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Search Results

Developmental timing of mRNA translation--integration of distinct regulatory elements., MacNicol MC, MacNicol AM., Mol Reprod Dev. August 1, 2010; 77 (8): 662-9.

Differentially altered Ca2+ regulation and Ca2+ permeability in Cx26 hemichannels formed by the A40V and G45E mutations that cause keratitis ichthyosis deafness syndrome., Sánchez HA, Mese G, Srinivas M, White TW, Verselis VK., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2010; 136 (1): 47-62.   

Distance determination in proteins inside Xenopus laevis oocytes by double electron-electron resonance experiments., Igarashi R, Sakai T, Hara H, Tenno T, Tanaka T, Tochio H, Shirakawa M., J Am Chem Soc. June 23, 2010; 132 (24): 8228-9.

Drug-resistant aurora A mutants for cellular target validation of the small molecule kinase inhibitors MLN8054 and MLN8237., Sloane DA, Trikic MZ, Chu ML, Lamers MB, Mason CS, Mueller I, Savory WJ, Williams DH, Eyers PA., ACS Chem Biol. June 18, 2010; 5 (6): 563-76.

Dual detection of chromosomes and microtubules by the chromosomal passenger complex drives spindle assembly., Tseng BS, Tan L, Kapoor TM, Funabiki H., Dev Cell. June 15, 2010; 18 (6): 903-12.

Diffusion as a probe of the heterogeneity of antimicrobial peptide-membrane interactions., Smith-Dupont KB, Guo L, Gai F., Biochemistry. June 8, 2010; 49 (22): 4672-8.

Diversity of structure and function of alpha1alpha6beta3delta GABAA receptors: comparison with alpha1beta3delta and alpha6beta3delta receptors., Baur R, Kaur KH, Sigel E., J Biol Chem. June 4, 2010; 285 (23): 17398-405.

Down-regulation of Na+-coupled glutamate transporter EAAT3 and EAAT4 by AMP-activated protein kinase., Sopjani M, Alesutan I, Dërmaku-Sopjani M, Fraser S, Kemp BE, Föller M, Lang F., J Neurochem. June 1, 2010; 113 (6): 1426-35.

Diarylamidines: high potency inhibitors of acid-sensing ion channels., Chen X, Qiu L, Li M, Dürrnagel S, Orser BA, Xiong ZG, MacDonald JF., Neuropharmacology. June 1, 2010; 58 (7): 1045-53.

Differential proteomic characterization between normal peritoneal fluid and diabetic peritoneal dialysate., Wang HY, Tian YF, Chien CC, Kan WC, Liao PC, Wu HY, Su SB, Lin CY., Nephrol Dial Transplant. June 1, 2010; 25 (6): 1955-63.

Development of a sensitive non-radioactive protein kinase assay and its application for detecting DYRK activity in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Lilienthal E, Kolanowski K, Becker W., BMC Biochem. May 20, 2010; 11 20.   

Direct voltage control of endogenous lysophosphatidic acid G-protein-coupled receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Martinez-Pinna J, Gurung IS, Mahaut-Smith MP, Morales A., J Physiol. May 15, 2010; 588 (Pt 10): 1683-93.

Dicalcin inhibits fertilization through its binding to a glycoprotein in the egg envelope in Xenopus laevis., Miwa N, Ogawa M, Shinmyo Y, Hiraoka Y, Takamatsu K, Kawamura S., J Biol Chem. May 14, 2010; 285 (20): 15627-15636.

Drosophila TRPA1 channel mediates chemical avoidance in gustatory receptor neurons., Kim SH, Lee Y, Akitake B, Woodward OM, Guggino WB, Montell C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 4, 2010; 107 (18): 8440-5.

Detection of protein-RNA complexes in Xenopus oocytes., Huber PW, Zhao WM., Methods. May 1, 2010; 51 (1): 82-6.

Dissecting the M phase-specific phosphorylation of serine-proline or threonine-proline motifs., Wu CF, Wang R, Liang Q, Liang J, Li W, Jung SY, Qin J, Lin SH, Kuang J., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2010; 21 (9): 1470-81.   

Downregulation of HDPR1 is associated with poor prognosis and affects expression levels of p120-catenin and beta-catenin in nonsmall cell lung cancer., Yang ZQ, Zhao Y, Liu Y, Zhang JY, Zhang S, Jiang GY, Zhang PX, Yang LH, Liu D, Li QC, Wang EH., Mol Carcinog. May 1, 2010; 49 (5): 508-19.

Disruption of an intersubunit electrostatic bond is a critical step in glycine receptor activation., Todorovic J, Welsh BT, Bertaccini EJ, Trudell JR, Mihic SJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 27, 2010; 107 (17): 7987-92.

Drf1-dependent kinase interacts with Claspin through a conserved protein motif., Gold DA, Dunphy WG., J Biol Chem. April 23, 2010; 285 (17): 12638-46.

Distinct roles for telethonin N-versus C-terminus in sarcomere assembly and maintenance., Sadikot T, Hammond CR, Ferrari MB., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2010; 239 (4): 1124-35.   

Direct activation of Shroom3 transcription by Pitx proteins drives epithelial morphogenesis in the developing gut., Chung MI, Nascone-Yoder NM, Grover SA, Drysdale TA, Wallingford JB., Development. April 1, 2010; 137 (8): 1339-49.   

Direct analysis of lipids and small metabolites in mouse brain tissue by AP IR-MALDI and reactive LAESI mass spectrometry., Shrestha B, Nemes P, Nazarian J, Hathout Y, Hoffman EP, Vertes A., Analyst. April 1, 2010; 135 (4): 751-8.

Development of potent anti-infective agents from Silurana tropicalis: conformational analysis of the amphipathic, alpha-helical antimicrobial peptide XT-7 and its non-haemolytic analogue [G4K]XT-7., Subasinghage AP, Conlon JM, Hewage CM., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 1, 2010; 1804 (4): 1020-8.

Depolarization increases phosphatidylinositol (PI) 4,5-bisphosphate level and KCNQ currents through PI 4-kinase mechanisms., Zhang X, Chen X, Jia C, Geng X, Du X, Zhang H., J Biol Chem. March 26, 2010; 285 (13): 9402-9.

Diclofenac-induced stimulation of SMCT1 (SLC5A8) in a heterologous expression system: a RPE specific phenomenon., Ananth S, Zhuang L, Gopal E, Itagaki S, Ellappan B, Smith SB, Ganapathy V, Martin P., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 26, 2010; 394 (1): 75-80.

Delta-Notch signaling is involved in the segregation of the three germ layers in Xenopus laevis., Revinski DR, Paganelli AR, Carrasco AE, López SL., Dev Biol. March 15, 2010; 339 (2): 477-92.   

Differential water permeability and regulation of three aquaporin 4 isoforms., Fenton RA, Moeller HB, Zelenina M, Snaebjornsson MT, Holen T, MacAulay N., Cell Mol Life Sci. March 1, 2010; 67 (5): 829-40.

Diffusion of a soluble protein, photoactivatable GFP, through a sensory cilium., Calvert PD, Schiesser WE, Pugh EN., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2010; 135 (3): 173-96.   

Diagnosis of Aeromonas hydrophila, Mycobacterium species, and Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in an African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis)., Hill WA, Newman SJ, Craig L, Carter C, Czarra J, Brown JP., J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. March 1, 2010; 49 (2): 215-20.

Digital kinases: A cell model for sensing, integrating and making choices., López JM., Commun Integr Biol. March 1, 2010; 3 (2): 146-50.

Diverse voltage-sensitive dyes modulate GABAA receptor function., Mennerick S, Chisari M, Shu HJ, Taylor A, Vasek M, Eisenman LN, Zorumski CF., J Neurosci. February 24, 2010; 30 (8): 2871-9.

Directly probing the mechanical properties of the spindle and its matrix., Gatlin JC, Matov A, Danuser G, Mitchison TJ, Salmon ED., J Cell Biol. February 22, 2010; 188 (4): 481-9.   

Discovery of a distinct domain in cyclin A sufficient for centrosomal localization independently of Cdk binding., Pascreau G, Eckerdt F, Churchill ME, Maller JL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 16, 2010; 107 (7): 2932-7.

Discovery of 4-(5-methyloxazolo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-yl)-1,4-diazabicyclo[3.2.2]nonane (CP-810,123), a novel alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist for the treatment of cognitive disorders in schizophrenia: synthesis, SAR development, and in vivo efficacy in cognition models., O'Donnell CJ, Rogers BN, Bronk BS, Bryce DK, Coe JW, Cook KK, Duplantier AJ, Evrard E, Hajós M, Hoffmann WE, Hurst RS, Maklad N, Mather RJ, McLean S, Nedza FM, O'Neill BT, Peng L, Qian W, Rottas MM, Sands SB, Schmidt AW, Shrikhande AV, Spracklin DK, Wong DF, Zhang A, Zhang L., J Med Chem. February 11, 2010; 53 (3): 1222-37.

Differential expression of hERG1 channel isoforms reproduces properties of native I(Kr) and modulates cardiac action potential characteristics., Larsen AP, Olesen SP., PLoS One. February 2, 2010; 5 (2): e9021.   

Distinct Xenopus Nodal ligands sequentially induce mesendoderm and control gastrulation movements in parallel to the Wnt/PCP pathway., Luxardi G, Marchal L, Thomé V, Kodjabachian L., Development. February 1, 2010; 137 (3): 417-26.   

Derivation of adult stem cells during embryogenesis., Zon LI., Harvey Lect. January 27, 2010; 102 117-32.

Dual transcriptional regulation by runx2 of matrix Gla protein in Xenopus laevis., Fazenda C, Simões B, Kelsh RN, Cancela ML, Conceição N., Gene. January 15, 2010; 450 (1-2): 94-102.

Dynamic expression of axon guidance cues required for optic tract development is controlled by fibroblast growth factor signaling., Atkinson-Leadbeater K, Bertolesi GE, Hehr CL, Webber CA, Cechmanek PB, McFarlane S., J Neurosci. January 13, 2010; 30 (2): 685-93.   

Differential effects of the transient outward K(+) current activator NS5806 in the canine left ventricle., Calloe K, Soltysinska E, Jespersen T, Lundby A, Antzelevitch C, Olesen SP, Cordeiro JM., J Mol Cell Cardiol. January 1, 2010; 48 (1): 191-200.

Differential expression of the Brunol/CELF family genes during Xenopus laevis early development., Wu J, Li C, Zhao S, Mao B., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (1): 209-14.   

Differential sodium and potassium transport selectivities of the rice OsHKT2;1 and OsHKT2;2 transporters in plant cells., Yao X, Horie T, Xue S, Leung HY, Katsuhara M, Brodsky DE, Wu Y, Schroeder JI., Plant Physiol. January 1, 2010; 152 (1): 341-55.

Distinct roles for Robo2 in the regulation of axon and dendrite growth by retinal ganglion cells., Hocking JC, Hehr CL, Bertolesi GE, Wu JY, McFarlane S., Mech Dev. January 1, 2010; 127 (1-2): 36-48.   

Developmental expression of Xenopus short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3., Kam RK, Chen Y, Chan SO, Chan WY, Dawid IB, Zhao H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (8-9): 1355-60.   

Differential effects of ICA-27243 on cloned K(V)7 channels., Blom SM, Schmitt N, Jensen HS., Pharmacology. January 1, 2010; 86 (3): 174-81.

Direct control of Hoxd1 and Irx3 expression by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during anteroposterior patterning of the neural axis in Xenopus., Janssens S, Denayer T, Deroo T, Van Roy F, Vleminckx K., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2010; 54 (10): 1435-42.   

Derived (mutated)-types of TRPV6 channels elicit greater Ca²+ influx into the cells than ancestral-types of TRPV6: evidence from Xenopus oocytes and mammalian cell expression system., Sudo Y, Matsuo K, Tetsuo T, Tsutsumi S, Ohkura M, Nakai J, Uezono Y., J Pharmacol Sci. January 1, 2010; 114 (3): 281-91.

Double gaps along Shaker S4 demonstrate omega currents at three different closed states., Gamal El-Din TM, Heldstab H, Lehmann C, Greeff NG., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2010; 4 (2): 93-100.

Design and pharmacological characterization of inhibitors of amantadine-resistant mutants of the M2 ion channel of influenza A virus., Balannik V, Wang J, Ohigashi Y, Jing X, Magavern E, Lamb RA, Degrado WF, Pinto LH., Biochemistry. December 22, 2009; 48 (50): 11872-82.

Downstream of FGF during mesoderm formation in Xenopus: the roles of Elk-1 and Egr-1., Nentwich O, Dingwell KS, Nordheim A, Smith JC., Dev Biol. December 15, 2009; 336 (2): 313-26.   

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