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A simulation study of the combined thermoelectric extracellular stimulation of the sciatic nerve of the Xenopus laevis: the localized transient heat block., Mou Z, Triantis IF, Woods VM, Toumazou C, Nikolic K., IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. June 1, 2012; 59 (6): 1758-69.

A switch in aminergic modulation of locomotor CPG output during amphibian metamorphosis., Combes D, Sillar KT, Simmers J., Front Biosci (Schol Ed). June 1, 2012; 4 (4): 1364-74.

A novel fluorescent general anesthetic enables imaging of sites of action in vivo., Emerson DJ, Liao Z, Eckenhoff RG, Dmochowski IJ., Anesthesiology. June 1, 2012; 116 (6): 1363.

A novel mode-of-action mediated by the fetal muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor resulting in developmental toxicity in rats., Rasoulpour RJ, Ellis-Hutchings RG, Terry C, Millar NS, Zablotny CL, Gibb A, Marshall V, Collins T, Carney EW, Billington R., Toxicol Sci. June 1, 2012; 127 (2): 522-34.

A novel action of highly specific acaricide; bifenazate as a synergist for a GABA-gated chloride channel of Tetranychus urticae [Acari: Tetranychidae]., Hiragaki S, Kobayashi T, Ochiai N, Toshima K, Dekeyser MA, Matsuda K, Takeda M., Neurotoxicology. June 1, 2012; 33 (3): 307-13.

A plasma membrane receptor kinase, GHR1, mediates abscisic acid- and hydrogen peroxide-regulated stomatal movement in Arabidopsis., Hua D, Wang C, He J, Liao H, Duan Y, Zhu Z, Guo Y, Chen Z, Gong Z., Plant Cell. June 1, 2012; 24 (6): 2546-61.

Aquaporin-2: new mutations responsible for autosomal-recessive nephrogenic diabetes insipidus-update and epidemiology., Bichet DG, El Tarazi A, Matar J, Lussier Y, Arthus MF, Lonergan M, Bockenhauer D, Bissonnette P., Clin Kidney J. June 1, 2012; 5 (3): 195-202.   

ATP4a is required for Wnt-dependent Foxj1 expression and leftward flow in Xenopus left-right development., Walentek P, Beyer T, Thumberger T, Schweickert A, Blum M., Cell Rep. May 31, 2012; 1 (5): 516-27.   

A novel method to study the local mitochondrial fusion in myelinated axons in vivo., Zhang CL, Rodenkirch L, Schultz JR, Chiu SY., J Neurosci Methods. May 30, 2012; 207 (1): 51-8.

A role for the organic anion transporter OAT3 in renal creatinine secretion in mice., Vallon V, Eraly SA, Rao SR, Gerasimova M, Rose M, Nagle M, Anzai N, Smith T, Sharma K, Nigam SK, Rieg T., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. May 15, 2012; 302 (10): F1293-9.

Activation of the renal Na+:Cl- cotransporter by angiotensin II is a WNK4-dependent process., Castañeda-Bueno M, Cervantes-Pérez LG, Vázquez N, Uribe N, Kantesaria S, Morla L, Bobadilla NA, Doucet A, Alessi DR, Gamba G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 15, 2012; 109 (20): 7929-34.

Asymmetric Localization of CK2α During Xenopus Oogenesis., Imbrie GA, Wu H, Seldin DC, Dominguez I., Hum Genet Embryol. May 5, 2012; Suppl 4 (1): 11328.   

Apoptotic and survival signaling mediated through death receptor members during metamorphosis in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Ito M, Tamura K, Mawaribuchi S, Takamatsu N., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 2012; 176 (3): 461-4.

A novel aquaporin 3 in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) is not an arsenic channel., Jung D, MacIver B, Jackson BP, Barnaby R, Sato JD, Zeidel ML, Shaw JR, Stanton BA., Toxicol Sci. May 1, 2012; 127 (1): 101-9.

Analysis of MRE11's function in the 5'-->3' processing of DNA double-strand breaks., Liao S, Guay C, Toczylowski T, Yan H., Nucleic Acids Res. May 1, 2012; 40 (10): 4496-506.   

A CANDLE for a deeper in vivo insight., Coupé P, Munz M, Manjón JV, Ruthazer ES, Collins DL., Med Image Anal. May 1, 2012; 16 (4): 849-64.

Aversive training methods in Xenopus laevis: general principles., Blackiston DJ, Levin M., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. May 1, 2012; 2012 (5):

A series of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor allosteric modulators with close chemical similarity but diverse pharmacological properties., Gill JK, Dhankher P, Sheppard TD, Sher E, Millar NS., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2012; 81 (5): 710-8.

A single amino acid determines the toxicity of Ginkgo biloba extracts., Thompson AJ, McGonigle I, Duke R, Johnston GA, Lummis SC., FASEB J. May 1, 2012; 26 (5): 1884-91.   

Allosteric gating mechanism underlies the flexible gating of KCNQ1 potassium channels., Osteen JD, Barro-Soria R, Robey S, Sampson KJ, Kass RS, Larsson HP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 1, 2012; 109 (18): 7103-8.

Aestivation: signaling and hypometabolism., Storey KB, Storey JM., J Exp Biol. May 1, 2012; 215 (Pt 9): 1425-33.

ATP binding site mutagenesis reveals different subunit stoichiometry of functional P2X2/3 and P2X2/6 receptors., Hausmann R, Bodnar M, Woltersdorf R, Wang H, Fuchs M, Messemer N, Qin Y, Günther J, Riedel T, Grohmann M, Nieber K, Schmalzing G, Rubini P, Illes P., J Biol Chem. April 20, 2012; 287 (17): 13930-43.

A functional scaffold of CNS neurons for the vertebrates: the developing Xenopus laevis spinal cord., Roberts A, Li WC, Soffe SR., Dev Neurobiol. April 1, 2012; 72 (4): 575-84.   

Altered development of Xenopus embryos in a hypogeomagnetic field., Mo WC, Liu Y, Cooper HM, He RQ., Bioelectromagnetics. April 1, 2012; 33 (3): 238-46.

An essential and highly conserved role for Zic3 in left-right patterning, gastrulation and convergent extension morphogenesis., Cast AE, Gao C, Amack JD, Ware SM., Dev Biol. April 1, 2012; 364 (1): 22-31.   

A large scale screen for neural stem cell markers in Xenopus retina., Parain K, Mazurier N, Bronchain O, Borday C, Cabochette P, Chesneau A, Colozza G, El Yakoubi W, Hamdache J, Locker M, Gilchrist MJ, Pollet N, Perron M., Dev Neurobiol. April 1, 2012; 72 (4): 491-506.   

A hindbrain-repressive Wnt3a/Meis3/Tsh1 circuit promotes neuronal differentiation and coordinates tissue maturation., Elkouby YM, Polevoy H, Gutkovich YE, Michaelov A, Frank D., Development. April 1, 2012; 139 (8): 1487-97.   

Autosomal recessive Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy caused by a novel mutation (R225Q) in the lamin A/C gene identified by exome sequencing., Jimenez-Escrig A, Gobernado I, Garcia-Villanueva M, Sanchez-Herranz A., Muscle Nerve. April 1, 2012; 45 (4): 605-10.

A versatile protocol for mRNA electroporation of Xenopus laevis embryos., Chernet BT, Levin M., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. April 1, 2012; 2012 (4): 447-52.

Altered Kv3.3 channel gating in early-onset spinocerebellar ataxia type 13., Minassian NA, Lin MC, Papazian DM., J Physiol. April 1, 2012; 590 (7): 1599-614.

Assembly stoichiometry of the GluK2/GluK5 kainate receptor complex., Reiner A, Arant RJ, Isacoff EY., Cell Rep. March 29, 2012; 1 (3): 234-40.   

A decrease in DKK1, a WNT inhibitor, contributes to placental lipid accumulation in an obesity-prone rat model., Strakovsky RS, Pan YX., Biol Reprod. March 22, 2012; 86 (3): 81.

Agonist binding evokes extensive conformational changes in the extracellular domain of the ATP-gated human P2X1 receptor ion channel., Roberts JA, Allsopp RC, El Ajouz S, Vial C, Schmid R, Young MT, Evans RJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 20, 2012; 109 (12): 4663-7.

Abnormal visual processing and increased seizure susceptibility result from developmental exposure to the biocide methylisothiazolinone., Spawn A, Aizenman CD., Neuroscience. March 15, 2012; 205 194-204.

Atypical retinal degeneration 3 in mice is caused by defective PDE6B pre-mRNA splicing., Muradov H, Boyd KK, Kerov V, Artemyev NO., Vision Res. March 15, 2012; 57 1-8.

A comparative approach to understanding tissue-specific expression of uncoupling protein 1 expression in adipose tissue., Shore A, Emes RD, Wessely F, Kemp P, Cillo C, D'Armiento M, Hoggard N, Lomax MA., Front Genet. March 14, 2012; 3 304.   

A molecular mechanism that links Hippo signalling to the inhibition of Wnt/β-catenin signalling., Imajo M, Miyatake K, Iimura A, Miyamoto A, Nishida E., EMBO J. March 7, 2012; 31 (5): 1109-22.

An acidic amino acid transmembrane helix 10 residue conserved in the neurotransmitter:sodium:symporters is essential for the formation of the extracellular gate of the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter GAT-1., Ben-Yona A, Kanner BI., J Biol Chem. March 2, 2012; 287 (10): 7159-68.

A β-amyloid oligomer directly modulates P/Q-type calcium currents in Xenopus oocytes., Mezler M, Barghorn S, Schoemaker H, Gross G, Nimmrich V., Br J Pharmacol. March 1, 2012; 165 (5): 1572-83.

A novel Aurora kinase A inhibitor MK-8745 predicts TPX2 as a therapeutic biomarker in non-Hodgkin lymphoma cell lines., Chowdhury A, Chowdhury S, Tsai MY., Leuk Lymphoma. March 1, 2012; 53 (3): 462-71.

Acyrthosiphon pisum AQP2: a multifunctional insect aquaglyceroporin., Wallace IS, Shakesby AJ, Hwang JH, Choi WG, Martínková N, Douglas AE, Roberts DM., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 1, 2012; 1818 (3): 627-35.

A bio-robotic platform for integrating internal and external mechanics during muscle-powered swimming., Richards CT, Clemente CJ., Bioinspir Biomim. March 1, 2012; 7 (1): 016010.

An aspartate residue in the external vestibule of GLYT2 (glycine transporter 2) controls cation access and transport coupling., Pérez-Siles G, Núñez E, Morreale A, Jiménez E, Leo-Macías A, Pita G, Cherubino F, Sangaletti R, Bossi E, Ortíz AR, Aragón C, López-Corcuera B., Biochem J. March 1, 2012; 442 (2): 323-34.

Autobiographical sketch: A life in DNA repair—and beyond., Krokan HE., DNA Repair (Amst). March 1, 2012; 11 (3): 224-35.

An APC/C inhibitor stabilizes cyclin B1 by prematurely terminating ubiquitination., Zeng X, King RW., Nat Chem Biol. February 26, 2012; 8 (4): 383-92.   

A minor role of WNK3 in regulating phosphorylation of renal NKCC2 and NCC co-transporters in vivo., Oi K, Sohara E, Rai T, Misawa M, Chiga M, Alessi DR, Sasaki S, Uchida S., Biol Open. February 15, 2012; 1 (2): 120-7.   

AtPTR4 and AtPTR6 are differentially expressed, tonoplast-localized members of the peptide transporter/nitrate transporter 1 (PTR/NRT1) family., Weichert A, Brinkmann C, Komarova NY, Dietrich D, Thor K, Meier S, Suter Grotemeyer M, Rentsch D., Planta. February 1, 2012; 235 (2): 311-23.

A marked animal-vegetal polarity in the localization of Na(+),K(+) -ATPase activity and its down-regulation following progesterone-induced maturation., Mohanty BK, Gupta BL., Mol Reprod Dev. February 1, 2012; 79 (2): 138-60.

A monocarboxylate transporter required for hepatocyte secretion of ketone bodies during fasting., Hugo SE, Cruz-Garcia L, Karanth S, Anderson RM, Stainier DY, Schlegel A., Genes Dev. February 1, 2012; 26 (3): 282-93.

Abl-1-bridged tyrosine phosphorylation of VASP by Abelson kinase impairs association of VASP to focal adhesions and regulates leukaemic cell adhesion., Maruoka M, Sato M, Yuan Y, Ichiba M, Fujii R, Ogawa T, Ishida-Kitagawa N, Takeya T, Watanabe N., Biochem J. February 1, 2012; 441 (3): 889-99.

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