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Voltage dependence of M2 muscarinic receptor antagonists and allosteric modulators., Hazan S, Tauber M, Ben-Chaim Y., Biochem Pharmacol. July 10, 2024; 227 116421.

Viscosity-dependent control of protein synthesis and degradation., Chen Y, Huang JH, Phong C, Ferrell JE., Nat Commun. March 8, 2024; 15 (1): 2149.   

Visualizing the dynamics of DNA replication and repair at the single-molecule level., Berger S, Chistol G., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2024; 182 109-165.

Voltage Clamp Fluorometry: Illuminating the Dynamics of Ion Channels., Sastre D, Fedida D., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2024; 2796 119-138.

Visual input regulates melanophore differentiation., Atkinson-Leadbeater K, Bertolesi GE, McFarlane S., Front Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2024; 12 1437613.

V-ATPase Regulates Retinal Progenitor Cell Proliferation During Eye Regrowth in Xenopus., Kha CX, Nava I, Tseng KA., J Ocul Pharmacol Ther. October 1, 2023; 39 (8): 499-508.   

Verapamil inhibits Kir2.3 channels by binding to the pore and interfering with PIP2 binding., Xynogalos P, Rahm AK, Fried S, Chasan S, Scherer D, Seyler C, Katus HA, Frey N, Zitron E., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. April 1, 2023; 396 (4): 659-667.

Validation of TREK1 ion channel activators as an immunomodulatory and neuroprotective strategy in neuroinflammation., Schroeter CB, Nelke C, Schewe M, Spohler L, Herrmann AM, Müntefering T, Huntemann N, Kuzikov M, Gribbon P, Albrecht S, Bock S, Hundehege P, Neelsen LC, Baukrowitz T, Seebohm G, Wünsch B, Bittner S, Ruck T, Budde T, Meuth SG., Biol Chem. March 28, 2023; 404 (4): 355-375.   

Versatile roles for histones in early development., Shindo Y, Brown MG, Amodeo AA., Curr Opin Cell Biol. April 1, 2022; 75 102069.

Ventx Family and Its Functional Similarities with Nanog: Involvement in Embryonic Development and Cancer Progression., Kumar S, Kumar V, Li W, Kim J., Int J Mol Sci. March 1, 2022; 23 (5):   

Visualizing Nuclear Pore Complexes in Xenopus Egg Extracts., Mishra S, Levy DL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2022; 2502 395-405.

Voltage dependence of the cannabinoid CB1 receptor., Goldberger E, Tauber M, Ben-Chaim Y., Front Pharmacol. January 1, 2022; 13 1022275.   

Virus-Host Interactions of Enteroviruses and Parvovirus B19 in Myocarditis., Ho HT, Peischard S, Strutz-Seebohm N, Seebohm G., Cell Physiol Biochem. November 18, 2021; 55 (6): 679-703.   

Virulence and Pathogenicity of Chytrid Fungi Causing Amphibian Extinctions., Fisher MC, Pasmans F, Martel A., Annu Rev Microbiol. October 8, 2021; 75 673-693.

Vestibular Influence on Vertebrate Skeletal Symmetry and Body Shape., Gordy C, Straka H., Front Syst Neurosci. October 6, 2021; 15 753207.

Virus-Targeted Transcriptomic Analyses Implicate Ranaviral Interaction with Host Interferon Response in Frog Virus 3-Infected Frog Tissues., Tian Y, De Jesús Andino F, Khwatenge CN, Li J, Robert J, Sang Y., Viruses. July 9, 2021; 13 (7):

Voltage-clamp fluorometry analysis of structural rearrangements of ATP-gated channel P2X2 upon hyperpolarization., Andriani RT, Kubo Y., Elife. May 19, 2021; 10   

Voltage-gated proton channels from fungi highlight role of peripheral regions in channel activation., Zhao C, Tombola F., Commun Biol. February 26, 2021; 4 (1): 261.

V374A KCND3 Pathogenic Variant Associated With Paroxysmal Ataxia Exacerbations., Paucar M, Ågren R, Li T, Lissmats S, Bergendal Å, Weinberg J, Nilsson D, Savichetva I, Sahlholm K, Nilsson J, Svenningsson P., Neurol Genet. January 6, 2021; 7 (1): e546.

VPS72/YL1-Mediated H2A.Z Deposition Is Required for Nuclear Reassembly after Mitosis., Moreno-Andrés D, Yokoyama H, Scheufen A, Holzer G, Lue H, Schellhaus AK, Weberruss M, Takagi M, Antonin W., Cells. July 16, 2020; 9 (7):

von Willebrand factor D and EGF domains is an evolutionarily conserved and required feature of blastemas capable of multitissue appendage regeneration., Leigh ND, Sessa S, Dragalzew AC, Payzin-Dogru D, Sousa JF, Aggouras AN, Johnson K, Dunlap GS, Haas BJ, Levin M, Schneider I, Whited JL., Evol Dev. July 1, 2020; 22 (4): 297-311.   

Voltage-Dependent Dopamine Potency at D1-Like Dopamine Receptors., Ågren R, Sahlholm K., Front Pharmacol. April 7, 2020; 11 581151.   

Volume sensing in the transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 ion channel is cell type-specific and mediated by an N-terminal volume-sensing domain., Toft-Bertelsen TL, Yarishkin O, Redmon S, Phuong TTT, Križaj D, MacAulay N., J Biol Chem. November 29, 2019; 294 (48): 18421-18434.   

VX-770-mediated potentiation of numerous human CFTR disease mutants is influenced by phosphorylation level., Cui G, Stauffer BB, Imhoff BR, Rab A, Hong JS, Sorscher EJ, McCarty NA., Sci Rep. September 17, 2019; 9 (1): 13460.   

Vangl2 coordinates cell rearrangements during gut elongation., Dush MK, Nascone-Yoder NM., Dev Dyn. July 1, 2019; 248 (7): 569-582.   

Various nuclear reprogramming systems using egg and oocyte materials., Miyamoto K., J Reprod Dev. June 14, 2019; 65 (3): 203-208.   

Ventx1.1 competes with a transcriptional activator Xcad2 to regulate negatively its own expression., Kumar S, Umair Z, Kumar V, Lee U, Choi SC, Kim J., BMB Rep. June 1, 2019; 52 (6): 403-408.   

Visualizing flow in an intact CSF network using optical coherence tomography: implications for human congenital hydrocephalus., Date P, Ackermann P, Furey C, Fink IB, Jonas S, Khokha MK, Kahle KT, Deniz E., Sci Rep. April 17, 2019; 9 (1): 6196.   

Very Short and Stable Lactoferricin-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides: Design Principles and Potential Uses., Svendsen JSM, Grant TM, Rennison D, Brimble MA, Svenson J., Acc Chem Res. March 19, 2019; 52 (3): 749-759.

Visualizing pregnenolone sulfate-like modulators of NMDA receptor function reveals intracellular and plasma-membrane localization., Chisari M, Wilding TJ, Brunwasser S, Krishnan K, Qian M, Benz A, Huettner JE, Zorumski CF, Covey DF, Mennerick S., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 2019; 144 91-103.

Ventx1.1 as a Direct Repressor of Early Neural Gene zic3 in Xenopus laevis., Umair Z, Kumar S, Kim DH, Rafiq K, Kumar V, Kim S, Park JB, Lee JY, Lee U, Kim J., Mol Cells. December 31, 2018; 41 (12): 1061-1071.   

Voltage-dependent dynamics of the BK channel cytosolic gating ring are coupled to the membrane-embedded voltage sensor., Miranda P, Holmgren M, Giraldez T., Elife. December 11, 2018; 7   

Validation and bioinformatics analysis of differentially expressed circRNAs involved in developing male Xenopus laevis chronically exposed to atrazine., Sai L, Li L, Hu C, Qu B, Guo Q, Jia Q, Zhang Y, Bo C, Li X, Shao H, Ng JC, Peng C., Data Brief. April 10, 2018; 18 1282-1291.

Viral highway to nucleus exposed by image correlation analyses., Mäntylä E, Chacko JV, Aho V, Parrish CR, Shahin V, Kann M, Digman MA, Gratton E, Vihinen-Ranta M., Sci Rep. January 18, 2018; 8 (1): 1152.   

Visualization of Gene Expression Patterns by In Situ Hybridization on Early Stages of Development of Xenopus laevis., El-Hodiri HM, Kelly LE., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1797 325-335.   

Vitamin A induced homeotic hindlimb formation on dorsal and ventral sides of regenerating tissue of amputated tails of Japanese brown frog tadpoles., Tazawa I, Yaoita Y., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2017; 59 (9): 688-700.   

Visualization and quantification of injury to the ciliated epithelium using quantitative flow imaging and speckle variance optical coherence tomography., Gamm UA, Huang BK, Mis EK, Khokha MK, Choma MA., Sci Rep. November 8, 2017; 7 (1): 15115.   

Vestigial-like 3 is a novel Ets1 interacting partner and regulates trigeminal nerve formation and cranial neural crest migration., Simon E, Thézé N, Fédou S, Thiébaud P, Faucheux C., Biol Open. October 15, 2017; 6 (10): 1528-1540.   

Visual experience dependent regulation of neuronal structure and function by histone deacetylase 1 in developing Xenopus tectum in vivo., Ruan H, Gao J, Qi X, Tao Y, Guo X, Guo Z, Zheng L, Song Y, Liao Y, Shen W., Dev Neurobiol. September 1, 2017; 77 (8): 947-962.

Viral and cellular mRNA-specific activators harness PABP and eIF4G to promote translation initiation downstream of cap binding., Smith RWP, Anderson RC, Larralde O, Smith JWS, Gorgoni B, Richardson WA, Malik P, Graham SV, Gray NK., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 13, 2017; 114 (24): 6310-6315.

Voltage-clamp Fluorometry in Xenopus Oocytes Using Fluorescent Unnatural Amino Acids., Kalstrup T, Blunck R., J Vis Exp. May 27, 2017; (123):

Visualization and Quantitative Analysis of Embryonic Angiogenesis in Xenopus tropicalis., Ohk J, Jung H., J Vis Exp. May 25, 2017; (123):

Virus Innexins induce alterations in insect cell and tissue function., Hasegawa DK, Erickson SL, Hersh BM, Turnbull MW., J Insect Physiol. April 1, 2017; 98 173-181.

Variant Ionotropic Receptors in the Malaria Vector Mosquito Anopheles gambiae Tuned to Amines and Carboxylic Acids., Pitts RJ, Derryberry SL, Zhang Z, Zwiebel LJ., Sci Rep. January 9, 2017; 7 40297.   

Versatile Trityl Spin Labels for Nanometer Distance Measurements on Biomolecules In Vitro and within Cells., Jassoy JJ, Berndhäuser A, Duthie F, Kühn SP, Hagelueken G, Schiemann O., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. January 2, 2017; 56 (1): 177-181.

VENTX induces expansion of primitive erythroid cells and contributes to the development of acute myeloid leukemia in mice., Gentner E, Vegi NM, Mulaw MA, Mandal T, Bamezai S, Claus R, Tasdogan A, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Grunenberg A, Döhner K, Döhner H, Bullinger L, Haferlach T, Buske C, Rawat VP, Feuring-Buske M., Oncotarget. December 27, 2016; 7 (52): 86889-86901.   

Variability of Rheotaxis Behaviors in Larval Bullfrogs Highlights Species Diversity in Lateral Line Function., Brown EE, Simmons AM., PLoS One. November 7, 2016; 11 (11): e0166989.   

VCP/p97 Extracts Sterically Trapped Ku70/80 Rings from DNA in Double-Strand Break Repair., van den Boom J, Wolf M, Weimann L, Schulze N, Li F, Kaschani F, Riemer A, Zierhut C, Kaiser M, Iliakis G, Funabiki H, Meyer H., Mol Cell. October 6, 2016; 64 (1): 189-198.

Voltage-dependent motion of the catalytic region of voltage-sensing phosphatase monitored by a fluorescent amino acid., Sakata S, Jinno Y, Kawanabe A, Okamura Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 5, 2016; 113 (27): 7521-6.

Venus Flytrap HKT1-Type Channel Provides for Prey Sodium Uptake into Carnivorous Plant Without Conflicting with Electrical Excitability., Böhm J, Scherzer S, Shabala S, Krol E, Neher E, Mueller TD, Hedrich R., Mol Plant. March 7, 2016; 9 (3): 428-436.   

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