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Search Results

Regulation of the glutamate transporter EAAT2 by PIKfyve., Gehring EM, Zurn A, Klaus F, Laufer J, Sopjani M, Lindner R, Strutz-Seebohm N, Tavaré JM, Boehmer C, Palmada M, Lang UE, Seebohm G, Lang F., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2009; 24 (5-6): 361-8.

Regulation and function of Spalt proteins during animal development., de Celis JF, Barrio R., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (8-10): 1385-98.

Rhinovirus disrupts the barrier function of polarized airway epithelial cells., Sajjan U, Wang Q, Zhao Y, Gruenert DC, Hershenson MB., Am J Respir Crit Care Med. December 15, 2008; 178 (12): 1271-81.

Reversible membrane permeabilization of mammalian cells treated with digitonin and its use for inducing nuclear reprogramming by Xenopus egg extracts., Miyamoto K, Yamashita T, Tsukiyama T, Kitamura N, Minami N, Yamada M, Imai H., Cloning Stem Cells. December 1, 2008; 10 (4): 535-42.

Regulation of pancreatic beta cell mass by neuronal signals from the liver., Imai J, Katagiri H, Yamada T, Ishigaki Y, Suzuki T, Kudo H, Uno K, Hasegawa Y, Gao J, Kaneko K, Ishihara H, Niijima A, Nakazato M, Asano T, Minokoshi Y, Oka Y., Science. November 21, 2008; 322 (5905): 1250-4.

Regulation of microtubule dynamics by reaction cascades around chromosomes., Athale CA, Dinarina A, Mora-Coral M, Pugieux C, Nedelec F, Karsenti E., Science. November 21, 2008; 322 (5905): 1243-7.

Raldh expression in embryos of the direct developing frog Eleutherodactylus coqui and the conserved retinoic acid requirement for forelimb initiation., Elinson RP, Walton Z, Nath K., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. November 15, 2008; 310 (7): 588-95.

Regulation of neuronal connexin-36 channels by pH., González-Nieto D, Gómez-Hernández JM, Larrosa B, Gutiérrez C, Muñoz MD, Fasciani I, O'Brien J, Zappalà A, Cicirata F, Barrio LC., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 4, 2008; 105 (44): 17169-74.

Repulsive guidance molecule A (RGM A) and its receptor neogenin during neural and neural crest cell development of Xenopus laevis., Gessert S, Maurus D, Kühl M., Biol Cell. November 1, 2008; 100 (11): 659-73.

Rapid fluidic exchange microsystem for recording of fast ion channel kinetics in Xenopus oocytes., Dahan E, Bize V, Lehnert T, Horisberger JD, Gijs MA., Lab Chip. November 1, 2008; 8 (11): 1809-18.

Regulation of CFTR trafficking by its R domain., Lewarchik CM, Peters KW, Qi J, Frizzell RA., J Biol Chem. October 17, 2008; 283 (42): 28401-12.

Roles for loop 2 residues of alpha1 glycine receptors in agonist activation., Crawford DK, Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Davies DL, Alkana RL., J Biol Chem. October 10, 2008; 283 (41): 27698-27706.

Ribosomal frameshifting in response to hypomodified tRNAs in Xenopus oocytes., Carlson BA, Lee BJ, Hatfield DL., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. October 10, 2008; 375 (1): 86-90.

Retinoid signaling can repress blastula Wnt signaling and impair dorsal development in Xenopus embryo., Li S, Lou X, Wang J, Liu B, Ma L, Su Z, Ding X., Differentiation. October 1, 2008; 76 (8): 897-907.   

Role of rat sodium/phosphate cotransporters in the cell membrane transport of arsenate., Villa-Bellosta R, Sorribas V., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. October 1, 2008; 232 (1): 125-34.

Roles of ectodomain and transmembrane regions in ethanol and agonist action in purinergic P2X2 and P2X3 receptors., Asatryan L, Popova M, Woodward JJ, King BF, Alkana RL, Davies DL., Neuropharmacology. October 1, 2008; 55 (5): 835-43.

Regulation of Nedd4-2 self-ubiquitination and stability by a PY motif located within its HECT-domain., Bruce MC, Kanelis V, Fouladkou F, Debonneville A, Staub O, Rotin D., Biochem J. October 1, 2008; 415 (1): 155-63.

Role of GluR1 in activity-dependent motor system development., Zhang L, Schessl J, Werner M, Bonnemann C, Xiong G, Mojsilovic-Petrovic J, Zhou W, Cohen A, Seeburg P, Misawa H, Jayaram A, Personius K, Hollmann M, Sprengel R, Kalb R., J Neurosci. October 1, 2008; 28 (40): 9953-68.

Ryk cooperates with Frizzled 7 to promote Wnt11-mediated endocytosis and is essential for Xenopus laevis convergent extension movements., Kim GH, Her JH, Han JK., J Cell Biol. September 22, 2008; 182 (6): 1073-82.   

Rules of engagement for NMDA receptor subunits., Ulbrich MH, Isacoff EY., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 16, 2008; 105 (37): 14163-8.

RCS1, a substrate of APC/C, controls the metaphase to anaphase transition., Zhao WM, Coppinger JA, Seki A, Cheng XL, Yates JR, Fang G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 9, 2008; 105 (36): 13415-20.

Robust stability of the embryonic axial pattern requires a secreted scaffold for chordin degradation., Inomata H, Haraguchi T, Sasai Y., Cell. September 5, 2008; 134 (5): 854-65.   

Role of VEGF-D and VEGFR-3 in developmental lymphangiogenesis, a chemicogenetic study in Xenopus tadpoles., Ny A, Koch M, Vandevelde W, Schneider M, Fischer C, Diez-Juan A, Neven E, Geudens I, Maity S, Moons L, Plaisance S, Lambrechts D, Carmeliet P, Dewerchin M., Blood. September 1, 2008; 112 (5): 1740-9.

Renal Na+-K+-Cl- cotransporter activity and vasopressin-induced trafficking are lipid raft-dependent., Welker P, Böhlick A, Mutig K, Salanova M, Kahl T, Schlüter H, Blottner D, Ponce-Coria J, Gamba G, Bachmann S., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. September 1, 2008; 295 (3): F789-802.

Rac regulates the interaction of fascin with protein kinase C in cell migration., Parsons M, Adams JC., J Cell Sci. September 1, 2008; 121 (Pt 17): 2805-13.

Regional variation of microtubule flux reveals microtubule organization in the metaphase meiotic spindle., Yang G, Cameron LA, Maddox PS, Salmon ED, Danuser G., J Cell Biol. August 25, 2008; 182 (4): 631-9.   

Rapid induction of pluripotency genes after exposure of human somatic cells to mouse ES cell extracts., Bru T, Clarke C, McGrew MJ, Sang HM, Wilmut I, Blow JJ., Exp Cell Res. August 15, 2008; 314 (14): 2634-42.

Role of the amino and carboxy termini in isoform-specific sodium channel variation., Lee A, Goldin AL., J Physiol. August 15, 2008; 586 (16): 3917-26.

Repolarizing responses of BKCa-Cav complexes are distinctly shaped by their Cav subunits., Berkefeld H, Fakler B., J Neurosci. August 13, 2008; 28 (33): 8238-45.

Rapid cycling and precocious termination of G1 phase in cells expressing CDK1AF., Pomerening JR, Ubersax JA, Ferrell JE., Mol Biol Cell. August 1, 2008; 19 (8): 3426-41.

Regulation of two-pore-domain (K2P) potassium leak channels by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein., Gierten J, Ficker E, Bloehs R, Schlömer K, Kathöfer S, Scholz E, Zitron E, Kiesecker C, Bauer A, Becker R, Katus HA, Karle CA, Thomas D., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2008; 154 (8): 1680-90.

Regulation of ZIP and ZnT zinc transporters in zebrafish gill: zinc repression of ZIP10 transcription by an intronic MRE cluster., Zheng D, Feeney GP, Kille P, Hogstrand C., Physiol Genomics. July 15, 2008; 34 (2): 205-14.

Robust, tunable biological oscillations from interlinked positive and negative feedback loops., Tsai TY, Choi YS, Ma W, Pomerening JR, Tang C, Ferrell JE., Science. July 4, 2008; 321 (5885): 126-9.

Regulation of the voltage-gated K(+) channels KCNQ2/3 and KCNQ3/5 by serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase-1., Schuetz F, Kumar S, Poronnik P, Adams DJ., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 1, 2008; 295 (1): C73-80.

Regulation of microtubule assembly and organization in mitosis by the AAA+ ATPase Pontin., Ducat D, Kawaguchi S, Liu H, Yates JR, Zheng Y., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2008; 19 (7): 3097-110.

Remodeling the exocrine pancreas at metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis., Mukhi S, Mao J, Brown DD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 1, 2008; 105 (26): 8962-7.   

Regulation of activin/nodal signaling by Rap2-directed receptor trafficking., Choi SC, Kim GH, Lee SJ, Park E, Yeo CY, Han JK., Dev Cell. July 1, 2008; 15 (1): 49-61.

Regulation of NKCC2 by a chloride-sensing mechanism involving the WNK3 and SPAK kinases., Ponce-Coria J, San-Cristobal P, Kahle KT, Vazquez N, Pacheco-Alvarez D, de Los Heros P, Juárez P, Muñoz E, Michel G, Bobadilla NA, Gimenez I, Lifton RP, Hebert SC, Gamba G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 17, 2008; 105 (24): 8458-63.

Recognition dynamics up to microseconds revealed from an RDC-derived ubiquitin ensemble in solution., Lange OF, Lakomek NA, Farès C, Schröder GF, Walter KF, Becker S, Meiler J, Grubmüller H, Griesinger C, de Groot BL., Science. June 13, 2008; 320 (5882): 1471-5.

RNA editing regulates insect gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor function and insecticide sensitivity., Es-Salah Z, Lapied B, Le Goff G, Hamon A., Neuroreport. June 11, 2008; 19 (9): 939-43.

Redox modulation of homomeric rho1 GABA receptors., Calero CI, Calvo DJ., J Neurochem. June 1, 2008; 105 (6): 2367-74.

Regulation of the Aurora B chromosome passenger protein complex during oocyte maturation in Xenopus laevis., Yamamoto TM, Lewellyn AL, Maller JL., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2008; 28 (12): 4196-203.

Red-shifted optogenetic excitation: a tool for fast neural control derived from Volvox carteri., Zhang F, Prigge M, Beyrière F, Tsunoda SP, Mattis J, Yizhar O, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K., Nat Neurosci. June 1, 2008; 11 (6): 631-3.

Review of fate-mapping studies of osteogenic cranial neural crest in vertebrates., Gross JB, Hanken J., Dev Biol. May 15, 2008; 317 (2): 389-400.

Regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel by the protein kinase CK2., Bachhuber T, Almaça J, Aldehni F, Mehta A, Amaral MD, Schreiber R, Kunzelmann K., J Biol Chem. May 9, 2008; 283 (19): 13225-32.   

Regulation of connexons composed of human connexin26 (hCx26) by temperature., Steffens M, Göpel F, Ngezahayo A, Zeilinger C, Ernst A, Kolb HA., Biochim Biophys Acta. May 1, 2008; 1778 (5): 1206-12.

Rapid activity-dependent delivery of the neurotrophic protein CPG15 to the axon surface of neurons in intact Xenopus tadpoles., Cantallops I, Cline HT., Dev Neurobiol. May 1, 2008; 68 (6): 744-59.

Regulation of TGF-(beta) signalling by N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-like 1., Herr P, Korniychuk G, Yamamoto Y, Grubisic K, Oelgeschläger M., Development. May 1, 2008; 135 (10): 1813-22.   

Runx1 is involved in primitive erythropoiesis in the mouse., Yokomizo T, Hasegawa K, Ishitobi H, Osato M, Ema M, Ito Y, Yamamoto M, Takahashi S., Blood. April 15, 2008; 111 (8): 4075-80.

Requirement for Wnt and FGF signaling in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration., Lin G, Slack JM., Dev Biol. April 15, 2008; 316 (2): 323-35.   

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