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Germ plasm in Eleutherodactylus coqui, a direct developing frog with large eggs., Elinson RP, Sabo MC, Fisher C, Yamaguchi T, Orii H, Nath K., Evodevo. October 6, 2011; 2 20.   

Genetic basis for tooth malformations: from mice to men and back again., Mitsiadis TA, Luder HU., Clin Genet. October 1, 2011; 80 (4): 319-29.

Generation of fluorescent zebrafish to study endocrine disruption and potential crosstalk between thyroid hormone and corticosteroids., Terrien X, Fini JB, Demeneix BA, Schramm KW, Prunet P., Aquat Toxicol. September 1, 2011; 105 (1-2): 13-20.

Greatwall and Polo-like kinase 1 coordinate to promote checkpoint recovery., Peng A, Wang L, Fisher LA., J Biol Chem. August 19, 2011; 286 (33): 28996-29004.

Ghrelin- and growth hormone secretagogue receptor-immunoreactive cells in Xenopus pancreas., Suzuki H, Yamamoto T., Regul Pept. August 8, 2011; 169 (1-3): 64-9.

Galactosides in glycoconjugates of Xenopus laevis testis shown by lectin histochemistry., Valbuena G, Alonso E, Madrid JF, Díaz-Flores L, Sáez FJ., Microsc Res Tech. August 1, 2011; 74 (8): 778-87.

Ginsenoside Rg(3) decelerates hERG K(+) channel deactivation through Ser631 residue interaction., Choi SH, Shin TJ, Hwang SH, Lee BH, Kang J, Kim HJ, Jo SH, Choe H, Nah SY., Eur J Pharmacol. August 1, 2011; 663 (1-3): 59-67.

Glutamate residue 90 in the predicted transmembrane domain 2 is crucial for cation flux through channelrhodopsin 2., Ruffert K, Himmel B, Lall D, Bamann C, Bamberg E, Betz H, Eulenburg V., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 15, 2011; 410 (4): 737-43.

Genome duplications within the Xenopodinae do not increase the multiplicity of antimicrobial peptides in Silurana paratropicalis and Xenopus andrei skin secretions., Mechkarska M, Eman A, Coquet L, Jérôme L, Jouenne T, Vaudry H, King JD, Takada K, Conlon JM., Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics. June 1, 2011; 6 (2): 206-12.

Gsx transcription factors repress Iroquois gene expression., Winterbottom EF, Ramsbottom SA, Isaacs HV., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2011; 240 (6): 1422-9.   

Genome-wide analysis of translation reveals a critical role for deleted in azoospermia-like (Dazl) at the oocyte-to-zygote transition., Chen J, Melton C, Suh N, Oh JS, Horner K, Xie F, Sette C, Blelloch R, Conti M., Genes Dev. April 1, 2011; 25 (7): 755-66.

Geminin-deficient neural stem cells exhibit normal cell division and normal neurogenesis., Schultz KM, Banisadr G, Lastra RO, McGuire T, Kessler JA, Miller RJ, McGarry TJ., PLoS One. March 9, 2011; 6 (3): e17736.   

Glyoxylate is a substrate of the sulfate-oxalate exchanger, sat-1, and increases its expression in HepG2 cells., Schnedler N, Burckhardt G, Burckhardt BC., J Hepatol. March 1, 2011; 54 (3): 513-20.

Glutamate transporter variants reduce glutamate uptake in Alzheimer's disease., Scott HA, Gebhardt FM, Mitrovic AD, Vandenberg RJ, Dodd PR., Neurobiol Aging. March 1, 2011; 32 (3): 553.e1-11.

Germinal sites and migrating routes of cells in the mesencephalic and diencephalic auditory areas in the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)., Huang YF, Zhang JY, Xi C, Zeng SJ, Zhang XW, Zuo MX., Dev Biol. February 10, 2011; 1373 67-78.   

Gel shift selection of translation enhancer sequences using messenger RNA display., Biyani M, Biyani M, Nemoto N, Ichiki T, Nishigaki K, Husimi Y., Anal Biochem. February 1, 2011; 409 (1): 105-11.

Ginsenoside Rg3 enhances large conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channel currents: a role of Tyr360 residue., Choi SH, Shin TJ, Lee BH, Hwang SH, Lee SM, Lee BC, Park CS, Ha TS, Nah SY., Mol Cells. February 1, 2011; 31 (2): 133-40.

Gating-related molecular motions in the extracellular domain of the IKs channel: implications for IKs channelopathy., Wang YH, Jiang M, Xu XL, Hsu KL, Zhang M, Tseng GN., J Membr Biol. February 1, 2011; 239 (3): 137-56.

Germ-line mitochondria exhibit suppressed respiratory activity to support their accurate transmission to the next generation., Kogo N, Tazaki A, Kashino Y, Morichika K, Orii H, Mochii M, Watanabe K., Dev Biol. January 15, 2011; 349 (2): 462-9.   

GimmeMotifs: a de novo motif prediction pipeline for ChIP-sequencing experiments., van Heeringen SJ, Veenstra GJ., Bioinformatics. January 15, 2011; 27 (2): 270-1.   

Gadd45a is an RNA binding protein and is localized in nuclear speckles., Sytnikova YA, Kubarenko AV, Schäfer A, Weber AN, Niehrs C., PLoS One. January 7, 2011; 6 (1): e14500.   

Ginkgolide B and bilobalide block the pore of the 5-HT₃receptor at a location that overlaps the picrotoxin binding site., Thompson AJ, Jarvis GE, Duke RK, Johnston GA, Lummis SC., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 2011; 60 (2-3): 488-95.   

Geminin cooperates with Polycomb to restrain multi-lineage commitment in the early embryo., Lim JW, Hummert P, Mills JC, Kroll KL., Development. January 1, 2011; 138 (1): 33-44.   

Gene expression profiling to examine the thyroid hormone-disrupting activity of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls in metamorphosing amphibian tadpole., Ishihara A, Makita Y, Yamauchi K., J Biochem Mol Toxicol. January 1, 2011; 25 (5): 303-11.

Generation of knockout mice expressing a GFP-reporter under the control of the Lmx1a locus., Griesel G, Krug C, Yurlova L, Diaconu M, Mansouri A., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2011; 11 (5-6): 345-8.

Genetic and biochemical analysis of protozoal polyamine transporters., Hasne MP, Ullman B., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2011; 720 309-26.

Greatwall kinase, ARPP-19 and protein phosphatase 2A: shifting the mitosis paradigm., Haccard O, Jessus C., Results Probl Cell Differ. January 1, 2011; 53 219-34.

Gamete membrane microdomains and their associated molecules in fertilization signaling., Hasan AK, Fukami Y, Sato K., Mol Reprod Dev. January 1, 2011; 78 (10-11): 814-30.

Glutamate receptor agonists: stereochemical aspects., Vogensen SB, Greenwood JR, Bunch L, Clausen RP., Curr Top Med Chem. January 1, 2011; 11 (7): 887-906.

Gadd45a and Gadd45g regulate neural development and exit from pluripotency in Xenopus., Kaufmann LT, Niehrs C., Mech Dev. January 1, 2011; 128 (7-10): 401-11.   

Growth-arrest-specific protein 2 inhibits cell division in Xenopus embryos., Zhang T, Dayanandan B, Rouiller I, Lawrence EJ, Mandato CA., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (9): e24698.   

G protein {beta}{gamma} gating confers volatile anesthetic inhibition to Kir3 channels., Styer AM, Mirshahi UL, Wang C, Girard L, Jin T, Logothetis DE, Mirshahi T., J Biol Chem. December 31, 2010; 285 (53): 41290-9.

Greatwall phosphorylates an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A that is essential for mitosis., Mochida S, Maslen SL, Skehel M, Hunt T., Science. December 17, 2010; 330 (6011): 1670-3.

Gating of a G protein-sensitive mammalian Kir3.1 prokaryotic Kir channel chimera in planar lipid bilayers., Leal-Pinto E, Gómez-Llorente Y, Sundaram S, Tang QY, Ivanova-Nikolova T, Mahajan R, Baki L, Zhang Z, Chavez J, Ubarretxena-Belandia I, Logothetis DE., J Biol Chem. December 17, 2010; 285 (51): 39790-800.

Glut1 deficiency: inheritance pattern determined by haploinsufficiency., Rotstein M, Engelstad K, Yang H, Wang D, Levy B, Chung WK, De Vivo DC., Ann Neurol. December 1, 2010; 68 (6): 955-8.

Gemcitabine functions epigenetically by inhibiting repair mediated DNA demethylation., Schäfer A, Schomacher L, Barreto G, Döderlein G, Niehrs C., PLoS One. November 19, 2010; 5 (11): e14060.   

Grb14 inhibits FGF receptor signaling through the regulation of PLCγ recruitment and activation., Browaeys-Poly E, Blanquart C, Perdereau D, Antoine AF, Goenaga D, Luzy JP, Chen H, Garbay C, Issad T, Cailliau K, Burnol AF., FEBS Lett. November 5, 2010; 584 (21): 4383-8.

Greatwall in control of recovery., Medema RH., Cell Cycle. November 1, 2010; 9 (21): 4264-5.

Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling., Paganelli A, Gnazzo V, Acosta H, López SL, Carrasco AE., Chem Res Toxicol. October 18, 2010; 23 (10): 1586-95.

Giant panda ribosomal protein S14: cDNA, genomic sequence cloning, sequence analysis, and overexpression., Wu GF, Hou YL, Hou WR, Song Y, Zhang T., Genet Mol Res. October 13, 2010; 9 (4): 2004-15.

Genomic organization and evolution of the Atlantic salmon hemoglobin repertoire., Quinn NL, Boroevich KA, Lubieniecki KP, Chow W, Davidson EA, Phillips RB, Koop BF, Davidson WS., BMC Genomics. October 5, 2010; 11 539.   

GEMC1 is a novel TopBP1-interacting protein involved in chromosomal DNA replication., Piergiovanni G, Costanzo V., Cell Cycle. September 15, 2010; 9 (18): 3662-6.

GABAergic circuits control stimulus-instructed receptive field development in the optic tectum., Richards BA, Voss OP, Akerman CJ., Nat Neurosci. September 1, 2010; 13 (9): 1098-106.   

GABAC receptor binding of quantum-dot conjugates of variable ligand valency., Gussin HA, Tomlinson ID, Muni NJ, Little DM, Qian H, Rosenthal SJ, Pepperberg DR., Bioconjug Chem. August 18, 2010; 21 (8): 1455-64.

Geminin and Brahma act antagonistically to regulate EGFR-Ras-MAPK signaling in Drosophila., Herr A, Mckenzie L, Suryadinata R, Sadowski M, Parsons LM, Sarcevic B, Richardson HE., Dev Biol. August 1, 2010; 344 (1): 36-51.

Greatwall kinase protects mitotic phosphosites from barbarian phosphatases., Goldberg ML., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 13, 2010; 107 (28): 12409-10.

Ginsenoside Rg3 activates human KCNQ1 K+ channel currents through interacting with the K318 and V319 residues: a role of KCNE1 subunit., Choi SH, Shin TJ, Lee BH, Chu DH, Choe H, Pyo MK, Hwang SH, Kim BR, Lee SM, Lee JH, Kim DH, Kim HC, Rhim HW, Nah SY., Eur J Pharmacol. July 10, 2010; 637 (1-3): 138-47.

G2 phase chromatin lacks determinants of replication timing., Lu J, Li F, Murphy CS, Davidson MW, Gilbert DM., J Cell Biol. June 14, 2010; 189 (6): 967-80.   

Genotyping sex in the amphibian, Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, for endocrine disruptor bioassays., Olmstead AW, Lindberg-Livingston A, Degitz SJ., Aquat Toxicol. June 1, 2010; 98 (1): 60-6.

Gbetagamma activates GSK3 to promote LRP6-mediated beta-catenin transcriptional activity., Jernigan KK, Cselenyi CS, Thorne CA, Hanson AJ, Tahinci E, Hajicek N, Oldham WM, Lee LA, Hamm HE, Hepler JR, Kozasa T, Linder ME, Lee E., Sci Signal. May 11, 2010; 3 (121): ra37.

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