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The Use of Cell-Free Xenopus Extracts to Investigate Cytoplasmic Events., Gibeaux R, Heald R., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. June 3, 2019; 2019 (6):

The chronic administration of two novel long-acting Xenopus glucagon-like peptide-1 analogs xGLP159 and xGLP296 potently improved systemic metabolism and glycemic control in rodent models., Han J, Meng T, Chen X, Han Y, Fu J, Zhou F, Fei Y, Li C., FASEB J. June 1, 2019; 33 (6): 7113-7125.

TRESK (K2P18.1) Background Potassium Channel Is Activated by Novel-Type Protein Kinase C via Dephosphorylation., Pergel E, Lengyel M, Enyedi P, Czirják G., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 2019; 95 (6): 661-672.

The effect of Xenopus laevis egg extracts with/without BRG1 on the development of preimplantation cloned mouse embryos., Chiang CY, Chen XY, Lin CT, Tang PC., Zygote. June 1, 2019; 27 (3): 143-152.

Targeting TMEM176B Enhances Antitumor Immunity and Augments the Efficacy of Immune Checkpoint Blockers by Unleashing Inflammasome Activation., Segovia M, Russo S, Jeldres M, Mahmoud YD, Perez V, Duhalde M, Charnet P, Rousset M, Victoria S, Veigas F, Louvet C, Vanhove B, Floto RA, Anegon I, Cuturi MC, Girotti MR, Rabinovich GA, Hill M., Cancer Cell. May 13, 2019; 35 (5): 767-781.e6.   

Trace, Machine Learning of Signal Images for Trace-Sensitive Mass Spectrometry: A Case Study from Single-Cell Metabolomics., Liu Z, Portero EP, Jian Y, Zhao Y, Onjiko RM, Zeng C, Nemes P., Anal Chem. May 7, 2019; 91 (9): 5768-5776.

The Wnt inhibitor Dkk1 is required for maintaining the normal cardiac differentiation program in Xenopus laevis., Guo Y, Dorn T, Kühl SJ, Linnemann A, Rothe M, Pfister AS, Vainio S, Laugwitz KL, Moretti A, Kühl M., Dev Biol. May 1, 2019; 449 (1): 1-13.   

Translational activation of maternally derived mRNAs in oocytes and early embryos and the role of embryonic poly(A) binding protein (EPAB)., Esencan E, Kallen A, Zhang M, Seli E., Biol Reprod. May 1, 2019; 100 (5): 1147-1157.

Transcriptome profiling reveals male- and female-specific gene expression pattern and novel gene candidates for the control of sex determination and gonad development in Xenopus laevis., Piprek RP, Damulewicz M, Tassan JP, Kloc M, Kubiak JZ., Dev Genes Evol. May 1, 2019; 229 (2-3): 53-72.   

The role of ambient temperature and body mass on body temperature, standard metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in southern African anurans of different habitat specialisation., Mokhatla M, Measey J, Smit B., PeerJ. May 1, 2019; 7 e7885.   

The modulation of acid-sensing ion channel 1 by PcTx1 is pH-, subtype- and species-dependent: Importance of interactions at the channel subunit interface and potential for engineering selective analogues., Cristofori-Armstrong B, Saez NJ, Chassagnon IR, King GF, Rash LD., Biochem Pharmacol. May 1, 2019; 163 381-390.

The retroviral accessory proteins S2, Nef, and glycoMA use similar mechanisms for antagonizing the host restriction factor SERINC5., Ahmad I, Li S, Li R, Chai Q, Zhang L, Wang B, Yu C, Zheng YH., J Biol Chem. April 26, 2019; 294 (17): 7013-7024.   

Transport Mechanisms for the Nutritional Supplement β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) in Mammalian Cells., Ogura J, Sato T, Higuchi K, Bhutia YD, Babu E, Masuda M, Miyauchi S, Rueda R, Pereira SL, Ganapathy V., Pharm Res. April 17, 2019; 36 (6): 84.

Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide Mitigates Its In Vivo Genotoxicity Toward Xenopus laevis Tadpoles., Evariste L, Lagier L, Gonzalez P, Mottier A, Mouchet F, Cadarsi S, Lonchambon P, Daffe G, Chimowa G, Sarrieu C, Ompraret E, Galibert AM, Ghimbeu CM, Pinelli E, Flahaut E, Gauthier L., Nanomaterials (Basel). April 9, 2019; 9 (4):   

The Expression of Key Guidance Genes at a Forebrain Axon Turning Point Is Maintained by Distinct Fgfr Isoforms but a Common Downstream Signal Transduction Mechanism., Yang JJ, Bertolesi GE, Dueck S, Hehr CL, McFarlane S., eNeuro. April 9, 2019; 6 (2):   

Transient Kinetic Analysis of SWR1C-Catalyzed H2A.Z Deposition Unravels the Impact of Nucleosome Dynamics and the Asymmetry of Histone Exchange., Singh RK, Fan J, Gioacchini N, Watanabe S, Bilsel O, Peterson CL., Cell Rep. April 9, 2019; 27 (2): 374-386.e4.   

The electrical block to polyspermy induced by an intracellular Ca2+ increase at fertilization of the clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis., Watabe M, Izaki K, Fujino S, Maruyama M, Kojima C, Hiraiwa A, Ueno S, Iwao Y., Mol Reprod Dev. April 1, 2019; 86 (4): 387-403.   

The decision to move: response times, neuronal circuits and sensory memory in a simple vertebrate., Roberts A, Borisyuk R, Buhl E, Ferrario A, Koutsikou S, Li WC, Soffe SR., Proc Biol Sci. March 27, 2019; 286 (1899): 20190297.

The role of SLX4 and its associated nucleases in DNA interstrand crosslink repair., Hoogenboom WS, Boonen RACM, Knipscheer P., Nucleic Acids Res. March 18, 2019; 47 (5): 2377-2388.   

The Natural History of Teneurins: A Billion Years of Evolution in Three Key Steps., Wides R., Front Neurosci. March 15, 2019; 13 109.   

The connexin26 human mutation N14K disrupts cytosolic intersubunit interactions and promotes channel opening., Valdez Capuccino JM, Chatterjee P, García IE, Botello-Smith WM, Zhang H, Harris AL, Luo Y, Contreras JE., J Gen Physiol. March 4, 2019; 151 (3): 328-341.   

The role of fibroblast growth factor signalling in Echinococcus multilocularis development and host-parasite interaction., Förster S, Koziol U, Schäfer T, Duvoisin R, Cailliau K, Vanderstraete M, Dissous C, Brehm K., PLoS Negl Trop Dis. March 1, 2019; 13 (3): e0006959.   

TRAIP is a master regulator of DNA interstrand crosslink repair., Wu RA, Semlow DR, Kamimae-Lanning AN, Kochenova OV, Chistol G, Hodskinson MR, Amunugama R, Sparks JL, Wang M, Deng L, Mimoso CA, Low E, Patel KJ, Walter JC., Nature. March 1, 2019; 567 (7747): 267-272.   

TMEM266 is a functional voltage sensor regulated by extracellular Zn2., Papp F, Lomash S, Szilagyi O, Babikow E, Smith J, Chang TH, Bahamonde MI, Toombes GES, Swartz KJ., Elife. February 27, 2019; 8   

The molecular basis for an allosteric inhibition of K+-flux gating in K2P channels., Rinné S, Kiper AK, Vowinkel KS, Ramírez D, Schewe M, Bedoya M, Aser D, Gensler I, Netter MF, Stansfeld PJ, Baukrowitz T, Gonzalez W, Decher N., Elife. February 26, 2019; 8   

The C-terminus of the retinal homeobox (rax) gene product modulates transcription in a context-dependent manner., Buescher JL, El-Hodiri HM., Mol Vis. February 23, 2019; 25 165-173.   

The Role of Reproductive Technologies in Amphibian Conservation Breeding Programs., Silla AJ, Byrne PG., Annu Rev Anim Biosci. February 15, 2019; 7 499-519.   

The Amphibian Diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2): a 'paleo-protein' with Conserved Function but Unique Folding., Sciani JM, Neves A, Vassão RC, Spencer P, Antoniazzi MM, Jared C, Pimenta DC., Protein J. February 1, 2019; 38 (1): 83-94.   

Transport of 2,4-dichloro phenoxyacetic acid by human Na+-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1 (hSMCT1, SLC5A8)., Sugio K, Inoda D, Masuda M, Azumaya I, Sasaki S, Shimono K, Ganapathy V, Miyauchi S., Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. February 1, 2019; 34 (1): 95-103.

Tail Resorption During Metamorphosis in Xenopus Tadpoles., Yaoita Y., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 25, 2019; 10 143.

Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha Is Required for Thyroid Hormone-Dependent Neural Cell Proliferation During Tadpole Metamorphosis., Wen L, He C, Sifuentes CJ, Denver RJ., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 25, 2019; 10 396.   

The structural basis of human Spt16 N-terminal domain interaction with histone (H3-H4)2 tetramer., Jiang H, Xu S, Li H, Tian L, Zhou H, Zhao Z, Yang C, Zhong Z, Cai G, Su D., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 15, 2019; 508 (3): 864-870.   

The CMG Helicase Bypasses DNA-Protein Cross-Links to Facilitate Their Repair., Sparks JL, Chistol G, Gao AO, Räschle M, Larsen NB, Mann M, Duxin JP, Walter JC., Cell. January 10, 2019; 176 (1-2): 167-181.e21.

The return to water in ancestral Xenopus was accompanied by a novel mechanism for producing and shaping vocal signals., Kwong-Brown U, Tobias ML, Elias DO, Hall IC, Elemans CP, Kelley DB., Elife. January 8, 2019; 8   

The Frog Xenopus as a Model to Study Joubert Syndrome: The Case of a Human Patient With Compound Heterozygous Variants in PIBF1., Ott T, Kaufmann L, Granzow M, Hinderhofer K, Bartram CR, Theiß S, Seitz A, Paramasivam N, Schulz A, Moog U, Blum M, Evers CM., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 134.   

The voltage sensing phosphatase (VSP) localizes to the apical membrane of kidney tubule epithelial cells., Ratzan W, Rayaprolu V, Killian SE, Bradley R, Kohout SC., PLoS One. January 1, 2019; 14 (4): e0209056.   

The Xenopus tropicalis Model for Studies of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity., Berg C., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1965 173-186.

Transcriptome analysis of regeneration during Xenopus laevis experimental twinning., Sosa EA, Moriyama Y, Ding Y, Tejeda-Muñoz N, Colozza G, De Robertis EM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2019; 63 (6-7): 301-309.

The Many Faces of Xenopus: Xenopus laevis as a Model System to Study Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome., Lasser M, Pratt B, Monahan C, Kim SW, Lowery LA., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 817.   

The NMDA receptor intracellular C-terminal domains reciprocally interact with allosteric modulators., Sapkota K, Dore K, Tang K, Irvine M, Fang G, Burnell ES, Malinow R, Jane DE, Monaghan DT., Biochem Pharmacol. January 1, 2019; 159 140-153.

The comet assay in animal models: From bugs to whales - (Part 2 Vertebrates)., Gajski G, Žegura B, Ladeira C, Novak M, Sramkova M, Pourrut B, Del Bo' C, Milić M, Gutzkow KB, Costa S, Dusinska M, Brunborg G, Collins A., Mutat Res. January 1, 2019; 781 130-164.

Transmembrane Helices 2 and 3 Determine the Localization of Plasma Membrane Intrinsic Proteins in Eukaryotic Cells., Wang H, Zhang L, Tao Y, Wang Z, Shen D, Dong H., Front Plant Sci. January 1, 2019; 10 1671.   

The RhoGEF protein Plekhg5 regulates apical constriction of bottle cells during gastrulation., Popov IK, Ray HJ, Skoglund P, Keller R, Chang C., Development. December 12, 2018; 145 (24):   

Targeting TPX2 suppresses proliferation and promotes apoptosis via repression of the PI3k/AKT/P21 signaling pathway and activation of p53 pathway in breast cancer., Chen M, Zhang H, Zhang G, Zhong A, Ma Q, Kai J, Tong Y, Xie S, Wang Y, Zheng H, Guo L, Lu R., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. December 9, 2018; 507 (1-4): 74-82.   

The interplay between voluntary food intake, dietary carbohydrate-lipid ratio and nutrient metabolism in an amphibian, (Xenopus laevis)., Brenes-Soto A, Dierenfeld ES, Janssens GPJ., PLoS One. December 7, 2018; 13 (12): e0208445.   

Tracing Central Nervous System Axon Regeneration in Xenopus., Gibbs KM, Szaro BG., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 3, 2018; 2018 (12):

The S6 gate in regulatory Kv6 subunits restricts heteromeric K+ channel stoichiometry., Pisupati A, Mickolajczyk KJ, Horton W, van Rossum DB, Anishkin A, Chintapalli SV, Li X, Chu-Luo J, Busey G, Hancock WO, Jegla T., J Gen Physiol. December 3, 2018; 150 (12): 1702-1721.   

The Effect of an Environmentally Relevant Phthalate Mixture on Primordial Germ Cells of Xenopus laevis Embryos., Momplaisir N, Turgeon A, Flaws J, Yang J., MicroPubl Biol. December 3, 2018; 2018   

The extraordinary biology and development of marsupial frogs (Hemiphractidae) in comparison with fish, mammals, birds, amphibians and other animals., Del Pino EM., Mech Dev. December 1, 2018; 154 2-11.   

The neuromuscular junction of Xenopus tadpoles: Revisiting a classical model of early synaptogenesis and regeneration., Bermedo-García F, Ojeda J, Méndez-Olivos EE, Marcellini S, Larraín J, Henríquez JP., Mech Dev. December 1, 2018; 154 91-97.   

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