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Search Results

Increased water flux induced by an aquaporin-1/carbonic anhydrase II interaction., Vilas G, Krishnan D, Loganathan SK, Malhotra D, Liu L, Beggs MR, Gena P, Calamita G, Jung M, Zimmermann R, Tamma G, Casey JR, Alexander RT., Mol Biol Cell. March 15, 2015; 26 (6): 1106-18.   

Identification of key amino acid differences between Cyrtorhinus lividipennis and Nilaparvata lugens nAChR α8 subunits contributing to neonicotinoid sensitivity., Guo B, Zhang Y, Meng X, Bao H, Fang J, Liu Z., Neurosci Lett. March 4, 2015; 589 163-8.

Inhibition of cholinergic pathways in Drosophila melanogaster by α-conotoxins., Heghinian MD, Mejia M, Adams DJ, Godenschwege TA, Marí F., FASEB J. March 1, 2015; 29 (3): 1011-8.

Identification of key binding site residues of MCT1 for AR-C155858 reveals the molecular basis of its isoform selectivity., Nancolas B, Sessions RB, Halestrap AP., Biochem J. February 15, 2015; 466 (1): 177-88.   

Interaction of Chk1 with Treslin negatively regulates the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication., Guo C, Kumagai A, Schlacher K, Shevchenko A, Shevchenko A, Dunphy WG., Mol Cell. February 5, 2015; 57 (3): 492-505.

Intracellular thyroid hormone metabolism as a local regulator of nuclear thyroid hormone receptor-mediated impact on vertebrate development., Darras VM, Houbrechts AM, Van Herck SL., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 1, 2015; 1849 (2): 130-41.   

Interactive effects of ultraviolet-B radiation and pesticide exposure on DNA photo-adduct accumulation and expression of DNA damage and repair genes in Xenopus laevis embryos., Yu S, Tang S, Mayer GD, Cobb GP, Maul JD., Aquat Toxicol. February 1, 2015; 159 256-66.

Intracellular microRNA profiles form in the Xenopus laevis oocyte that may contribute to asymmetric cell division., Sidova M, Sindelka R, Castoldi M, Benes V, Kubista M., Sci Rep. January 12, 2015; 5 11157.   

Identification of non-Ser/Thr-Pro consensus motifs for Cdk1 and their roles in mitotic regulation of C2H2 zinc finger proteins and Ect2., Suzuki K, Sako K, Akiyama K, Isoda M, Senoo C, Nakajo N, Sagata N., Sci Rep. January 12, 2015; 5 7929.   

Insulin-like factor regulates neural induction through an IGF1 receptor-independent mechanism., Haramoto Y, Takahashi S, Oshima T, Onuma Y, Ito Y, Asashima M., Sci Rep. January 12, 2015; 5 11603.   

Inhibitory effects of cortisone and hydrocortisone on human Kv1.5 channel currents., Yu J, Park MH, Jo SH., Eur J Pharmacol. January 5, 2015; 746 158-66.

In vivo pump-probe optical coherence tomography imaging in Xenopus laevis., Carrasco-Zevallos O, Shelton RL, Kim W, Pearson J, Applegate BE., J Biophotonics. January 1, 2015; 8 (1-2): 25-35.

Inhibitory effects of insulin on GABAA currents modulated by the GABAA alpha subunit., Williams DB., J Recept Signal Transduct Res. January 1, 2015; 35 (6): 516-22.

Identification of novel peptides from amphibian (Xenopus tropicalis) skin by direct tissue MALDI-MS analysis., Shigeri Y, Yasuda A, Hagihara Y, Nishi K, Watanabe K, Imura T, Inagaki H, Haramoto Y, Ito Y, Asashima M., FEBS J. January 1, 2015; 282 (1): 102-13.

Identification and functional characterization of sex pheromone receptors in the common cutworm (Spodoptera litura)., Zhang J, Yan S, Liu Y, Jacquin-Joly E, Dong S, Wang G., Chem Senses. January 1, 2015; 40 (1): 7-16.

Inhibition by acrolein of light-induced stomatal opening through inhibition of inward-rectifying potassium channels in Arabidopsis thaliana., Islam MM, Ye W, Matsushima D, Khokon MA, Munemasa S, Nakamura Y, Murata Y., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. January 1, 2015; 79 (1): 59-62.

Identification of key amino acid differences contributing to neonicotinoid sensitivity between two nAChR α subunits from Pardosa pseudoannulata., Meng X, Zhang Y, Guo B, Sun H, Liu C, Liu Z., Neurosci Lett. January 1, 2015; 584 123-8.

Ion channel reporter for monitoring the activity of engineered GPCRs., Moreau CJ, Niescierowicz K, Caro LN, Revilloud J, Vivaudou M., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2015; 556 425-54.

In vivo investigation of cilia structure and function using Xenopus., Brooks ER, Wallingford JB., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2015; 127 131-59.

Identification of polymorphisms in Cyrtorhinus lividipennis RDL subunit contributing to fipronil sensitivity., Jiang F, Zhang Y, Sun H, Meng X, Bao H, Fang J, Liu Z., Pestic Biochem Physiol. January 1, 2015; 117 62-7.

Initiation and maintenance of pluripotency gene expression in the absence of cohesin., Lavagnolli T, Gupta P, Hörmanseder E, Mira-Bontenbal H, Dharmalingam G, Carroll T, Gurdon JB, Fisher AG, Merkenschlager M., Genes Dev. January 1, 2015; 29 (1): 23-38.   

Identification of distal enhancers for Six2 expression in pronephros., Suzuki N, Hirano K, Ogino H, Ochi H., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2015; 59 (4-6): 241-6.   

Incorporation of Non-Canonical Amino Acids., Leisle L, Valiyaveetil F, Mehl RA, Ahern CA., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2015; 869 119-51.

Intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of dendritic morphogenesis., Dong X, Shen K, Bülow HE., Annu Rev Physiol. January 1, 2015; 77 271-300.

Interacting domains in the epithelial sodium channel that mediate proteolytic activation., Berman JM, Awayda RG, Awayda MS., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2015; 9 (5): 281-90.

Isoquercitrin suppresses colon cancer cell growth in vitro by targeting the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway., Amado NG, Predes D, Fonseca BF, Cerqueira DM, Reis AH, Dudenhoeffer AC, Borges HL, Mendes FA, Abreu JG., J Biol Chem. December 19, 2014; 289 (51): 35456-67.   

Insights on genome size evolution from a miniature inverted repeat transposon driving a satellite DNA., Scalvenzi T, Pollet N., Mol Phylogenet Evol. December 1, 2014; 81 1-9.

Identifying direct targets of transcription factor Rfx2 that coordinate ciliogenesis and cell movement., Kwon T, Chung MI, Gupta R, Baker JC, Wallingford JB, Marcotte EM., Genom Data. December 1, 2014; 2 192-194.   

Identification of dehydroabietc acid from Boswellia thurifera resin as a positive GABAA receptor modulator., Rueda DC, Raith M, De Mieri M, Schöffmann A, Hering S, Hamburger M., Fitoterapia. December 1, 2014; 99 28-34.

Identifying transport behavior of single-molecule trajectories., Regner BM, Tartakovsky DM, Sejnowski TJ., Biophys J. November 18, 2014; 107 (10): 2345-51.

Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) response of voltage-gated calcium (Cav)2.2 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by Cavβ subunits., Rajagopal S, Fields BL, Burton BK, On C, Reeder AA, Kamatchi GL., Neuroscience. November 7, 2014; 280 1-9.

Inhibition of cardiac Kv1.5 potassium current by the anesthetic midazolam: mode of action., Vonderlin N, Fischer F, Zitron E, Seyler C, Scherer D, Thomas D, Katus HA, Scholz EP., Drug Des Devel Ther. November 7, 2014; 8 2263-71.   

Inhibition of human Kv3.1 current expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the toxic venom fraction of Androctonus australis hector., Cheikh A, Benkhalifa R, Landoulsi Z, Chatti I, Ayeb ME., Arch Pharm Res. November 1, 2014; 37 (11): 1445-53.

I-J loop involvement in the pharmacological profile of CLC-K channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Gradogna A, Imbrici P, Zifarelli G, Liantonio A, Camerino DC, Pusch M., Biochim Biophys Acta. November 1, 2014; 1838 (11): 2745-56.   

Inhibition of local immune responses by the frog-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis., Fites JS, Reinert LK, Chappell TM, Rollins-Smith LA., Infect Immun. November 1, 2014; 82 (11): 4698-706.

Insulin is involved in transcriptional regulation of NKCC and the CFTR Cl(-) channel through PI3K activation and ERK inactivation in renal epithelial cells., Sun H, Niisato N, Inui T, Marunaka Y., J Physiol Sci. November 1, 2014; 64 (6): 433-43.

Interfacial gating triad is crucial for electromechanical transduction in voltage-activated potassium channels., Chowdhury S, Haehnel BM, Chanda B., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2014; 144 (5): 457-67.   

Identification of a point mutation impairing the binding between aquaporin-4 and neuromyelitis optica autoantibodies., Pisani F, Mola MG, Simone L, Rosito S, Alberga D, Mangiatordi GF, Lattanzi G, Nicolotti O, Frigeri A, Svelto M, Nicchia GP., J Biol Chem. October 31, 2014; 289 (44): 30578-30589.

Identification and functional assay of the interaction motifs in the partner protein OsNAR2.1 of the two-component system for high-affinity nitrate transport., Liu X, Huang D, Tao J, Miller AJ, Fan X, Xu G., New Phytol. October 1, 2014; 204 (1): 74-80.   

Identification of a Plasmodium falciparum inhibitor-2 motif involved in the binding and regulation activity of protein phosphatase type 1., Fréville A, Tellier G, Vandomme A, Pierrot C, Vicogne J, Cantrelle FX, Martoriati A, Cailliau-Maggio K, Khalife J, Landrieu I., FEBS J. October 1, 2014; 281 (19): 4519-34.

Isthmin 1 is a secreted protein expressed in skin, mucosal tissues, and NK, NKT, and th17 cells., Valle-Rios R, Maravillas-Montero JL, Burkhardt AM, Martinez C, Buhren BA, Homey B, Gerber PA, Robinson O, Hevezi P, Zlotnik A., J Interferon Cytokine Res. October 1, 2014; 34 (10): 795-801.

Investigating specific bacterial resistance to AMPs by using a magainin I-resistant Escherichia coli model., de Almeida KC, Lima TB, Motta DO, Silva ON, Magalhães BS, Dias SC, Franco OL., J Antibiot (Tokyo). October 1, 2014; 67 (10): 681-7.

Intersubunit conformational changes mediate epithelial sodium channel gating., Collier DM, Tomkovicz VR, Peterson ZJ, Benson CJ, Snyder PM., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 2014; 144 (4): 337-48.   

Inhibition of AMPA receptors by polyamine toxins is regulated by agonist efficacy and stargazin., Poulsen MH, Lucas S, Strømgaard K, Kristensen AS., Neurochem Res. October 1, 2014; 39 (10): 1906-13.

Identification and functional expression of a glutamate- and avermectin-gated chloride channel from Caligus rogercresseyi, a southern Hemisphere sea louse affecting farmed fish., Cornejo I, Andrini O, Niemeyer MI, Marabolí V, González-Nilo FD, Teulon J, Sepúlveda FV, Cid LP., PLoS Pathog. September 25, 2014; 10 (9): e1004402.

In vivo analysis of formation and endocytosis of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling complex in zebrafish embryos., Hagemann AI, Kurz J, Kauffeld S, Chen Q, Reeves PM, Weber S, Schindler S, Davidson G, Kirchhausen T, Scholpp S., J Cell Sci. September 15, 2014; 127 (Pt 18): 3970-82.   

Intracellular ATP does not inhibit Slo2.1 K+ channels., Garg P, Sanguinetti MC., Physiol Rep. September 11, 2014; 2 (9):   

Intact and N- or C-terminal end truncated AQP0 function as open water channels and cell-to-cell adhesion proteins: end truncation could be a prelude for adjusting the refractive index of the lens to prevent spherical aberration., Sindhu Kumari S, Varadaraj K., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 1, 2014; 1840 (9): 2862-77.

Ion conduction and selectivity in acid-sensing ion channel 1., Yang L, Palmer LG., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2014; 144 (3): 245-55.   

Inhibition of the intestinal sodium-coupled glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) by extracts and polyphenols from apple reduces postprandial blood glucose levels in mice and humans., Schulze C, Bangert A, Kottra G, Geillinger KE, Schwanck B, Vollert H, Blaschek W, Daniel H., Mol Nutr Food Res. September 1, 2014; 58 (9): 1795-808.

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