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The Effects of Simazine, a Chlorotriazine Herbicide, on the Expression of Genes in Developing Male Xenopus laevis., Sai L, Liu Y, Qu B, Yu G, Guo Q, Bo C, Xie L, Jia Q, Li Y, Li X, Ng JC, Peng C., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. August 1, 2015; 95 (2): 157-63.

Toxic mechanisms of copper oxide nanoparticles in epithelial kidney cells., Thit A, Selck H, Bjerregaard HF., Toxicol In Vitro. August 1, 2015; 29 (5): 1053-9.

The mouse gene expression database: New features and how to use them effectively., Finger JH, Smith CM, Hayamizu TF, McCright IJ, Xu J, Eppig JT, Kadin JA, Richardson JE, Ringwald M., Genesis. August 1, 2015; 53 (8): 510-22.

Toxicological aspects of photocatalytic degradation of selected xenobiotics with nano-sized Mn-doped TiO2., Ozmen M, Güngördü A, Erdemoglu S, Ozmen N, Asilturk M., Aquat Toxicol. August 1, 2015; 165 144-153.

Teaching and learning in a Xenopus research lab., Yan S., Lab Anim (NY). August 1, 2015; 44 (8): 327.

The Effect of WNK4 on the Na+-Cl- Cotransporter Is Modulated by Intracellular Chloride., Bazúa-Valenti S, Chávez-Canales M, Rojas-Vega L, González-Rodríguez X, Vázquez N, Rodríguez-Gama A, Argaiz ER, Melo Z, Plata C, Ellison DH, García-Valdés J, Hadchouel J, Gamba G., J Am Soc Nephrol. August 1, 2015; 26 (8): 1781-6.

The polyglutamine-expanded androgen receptor has increased DNA binding and reduced transcriptional activity., Belikov S, Bott LC, Fischbeck KH, Wrange Ö., Biochem Biophys Rep. July 26, 2015; 3 134-139.   

The active Hsc70/tau complex can be exploited to enhance tau turnover without damaging microtubule dynamics., Fontaine SN, Martin MD, Akoury E, Assimon VA, Borysov S, Nordhues BA, Sabbagh JJ, Cockman M, Gestwicki JE, Zweckstetter M, Dickey CA., Hum Mol Genet. July 15, 2015; 24 (14): 3971-81.

Tryptophan Scanning Reveals Dense Packing of Connexin Transmembrane Domains in Gap Junction Channels Composed of Connexin32., Brennan MJ, Karcz J, Vaughn NR, Woolwine-Cunningham Y, DePriest AD, Escalona Y, Perez-Acle T, Skerrett IM., J Biol Chem. July 10, 2015; 290 (28): 17074-84.

The tadpole of the Lake Oku clawed frog Xenopus longipes (Anura; Pipidae)., Tapley B, Michaels CJ, Doherty-Bone TM., Zootaxa. July 7, 2015; 3981 (4): 597-600.

The Conqueror Worm: recent advances with cholinergic anthelmintics and techniques excite research for better therapeutic drugs., Martin RJ, Puttachary S, Buxton SK, Verma S, Robertson AP., J Helminthol. July 1, 2015; 89 (4): 387-97.   

Toxicity Evaluation of a New Zn-Doped CuO Nanocomposite With Highly Effective Antibacterial Properties., Mantecca P, Moschini E, Bonfanti P, Fascio U, Perelshtein I, Lipovsky A, Chirico G, Bacchetta R, Del Giacco L, Colombo A, Gedanken A., Toxicol Sci. July 1, 2015; 146 (1): 16-30.

Transport Function of Rice Amino Acid Permeases (AAPs)., Taylor MR, Reinders A, Ward JM., Plant Cell Physiol. July 1, 2015; 56 (7): 1355-63.

Transcriptional regulator PRDM12 is essential for human pain perception., Auer-Grumbach M, Matsukawa S, Zitzelsberger M, Themistocleous AC, Strom TM, Samara C, Moore AW, Cho LT, Young GT, Weiss C, Schabhüttl M, Stucka R, Schmid AB, Parman Y, Graul-Neumann L, Heinritz W, Passarge E, Watson RM, Hertz JM, Moog U, Baumgartner M, Valente EM, Pereira D, Restrepo CM, Katona I, Dusl M, Stendel C, Wieland T, Stafford F, Reimann F, von Au K, Finke C, Willems PJ, Nahorski MS, Shaikh SS, Carvalho OP, Nicholas AK, Karbani G, McAleer MA, Cilio MR, McHugh JC, Murphy SM, Irvine AD, Jensen UB, Windhager R, Weis J, Bergmann C, Rautenstrauss B, Baets J, De Jonghe P, Reilly MM, Kropatsch R, Kurth I, Chrast R, Michiue T, Bennett DL, Woods CG, Senderek J., Nat Genet. July 1, 2015; 47 (7): 803-8.   

Transient receptor potential melastatin 3 is a phosphoinositide-dependent ion channel., Badheka D, Borbiro I, Rohacs T., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2015; 146 (1): 65-77.   

Three Peptide Modulators of the Human Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel 1.7, an Important Analgesic Target, from the Venom of an Australian Tarantula., Chow CY, Cristofori-Armstrong B, Undheim EA, King GF, Rash LD., Toxins (Basel). June 30, 2015; 7 (7): 2494-513.   

Turn Up the Volume: Uncovering Nucleus Size Control Mechanisms., Good MC., Dev Cell. June 8, 2015; 33 (5): 496-7.

Tight Chk1 Levels Control Replication Cluster Activation in Xenopus., Platel M, Goldar A, Wiggins JM, Barbosa P, Libeau P, Priam P, Narassimprakash H, Grodzenski X, Marheineke K., PLoS One. June 5, 2015; 10 (6): e0129090.   

The Scorpion Toxin Tf2 from Tityus fasciolatus Promotes Nav1.3 Opening., Camargos TS, Bosmans F, Rego SC, Mourão CB, Schwartz EF., PLoS One. June 5, 2015; 10 (6): e0128578.   

The structure of a contact-dependent growth-inhibition (CDI) immunity protein from Neisseria meningitidis MC58., Tan K, Johnson PM, Stols L, Boubion B, Eschenfeldt W, Babnigg G, Hayes CS, Joachimiak A, Goulding CW., Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. June 1, 2015; 71 (Pt 6): 702-9.

The Link between Inactivation and High-Affinity Block of hERG1 Channels., Wu W, Gardner A, Sanguinetti MC., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 2015; 87 (6): 1042-50.

Trypanosoma brucei Bloodstream Forms Depend upon Uptake of myo-Inositol for Golgi Complex Phosphatidylinositol Synthesis and Normal Cell Growth., González-Salgado A, Steinmann M, Major LL, Sigel E, Reymond JL, Smith TK, Bütikofer P., Eukaryot Cell. June 1, 2015; 14 (6): 616-24.

The Ran-GTP gradient spatially regulates XCTK2 in the spindle., Weaver LN, Ems-McClung SC, Chen SH, Yang G, Shaw SL, Walczak CE., Curr Biol. June 1, 2015; 25 (11): 1509-14.

Temporally coordinated signals progressively pattern the anteroposterior and dorsoventral body axes., Tuazon FB, Mullins MC., Semin Cell Dev Biol. June 1, 2015; 42 118-33.

The ADAMTS (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs) family., Kelwick R, Desanlis I, Wheeler GN, Edwards DR., Genome Biol. May 30, 2015; 16 (1): 113.   

TGF-β Signaling Regulates the Differentiation of Motile Cilia., Tözser J, Earwood R, Kato A, Brown J, Tanaka K, Didier R, Megraw TL, Blum M, Kato Y., Cell Rep. May 19, 2015; 11 (7): 1000-7.   

The emergence of Pax7-expressing muscle stem cells during vertebrate head muscle development., Nogueira JM, Hawrot K, Sharpe C, Noble A, Wood WM, Jorge EC, Goldhamer DJ, Kardon G, Dietrich S., Front Aging Neurosci. May 19, 2015; 7 62.   

TALEN-mediated apc mutation in Xenopus tropicalis phenocopies familial adenomatous polyposis., Van Nieuwenhuysen T, Naert T, Tran HT, Van Imschoot G, Geurs S, Sanders E, Creytens D, Van Roy F, Vleminckx K., Oncoscience. May 19, 2015; 2 (5): 555-66.   

The phototransduction machinery in the rod outer segment has a strong efficacy gradient., Mazzolini M, Facchetti G, Andolfi L, Proietti Zaccaria R, Tuccio S, Treu J, Altafini C, Di Fabrizio EM, Lazzarino M, Rapp G, Torre V., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 19, 2015; 112 (20): E2715-24.

The dynamics of plus end polarization and microtubule assembly during Xenopus cortical rotation., Olson DJ, Oh D, Houston DW., Dev Biol. May 15, 2015; 401 (2): 249-63.   

The Toxoplasma Dense Granule Proteins GRA17 and GRA23 Mediate the Movement of Small Molecules between the Host and the Parasitophorous Vacuole., Gold DA, Kaplan AD, Lis A, Bett GC, Rosowski EE, Cirelli KM, Bougdour A, Sidik SM, Beck JR, Lourido S, Egea PF, Bradley PJ, Hakimi MA, Rasmusson RL, Saeij JP., Cell Host Microbe. May 13, 2015; 17 (5): 642-52.

The Inner Nuclear Membrane Protein Nemp1 Is a New Type of RanGTP-Binding Protein in Eukaryotes., Shibano T, Mamada H, Hakuno F, Takahashi S, Taira M., PLoS One. May 6, 2015; 10 (5): e0127271.   

The prodomain of BMP4 is necessary and sufficient to generate stable BMP4/7 heterodimers with enhanced bioactivity in vivo., Neugebauer JM, Kwon S, Kim HS, Donley N, Tilak A, Sopory S, Christian JL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 5, 2015; 112 (18): E2307-16.   

The Tumor-Suppressor WWOX and HDAC3 Inhibit the Transcriptional Activity of the β-Catenin Coactivator BCL9-2 in Breast Cancer Cells., El-Hage P, Petitalot A, Monsoro-Burq AH, Maczkowiak F, Driouch K, Formstecher E, Camonis J, Sabbah M, Bièche I, Lidereau R, Lallemand F., Mol Cancer Res. May 1, 2015; 13 (5): 902-12.

The pH sensitivity of Aqp0 channels in tetraploid and diploid teleosts., Chauvigné F, Zapater C, Stavang JA, Taranger GL, Cerdà J, Finn RN., FASEB J. May 1, 2015; 29 (5): 2172-84.   

Third-generation electrokinetically pumped sheath-flow nanospray interface with improved stability and sensitivity for automated capillary zone electrophoresis-mass spectrometry analysis of complex proteome digests., Sun L, Zhu G, Zhang Z, Mou S, Dovichi NJ., J Proteome Res. May 1, 2015; 14 (5): 2312-21.

The Drosophila Sodium Channel 1 (DSC1): The founding member of a new family of voltage-gated cation channels., Dong K, Du Y, Rinkevich F, Wang L, Xu P., Pestic Biochem Physiol. May 1, 2015; 120 36-9.

The dystroglycan: nestled in an adhesome during embryonic development., Bello V, Moreau N, Sirour C, Hidalgo M, Buisson N, Darribère T., Dev Biol. May 1, 2015; 401 (1): 132-42.

The Xenopus laevis Atg4B Protease: Insights into Substrate Recognition and Application for Tag Removal from Proteins Expressed in Pro- and Eukaryotic Hosts., Frey S, Görlich D., PLoS One. April 22, 2015; 10 (4): e0125099.   

The nuclease FAN1 is involved in DNA crosslink repair in Arabidopsis thaliana independently of the nuclease MUS81., Herrmann NJ, Knoll A, Puchta H., Nucleic Acids Res. April 20, 2015; 43 (7): 3653-66.   

The desensitization gate of inhibitory Cys-loop receptors., Gielen M, Thomas P, Smart TG., Nat Commun. April 20, 2015; 6 6829.   

The frog inner ear: picture perfect?, Mason MJ, Segenhout JM, Cobo-Cuan A, Quiñones PM, van Dijk P., J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. April 1, 2015; 16 (2): 171-88.

TASK-1 and TASK-3 may form heterodimers in human atrial cardiomyocytes., Rinné S, Kiper AK, Schlichthörl G, Dittmann S, Netter MF, Limberg SH, Silbernagel N, Zuzarte M, Moosdorf R, Wulf H, Schulze-Bahr E, Rolfes C, Decher N., J Mol Cell Cardiol. April 1, 2015; 81 71-80.

The analgesic-like properties of the alpha7 nAChR silent agonist NS6740 is associated with non-conducting conformations of the receptor., Papke RL, Bagdas D, Kulkarni AR, Gould T, AlSharari SD, Thakur GA, Damaj MI., Neuropharmacology. April 1, 2015; 91 34-42.

Two distinct effects of PIP2 underlie auxiliary subunit-dependent modulation of Slo1 BK channels., Tian Y, Ullrich F, Xu R, Heinemann SH, Hou S, Hoshi T., J Gen Physiol. April 1, 2015; 145 (4): 331-43.   

Transport of L-glutamine, L-alanine, L-arginine and L-histidine by the neuron-specific Slc38a8 (SNAT8) in CNS., Hägglund MGA, Hellsten SV, Bagchi S, Philippot G, Löfqvist E, Nilsson VCO, Almkvist I, Karlsson E, Sreedharan S, Tafreshiha A, Fredriksson R., J Mol Biol. March 27, 2015; 427 (6 Pt B): 1495-1512.

The serpin PN1 is a feedback regulator of FGF signaling in germ layer and primary axis formation., Acosta H, Iliev D, Grahn TH, Gouignard N, Maccarana M, Griesbach J, Herzmann S, Sagha M, Climent M, Pera EM., Development. March 15, 2015; 142 (6): 1146-58.   

The Wnt receptor Frizzled-4 modulates ADAM13 metalloprotease activity., Abbruzzese G, Gorny AK, Kaufmann LT, Cousin H, Kleino I, Steinbeisser H, Alfandari D., J Cell Sci. March 15, 2015; 128 (6): 1139-49.

The ribosome biogenesis factor Nol11 is required for optimal rDNA transcription and craniofacial development in Xenopus., Griffin JN, Sondalle SB, Del Viso F, Baserga SJ, Khokha MK., PLoS Genet. March 10, 2015; 11 (3): e1005018.   

Transcriptional changes in African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) exposed to 17α-ethynylestradiol during early development., Tompsett AR, Higley E, Pryce S, Giesy JP, Hecker M, Wiseman S., Ecotoxicology. March 1, 2015; 24 (2): 321-9.

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