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Co-expression of xenopsin and rhabdomeric opsin in photoreceptors bearing microvilli and cilia., Vöcking O, Kourtesis I, Tumu SC, Hausen H., Elife. September 6, 2017; 6   

Characterization of microtubule buckling in living cells., Pallavicini C, Monastra A, Bardeci NG, Wetzler D, Levi V, Bruno L., Eur Biophys J. September 1, 2017; 46 (6): 581-594.

Comparative microRNAome analysis of the testis and ovary of the Chinese giant salamander., Chen R, Du J, Ma L, Wang LQ, Xie SS, Yang CM, Lan XY, Pan CY, Dong WZ., Reproduction. September 1, 2017; 154 (3): 169-179.

Comparison of phenotypic and global gene expression changes in Xenopus tropicalis embryos induced by agonists of RAR and RXR., Zhu J, Hu L, Li L, Huang X, Shi H., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. September 1, 2017; 330 40-47.

Cell Proliferation Analysis during Xenopus Metamorphosis: Using 5-Ethynyl-2-Deoxyuridine (EdU) to Stain Proliferating Intestinal Cells., Okada M, Shi YB., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. September 1, 2017; 2017 (9): pdb.prot097717.

Clinical spectrum and genotype-phenotype associations of KCNA2-related encephalopathies., Masnada S, Hedrich UBS, Gardella E, Schubert J, Kaiwar C, Klee EW, Lanpher BC, Gavrilova RH, Synofzik M, Bast T, Gorman K, King MD, Allen NM, Conroy J, Ben Zeev B, Tzadok M, Korff C, Dubois F, Ramsey K, Narayanan V, Serratosa JM, Giraldez BG, Helbig I, Marsh E, O'Brien M, Bergqvist CA, Binelli A, Porter B, Zaeyen E, Horovitz DD, Wolff M, Marjanovic D, Caglayan HS, Arslan M, Pena SDJ, Sisodiya SM, Balestrini S, Syrbe S, Veggiotti P, Lemke JR, Møller RS, Lerche H, Rubboli G., Brain. September 1, 2017; 140 (9): 2337-2354.

Characterization of l-Theanine Excitatory Actions on Hippocampal Neurons: Toward the Generation of Novel N-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptor Modulators Based on Its Backbone., Sebih F, Rousset M, Bellahouel S, Rolland M, de Jesus Ferreira MC, Guiramand J, Cohen-Solal C, Barbanel G, Cens T, Abouazza M, Tassou A, Gratuze M, Meusnier C, Charnet P, Vignes M, Rolland V., ACS Chem Neurosci. August 16, 2017; 8 (8): 1724-1734.

Combining Cytotoxicity Assessment and Xenopus laevis Phenotypic Abnormality Assay as a Predictor of Nanomaterial Safety., Al-Yousuf K, Webster CA, Wheeler GN, Bombelli FB, Sherwood V., Curr Protoc Toxicol. August 4, 2017; 73 20.13.1-20.13.33.

Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of Bartter Syndrome Type 3., Seys E, Andrini O, Keck M, Mansour-Hendili L, Courand PY, Simian C, Deschenes G, Kwon T, Bertholet-Thomas A, Bobrie G, Borde JS, Bourdat-Michel G, Decramer S, Cailliez M, Krug P, Cozette P, Delbet JD, Dubourg L, Chaveau D, Fila M, Jourde-Chiche N, Knebelmann B, Lavocat MP, Lemoine S, Djeddi D, Llanas B, Louillet F, Merieau E, Mileva M, Mota-Vieira L, Mousson C, Nobili F, Novo R, Roussey-Kesler G, Vrillon I, Walsh SB, Teulon J, Blanchard A, Vargas-Poussou R., J Am Soc Nephrol. August 1, 2017; 28 (8): 2540-2552.

Characterization of the transport activity of SGLT2/MAP17, the renal low-affinity Na+-glucose cotransporter., Coady MJ, Wallendorff B, Lapointe JY., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. August 1, 2017; 313 (2): F467-F474.

Cells from subcutaneous tissues contribute to scarless skin regeneration in Xenopus laevis froglets., Otsuka-Yamaguchi R, Kawasumi-Kita A, Kudo N, Izutsu Y, Tamura K, Yokoyama H., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2017; 246 (8): 585-597.   

Conserved gene regulatory module specifies lateral neural borders across bilaterians., Li Y, Zhao D, Horie T, Chen G, Bao H, Chen S, Liu W, Horie R, Liang T, Dong B, Feng Q, Tao Q, Liu X., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 1, 2017; 114 (31): E6352-E6360.   

Comprehensive analyses of hox gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos and adult tissues., Kondo M, Yamamoto T, Takahashi S, Taira M., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2017; 59 (6): 526-539.   

Caspase-9 has a nonapoptotic function in Xenopus embryonic primitive blood formation., Tran HT, Fransen M, Dimitrakopoulou D, Van Imschoot G, Willemarck N, Vleminckx K., J Cell Sci. July 15, 2017; 130 (14): 2371-2381.   

Charged Antimicrobial Peptides Can Translocate across Membranes without Forming Channel-like Pores., Ulmschneider JP., Biophys J. July 11, 2017; 113 (1): 73-81.

Cip29 is phosphorylated following activation of the DNA damage response in Xenopus egg extracts., Holden J, Taylor EM, Lindsay HD., PLoS One. July 10, 2017; 12 (7): e0181131.   

Co-accumulation of cis-regulatory and coding mutations during the pseudogenization of the Xenopus laevis homoeologs six6.L and six6.S., Ochi H, Kawaguchi A, Tanouchi M, Suzuki N, Kumada T, Iwata Y, Ogino H., Dev Biol. July 1, 2017; 427 (1): 84-92.   

Compound heterozygous alterations in intraflagellar transport protein CLUAP1 in a child with a novel Joubert and oral-facial-digital overlap syndrome., Johnston JJ, Lee C, Wentzensen IM, Parisi MA, Crenshaw MM, Sapp JC, Gross JM, Wallingford JB, Biesecker LG., Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. July 1, 2017; 3 (4):   

Crystal structure of tubulin tyrosine ligase-like 3 reveals essential architectural elements unique to tubulin monoglycylases., Garnham CP, Yu I, Li Y, Roll-Mecak A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 20, 2017; 114 (25): 6545-6550.

Cell cycle-dependent regulation of Greatwall kinase by protein phosphatase 1 and regulatory subunit 3B., Ren D, Fisher LA, Zhao J, Wang L, Williams BC, Goldberg ML, Peng A., J Biol Chem. June 16, 2017; 292 (24): 10026-10034.

Construction and characterization of a BAC library for functional genomics in Xenopus tropicalis., Spirhanzlova P, Dhorne-Pollet S, Fellah JS, Da Silva C, Tlapakova T, Labadie K, Weissenbach J, Poulain J, Jaffredo T, Wincker P, Krylov V, Pollet N., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 255-260.   

Conservatism and variability of gene expression profiles among homeologous transcription factors in Xenopus laevis., Watanabe M, Yasuoka Y, Mawaribuchi S, Kuretani A, Ito M, Kondo M, Ochi H, Ogino H, Fukui A, Taira M, Kinoshita T., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 301-324.   

Clustered Xenopus keratin genes: A genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic analysis., Suzuki KT, Suzuki M, Shigeta M, Fortriede JD, Takahashi S, Mawaribuchi S, Yamamoto T, Taira M, Fukui A., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 384-392.

Comparative analysis of monoaminergic cerebrospinal fluid-contacting cells in Osteichthyes (bony vertebrates)., Xavier AL, Fontaine R, Bloch S, Affaticati P, Jenett A, Demarque M, Vernier P, Yamamoto K., J Comp Neurol. June 15, 2017; 525 (9): 2265-2283.   

Cryo-EM Structure of a KCNQ1/CaM Complex Reveals Insights into Congenital Long QT Syndrome., Sun J, MacKinnon R., Cell. June 1, 2017; 169 (6): 1042-1050.e9.

Chromosomal passenger complex hydrodynamics suggests chaperoning of the inactive state by nucleoplasmin/nucleophosmin., Hanley ML, Yoo TY, Sonnett M, Needleman DJ, Mitchison TJ., Mol Biol Cell. June 1, 2017; 28 (11): 1444-1456.   

Current status and future prospect of FSHD region gene 1., Hansda AK, Tiwari A, Dixit M., J Biosci. June 1, 2017; 42 (2): 345-353.

Characterization of human telomere RNA G-quadruplex structures in vitro and in living cells using 19F NMR spectroscopy., Bao HL, Ishizuka T, Sakamoto T, Fujimoto K, Uechi T, Kenmochi N, Xu Y., Nucleic Acids Res. May 19, 2017; 45 (9): 5501-5511.   

Coordinating heart morphogenesis: A novel role for hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels during cardiogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Pitcairn E, Harris H, Epiney J, Pai VP, Lemire JM, Ye B, Shi NQ, Levin M, McLaughlin KA., Commun Integr Biol. May 10, 2017; 10 (3): e1309488.   

Cisplatin activates volume sensitive LRRC8 channel mediated currents in Xenopus oocytes., Gradogna A, Gaitán-Peñas H, Boccaccio A, Estévez R, Pusch M., Channels (Austin). May 4, 2017; 11 (3): 254-260.

Cloning and functional expression of intracellular loop variants of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) RDL GABA receptor., Taylor-Wells J, Hawkins J, Colombo C, Bermudez I, Jones AK., Neurotoxicology. May 1, 2017; 60 207-213.

Coordinated shift of olfactory amino acid responses and V2R expression to an amphibian water nose during metamorphosis., Syed AS, Sansone A, Hassenklöver T, Manzini I, Korsching SI., Cell Mol Life Sci. May 1, 2017; 74 (9): 1711-1719.

C-Terminal residues in small potassium channel blockers OdK1 and OSK3 from scorpion venom fine-tune the selectivity., Kuzmenkov AI, Peigneur S, Chugunov AO, Tabakmakher VM, Efremov RG, Tytgat J, Grishin EV, Vassilevski AA., Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom. May 1, 2017; 1865 (5): 465-472.

CUL-2LRR-1 and UBXN-3 drive replisome disassembly during DNA replication termination and mitosis., Sonneville R, Moreno SP, Knebel A, Johnson C, Hastie CJ, Gartner A, Gambus A, Labib K., Nat Cell Biol. May 1, 2017; 19 (5): 468-479.   

Changing shape and shaping change: Inducing the inner ear., Ladher RK., Semin Cell Dev Biol. May 1, 2017; 65 39-46.

Competition and feeding ecology in two sympatric Xenopus species (Anura: Pipidae)., Vogt S, de Villiers FA, Ihlow F, Rödder D, Measey J., PeerJ. April 19, 2017; 5 e3130.

Cholesterol up-regulates neuronal G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channel activity in the hippocampus., Bukiya AN, Durdagi S, Noskov S, Rosenhouse-Dantsker A., J Biol Chem. April 14, 2017; 292 (15): 6135-6147.

Collinear Hox-Hox interactions are involved in patterning the vertebrate anteroposterior (A-P) axis., Zhu K, Spaink HP, Durston AJ., PLoS One. April 11, 2017; 12 (4): e0175287.   

Computationally Discovered Potentiating Role of Glycans on NMDA Receptors., Sinitskiy AV, Stanley NH, Hackos DH, Hanson JE, Sellers BD, Pande VS., Sci Rep. April 5, 2017; 7 44578.   

Capillary electrophoresis coupled to negative mode electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry using an electrokinetically-pumped nanospray interface with primary amines grafted to the interior of a glass emitter., Sarver SA, Schiavone NM, Arceo J, Peuchen EH, Zhang Z, Sun L, Dovichi NJ., Talanta. April 1, 2017; 165 522-525.

Chromatin tethering to the nuclear envelope by nuclear actin filaments: a novel role of the actin cytoskeleton in the Xenopus blastula., Oda H, Shirai N, Ura N, Ohsumi K, Iwabuchi M., Genes Cells. April 1, 2017; 22 (4): 376-391.   

Contribution of equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) 2 to fluorouracil transport in rat placental trophoblast cells., Takagi A, Nishimura T, Akashi T, Tomi M, Nakashima E., Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. April 1, 2017; 32 (2): 151-156.

Cryo-EM structures of the triheteromeric NMDA receptor and its allosteric modulation., Lü W, Du J, Goehring A, Gouaux E., Science. March 24, 2017; 355 (6331):

Cell polarity and morphogenesis: new technologies and new findings., Goldstein B, Zallen JA., Mol Biol Cell. March 15, 2017; 28 (6): 699-700.

Cloning and functional characterization of HKT1 and AKT1 genes of Fragaria spp.-Relationship to plant response to salt stress., Garriga M, Raddatz N, Véry AA, Sentenac H, Rubio-Meléndez ME, González W, Dreyer I., J Plant Physiol. March 1, 2017; 210 9-17.

Cloning and expression analysis of zygote arrest 1 (Zar1) in New Zealand white rabbits., Wang D, Xie SY, Zhang W, Sun CX, Huang T, Wang AS, Han XL, Sun GR, Li M., J Genet. March 1, 2017; 96 (1): 3-8.

Comparative High-Density Linkage Mapping Reveals Conserved Genome Structure but Variation in Levels of Heterochiasmy and Location of Recombination Cold Spots in the Common Frog., Palomar G, Ahmad F, Vasemägi A, Matsuba C, Nicieza AG, Cano JM., G3 (Bethesda). February 9, 2017; 7 (2): 637-645.   

Calpain-Mediated Proteolysis of Talin and FAK Regulates Adhesion Dynamics Necessary for Axon Guidance., Kerstein PC, Patel KM, Gomez TM., J Neurosci. February 8, 2017; 37 (6): 1568-1580.   

CRL2Lrr1 promotes unloading of the vertebrate replisome from chromatin during replication termination., Dewar JM, Low E, Mann M, Räschle M, Walter JC., Genes Dev. February 1, 2017; 31 (3): 275-290.

Cartilage acidic protein 1, a new member of the beta-propeller protein family with amyloid propensity., Anjos L, Morgado I, Guerreiro M, Cardoso JC, Melo EP, Power DM., Proteins. February 1, 2017; 85 (2): 242-255.

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