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Level of histone H4 mRNA in Xenopus laevis embryonic cells cultured in the absence of cell adhesion., Atsuchi Y, Tashiro K, Yamana K, Shiokawa K., J Embryol Exp Morphol. November 1, 1986; 98 175-85.

LANT-6, xenopsin and neuromedin N stimulate cyclic GMP at neurotensin receptors., Gilbert JA, Richelson E., Eur J Pharmacol. October 7, 1986; 129 (3): 379-83.

Lithium-induced respecification of pattern in Xenopus laevis embryos., Kao KR, Masui Y, Elinson RP., Nature. July 24, 1986; 322 (6077): 371-3.

Li+ uptake into Xenopus and Cynops oocytes injected with exogenous mRNA, observed by flame emission spectroscopy., Aoshima H, Iio H, Kobayashi S., Anal Biochem. July 1, 1986; 156 (1): 257-62.

Length polymorphism in rDNA indicates somatic alterations in the genome of Triturus vulgaris., Lohmann K, Kraus K., Dev Biol. April 1, 1986; 114 (2): 534-6.

Localization of acetylcholine receptors and cholinesterase on nerve-contacted and noncontacted muscle cells grown in the presence of agents that block action potentials., Davey DF, Cohen MW., J Neurosci. March 1, 1986; 6 (3): 673-80.

Localization of specific mRNA sequences in Xenopus laevis embryos by in situ hybridization., Dworkin-Rastl E, Kelley DB, Dworkin MB., J Embryol Exp Morphol. February 1, 1986; 91 153-68.   

Location of influenza virus M, NP and NS1 proteins in microinjected cells., Davey J, Colman A, Dimmock NJ., J Gen Virol. November 1, 1985; 66 ( Pt 11) 2319-34.

Lethal graft-versus-host reaction induced by parental cells in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Nakamura T., Transplantation. October 1, 1985; 40 (4): 393-7.

LDHk in the retina of diverse vertebrate species: a possible link to the Warburg effect., Saavedra RA, Cordoba C, Anderson GR., Exp Eye Res. September 1, 1985; 41 (3): 365-70.

Laparoscopic diagnosis of ascites in Lesotho., Menzies RI, Fitzgerald JM, Mulpeter K., Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). August 17, 1985; 291 (6493): 473-5.

Loss of supernumerary axons during neuronal morphogenesis., Heathcote RD, Sargent PB., J Neurosci. July 1, 1985; 5 (7): 1940-6.

Light and temperature modulated staining of the rod outer segment distal tips with Lucifer yellow., Matsumoto B, Besharse JC., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. May 1, 1985; 26 (5): 628-35.

Localization of the factors producing the periodic activities responsible for synchronous cleavage in Xenopus embryos., Shinagawa A., J Embryol Exp Morphol. February 1, 1985; 85 33-46.

Location of functional regions of acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit by site-directed mutagenesis., Mishina M, Tobimatsu T, Imoto K, Tanaka K, Fujita Y, Fukuda K, Kurasaki M, Takahashi H, Morimoto Y, Hirose T., Nature. January 31, 1985; 313 (6001): 364-9.

Lectin effects on thymic suppression of hemagglutinin production in vitro by spleen fragments from Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad., Ruben LN, James HS, Clothier RH, Barr K, Balls M., Thymus. January 1, 1985; 7 (3): 161-8.

Localized maternal mRNAs in Xenopus laevis eggs., Weeks DL, Rebagliati MR, Harvey RP, Melton DA., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 1985; 50 21-30.

Localization and induction in early development of Xenopus., Gerhart JC, Vincent JP, Scharf SR, Black SD, Gimlich RL, Danilchik M., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. December 4, 1984; 307 (1132): 319-30.

Lactoferrin biosynthesis during granulocytopoiesis., Rado TA, Bollekens J, St Laurent G, Parker L, Benz EJ., Blood. November 1, 1984; 64 (5): 1103-9.

Lineage segregation and developmental autonomy in expression of functional muscle acetylcholinesterase mRNA in the ascidian embryo., Meedel TH, Whittaker JR., Dev Biol. October 1, 1984; 105 (2): 479-87.

Lack of specific sequence requirement for DNA replication in Xenopus eggs compared with high sequence specificity in yeast., Méchali M, Kearsey S., Cell. August 1, 1984; 38 (1): 55-64.

Lectins and substitution for helper function in anti-hapten responses in Xenopus laevis., Clothier RH, James HS, Ruben LN, Balls M., Immunology. August 1, 1984; 52 (4): 703-9.

Lateral mobility of plasma membrane lipids in dividing Xenopus eggs., Tetteroo PA, Bluemink JG, Dictus WJ, van Zoelen EJ, de Laat SW., Dev Biol. July 1, 1984; 104 (1): 210-8.

Lateral mobility of plasma membrane lipids in Xenopus eggs: regional differences related to animal/vegetal polarity., Bluemink JG, Dictus WJ, van Zoelen EJ, Tetteroo PA, Tertoolen LG, de Laat SW., Cell Biol Int Rep. April 1, 1984; 8 (4): 269.

Localization of tubulin structures in the course of amphibian germinal vesicle maturation., Palecek J, Habrová V, Nedvídek J., Histochem J. April 1, 1984; 16 (4): 357-9.

Lateral mobility of plasma membrane lipids in Xenopus eggs: regional differences related to animal/vegetal polarity become extreme upon fertilization., Dictus WJ, van Zoelen EJ, Tetteroo PA, Tertoolen LG, de Laat SW, Bluemink JG., Dev Biol. January 1, 1984; 101 (1): 201-11.

Localization of nuclear proteins related to high mobility group protein 14 (HMG 14) in polytene chromosomes., Westermann R, Grossbach U., Chromosoma. January 1, 1984; 90 (5): 355-65.

Localization of soluble endogenous lectins and their ligands at specific extracellular sites., Barondes SH, Cerra RF, Cooper DN, Haywood-Reid PL, Roberson MM., Biol Cell. January 1, 1984; 51 (2): 165-72.

Lampbrush chromosomes and gene utilization in meiotic prophase., Macgregor HC., Symp Soc Exp Biol. January 1, 1984; 38 333-47.

Lack of site specific recombination of exogenous DNA in mouse L cells., Berg PE, Henderson A, Ripley S, Yu JK, Anderson WF., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 15, 1983; 116 (3): 959-65.

Localization of a pigment-containing structure near the surface of Xenopus eggs which contracts in response to calcium., Merriam RW, Sauterer RA., J Embryol Exp Morphol. August 1, 1983; 76 51-65.

Lipovitellin-phosvitin crystals with orthorhombic features: thin-section electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis, and microanalysis in teleost and amphibian yolk platelets and a comparison with other vertebrates., Lange RH, Richter HP, Riehl R, Zierold K, Trandaburu T, Magdowski G., J Ultrastruct Res. May 1, 1983; 83 (2): 122-40.

Lens forming transformations in larval Xenopus laevis induced by denatured eye-cup or its whole protein complement., Filoni S, Bosco L, Cioni C, Venturini G., Experientia. March 15, 1983; 39 (3): 315-7.

Lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in the genus Xenopus: analyses of complex isozyme patterns., Vonwyl E., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1983; 74 (4): 725-33.

Light and electron microscopic observations of the development of intestinal musculature in Xenopus., Kordylewski L., Z Mikrosk Anat Forsch. January 1, 1983; 97 (4): 719-34.

Linear DNA does not form chromatin containing regularly spaced nucleosomes., Mertz JE., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1982; 2 (12): 1608-18.

Lactate dehydrogenase of Xenopus laevis laevis and Xenopus borealis depends on a multiple gene system., Wolff J, Kobel HR., J Exp Zool. November 1, 1982; 223 (3): 203-10.

Localized protein synthesis during oogenesis of Xenopus laevis: analysis by in situ translation., Capco DG, Jäckle H., Dev Biol. November 1, 1982; 94 (1): 41-50.

Lactate dehydrogenase isozymes of two new Xenopus species., Vonwyl E., Experientia. October 15, 1982; 38 (10): 1205-7.

Lectin from embryos and oocytes of Xenopus laevis. Purification and properties., Roberson MM, Barondes SH., J Biol Chem. July 10, 1982; 257 (13): 7520-4.

Lipid domains in the crystalline lipovitellin/phosvitin complex: a phosphorus-31 and deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance study., Banaszak LJ, Seelig J., Biochemistry. May 11, 1982; 21 (10): 2436-43.

Lipid environments in the yolk lipoprotein system. A spin-labeling study of the lipovitellin/phosvitin complex from Xenopus laevis., Birrell GB, Anderson PB, Jost PC, Griffith OH, Banaszak LJ, Seelig J., Biochemistry. May 11, 1982; 21 (10): 2444-52.

Localization of mitotic factors on metaphase chromosomes., Adlakha RC, Sahasrabuddhe CG, Wright DA, Lindsey WF, Rao PN., J Cell Sci. April 1, 1982; 54 193-206.

Lipoprotein assembly in Xenopus yolk-platelet crystals., Banaszak LJ, Ohlendorf DH., Nature. January 21, 1982; 295 (5846): 264.

Locomotion of Xenopus epidermis cells in primary culture., Bereiter-Hahn J, Strohmeier R, Kunzenbacher I, Beck K, Vöth M., J Cell Sci. December 1, 1981; 52 289-311.

Loss of rDNA methylation accompanies the onset of ribosomal gene activity in early development of X. laevis., Bird A, Taggart M, Macleod D., Cell. November 1, 1981; 26 (3 Pt 1): 381-90.

Light stimulates the incorporation of inositol into phosphatidylinositol in the retina., Anderson RE, Hollyfield JG., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 24, 1981; 665 (3): 619-22.

Locations of androgen-concentrating cells in the brain of Xenopus laevis: autoradiography with 3H-dihydrotestosterone., Kelley DB., J Comp Neurol. June 20, 1981; 199 (2): 221-31.

Localization of cholinesterase at sites of high acetylcholine receptor density on embryonic amphibian muscle cells cultured without nerve., Moody-Corbett F, Cohen MW., J Neurosci. June 1, 1981; 1 (6): 596-605.

Location and release of TRH and 5-HT from amphibian skin., Bennett GW, Balls M, Clothier RH, Marsden CA, Robinson G, Wemyss-Holden GD., Cell Biol Int Rep. February 1, 1981; 5 (2): 151-8.

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