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The need of MMP-2 on the sperm surface for Xenopus fertilization: its role in a fast electrical block to polyspermy., Iwao Y, Shiga K, Shiroshita A, Yoshikawa T, Sakiie M, Ueno T, Ueno S, Ijiri TW, Sato K., Mech Dev. November 1, 2014; 134 80-95.   

The Na(+) transporter, TaHKT1;5-D, limits shoot Na(+) accumulation in bread wheat., Byrt CS, Xu B, Krishnan M, Lightfoot DJ, Athman A, Jacobs AK, Watson-Haigh NS, Plett D, Munns R, Tester M, Gilliham M., Plant J. November 1, 2014; 80 (3): 516-26.

The RNA-binding protein Rbm24 is transiently expressed in myoblasts and is required for myogenic differentiation during vertebrate development., Grifone R, Xie X, Bourgeois A, Saquet A, Duprez D, Shi DL., Mech Dev. November 1, 2014; 134 1-15.   

TACC3 is a microtubule plus end-tracking protein that promotes axon elongation and also regulates microtubule plus end dynamics in multiple embryonic cell types., Nwagbara BU, Faris AE, Bearce EA, Erdogan B, Ebbert PT, Evans MF, Rutherford EL, Enzenbacher TB, Lowery LA., Mol Biol Cell. November 1, 2014; 25 (21): 3350-62.   

The olfactory system as a model to study axonal growth patterns and morphology in vivo., Hassenklöver T, Manzini I., J Vis Exp. October 30, 2014; (92): e52143.   

The tumor suppressor Smad4/DPC4 is regulated by phosphorylations that integrate FGF, Wnt, and TGF-β signaling., Demagny H, Araki T, De Robertis EM., Cell Rep. October 23, 2014; 9 (2): 688-700.

Transport by populations of fast and slow kinesins uncovers novel family-dependent motor characteristics important for in vivo function., Arpağ G, Shastry S, Hancock WO, Tüzel E., Biophys J. October 21, 2014; 107 (8): 1896-1904.

The comprehensive analysis of DEG/ENaC subunits in Hydra reveals a large variety of peptide-gated channels, potentially involved in neuromuscular transmission., Assmann M, Kuhn A, Dürrnagel S, Holstein TW, Gründer S., BMC Biol. October 14, 2014; 12 84.   

The calcium-dependent ribonuclease XendoU promotes ER network formation through local RNA degradation., Schwarz DS, Blower MD., J Cell Biol. October 13, 2014; 207 (1): 41-57.   

Tandem pore domain halothane-inhibited K+ channel subunits THIK1 and THIK2 assemble and form active channels., Blin S, Chatelain FC, Feliciangeli S, Kang D, Lesage F, Bichet D., J Biol Chem. October 10, 2014; 289 (41): 28202-12.

The aromatic and charge pairs of the thin extracellular gate of the γ-aminobutyric acid transporter GAT-1 are differently impacted by mutation., Dayan O, Ben-Yona A, Kanner BI., J Biol Chem. October 10, 2014; 289 (41): 28172-8.

TPX2 is a prognostic marker and contributes to growth and metastasis of human hepatocellular carcinoma., Huang Y, Guo W, Kan H., Int J Mol Sci. October 9, 2014; 15 (10): 18148-61.   

The prokaryote ligand-gated ion channel ELIC captured in a pore blocker-bound conformation by the Alzheimer's disease drug memantine., Ulens C, Spurny R, Thompson AJ, Alqazzaz M, Debaveye S, Han L, Price K, Villalgordo JM, Tresadern G, Lynch JW, Lummis SC., Structure. October 7, 2014; 22 (10): 1399-407.

Targeting kidney CLC-K channels: pharmacological profile in a human cell line versus Xenopus oocytes., Imbrici P, Liantonio A, Gradogna A, Pusch M, Camerino DC., Biochim Biophys Acta. October 1, 2014; 1838 (10): 2484-91.

Trypanosoma brucei eflornithine transporter AAT6 is a low-affinity low-selective transporter for neutral amino acids., Mathieu C, González Salgado A, Wirdnam C, Meier S, Grotemeyer MS, Inbar E, Mäser P, Zilberstein D, Sigel E, Bütikofer P, Rentsch D., Biochem J. October 1, 2014; 463 (1): 9-18.

The molecular mechanism of intestinal levodopa absorption and its possible implications for the treatment of Parkinson's disease., Camargo SM, Vuille-dit-Bille RN, Mariotta L, Ramadan T, Huggel K, Singer D, Götze O, Verrey F., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. October 1, 2014; 351 (1): 114-23.

The prostaglandin EP1 receptor potentiates kainate receptor activation via a protein kinase C pathway and exacerbates status epilepticus., Rojas A, Gueorguieva P, Lelutiu N, Quan Y, Shaw R, Dingledine R., Neurobiol Dis. October 1, 2014; 70 74-89.

Two rare variations, D478N and D478E, that occur at the same amino acid residue in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) α2 subunit influence nAChR function., Dash B, Li MD., Neuropharmacology. October 1, 2014; 85 471-81.

The splicing factor PQBP1 regulates mesodermal and neural development through FGF signaling., Iwasaki Y, Thomsen GH., Development. October 1, 2014; 141 (19): 3740-51.   

Tissue cohesion and the mechanics of cell rearrangement., David R, Luu O, Damm EW, Wen JW, Nagel M, Winklbauer R., Development. October 1, 2014; 141 (19): 3672-82.   

Tethered protein display identifies a novel Kir3.2 (GIRK2) regulator from protein scaffold libraries., Bagriantsev SN, Chatelain FC, Clark KA, Alagem N, Reuveny E, Minor DL., ACS Chem Neurosci. September 17, 2014; 5 (9): 812-22.   

The Camelina aquaporin CsPIP2;1 is regulated by phosphorylation at Ser273, but not at Ser277, of the C-terminus and is involved in salt- and drought-stress responses., Jang HY, Rhee J, Carlson JE, Ahn SJ., J Plant Physiol. September 15, 2014; 171 (15): 1401-12.

The second sodium site in the dopamine transporter controls cation permeation and is regulated by chloride., Borre L, Andreassen TF, Shi L, Weinstein H, Gether U., J Biol Chem. September 12, 2014; 289 (37): 25764-73.

The Two-pore channel (TPC) interactome unmasks isoform-specific roles for TPCs in endolysosomal morphology and cell pigmentation., Lin-Moshier Y, Keebler MV, Hooper R, Boulware MJ, Liu X, Churamani D, Abood ME, Walseth TF, Brailoiu E, Patel S, Marchant JS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 9, 2014; 111 (36): 13087-92.

The tetramerization domain potentiates Kv4 channel function by suppressing closed-state inactivation., Tang YQ, Zhou JH, Yang F, Zheng J, Wang K., Biophys J. September 2, 2014; 107 (5): 1090-1104.

Transcription factor AP2 epsilon (Tfap2e) regulates neural crest specification in Xenopus., Hong CS, Devotta A, Lee YH, Park BY, Saint-Jeannet JP., Dev Neurobiol. September 1, 2014; 74 (9): 894-906.   

The thymus and skin wound healing in Xenopus laevis adults., Franchini A, Bertolotti E., Acta Histochem. September 1, 2014; 116 (7): 1141-7.

The minimal pharmacophore for silent agonism of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Papke RL, Chojnacka K, Horenstein NA., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. September 1, 2014; 350 (3): 665-80.

The novel α7β2-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtype is expressed in mouse and human basal forebrain: biochemical and pharmacological characterization., Moretti M, Zoli M, George AA, Lukas RJ, Pistillo F, Maskos U, Whiteaker P, Gotti C., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2014; 86 (3): 306-17.

The PDZ domain protein Mcc is a novel effector of non-canonical Wnt signaling during convergence and extension in zebrafish., Young T, Poobalan Y, Tan EK, Tao S, Ong S, Wehner P, Schwenty-Lara J, Lim CY, Sadasivam A, Lovatt M, Wang ST, Ali Y, Borchers A, Sampath K, Dunn NR., Development. September 1, 2014; 141 (18): 3505-16.   

The transport mechanism of the human sodium/myo-inositol transporter 2 (SMIT2/SGLT6), a member of the LeuT structural family., Sasseville LJ, Longpré JP, Wallendorff B, Lapointe JY., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2014; 307 (5): C431-41.

The Cep192-organized aurora A-Plk1 cascade is essential for centrosome cycle and bipolar spindle assembly., Joukov V, Walter JC, De Nicolo A., Mol Cell. August 21, 2014; 55 (4): 578-91.

Thymine DNA glycosylase is a CRL4Cdt2 substrate., Slenn TJ, Morris B, Havens CG, Freeman RM, Takahashi TS, Walter JC., J Biol Chem. August 15, 2014; 289 (33): 23043-23055.

The subfamily-specific assembly of Eag and Erg K+ channels is determined by both the amino and the carboxyl recognition domains., Lin TF, Lin IW, Chen SC, Wu HH, Yang CS, Fang HY, Chiu MM, Jeng CJ., J Biol Chem. August 15, 2014; 289 (33): 22815-22834.

The XMAP215 family drives microtubule polymerization using a structurally diverse TOG array., Fox JC, Howard AE, Currie JD, Rogers SL, Slep KC., Mol Biol Cell. August 15, 2014; 25 (16): 2375-92.   

The domain interface of the human glutamate transporter EAAT1 mediates chloride permeation., Cater RJ, Vandenberg RJ, Ryan RM., Biophys J. August 5, 2014; 107 (3): 621-629.

TPX2 levels modulate meiotic spindle size and architecture in Xenopus egg extracts., Helmke KJ, Heald R., J Cell Biol. August 4, 2014; 206 (3): 385-93.   

The role of voltage-gated calcium channels in neurotransmitter phenotype specification: Coexpression and functional analysis in Xenopus laevis., Lewis BB, Miller LE, Herbst WA, Saha MS., J Comp Neurol. August 1, 2014; 522 (11): 2518-31.   

The roles of Frizzled-3 and Wnt3a on melanocyte development: in vitro studies on neural crest cells and melanocyte precursor cell lines., Chang CH, Tsai RK, Tsai MH, Lin YH, Hirobe T., J Dermatol Sci. August 1, 2014; 75 (2): 100-8.

The lateral line system in anuran tadpoles: neuromast morphology, arrangement, and innervation., Quinzio S, Fabrezi M., Anat Rec (Hoboken). August 1, 2014; 297 (8): 1508-22.

Temperature-independent energy expenditure in early development of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis., Nagano Y, Ode KL., Phys Biol. August 1, 2014; 11 (4): 046008.

The effects of conformational constraints in the polyamine moiety of philanthotoxins on AMPAR inhibition., Franzyk H, Grzeskowiak JW, Tikhonov DB, Jaroszewski JW, Mellor IR., ChemMedChem. August 1, 2014; 9 (8): 1725-31.

TPX2 knockdown suppressed hepatocellular carcinoma cell invasion via inactivating AKT signaling and inhibiting MMP2 and MMP9 expression., Liu Q, Yang P, Tu K, Zhang H, Zheng X, Yao Y, Liu Q., Chin J Cancer Res. August 1, 2014; 26 (4): 410-7.

The role of Dbf4-dependent protein kinase in DNA polymerase ζ-dependent mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae., Brandão LN, Ferguson R, Santoro I, Jinks-Robertson S, Sclafani RA., Genetics. August 1, 2014; 197 (4): 1111-22.

Three charged amino acids in extracellular loop 1 are involved in maintaining the outer pore architecture of CFTR., Cui G, Rahman KS, Infield DT, Kuang C, Prince CZ, McCarty NA., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2014; 144 (2): 159-79.   

The extreme anterior domain is an essential craniofacial organizer acting through Kinin-Kallikrein signaling., Jacox L, Sindelka R, Chen J, Rothman A, Dickinson A, Sive H., Cell Rep. July 24, 2014; 8 (2): 596-609.   

The membrane protein Pannexin1 forms two open-channel conformations depending on the mode of activation., Wang J, Ambrosi C, Qiu F, Jackson DG, Sosinsky G, Dahl G., Sci Signal. July 22, 2014; 7 (335): ra69.

Two different network topologies yield bistability in models of mesoderm and anterior mesendoderm specification in amphibians., Brown LE, King JR, Loose M., J Theor Biol. July 21, 2014; 353 67-77.   

Tetrabromobisphenol A disrupts vertebrate development via thyroid hormone signaling pathway in a developmental stage-dependent manner., Xu W, Lou QQ, Li YY, Zhao YX, Wei WJ, Qin ZF, Wang HL, Li JZ., Environ Sci Technol. July 15, 2014; 48 (14): 8227-34.

TPX2 overexpression in medullary thyroid carcinoma mediates TT cell proliferation., Yang X, Liu G, Xiao H, Yu F, Xiang X, Lu Y, Li W, Liu X, Li S, Shi Y., Pathol Oncol Res. July 1, 2014; 20 (3): 641-8.

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