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Search Results

Role of the electrostatic loop charged residues in Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase., Polticelli F, Battistoni A, O'Neill P, Rotilio G, Desideri A., Protein Sci. November 1, 1998; 7 (11): 2354-8.

Recently identified molecular aspects of intestinal iron absorption., Wood RJ, Han O., J Nutr. November 1, 1998; 128 (11): 1841-4.

Regulation of deactivation by an amino terminal domain in human ether-à-go-go-related gene potassium channels., Wang J, Trudeau MC, Zappia AM, Robertson GA., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 1998; 112 (5): 637-47.   

Recombinant human G protein-coupled lysophosphatidic acid receptors mediate intracellular calcium mobilization., An S, Bleu T, Zheng Y, Goetzl EJ., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1998; 54 (5): 881-8.

Role of the DNA ligase III zinc finger in polynucleotide binding and ligation., Taylor RM, Whitehouse J, Cappelli E, Frosina G, Caldecott KW., Nucleic Acids Res. November 1, 1998; 26 (21): 4804-10.

Receptor that leaves a sour taste in the mouth., Ugawa S, Minami Y, Guo W, Saishin Y, Takatsuji K, Yamamoto T, Tohyama M, Shimada S., Nature. October 8, 1998; 395 (6702): 555-6.

Raf-1 kinase, a potential regulator of intracellular pH in Xenopus oocytes., Kang MG, Kulisz A, Wasserman WJ., Biol Cell. October 1, 1998; 90 (6-7): 477-85.

Rat somatostatin receptor subtype 4 can be made sensitive to agonist-induced internalization by mutation of a single threonine (residue 331)., Kreienkamp HJ, Roth A, Richter D., DNA Cell Biol. October 1, 1998; 17 (10): 869-78.

Real-time patch-cram detection of intracellular cGMP reveals long-term suppression of responses to NO and muscarinic agonists., Trivedi B, Kramer RH., Neuron. October 1, 1998; 21 (4): 895-906.

RNA localization: different zipcodes, same postman?, Oleynikov Y, Singer RH., Trends Cell Biol. October 1, 1998; 8 (10): 381-3.

Regulation of mammalian replication origin usage in Xenopus egg extract., Dimitrova DS, Gilbert DM., J Cell Sci. October 1, 1998; 111 ( Pt 19) 2989-98.

Rapid identification of protein phosphatase 1-binding proteins by mixed peptide sequencing and data base searching. Characterization of a novel holoenzymic form of protein phosphatase 1., Damer CK, Partridge J, Pearson WR, Haystead TA., J Biol Chem. September 18, 1998; 273 (38): 24396-405.

Regulation of apoptosis during development: input from the extracellular matrix (review)., Shi YB, Li Q, Damjanovski S, Amano T, Ishizuya-Oka A., Int J Mol Med. September 1, 1998; 2 (3): 273-82.

Ras-GAP controls Rho-mediated cytoskeletal reorganization through its SH3 domain., Leblanc V, Tocque B, Delumeau I., Mol Cell Biol. September 1, 1998; 18 (9): 5567-78.

Relationship of membrane curvature to the formation of pores by magainin 2., Matsuzaki K, Sugishita K, Ishibe N, Ueha M, Nakata S, Miyajima K, Epand RM., Biochemistry. August 25, 1998; 37 (34): 11856-63.

Regulation of organelle movement in melanophores by protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)., Reilein AR, Tint IS, Peunova NI, Enikolopov GN, Gelfand VI., J Cell Biol. August 10, 1998; 142 (3): 803-13.   

Recruitment of the gamma-tubulin ring complex to Drosophila salt-stripped centrosome scaffolds., Moritz M, Zheng Y, Alberts BM, Oegema K., J Cell Biol. August 10, 1998; 142 (3): 775-86.   

Regulation of expression and function by subunits of oligomeric P-type ATPases., Béguin P, Hasler U, Beggah A, Geering K., Acta Physiol Scand Suppl. August 1, 1998; 643 283-7.

Reproductive interference in concurrent infections of two Protopolystoma species (Monogenea: Polystomatidae)., Jackson JA, Tinsley RC., Int J Parasitol. August 1, 1998; 28 (8): 1201-4.

Responses of non-target aquatic organisms to aqueous propanil exposure., Moore MT, Pierce JR, Milam CD, Farris JL, Winchester EL., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. August 1, 1998; 61 (2): 169-74.

Replication focus-forming activity 1 and the Werner syndrome gene product., Yan H, Chen CY, Kobayashi R, Newport J., Nat Genet. August 1, 1998; 19 (4): 375-8.

Regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel by membrane tension., Awayda MS, Subramanyam M., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 1998; 112 (2): 97-111.   

Release of aqueous contents from phospholipid vesicles induced by cecropin A (1-8)-magainin 2 (1-12) hybrid and its analogues., Kang JH, Shin SY, Jang SY, Lee MK, Hahm KS., J Pept Res. July 1, 1998; 52 (1): 45-50.

Regulation of the cyclin B degradation system by an inhibitor of mitotic proteolysis., Vorlaufer E, Peters JM., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 1998; 9 (7): 1817-31.

Role of histone H1 as an architectural determinant of chromatin structure and as a specific repressor of transcription on Xenopus oocyte 5S rRNA genes., Sera T, Wolffe AP., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1998; 18 (7): 3668-80.

Role of the cytoskeleton in stimulation of Na+ channels in A6 cells by changes in osmolality., Rehn M, Weber WM, Clauss W., Pflugers Arch. July 1, 1998; 436 (2): 270-9.

Regulated expression of neurogenic basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors during differentiation of the immortalized neuronal progenitor cell line HC2S2 into neurons., Ohtsuka T, Asahi M, Matsuura N, Kikuchi H, Hojo M, Kageyama R, Ohkubo H, Hoshimaru M., Cell Tissue Res. July 1, 1998; 293 (1): 23-9.

Regulation of the vitellogenin gene B1 promoter after transfer into hepatocytes in primary cultures., Marilley D, Robyr D, Schild-Poulter C, Wahli W., Mol Cell Endocrinol. June 25, 1998; 141 (1-2): 79-93.

Regulation of Hox gene expression and posterior development by the Xenopus caudal homologue Xcad3., Isaacs HV, Pownall ME, Slack JM., EMBO J. June 15, 1998; 17 (12): 3413-27.

Renal agenesis in mice homozygous for a gene trap mutation in the gene encoding heparan sulfate 2-sulfotransferase., Bullock SL, Fletcher JM, Beddington RS, Wilson VA., Genes Dev. June 15, 1998; 12 (12): 1894-906.

Reconstitution of beta-adrenergic modulation of large conductance, calcium-activated potassium (maxi-K) channels in Xenopus oocytes. Identification of the camp-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation site., Nara M, Dhulipala PD, Wang YX, Kotlikoff MI., J Biol Chem. June 12, 1998; 273 (24): 14920-4.

Remodeling of chromatin loops does not account for specification of replication origins during Xenopus development., Maric C, Hyrien O., Chromosoma. June 1, 1998; 107 (3): 155-65.

RNA-binding protein conserved in both microtubule- and microfilament-based RNA localization., Havin L, Git A, Elisha Z, Oberman F, Yaniv K, Schwartz SP, Standart N, Yisraeli JK., Genes Dev. June 1, 1998; 12 (11): 1593-8.

Release of acetylcholine from embryonic myocytes in Xenopus cell cultures., Fu WM, Liou HC, Chen YH, Wang SM., J Physiol. June 1, 1998; 509 ( Pt 2) 497-506.

RAMPs regulate the transport and ligand specificity of the calcitonin-receptor-like receptor., McLatchie LM, Fraser NJ, Main MJ, Wise A, Brown J, Thompson N, Solari R, Lee MG, Foord SM., Nature. May 28, 1998; 393 (6683): 333-9.

Role of nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide in background adaptation in Xenopus laevis., Allaerts W, Ubink R, Buzzi M, Jenks BG, Roubos EW., Ann N Y Acad Sci. May 15, 1998; 839 564-5.

Role of domain I of neuronal Ca2+ channel alpha1 subunits in G protein modulation., Stephens GJ, Cantí C, Page KM, Dolphin AC., J Physiol. May 15, 1998; 509 ( Pt 1) 163-9.

Replication of nuclei from cycling and quiescent mammalian cells in 6-DMAP-treated Xenopus egg extract., Munshi R, Leno GH., Exp Cell Res. May 1, 1998; 240 (2): 321-32.

Roles of ascending inhibition during two rhythmic motor patterns in Xenopus tadpoles., Green CS, Soffe SR., J Neurophysiol. May 1, 1998; 79 (5): 2316-28.

Regulation of presynaptic NMDA responses by external and intracellular pH changes at developing neuromuscular synapses., Chen YH, Wu ML, Fu WM., J Neurosci. April 15, 1998; 18 (8): 2982-90.

Requirement for Xvent-1 and Xvent-2 gene function in dorsoventral patterning of Xenopus mesoderm., Onichtchouk D, Glinka A, Niehrs C., Development. April 1, 1998; 125 (8): 1447-56.   

Replication origins in yeast versus metazoa: separation of the haves and the have nots., Gilbert DM., Curr Opin Genet Dev. April 1, 1998; 8 (2): 194-9.

Relationships between Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) currents and fluxes., Mackenzie B, Loo DD, Wright EM., J Membr Biol. March 15, 1998; 162 (2): 101-6.

Regulated chromosomal DNA replication in the absence of a nucleus., Walter J, Sun L, Newport J., Mol Cell. March 1, 1998; 1 (4): 519-29.

Rhodopsins from three frog and toad species: sequences and functional comparisons., Fyhrquist N, Donner K, Hargrave PA, McDowell JH, Popp MP, Smith WC., Exp Eye Res. March 1, 1998; 66 (3): 295-305.

Regulation in the heart field of zebrafish., Serbedzija GN, Chen JN, Fishman MC., Development. March 1, 1998; 125 (6): 1095-101.

Role of the S4 in cooperativity of voltage-dependent potassium channel activation., Smith-Maxwell CJ, Ledwell JL, Aldrich RW., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 1998; 111 (3): 399-420.   

Retinoid receptor-induced alteration of the chromatin assembled on a ligand-responsive promoter in Xenopus oocytes., Minucci S, Wong J, Blanco JC, Shi YB, Wolffe AP, Ozato K., Mol Endocrinol. March 1, 1998; 12 (3): 315-24.

Repression of TFIIH transcriptional activity and TFIIH-associated cdk7 kinase activity at mitosis., Long JJ, Leresche A, Kriwacki RW, Gottesfeld JM., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 1998; 18 (3): 1467-76.

Regulation of the specific DNA binding activity of Xenopus laevis p53: evidence for conserved regulation through the carboxy-terminus of the protein., Bessard AC, Garay E, Lacronique V, Legros Y, Demarquay C, Houque A, Portefaix JM, Granier C, Soussi T., Oncogene. February 19, 1998; 16 (7): 883-90.

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