Are Critical for Efficient Early Innate Antiviral Immunity in the Amphibian Xenopus laevis., Edholm ES, Grayfer L, De Jesús Andino F, Robert J., J Immunol. July 15, 2015; 195 (2): 576-86.

NextGen nuclear DNA sequencing in cyclic vomiting syndrome reveals a significant association with the stress-induced calcium channel (RYR2)., Lee J, Wong SA, Li BU, Boles RG., Neurogastroenterol Motil. July 1, 2015; 27 (7): 990-6.

Nup153 Recruits the Nup107-160 Complex to the Inner Nuclear Membrane for Interphasic Nuclear Pore Complex Assembly., Vollmer B, Lorenz M, Moreno-Andrés D, Bodenhöfer M, De Magistris P, Astrinidis SA, Schooley A, Flötenmeyer M, Leptihn S, Antonin W., Dev Cell. June 22, 2015; 33 (6): 717-28.   

New fluorinated fructose analogs as selective probes of the hexose transporter protein GLUT5., Soueidan OM, Trayner BJ, Grant TN, Henderson JR, Wuest F, West FG, Cheeseman CI., Org Biomol Chem. June 21, 2015; 13 (23): 6511-21.

NEURODEVELOPMENT. Shared regulatory programs suggest retention of blastula-stage potential in neural crest cells., Buitrago-Delgado E, Nordin K, Rao A, Geary L, LaBonne C., Science. June 19, 2015; 348 (6241): 1332-5.

Netrin-1 directs dendritic growth and connectivity of vertebrate central neurons in vivo., Nagel AN, Marshak S, Manitt C, Santos RA, Piercy MA, Mortero SD, Shirkey-Son NJ, Cohen-Cory S., Neural Dev. June 10, 2015; 10 14.   

Neutrophil Elastase Activates Protease-activated Receptor-2 (PAR2) and Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) to Cause Inflammation and Pain., Zhao P, Lieu T, Barlow N, Sostegni S, Haerteis S, Korbmacher C, Liedtke W, Jimenez-Vargas NN, Vanner SJ, Bunnett NW., J Biol Chem. May 29, 2015; 290 (22): 13875-87.

Nonvenous origin of dermal lymphatic vasculature., Martinez-Corral I, Ulvmar MH, Stanczuk L, Tatin F, Kizhatil K, John SW, Alitalo K, Ortega S, Makinen T., Circ Res. May 8, 2015; 116 (10): 1649-54.

Nitrate sensing and uptake in Arabidopsis are enhanced by ABI2, a phosphatase inactivated by the stress hormone abscisic acid., Léran S, Edel KH, Pervent M, Hashimoto K, Corratgé-Faillie C, Offenborn JN, Tillard P, Gojon A, Kudla J, Lacombe B., Sci Signal. May 5, 2015; 8 (375): ra43.

Notch is a direct negative regulator of the DNA-damage response., Vermezovic J, Adamowicz M, Santarpia L, Rustighi A, Forcato M, Lucano C, Massimiliano L, Costanzo V, Bicciato S, Del Sal G, d'Adda di Fagagna F., Nat Struct Mol Biol. May 1, 2015; 22 (5): 417-24.

NS1643 interacts around L529 of hERG to alter voltage sensor movement on the path to activation., Guo J, Cheng YM, Lees-Miller JP, Perissinotti LL, Claydon TW, Hull CM, Thouta S, Roach DE, Durdagi S, Noskov SY, Duff HJ., Biophys J. March 24, 2015; 108 (6): 1400-1413.

Notum is required for neural and head induction via Wnt deacylation, oxidation, and inactivation., Zhang X, Cheong SM, Amado NG, Reis AH, MacDonald BT, Zebisch M, Jones EY, Abreu JG, He X., Dev Cell. March 23, 2015; 32 (6): 719-30.   

Neural stem and progenitor cell fate transition requires regulation of Musashi1 function., MacNicol AM, Hardy LL, Spencer HJ, MacNicol MC., BMC Dev Biol. March 18, 2015; 15 15.   

Neural crest specification by inhibition of the ROCK/Myosin II pathway., Kim K, Ossipova O, Sokol SY., Stem Cells. March 1, 2015; 33 (3): 674-85.

NTPDase2 and the P2Y1 receptor are not required for mammalian eye formation., Gampe K, Haverkamp S, Robson SC, Gachet C, Hüser L, Acker-Palmer A, Zimmermann H., Purinergic Signal. March 1, 2015; 11 (1): 155-60.

NAD kinase controls animal NADP biosynthesis and is modulated via evolutionarily divergent calmodulin-dependent mechanisms., Love NR, Pollak N, Dölle C, Niere M, Chen Y, Oliveri P, Amaya E, Patel S, Ziegler M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 3, 2015; 112 (5): 1386-91.   

Nucleosome contact triggers conformational changes of Rpd3S driving high-affinity H3K36me nucleosome engagement., Ruan C, Cui H, Li S, Li B., Cell Rep. January 13, 2015; 10 (2): 204-15.

Nup98 FG domains from diverse species spontaneously phase-separate into particles with nuclear pore-like permselectivity., Schmidt HB, Görlich D., Elife. January 6, 2015; 4   

Nanobodies: site-specific labeling for super-resolution imaging, rapid epitope-mapping and native protein complex isolation., Pleiner T, Bates M, Trakhanov S, Schliep JE, Chug H, Böhning M, Stark H, Urlaub H, Görlich D., Elife. January 6, 2015; 4 e11349.   

Nuclear size scaling during Xenopus early development contributes to midblastula transition timing., Jevtić P, Levy DL., Curr Biol. January 5, 2015; 25 (1): 45-52.   

Na+ inhibits the epithelial Na+ channel by binding to a site in an extracellular acidic cleft., Kashlan OB, Blobner BM, Zuzek Z, Tolino M, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. January 2, 2015; 290 (1): 568-76.

Nuclear actin activates human transcription factor genes including the OCT4 gene., Yamazaki S, Yamamoto K, Tokunaga M, Sakata-Sogawa K, Harata M., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. January 1, 2015; 79 (2): 242-6.

NPT1/SLC17A1 is a renal urate exporter in humans and its common gain-of-function variant decreases the risk of renal underexcretion gout., Chiba T, Matsuo H, Kawamura Y, Nagamori S, Nishiyama T, Wei L, Nakayama A, Nakamura T, Sakiyama M, Takada T, Taketani Y, Suma S, Naito M, Oda T, Kumagai H, Moriyama Y, Ichida K, Shimizu T, Kanai Y, Shinomiya N., Arthritis Rheumatol. January 1, 2015; 67 (1): 281-7.

Nicotinic Activity of Arecoline, the Psychoactive Element of "Betel Nuts", Suggests a Basis for Habitual Use and Anti-Inflammatory Activity., Papke RL, Horenstein NA, Stokes C., PLoS One. January 1, 2015; 10 (10): e0140907.   

NF-Protocadherin Regulates Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Behaviour in the Developing Visual System., Leung LC, Harris WA, Holt CE, Piper M., PLoS One. January 1, 2015; 10 (10): e0141290.   

Novel kinetochore function of Topoisomerase IIα., Clarke DJ., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2015; 14 (18): 2875-6.

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