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Large-scale mechanical properties of Xenopus embryonic epithelium., Luu O, David R, Ninomiya H, Winklbauer R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 8, 2011; 108 (10): 4000-5.   

Lipovitellin constitutes the protein backbone of glycoproteins involved in sperm-egg interaction in the amphibian Discoglossus pictus., Campanella C, Caputo M, Vaccaro MC, De Marco N, Tretola L, Romano M, Prisco M, Camardella L, Flagiello A, Carotenuto R, Limatola E, Polzonetti-Magni A, Infante V., Mol Reprod Dev. March 1, 2011; 78 (3): 161-71.

Lineage-specific evolution of the vertebrate Otopetrin gene family revealed by comparative genomic analyses., Hurle B, Marques-Bonet T, Antonacci F, Hughes I, Ryan JF, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Eichler EE, Ornitz DM, Green ED., BMC Evol Biol. January 24, 2011; 11 23.   

Light modulation of cellular cAMP by a small bacterial photoactivated adenylyl cyclase, bPAC, of the soil bacterium Beggiatoa., Stierl M, Stumpf P, Udwari D, Gueta R, Hagedorn R, Losi A, Gärtner W, Petereit L, Efetova M, Schwarzel M, Oertner TG, Nagel G, Hegemann P., J Biol Chem. January 14, 2011; 286 (2): 1181-8.

Localization of receptor site on insect sodium channel for depressant β-toxin BmK IT2., He H, Liu Z, Dong B, Zhang J, Shu X, Zhou J, Ji Y., PLoS One. January 7, 2011; 6 (1): e14510.   

Loss-of-function mutations in the glutamate transporter SLC1A1 cause human dicarboxylic aminoaciduria., Bailey CG, Ryan RM, Thoeng AD, Ng C, King K, Vanslambrouck JM, Auray-Blais C, Vandenberg RJ, Bröer S, Rasko JE., J Clin Invest. January 1, 2011; 121 (1): 446-53.

Loss of ethanol conditioned taste aversion and motor stimulation in knockin mice with ethanol-insensitive α2-containing GABA(A) receptors., Blednov YA, Borghese CM, McCracken ML, Benavidez JM, Geil CR, Osterndorff-Kahanek E, Werner DF, Iyer S, Swihart A, Harrison NL, Homanics GE, Harris RA., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. January 1, 2011; 336 (1): 145-54.

Low frequency vibrations disrupt left-right patterning in the Xenopus embryo., Vandenberg LN, Pennarola BW, Levin M., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (8): e23306.   

Long-distance signals are required for morphogenesis of the regenerating Xenopus tadpole tail, as shown by femtosecond-laser ablation., Mondia JP, Levin M, Omenetto FG, Orendorff RD, Branch MR, Adams DS., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (9): e24953.   

Ligand- and subunit-specific conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain and the TM2-TM3 linker of {alpha}1 {beta}2 {gamma}2 GABAA receptors., Wang Q, Pless SA, Lynch JW., J Biol Chem. December 17, 2010; 285 (51): 40373-86.

Lysophospholipids are evolutionary ancient venom components., Caccin P, Magnabosco A, Tedesco E, Silva-Cardoso L, Atella GC, Montecucco C., Toxicon. December 1, 2010; 56 (8): 1525-7.

Lamin B counteracts the kinesin Eg5 to restrain spindle pole separation during spindle assembly., Goodman B, Channels W, Qiu M, Iglesias P, Yang G, Zheng Y., J Biol Chem. November 5, 2010; 285 (45): 35238-44.   

L-cysteine, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and glutathione protect Xenopus laevis embryos against acrylamide-induced malformations and mortality in the frog embryo teratogenesis assay., Rayburn JR, Friedman M., J Agric Food Chem. October 27, 2010; 58 (20): 11172-8.

Long-lasting effects of chemical hypoxia on spinal cord function in tadpoles., Robertson RM, Björnfors ER, Sillar KT., Neuroreport. October 6, 2010; 21 (14): 943-7.

Leu85 in the beta1-beta2 linker of ASIC1 slows activation and decreases the apparent proton affinity by stabilizing a closed conformation., Li T, Yang Y, Canessa CM., J Biol Chem. July 16, 2010; 285 (29): 22706-12.

Localization and functional characterization of the human NKCC2 isoforms., Carota I, Theilig F, Oppermann M, Kongsuphol P, Rosenauer A, Schreiber R, Jensen BL, Walter S, Kunzelmann K, Castrop H., Acta Physiol (Oxf). July 1, 2010; 199 (3): 327-38.

Linking of Glycine Receptor Transmembrane Segments Three and Four Allows Assignment of Intrasubunit-Facing Residues., McCracken LM, McCracken ML, Gong DH, Trudell JR, Harris RA., ACS Chem Neurosci. July 1, 2010; 1 (7): 482.

Live-cell imaging and quantitative analysis of embryonic epithelial cells in Xenopus laevis., Joshi SD, Davidson LA., J Vis Exp. May 16, 2010; (39):

Light-induced activation of class II cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photolyases., Okafuji A, Biskup T, Hitomi K, Getzoff ED, Kaiser G, Batschauer A, Bacher A, Hidema J, Teranishi M, Yamamoto K, Schleicher E, Weber S., DNA Repair (Amst). May 4, 2010; 9 (5): 495-505.

Low-magnification live imaging of Xenopus embryos for cell and developmental biology., Wallingford JB., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. May 1, 2010; 2010 (5): pdb.prot5425.

Long-term consequences of Sox9 depletion on inner ear development., Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2010; 239 (4): 1102-12.   

LASSBio-881: an N-acylhydrazone transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily type 1 antagonist orally effective against the hypernociception induced by capsaicin or partial sciatic ligation., Tributino JL, Santos ML, Mesquita CM, Lima CK, Silva LL, Maia RC, Duarte CD, Barreiro EJ, Fraga CA, Castro NG, Miranda AL, Guimaraes MZ., Br J Pharmacol. April 1, 2010; 159 (8): 1716-23.

Lymph heart musculature is under distinct developmental control from lymphatic endothelium., Peyrot SM, Martin BL, Harland RM., Dev Biol. March 15, 2010; 339 (2): 429-38.   

Light-dependent translocation of arrestin in rod photoreceptors is signaled through a phospholipase C cascade and requires ATP., Orisme W, Li J, Goldmann T, Bolch S, Wolfrum U, Smith WC., Cell Signal. March 1, 2010; 22 (3): 447-56.

Life cycle studies of the hexose transporter of Plasmodium species and genetic validation of their essentiality., Slavic K, Straschil U, Reininger L, Doerig C, Morin C, Tewari R, Krishna S., Mol Microbiol. March 1, 2010; 75 (6): 1402-13.   

Limiting activity at beta1-subunit-containing GABAA receptor subtypes reduces ataxia., Gee KW, Tran MB, Hogenkamp DJ, Johnstone TB, Bagnera RE, Yoshimura RF, Huang JC, Belluzzi JD, Whittemore ER., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. March 1, 2010; 332 (3): 1040-53.

Liprin (beta)1 is highly expressed in lymphatic vasculature and is important for lymphatic vessel integrity., Norrmén C, Vandevelde W, Ny A, Saharinen P, Gentile M, Haraldsen G, Puolakkainen P, Lukanidin E, Dewerchin M, Alitalo K, Petrova TV., Blood. January 28, 2010; 115 (4): 906-9.

Light modulates the melanophore response to alpha-MSH in Xenopus laevis: an analysis of the signal transduction crosstalk mechanisms involved., Isoldi MC, Provencio I, Castrucci AM., Gen Comp Endocrinol. January 1, 2010; 165 (1): 104-10.   

Laudanosine has no effects on respiratory activity but induces non-respiratory excitement activity in isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparation of neonatal rats., Sakuraba S, Hosokawa Y, Kaku Y, Takeda J, Kuwana S., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2010; 669 177-80.

Low concentrations of atrazine, glyphosate, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and triadimefon exposures have diverse effects on Xenopus laevis organ morphogenesis., Lenkowski JR, Sanchez-Bravo G, McLaughlin KA., J Environ Sci (China). January 1, 2010; 22 (9): 1305-8.

Laser ablation electrospray ionization for atmospheric pressure molecular imaging mass spectrometry., Nemes P, Vertes A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2010; 656 159-71.

Lbx1 expression and frog limb development., Sabo MC, Nath K, Elinson RP., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2009; 219 (11-12): 609-12.

Long-range retrograde spread of LTP and LTD from optic tectum to retina., Du JL, Wei HP, Wang ZR, Wong ST, Poo MM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 10, 2009; 106 (45): 18890-6.

Linear group II intron RNAs can retrohome in eukaryotes and may use nonhomologous end-joining for cDNA ligation., Zhuang F, Mastroianni M, White TB, Lambowitz AM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 27, 2009; 106 (43): 18189-94.

Loop 2 structure in glycine and GABA(A) receptors plays a key role in determining ethanol sensitivity., Perkins DI, Trudell JR, Crawford DK, Asatryan L, Alkana RL, Davies DL., J Biol Chem. October 2, 2009; 284 (40): 27304-14.

Light responses in rods of vitamin A-deprived Xenopus., Solessio E, Umino Y, Cameron DA, Loew E, Engbretson GA, Knox BE, Barlow RB., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. September 1, 2009; 50 (9): 4477-86.

Localization of X-ray cross complementing gene 1 protein in the nuclear matrix is controlled by casein kinase II-dependent phosphorylation in response to oxidative damage., Kubota Y, Takanami T, Higashitani A, Horiuchi S., DNA Repair (Amst). August 6, 2009; 8 (8): 953-60.

Ligand-gated chloride channels are receptors for biogenic amines in C. elegans., Ringstad N, Abe N, Horvitz HR., Science. July 3, 2009; 325 (5936): 96-100.

LIMK1 acts downstream of BMP signaling in developing retinal ganglion cell axons but not dendrites., Hocking JC, Hehr CL, Bertolesi G, Funakoshi H, Nakamura T, McFarlane S., Dev Biol. June 15, 2009; 330 (2): 273-85.   

Ligand-specific conformational changes in the alpha1 glycine receptor ligand-binding domain., Pless SA, Lynch JW., J Biol Chem. June 5, 2009; 284 (23): 15847-56.

Ligand-dependent effects on the conformational equilibrium of the Na+,K+-ATPase as monitored by voltage clamp fluorometry., Geys SA, Bamberg E, Dempski RE., Biophys J. June 3, 2009; 96 (11): 4561-70.

Localization of c-mos mRNA around the animal pole in the zebrafish oocyte with Zor-1/Zorba., Suzuki H, Tsukahara T, Inoue K., Biosci Trends. June 1, 2009; 3 (3): 96-104.

Long-range coupling in an allosteric receptor revealed by mutant cycle analysis., Gleitsman KR, Shanata JA, Frazier SJ, Lester HA, Dougherty DA., Biophys J. April 22, 2009; 96 (8): 3168-78.

Locomotor rhythm maintenance: electrical coupling among premotor excitatory interneurons in the brainstem and spinal cord of young Xenopus tadpoles., Li WC, Roberts A, Soffe SR., J Physiol. April 15, 2009; 587 (Pt 8): 1677-93.   

Loop gating of connexin hemichannels involves movement of pore-lining residues in the first extracellular loop domain., Verselis VK, Trelles MP, Rubinos C, Bargiello TA, Srinivas M., J Biol Chem. February 13, 2009; 284 (7): 4484-93.

Leader-induced phosphorylation of nucleoporins correlates with nuclear trafficking inhibition by cardioviruses., Porter FW, Palmenberg AC., J Virol. February 1, 2009; 83 (4): 1941-51.

Localization of puff sites adjacent to the plasma membrane: functional and spatial characterization of Ca2+ signaling in SH-SY5Y cells utilizing membrane-permeant caged IP3., Smith IF, Wiltgen SM, Parker I., Cell Calcium. January 1, 2009; 45 (1): 65-76.

Localization and regulation of a facilitative urea transporter in the kidney of the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans)., Uchiyama M, Kikuchi R, Konno N, Wakasugi T, Matsuda K., J Exp Biol. January 1, 2009; 212 (Pt 2): 249-56.

Lef1 plays a role in patterning the mesoderm and ectoderm in Xenopus tropicalis., Roel G, Gent YY, Peterson-Maduro J, Verbeek FJ, Destree O., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (1): 81-9.   

Loss of REEP4 causes paralysis of the Xenopus embryo., Argasinska J, Rana AA, Gilchrist MJ, Lachani K, Young A, Smith JC., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (1): 37-43.   

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