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A role for the homeobox gene Xvex-1 as part of the BMP-4 ventral signaling pathway., Shapira E, Marom K, Yelin R, Levy A, Fainsod A., Mech Dev. August 1, 1999; 86 (1-2): 99-111.            

Ammonium transport by the colonic H(+)-K(+)-ATPase expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Cougnon M, Bouyer P, Jaisser F, Edelman A, Planelles G., Am J Physiol. August 1, 1999; 277 (2): C280-7.

Allosteric voltage gating of potassium channels I. Mslo ionic currents in the absence of Ca(2+)., Horrigan FT, Cui J, Aldrich RW., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 1999; 114 (2): 277-304.                                        

Are you active in there, kinase?, Fuller RR, Sweedler JV., Nat Biotechnol. August 1, 1999; 17 (8): 752-3.

Animal-vegetal asymmetries influence the earliest steps in retina fate commitment in Xenopus., Moore KB, Moody SA., Dev Biol. August 1, 1999; 212 (1): 25-41.              

A transmembrane domain of the sulfonylurea receptor mediates activation of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels by K(+) channel openers., D'hahan N, Jacquet H, Moreau C, Catty P, Vivaudou M., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 1999; 56 (2): 308-15.

Apoptosis: checkpoint at the mitochondrial frontier., Bossy-Wetzel E, Green DR., Mutat Res. July 30, 1999; 434 (3): 243-51.

Altered expression of cell cycle proteins and prolonged duration of cardiac myocyte hyperplasia in p27KIP1 knockout mice., Poolman RA, Li JM, Durand B, Brooks G., Circ Res. July 23, 1999; 85 (2): 117-27.

Adenophostin A induces spatially restricted calcium signaling in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Bird GS, Takahashi M, Tanzawa K, Putney JW., J Biol Chem. July 16, 1999; 274 (29): 20643-9.

Alteration in ion channel function of mouse nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by mutations in the M4 transmembrane domain., Tamamizu S, Lee Y, Hung B, McNamee MG, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., J Membr Biol. July 15, 1999; 170 (2): 157-64.

Alternative splicing in the murine and human FXR1 genes., Kirkpatrick LL, McIlwain KA, Nelson DL., Genomics. July 15, 1999; 59 (2): 193-202.

Activation of the Na+-K+ pump by hyposmolality through tyrosine kinase-dependent Cl- conductance in Xenopus renal epithelial A6 cells., Niisato N, Marunaka Y., J Physiol. July 15, 1999; 518 ( Pt 2) 417-32.

All-trans-retinoic acid-mediated growth inhibition involves inhibition of human kinesin-related protein HsEg5., Kaiser A, Brembeck FH, Nicke B, Wiedenmann B, Riecken EO, Rosewicz S., J Biol Chem. July 2, 1999; 274 (27): 18925-31.

Activation of inwardly rectifying K+ channels by distinct PtdIns(4,5)P2 interactions., Zhang H, He C, Yan X, Mirshahi T, Logothetis DE., Nat Cell Biol. July 1, 1999; 1 (3): 183-8.

Activin incorporation into vitellogenic oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Fukui A, Shiurba R, Asashima M., Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). July 1, 1999; 45 (5): 545-54.

Amphibian embryos as a model system for organ engineering: in vitro induction and rescue of the heart anlage., Grunz H., Int J Dev Biol. July 1, 1999; 43 (4): 361-4.        

Antagonist activities of mecamylamine and nicotine show reciprocal dependence on beta subunit sequence in the second transmembrane domain., Webster JC, Francis MM, Porter JK, Robinson G, Stokes C, Horenstein B, Papke RL., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 1999; 127 (6): 1337-48.

Antagonist activity of DWnt-4 and wingless in the Drosophila embryonic ventral ectoderm and in heterologous Xenopus assays., Gieseler K, Graba Y, Mariol MC, Wilder EL, Martinez-Arias A, Lemaire P, Pradel J., Mech Dev. July 1, 1999; 85 (1-2): 123-31.    

A conserved 30 base pair element in the Wnt-5a promoter is sufficient both to drive its' early embryonic expression and to mediate its' repression by otx2., Morgan R, Hooiveld MH, In der Reiden P, Durston AJ., Mech Dev. July 1, 1999; 85 (1-2): 97-102.  

Antibodies against cysteine string proteins inhibit evoked neurotransmitter release at Xenopus neuromuscular junctions., Poage RE, Meriney SD, Gundersen CB, Umbach JA., J Neurophysiol. July 1, 1999; 82 (1): 50-9.

A marine snail neurotoxin shares with scorpion toxins a convergent mechanism of blockade on the pore of voltage-gated K channels., García E, Scanlon M, Naranjo D., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 1999; 114 (1): 141-57.                    

Analysis of chicken Wnt-13 expression demonstrates coincidence with cell division in the developing eye and is consistent with a role in induction., Jasoni C, Hendrickson A, Roelink H., Dev Dyn. July 1, 1999; 215 (3): 215-24.

A single amino acid in the second transmembrane domain of GABA rho subunits is a determinant of the response kinetics of GABAC receptors., Qian H, Dowling JE, Ripps H., J Neurobiol. July 1, 1999; 40 (1): 67-76.

Axon guidance: A balance of signals sets axons on the right track., Gallo G, Letourneau PC., Curr Biol. July 1, 1999; 9 (13): R490-2.    

Alternative splicing of a short cassette exon in alpha1B generates functionally distinct N-type calcium channels in central and peripheral neurons., Lin Z, Lin Y, Schorge S, Pan JQ, Beierlein M, Lipscombe D., J Neurosci. July 1, 1999; 19 (13): 5322-31.

A ligand-gated association between cytoplasmic domains of UNC5 and DCC family receptors converts netrin-induced growth cone attraction to repulsion., Hong K, Hinck L, Nishiyama M, Poo MM, Tessier-Lavigne M, Stein E., Cell. June 25, 1999; 97 (7): 927-41.

AKT3, a phloem-localized K+ channel, is blocked by protons., Marten I, Hoth S, Deeken R, Ache P, Ketchum KA, Hoshi T, Hedrich R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 22, 1999; 96 (13): 7581-6.

A bayesian statistical algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction., Ding Y, Lawrence CE., Comput Chem. June 15, 1999; 23 (3-4): 387-400.

Activity-dependent modulation of rod photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide-gated channels mediated by phosphorylation of a specific tyrosine residue., Molokanova E, Maddox F, Luetje CW, Kramer RH., J Neurosci. June 15, 1999; 19 (12): 4786-95.

Auxiliary subunits operate as a molecular switch in determining gating behaviour of the unitary N-type Ca2+ channel current in Xenopus oocytes., Wakamori M, Mikala G, Mori Y., J Physiol. June 15, 1999; 517 ( Pt 3) 659-72.

Analyses of oviductal pars recta-induced fertilizability of coelomic eggs in Xenopus laevis., Katagiri C, Yoshizaki N, Kotani M, Kubo H., Dev Biol. June 15, 1999; 210 (2): 269-76.      

Atomic force microscopy sees nucleosome positioning and histone H1-induced compaction in reconstituted chromatin., Sato MH, Ura K, Hohmura KI, Tokumasu F, Yoshimura SH, Hanaoka F, Takeyasu K., FEBS Lett. June 11, 1999; 452 (3): 267-71.

Arachidonic acid induces a long-lasting facilitation of hippocampal synaptic transmission by modulating PKC activity and nicotinic ACh receptors., Nishizaki T, Nomura T, Matsuoka T, Enikolopov G, Sumikawa K., Brain Res Mol Brain Res. June 8, 1999; 69 (2): 263-72.

Acidic residues involved in cation and substrate interactions in the Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporter, NaDC-1., Griffith DA, Pajor AM., Biochemistry. June 8, 1999; 38 (23): 7524-31.

A quantitative analysis of signal transduction from activin receptor to nucleus and its relevance to morphogen gradient interpretation., Shimizu K, Gurdon JB., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 8, 1999; 96 (12): 6791-6.

A novel mammalian T-box-containing gene, Tbr2, expressed in mouse developing brain., Kimura N, Nakashima K, Ueno M, Kiyama H, Taga T., Brain Res Dev Brain Res. June 2, 1999; 115 (2): 183-93.

Amino acid sequence and embryonic expression of msr/apj, the mouse homolog of Xenopus X-msr and human APJ., Devic E, Rizzoti K, Bodin S, Knibiehler B, Audigier Y., Mech Dev. June 1, 1999; 84 (1-2): 199-203.

Alpha3beta4 subunit-containing nicotinic receptors dominate function in rat medial habenula neurons., Quick MW, Ceballos RM, Kasten M, McIntosh JM, Lester RA., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 1999; 38 (6): 769-83.

A gradient of BMP activity specifies dorsal-ventral fates in early Xenopus embryos., Dale L, Wardle FC., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 1999; 10 (3): 319-26.

Activin as a morphogen in Xenopus mesoderm induction., McDowell N, Gurdon JB., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 1999; 10 (3): 311-7.

Aquaporin Nt-TIPa can account for the high permeability of tobacco cell vacuolar membrane to small neutral solutes., Gerbeau P, Güçlü J, Ripoche P, Maurel C., Plant J. June 1, 1999; 18 (6): 577-87.

A single amino acid confers barbiturate sensitivity upon the GABA rho 1 receptor., Belelli D, Pau D, Cabras G, Peters JA, Lambert JJ., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 1999; 127 (3): 601-4.

A cysteine-rich form of Xenopus neuregulin induces the expression of acetylcholine receptors in cultured myotubes., Yang JF, Zhou H, Choi RC, Ip NY, Peng HB, Tsim KW., Mol Cell Neurosci. June 1, 1999; 13 (6): 415-29.  

Alternative splicing and embryonic expression of the Xenopus mad4 bHLH gene., Newman CS, Krieg PA., Dev Dyn. June 1, 1999; 215 (2): 170-8.            

Alternate splicing in human Na+-MI cotransporter gene yields differentially regulated transport isoforms., Porcellati F, Hosaka Y, Hlaing T, Togawa M, Larkin DD, Karihaloo A, Stevens MJ, Killen PD, Greene DA., Am J Physiol. June 1, 1999; 276 (6): C1325-37.

Activation and Ca2+ permeation of stably transfected alpha3/beta4 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Zhang J, Xiao Y, Abdrakhmanova G, Wang W, Cleemann L, Kellar KJ, Morad M., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 1999; 55 (6): 970-81.

A regulatory domain (R1-R2) in the amino terminus of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor: effects of spermine, protons, and ifenprodil, and structural similarity to bacterial leucine/isoleucine/valine binding protein., Masuko T, Kashiwagi K, Kuno T, Nguyen ND, Pahk AJ, Fukuchi J, Igarashi K, Williams K., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 1999; 55 (6): 957-69.

Antibodies against Tityus discrepans venom do not abolish the effect of Tityus serrulatus venom on the rat sodium and potassium channels., Borges A, Tsushima RG, Backx PH., Toxicon. June 1, 1999; 37 (6): 867-81.

Assessment of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency methods for identification of hazards to developing organisms, Part II: The developmental toxicity testing guideline., Claudio L, Bearer CF, Wallinga D., Am J Ind Med. June 1, 1999; 35 (6): 554-63.

Ajuba, a novel LIM protein, interacts with Grb2, augments mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in fibroblasts, and promotes meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes in a Grb2- and Ras-dependent manner., Goyal RK, Lin P, Kanungo J, Payne AS, Muslin AJ, Longmore GD., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 1999; 19 (6): 4379-89.

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