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A molecular characterization of the agonist binding site of a nematode cys-loop GABA receptor., Kaji MD, Kwaka A, Callanan MK, Nusrat H, Desaulniers JP, Forrester SG., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2015; 172 (15): 3737-47.

A heteromeric potassium channel involved in the modulation of the plasma membrane potential is essential for the survival of African trypanosomes., Steinmann ME, González-Salgado A, Bütikofer P, Mäser P, Sigel E., FASEB J. August 1, 2015; 29 (8): 3228-37.

A Multifaceted GABAA Receptor Modulator: Functional Properties and Mechanism of Action of the Sedative-Hypnotic and Recreational Drug Methaqualone (Quaalude)., Hammer H, Bader BM, Ehnert C, Bundgaard C, Bunch L, Hoestgaard-Jensen K, Schroeder OH, Bastlund JF, Gramowski-Voß A, Jensen AA., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2015; 88 (2): 401-20.

A precise spacing between the NPA domains of aquaporins is essential for silicon permeability in plants., Deshmukh RK, Vivancos J, Ramakrishnan G, Guérin V, Carpentier G, Sonah H, Labbé C, Isenring P, Belzile FJ, Bélanger RR., Plant J. August 1, 2015; 83 (3): 489-500.

A screening assay for thyroid hormone signaling disruption based on thyroid hormone-response gene expression analysis in the frog Pelophylax nigromaculatus., Zhang Y, Li Y, Qin Z, Wang H, Li J., J Environ Sci (China). August 1, 2015; 34 143-54.

Arsenic(+3) and DNA methyltransferases, and arsenic speciation in tadpole and frog life stages of western clawed frogs (Silurana tropicalis) exposed to arsenate., Koch I, Zhang J, Button M, Gibson LA, Caumette G, Langlois VS, Reimer KJ, Cullen WR., Metallomics. August 1, 2015; 7 (8): 1274-84.

An olfactory receptor from Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dur) mainly tuned to volatiles from flowering host plants., Yan SW, Zhang J, Liu Y, Li GQ, Wang GR., J Insect Physiol. August 1, 2015; 79 36-41.

A channelopathy mechanism revealed by direct calmodulin activation of TrpV4., Loukin SH, Teng J, Kung C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 28, 2015; 112 (30): 9400-5.   

Annexin A3 Regulates Early Blood Vessel Formation., Meadows SM, Cleaver O., PLoS One. July 16, 2015; 10 (7): e0132580.   

A structural, functional, and computational analysis suggests pore flexibility as the base for the poor selectivity of CNG channels., Napolitano LM, Bisha I, De March M, Marchesi A, Arcangeletti M, Demitri N, Mazzolini M, Rodriguez A, Magistrato A, Onesti S, Laio A, Torre V., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 7, 2015; 112 (27): E3619-28.

Aquaporins Contribute to ABA-Triggered Stomatal Closure through OST1-Mediated Phosphorylation., Grondin A, Rodrigues O, Verdoucq L, Merlot S, Leonhardt N, Maurel C., Plant Cell. July 1, 2015; 27 (7): 1945-54.

Aurora-A-Dependent Control of TACC3 Influences the Rate of Mitotic Spindle Assembly., Burgess SG, Peset I, Joseph N, Cavazza T, Vernos I, Pfuhl M, Gergely F, Bayliss R., PLoS Genet. July 1, 2015; 11 (7): e1005345.   

A cell-free CENP-A assembly system defines the chromatin requirements for centromere maintenance., Westhorpe FG, Fuller CJ, Straight AF., J Cell Biol. June 22, 2015; 209 (6): 789-801.   

A Protein Kinase C Phosphorylation Motif in GLUT1 Affects Glucose Transport and is Mutated in GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome., Lee EE, Ma J, Sacharidou A, Mi W, Salato VK, Nguyen N, Jiang Y, Pascual JM, North PE, Shaul PW, Mettlen M, Wang RC., Mol Cell. June 4, 2015; 58 (5): 845-53.

An Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor from the Salamander Ambystoma mexicanum Exhibits Low Sensitivity to 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin., Shoots J, Fraccalvieri D, Franks DG, Denison MS, Hahn ME, Bonati L, Powell WH., Environ Sci Technol. June 2, 2015; 49 (11): 6993-7001.

A novel RIPK4-IRF6 connection is required to prevent epithelial fusions characteristic for popliteal pterygium syndromes., De Groote P, Tran HT, Fransen M, Tanghe G, Urwyler C, De Craene B, Leurs K, Gilbert B, Van Imschoot G, De Rycke R, Guérin CJ, Holland P, Berx G, Vandenabeele P, Lippens S, Vleminckx K, Declercq W., Cell Death Differ. June 1, 2015; 22 (6): 1012-24.

Apoptosis and differentiation of Xenopus tail-derived myoblasts by thyroid hormone., Tamura K, Takayama S, Ishii T, Mawaribuchi S, Takamatsu N, Ito M., J Mol Endocrinol. June 1, 2015; 54 (3): 185-92.

Asymmetrical allocation of JAK1 mRNA during spermatogonial stem cell division in Xenopus laevis., Hyakutake K, Kawasaki T, Zhang J, Kubota H, Abe SI, Takamune K., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2015; 57 (5): 389-399.   

At new heights - endodermal lineages in development and disease., Ober EA, Grapin-Botton A., Development. June 1, 2015; 142 (11): 1912-1917.   

A time space translation hypothesis for vertebrate axial patterning., Durston AJ, Zhu K., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2015; 42 86-93.   

An N-Terminal ER Export Signal Facilitates the Plasma Membrane Targeting of HCN1 Channels in Photoreceptors., Pan Y, Laird JG, Yamaguchi DM, Baker SA., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. June 1, 2015; 56 (6): 3514-21.

A comparative analysis of spindle morphometrics across metazoans., Crowder ME, Strzelecka M, Wilbur JD, Good MC, von Dassow G, Heald R., Curr Biol. June 1, 2015; 25 (11): 1542-50.

Anks3 interacts with nephronophthisis proteins and is required for normal renal development., Yakulov TA, Yasunaga T, Ramachandran H, Engel C, Müller B, Hoff S, Dengjel J, Lienkamp SS, Walz G., Kidney Int. June 1, 2015; 87 (6): 1191-200.

An Accessory Agonist Binding Site Promotes Activation of α4β2* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors., Wang J, Kuryatov A, Sriram A, Jin Z, Kamenecka TM, Kenny PJ, Lindstrom J., J Biol Chem. May 29, 2015; 290 (22): 13907-18.

Allosteric modulation of the glycine receptor activated by agonists differing in efficacy., Farley NM, Mihic SJ., Dev Biol. May 5, 2015; 1606 95-101.

A functional correlate of severity in alternating hemiplegia of childhood., Li M, Jazayeri D, Corry B, McSweeney KM, Heinzen EL, Goldstein DB, Petrou S., Neurobiol Dis. May 1, 2015; 77 88-93.

Ascl1 phospho-status regulates neuronal differentiation in a Xenopus developmental model of neuroblastoma., Wylie LA, Hardwick LJ, Papkovskaia TD, Thiele CJ, Philpott A., Dis Model Mech. May 1, 2015; 8 (5): 429-41.   

A gustatory receptor tuned to D-fructose in antennal sensilla chaetica of Helicoverpa armigera., Jiang XJ, Ning C, Guo H, Jia YY, Huang LQ, Qu MJ, Wang CZ., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. May 1, 2015; 60 39-46.

Animal models for studying neural crest development: is the mouse different?, Barriga EH, Trainor PA, Bronner M, Mayor R., Development. May 1, 2015; 142 (9): 1555-60.

ATP4 and ciliation in the neuroectoderm and endoderm of Xenopus embryos and tadpoles., Walentek P, Hagenlocher C, Beyer T, Müller C, Feistel K, Schweickert A, Harland RM, Blum M., Data Brief. April 20, 2015; 4 22-31.   

A 90 day safety assessment of genetically modified rice expressing Cry1Ab/1Ac protein using an aquatic animal model., Zhu HJ, Li YH, Wang JM, Ding JT, Chen XP, Peng YF., J Agric Food Chem. April 15, 2015; 63 (14): 3627-33.

Aberrant connexin26 hemichannels underlying keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome are potently inhibited by mefloquine., Levit NA, Sellitto C, Wang HZ, Li L, Srinivas M, Brink PR, White TW., J Invest Dermatol. April 1, 2015; 135 (4): 1033-1042.   

Acute toxic effects of the herbicide formulation and the active ingredient used in cycloxydim-tolerant maize cultivation on embryos and larvae of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Wagner N, Lötters S, Veith M, Viertel B., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. April 1, 2015; 94 (4): 412-8.

Activation of protein kinase C-α and Src kinase increases urea transporter A1 α-2, 6 sialylation., Li X, Yang B, Chen M, Klein JD, Sands JM, Chen G., J Am Soc Nephrol. April 1, 2015; 26 (4): 926-34.

A lactate and formate transporter in the intraerythrocytic malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum., Marchetti RV, Lehane AM, Shafik SH, Winterberg M, Martin RE, Kirk K., Nat Commun. March 31, 2015; 6 6721.

A review on bradykinin-related peptides isolated from amphibian skin secretion., Xi X, Li B, Chen T, Kwok HF., Toxins (Basel). March 18, 2015; 7 (3): 951-70.   

Axis Patterning by BMPs: Cnidarian Network Reveals Evolutionary Constraints., Genikhovich G, Fried P, Prünster MM, Schinko JB, Gilles AF, Fredman D, Meier K, Iber D, Technau U., Cell Rep. March 17, 2015; 10 (10): 1646-1654.   

Asymmetric unwrapping of nucleosomes under tension directed by DNA local flexibility., Ngo TT, Zhang Q, Zhou R, Yodh JG, Ha T., Cell. March 12, 2015; 160 (6): 1135-44.

Association of the winged helix motif of the TFIIEα subunit of TFIIE with either the TFIIEβ subunit or TFIIB distinguishes its functions in transcription., Tanaka A, Akimoto Y, Kobayashi S, Hisatake K, Hanaoka F, Ohkuma Y., Genes Cells. March 1, 2015; 20 (3): 203-16.

A cascade of sequentially expressed sucrose transporters in the seed coat and endosperm provides nutrition for the Arabidopsis embryo., Chen LQ, Lin IW, Qu XQ, Sosso D, McFarlane HE, Londoño A, Samuels AL, Frommer WB., Plant Cell. March 1, 2015; 27 (3): 607-19.

A Coding Variant of ANO10, Affecting Volume Regulation of Macrophages, Is Associated with Borrelia Seropositivity., Hammer C, Wanitchakool P, Sirianant L, Papiol S, Monnheimer M, Faria D, Ousingsawat J, Schramek N, Schmitt C, Margos G, Michel A, Kraiczy P, Pawlita M, Schreiber R, Schulz TF, Fingerle V, Tumani H, Ehrenreich H, Kunzelmann K., Mol Med. February 23, 2015; 21 26-37.

Anesthetic drug midazolam inhibits cardiac human ether-à-go-go-related gene channels: mode of action., Vonderlin N, Fischer F, Zitron E, Seyler C, Scherer D, Thomas D, Katus HA, Scholz EP., Drug Des Devel Ther. February 16, 2015; 9 867-77.   

Analysis of the binding moiety mediating the interaction between monocarboxylate transporters and carbonic anhydrase II., Noor SI, Dietz S, Heidtmann H, Boone CD, McKenna R, Deitmer JW, Becker HM., J Biol Chem. February 13, 2015; 290 (7): 4476-86.

Activation of TRPV1 channels inhibits mechanosensitive Piezo channel activity by depleting membrane phosphoinositides., Borbiro I, Badheka D, Rohacs T., Sci Signal. February 10, 2015; 8 (363): ra15.

A distinct mechanism of vascular lumen formation in Xenopus requires EGFL7., Charpentier MS, Tandon P, Trincot CE, Koutleva EK, Conlon FL., PLoS One. February 6, 2015; 10 (2): e0116086.   

Anoctamin 6 mediates effects essential for innate immunity downstream of P2X7 receptors in macrophages., Ousingsawat J, Wanitchakool P, Kmit A, Romao AM, Jantarajit W, Schreiber R, Kunzelmann K., Nat Commun. February 5, 2015; 6 6245.

Analyzing single-molecule time series via nonparametric Bayesian inference., Hines KE, Bankston JR, Aldrich RW., Biophys J. February 3, 2015; 108 (3): 540-56.

A hydrophobic area of the GABA ρ₁ receptor containing phenylalanine 124 influences both receptor activation and deactivation., Carland JE, Yamamoto I, Hanrahan JR, Abdel-Halim H, Lewis TM, Absalom N, Chebib M., J Mol Neurosci. February 1, 2015; 55 (2): 305-13.

Aromatase, estrogen receptors and brain development in fish and amphibians., Coumailleau P, Pellegrini E, Adrio F, Diotel N, Cano-Nicolau J, Nasri A, Vaillant C, Kah O., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 1, 2015; 1849 (2): 152-62.

A di-arginine ER retention signal regulates trafficking of HCN1 channels from the early secretory pathway to the plasma membrane., Pan Y, Laird JG, Yamaguchi DM, Baker SA., Cell Mol Life Sci. February 1, 2015; 72 (4): 833-43.   

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