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Search Results

Regeneration of descending projections in Xenopus laevis tadpole spinal cord demonstrated by retrograde double labeling., Gibbs KM, Szaro BG., Dev Biol. May 9, 2006; 1088 (1): 68-72.

Random assembly of GABA rho1 and rho2 subunits in the formation of heteromeric GABA(C) receptors., Pan Y, Ripps H, Qian H., Cell Mol Neurobiol. May 1, 2006; 26 (3): 289-305.

Regulation of protein phosphatase type 1 and cell cycle progression by PfLRR1, a novel leucine-rich repeat protein of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum., Daher W, Browaeys E, Pierrot C, Jouin H, Dive D, Meurice E, Dissous C, Capron M, Tomavo S, Doerig C, Cailliau K, Khalife J., Mol Microbiol. May 1, 2006; 60 (3): 578-90.

Relationship between pore occupancy and gating in BK potassium channels., Piskorowski RA, Aldrich RW., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 2006; 127 (5): 557-76.   

Residues in the first transmembrane domain of the Caenorhabditis elegans GABA(A) receptor confer sensitivity to the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate., Wardell B, Marik PS, Piper D, Rutar T, Jorgensen EM, Bamber BA., Br J Pharmacol. May 1, 2006; 148 (2): 162-72.

Role of PKA as a negative regulator of PCP signaling pathway during Xenopus gastrulation movements., Park E, Kim GH, Choi SC, Han JK., Dev Biol. April 15, 2006; 292 (2): 344-57.

RNA interference of Xenopus NMDAR NR1 in vitro and in vivo., Miskevich F, Doench JG, Townsend MT, Sharp PA, Constantine-Paton M., J Neurosci Methods. April 15, 2006; 152 (1-2): 65-73.

Retinoids restore normal cyclic nucleotide sensitivity of mutant ion channels associated with cone dystrophy., Tetreault ML, Horrigan DM, Kim JA, Zimmerman AL., Mol Vis. April 10, 2006; 12 1699-705.

Regulation of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) by methylation: a novel methyltransferase stimulates ENaC activity., Edinger RS, Yospin J, Perry C, Kleyman TR, Johnson JP., J Biol Chem. April 7, 2006; 281 (14): 9110-7.

Roles of K149, G352, and H401 in the channel functions of ClC-0: testing the predictions from theoretical calculations., Zhang XD, Li Y, Yu WP, Chen TY., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 2006; 127 (4): 435-47.   

Requirement of the protein B23 for nucleolar disassembly induced by the FRGY2a family proteins., Gonda K, Wudel J, Nelson D, Katoku-Kikyo N, Reed P, Tamada H, Kikyo N., J Biol Chem. March 24, 2006; 281 (12): 8153-60.

RE-1 silencer of transcription/neural restrictive silencer factor modulates ectodermal patterning during Xenopus development., Olguín P, Oteíza P, Gamboa E, Gómez-Skármeta JL, Kukuljan M., J Neurosci. March 8, 2006; 26 (10): 2820-9.   

Role of charged residues in the S1-S4 voltage sensor of BK channels., Ma Z, Lou XJ, Horrigan FT., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2006; 127 (3): 309-28.   

Retinoic acid signaling is essential for formation of the heart tube in Xenopus., Collop AH, Broomfield JA, Chandraratna RA, Yong Z, Deimling SJ, Kolker SJ, Weeks DL, Drysdale TA., Dev Biol. March 1, 2006; 291 (1): 96-109.   

Role of X-Delta-2 in the early neural development of Xenopus laevis., Peres JN, Durston AJ., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2006; 235 (3): 802-10.   

Redundant pathways for Cdc2 activation in Xenopus oocyte: either cyclin B or Mos synthesis., Haccard O, Jessus C., EMBO Rep. March 1, 2006; 7 (3): 321-5.

Resetting the clock., Rusk N., Nat Methods. February 1, 2006; 3 (2): 72-3.

Regulation of dynamic events by microfilaments during oocyte maturation and fertilization., Sun QY, Schatten H., Reproduction. February 1, 2006; 131 (2): 193-205.

Rac1 and RhoA promote neurite outgrowth through formation and stabilization of growth cone point contacts., Woo S, Gomez TM., J Neurosci. February 1, 2006; 26 (5): 1418-28.

Regulation of replication licensing by acetyltransferase Hbo1., Iizuka M, Matsui T, Takisawa H, Smith MM., Mol Cell Biol. February 1, 2006; 26 (3): 1098-108.

Regulation of somitogenesis by Ena/VASP proteins and FAK during Xenopus development., Kragtorp KA, Miller JR., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (4): 685-95.   

Ras-dva, a member of novel family of small GTPases, is required for the anterior ectoderm patterning in the Xenopus laevis embryo., Tereshina MB, Zaraisky AG, Novoselov VV., Development. February 1, 2006; 133 (3): 485-94.   

Regulation of early Xenopus development by ErbB signaling., Nie S, Chang C., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 301-14.   

Rothmund-Thomson syndrome and RECQL4 defect: splitting and lumping., Larizza L, Magnani I, Roversi G., Cancer Lett. January 28, 2006; 232 (1): 107-20.

Regulated Pumilio-2 binding controls RINGO/Spy mRNA translation and CPEB activation., Padmanabhan K, Richter JD., Genes Dev. January 15, 2006; 20 (2): 199-209.

Receptors for neuropeptide Y, gamma-aminobutyric acid and dopamine differentially regulate Ca2+ currents in Xenopus melanotrope cells via the G(i) protein beta/gamma-subunit., Zhang H, Roubos EW, Jenks BG, Scheenen WJ., Gen Comp Endocrinol. January 15, 2006; 145 (2): 140-7.

Reconstitution of Golgi disassembly by mitotic Xenopus egg extract in semi-intact MDCK cells., Kano F, Takenaka K, Murata M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 357-65.

Resources for genetic and genomic studies of Xenopus., Klein SL, Gerhard DS, Wagner L, Richardson P, Schriml LM, Sater AK, Warren WC, McPherson JD., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2006; 322 1-16.

Regulation of lipoprotein lipase expression by effect of hawthorn flavonoids on peroxisome proliferator response element pathway., Fan C, Yan J, Qian Y, Wo X, Gao L., J Pharmacol Sci. January 1, 2006; 100 (1): 51-8.

Regulation of connexin hemichannels by monovalent cations., Srinivas M, Calderon DP, Kronengold J, Verselis VK., J Gen Physiol. January 1, 2006; 127 (1): 67-75.   

Regulation of Separase in meiosis: Separase is activated at the metaphase I-II transition in Xenopus oocytes during meiosis., Fan HY, Sun QY, Zou H., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2006; 5 (2): 198-204.

Regulation of cardiac inwardly rectifying potassium current IK1 and Kir2.x channels by endothelin-1., Kiesecker C, Zitron E, Scherer D, Lueck S, Bloehs R, Scholz EP, Pirot M, Kathöfer S, Thomas D, Kreye VA, Kiehn J, Borst MM, Katus HA, Schoels W, Karle CA., J Mol Med (Berl). January 1, 2006; 84 (1): 46-56.

Revisiting the postulated "unitary glutamate receptor": electrophysiological and pharmacological analysis in two heterologous expression systems fails to detect evidence for its existence., Schmidt C, Werner M, Hollmann M., Mol Pharmacol. January 1, 2006; 69 (1): 119-29.

Regulation of LDL receptor expression by the effect of curcumin on sterol regulatory element pathway., Fan C, Wo X, Dou X, Xu L, Qian Y, Luo Y, Yan J., Pharmacol Rep. January 1, 2006; 58 (4): 577-81.

Role of peripherin/rds in vertebrate photoreceptor architecture and inherited retinal degenerations., Goldberg AF., Int Rev Cytol. January 1, 2006; 253 131-75.

Regulatory interaction between CFTR and the SLC26 transporters., Shcheynikov N, Ko SB, Zeng W, Choi JY, Dorwart MR, Thomas PJ, Muallem S., Novartis Found Symp. January 1, 2006; 273 177-86; discussion 186-92, 261-4.

Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase from stem cells to mature glial cells of the central nervous system., Lamprianou S, Harroch S., J Mol Neurosci. January 1, 2006; 29 (3): 241-55.

Recognition of oxidized thymine base on the single-stranded DNA by replication protein A., Irie D, Ono A, Izuta S., Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids. January 1, 2006; 25 (4-6): 439-51.

Ras-sensitive IMP modulation of the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade through KSR1., Matheny SA, White MA., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2006; 407 237-47.

Role of the transmembrane domain of FXYD7 in structural and functional interactions with Na,K-ATPase., Li C, Crambert G, Thuillard D, Roy S, Schaer D, Geering K., J Biol Chem. December 30, 2005; 280 (52): 42738-43.

Regulation of HP1-chromatin binding by histone H3 methylation and phosphorylation., Fischle W, Tseng BS, Dormann HL, Ueberheide BM, Garcia BA, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Funabiki H, Allis CD., Nature. December 22, 2005; 438 (7071): 1116-22.

RPE65 surface epitopes, protein interactions, and expression in rod- and cone-dominant species., Hemati N, Feathers KL, Chrispell JD, Reed DM, Carlson TJ, Thompson DA., Mol Vis. December 21, 2005; 11 1151-65.

Regulation of ADMP and BMP2/4/7 at opposite embryonic poles generates a self-regulating morphogenetic field., Reversade B, De Robertis EM., Cell. December 16, 2005; 123 (6): 1147-60.   

Repair of double-strand breaks by nonhomologous end joining in the absence of Mre11., Di Virgilio M, Gautier J., J Cell Biol. December 5, 2005; 171 (5): 765-71.   

RanBP3 enhances nuclear export of active (beta)-catenin independently of CRM1., Hendriksen J, Fagotto F, van der Velde H, van Schie M, Noordermeer J, Fornerod M., J Cell Biol. December 5, 2005; 171 (5): 785-97.   

RBP-Jkappa/SHARP recruits CtIP/CtBP corepressors to silence Notch target genes., Oswald F, Winkler M, Cao Y, Astrahantseff K, Bourteele S, Knöchel W, Borggrefe T., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 2005; 25 (23): 10379-90.

Role of crescent in convergent extension movements by modulating Wnt signaling in early Xenopus embryogenesis., Shibata M, Itoh M, Hikasa H, Taira S, Taira M., Mech Dev. December 1, 2005; 122 (12): 1322-39.   

Regulatory phosphorylation sites in the NH2 terminus of the renal Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC2)., Giménez I, Forbush B., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 1, 2005; 289 (6): F1341-5.

Rhesus monkey alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: comparisons to human alpha7 receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Papke RL, McCormack TJ, Jack BA, Wang D, Bugaj-Gaweda B, Schiff HC, Buhr JD, Waber AJ, Stokes C., Eur J Pharmacol. November 7, 2005; 524 (1-3): 11-8.

Requirement of the MEK5-ERK5 pathway for neural differentiation in Xenopus embryonic development., Nishimoto S, Kusakabe M, Nishida E., EMBO Rep. November 1, 2005; 6 (11): 1064-9.

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