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Search Results

Localized axis determinant in the early cleavage embryo of the goldfish, Carassius auratus., Mizuno T, Yamaha E, Yamazaki F., Dev Genes Evol. January 1, 1997; 206 (6): 389-396.

Local anesthetics as effectors of allosteric gating. Lidocaine effects on inactivation-deficient rat skeletal muscle Na channels., Balser JR, Nuss HB, Orias DW, Johns DC, Marban E, Tomaselli GF, Lawrence JH., J Clin Invest. December 15, 1996; 98 (12): 2874-86.

Length suppression in histone messenger RNA 3'-end maturation: processing defects of insertion mutant premessenger RNAs can be compensated by insertions into the U7 small nuclear RNA., Scharl EC, Steitz JA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 10, 1996; 93 (25): 14659-64.

Location and behavior of dorsal determinants during first cell cycle in Xenopus eggs., Kikkawa M, Takano K, Shinagawa A., Development. December 1, 1996; 122 (12): 3687-96.   

Lithium inhibits glycogen synthase kinase-3 activity and mimics wingless signalling in intact cells., Stambolic V, Ruel L, Woodgett JR., Curr Biol. December 1, 1996; 6 (12): 1664-8.

Localization of rDNA genes in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) by FISH., Viñas A, Gómez C, Martínez P, Sánchez L., Genome. December 1, 1996; 39 (6): 1220-3.

Localization of cortical granule lectin ligand in Xenopus laevis egg jelly., Mozingo NM, Hedrick JL., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 1996; 38 (6): 647-652.

Localization of nitric oxide synthase in the brain of the frog, Xenopus laevis., Brüning G, Mayer B., Dev Biol. November 25, 1996; 741 (1-2): 331-43.   

Linker histones, DNA''s protein custodians, gain new respect., Pennisi E., Science. October 25, 1996; 274 (5287): 503-4.

Ligand-independent activation of fibroblast growth factor receptors by point mutations in the extracellular, transmembrane, and kinase domains., Neilson KM, Friesel R., J Biol Chem. October 4, 1996; 271 (40): 25049-57.

Loss of function mutations in conserved regions of the human arginase I gene., Vockley JG, Goodman BK, Tabor DE, Kern RM, Jenkinson CP, Grody WW, Cederbaum SD., Biochem Mol Med. October 1, 1996; 59 (1): 44-51.

Light-sensitive response in melanophores of Xenopus laevis: II.Rho is involved in light-induced melanin aggregation., Miyashita Y, Moriya T, Yokosawa N, Hatta S, Arai J, Kusunoki S, Toratani S, Yokosawa H, Fujii N, Asami K., J Exp Zool. October 1, 1996; 276 (2): 125-31.

Lateral dimerization is required for the homophilic binding activity of C-cadherin., Brieher WM, Yap AS, Gumbiner BM., J Cell Biol. October 1, 1996; 135 (2): 487-96.

Lophotoxin-insensitive nematode nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Tornøe C, Holden-Dye L, Garland C, Abramson SN, Fleming JT, Sattelle DB., J Exp Biol. October 1, 1996; 199 (Pt 10): 2161-8.

Limulus Retinal mRNA Induces Light-Dependent Currents in Xenopus Oocytes., Mole EJ, Schaefer J, Mathiesz K, Dionne VE, Knox BE, Barlow RB., Biol Bull. October 1, 1996; 191 (2): 264-265.

Light-sensitive response in melanophores of Xenopus laevis: I. Spectral characteristics of melanophore response in isolated tail fin of Xenopus tadpole., Moriya T, Miyashita Y, Arai J, Kusunoki S, Abe M, Asami K., J Exp Zool. September 1, 1996; 276 (1): 11-8.

Localization of Xcat-2 RNA, a putative germ plasm component, to the mitochondrial cloud in Xenopus stage I oocytes., Zhou Y, King ML., Development. September 1, 1996; 122 (9): 2947-53.   

Lens induction in axolotls: comparison with inductive signaling mechanisms in Xenopus laevis., Servetnick MD, Cook TL, Grainger RM., Int J Dev Biol. August 1, 1996; 40 (4): 755-61.

Local effects of glycinergic inhibition in the spinal cord motor systems for swimming in amphibian embryos., Perrins R, Soffe SR., J Neurophysiol. August 1, 1996; 76 (2): 1025-35.

Ligand cross-reactivity within the protease-activated receptor family., Blackhart BD, Emilsson K, Nguyen D, Teng W, Martelli AJ, Nystedt S, Sundelin J, Scarborough RM., J Biol Chem. July 12, 1996; 271 (28): 16466-71.

Lectins implicate specific carbohydrate domains in electric field stimulated nerve growth and guidance., Stewart R, Allan DW, McCaig CD., J Neurobiol. July 1, 1996; 30 (3): 425-37.

Lysophosphatidic acid stimulates glucose transport in Xenopus oocytes via a phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase with distinct properties., Thomson FJ, Moyes C, Scott PH, Plevin R, Gould GW., Biochem J. May 15, 1996; 316 ( Pt 1) 161-6.

Left, right, left... turn., Beddington R., Nature. May 9, 1996; 381 (6578): 116-7.

Long-range sequence analysis in Xq28: thirteen known and six candidate genes in 219.4 kb of high GC DNA between the RCP/GCP and G6PD loci., Chen EY, Zollo M, Mazzarella R, Ciccodicola A, Chen CN, Zuo L, Heiner C, Burough F, Repetto M, Schlessinger D, D'Urso M., Hum Mol Genet. May 1, 1996; 5 (5): 659-68.

Lens formation from cornea implanted into amputated hindlimbs of Xenopus laevis larvae requires innervation or proliferating cell populations in the stump., Cannata SM, Bernardini S, Filoni S., Rouxs Arch Dev Biol. May 1, 1996; 205 (7-8): 443-449.

Lack of involvement of protein kinase A phosphorylation in voltage-dependent facilitation of the activity of human cardiac L-type calcium channels., Eisfeld J, Mikala G, Schwartz A, Varadi G, Klöckner U., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 16, 1996; 221 (2): 446-53.

Liddle disease caused by a missense mutation of beta subunit of the epithelial sodium channel gene., Tamura H, Schild L, Enomoto N, Matsui N, Marumo F, Rossier BC., J Clin Invest. April 1, 1996; 97 (7): 1780-4.

Lobster shal: comparison with Drosophila shal and native potassium currents in identified neurons., Baro DJ, Coniglio LM, Cole CL, Rodriguez HE, Lubell JK, Kim MT, Harris-Warrick RM., J Neurosci. March 1, 1996; 16 (5): 1689-701.

Localization of a high molecular weight form of DNA topoisomerase I in amphibian oocytes., Gebauer D, Mais C, Zinger K, Hock R, Lieb B, Scheer U., Int J Dev Biol. February 1, 1996; 40 (1): 239-44.   

Late thymectomy in Xenopus tadpoles reveals a population of T cells that persists through metamorphosis., Rollins-Smith LA, Needham DA, Davis AT, Blair PJ., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1996; 20 (3): 165-74.

Localised MPF activation and mitotic phosphorylation in fertilised Xenopus eggs., Pérez Mongiovi D, Chang P, Houliston E., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1996; Suppl 1 219S-220S.

Long range signalling process in embryonic development., Gurdon JB, Ryan K, Stennard F, McDowell N, Crease D, Dyson S, Zorn A, Garrett N, Mitchell A, Carnac G., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 1996; Suppl 1 57S-58S.

Larval development of tectal efferents and afferents in Xenopus laevis (Amphibia Anura)., Chahoud BH, Cordier-Picouet MJ, Clairambault P., J Hirnforsch. January 1, 1996; 37 (4): 519-35.

Localization and interaction of epitope-tagged GIRK1 and CIR inward rectifier K+ channel subunits., Kennedy ME, Nemec J, Clapham DE., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 1996; 35 (7): 831-9.

Lambda-interacting protein, a novel protein that specifically interacts with the zinc finger domain of the atypical protein kinase C isotype lambda/iota and stimulates its kinase activity in vitro and in vivo., Diaz-Meco MT, Municio MM, Sanchez P, Lozano J, Moscat J., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1996; 16 (1): 105-14.

Lead-induced blockage of kainate-sensitive receptor channels., Musshoff U, Madeja M, Binding N, Witting U, Speckmann EJ., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. December 1, 1995; 353 (1): 42-5.

Localization of dopamine D1-receptors in vertebrate retinae., Behrens UD, Wagner HJ., Neurochem Int. December 1, 1995; 27 (6): 497-507.

Labeling of a cysteine in the cardiotonic glycoside binding site by the steroid derivative HDMA., Antolovic R, Schoner W, Geering K, Canessa C, Rossier BC, Horisberger JD., FEBS Lett. July 10, 1995; 368 (1): 169-72.

Localized calcium signals in early zebrafish development., Reinhard E, Yokoe H, Niebling KR, Allbritton NL, Kuhn MA, Meyer T., Dev Biol. July 1, 1995; 170 (1): 50-61.

Lack of magainin-like activity in human cervical tissue., Hansen KA, Kilianski J, Newhall K, Wright G, Stock RJ, Archer D., Am J Reprod Immunol. June 1, 1995; 33 (6): 481-4.

Long-range motional restrictions in a multidomain zinc-finger protein from anisotropic tumbling., Brüschweiler R, Liao X, Wright PE., Science. May 12, 1995; 268 (5212): 886-9.

Linkage of cardiac left-right asymmetry and dorsal-anterior development in Xenopus., Danos MC, Yost HJ., Development. May 1, 1995; 121 (5): 1467-74.   

Lysophosphatidic acid alters cerebrovascular reactivity in piglets., Tigyi G, Hong L, Yakubu M, Parfenova H, Shibata M, Leffler CW., Am J Physiol. May 1, 1995; 268 (5 Pt 2): H2048-55.

Localization of N-glycosylation sites and functional role of the carbohydrate units of GLAST-1, a cloned rat brain L-glutamate/L-aspartate transporter., Conradt M, Storck T, Stoffel W., Eur J Biochem. May 1, 1995; 229 (3): 682-7.

Localized BMP-4 mediates dorsal/ventral patterning in the early Xenopus embryo., Schmidt JE, Suzuki A, Ueno N, Kimelman D., Dev Biol. May 1, 1995; 169 (1): 37-50.   

L-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid competitively antagonizes metabotropic glutamate receptors 1 alpha and 5 in Xenopus oocytes., Saugstad JA, Segerson TP, Westbrook GL., Eur J Pharmacol. April 28, 1995; 289 (2): 395-7.

Localization of the rho 1- and rho 2-subunit messenger RNAs in chick retina by in situ hybridization predicts the existence of gamma-aminobutyric acid type C receptor subtypes., Albrecht BE, Darlison MG., Neurosci Lett. April 21, 1995; 189 (3): 155-8.

Local anesthetics potently block a potential insensitive potassium channel in myelinated nerve., Bräu ME, Nau C, Hempelmann G, Vogel W., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 1995; 105 (4): 485-505.

Localization of regions affecting an allosteric transition in cyclic nucleotide-activated channels., Gordon SE, Zagotta WN., Neuron. April 1, 1995; 14 (4): 857-64.

Lipase evolution: trout, Xenopus and chicken have lipoprotein lipase and apolipoprotein C-II-like activity but lack hepatic lipase-like activity., Lindberg A, Olivecrona G., Biochim Biophys Acta. March 16, 1995; 1255 (2): 205-11.

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