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Video views and reviews: neurulation and the fashioning of the vertebrate central nervous system., Watters C., CBE Life Sci Educ. January 1, 2006; 5 (2): 99-103.

Velocity-selective recording from frog nerve using a multi-contact cuff electrode., Schuettler M, Seetohul V, Taylor J, Donaldson N., Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. January 1, 2006; 2006 2962-5.

Vezatin, a protein associated to adherens junctions, is required for mouse blastocyst morphogenesis., Hyenne V, Louvet-Vallée S, El-Amraoui A, Petit C, Maro B, Simmler MC., Dev Biol. November 1, 2005; 287 (1): 180-91.   

Voltage-gated potassium channels regulate the response of retinal growth cones to axon extension and guidance cues., Pollock NS, Atkinson-Leadbeater K, Johnston J, Larouche M, Wildering WC, McFarlane S., Eur J Neurosci. August 1, 2005; 22 (3): 569-78.

Voltage-dependent electrogenic chloride/proton exchange by endosomal CLC proteins., Scheel O, Zdebik AA, Lourdel S, Jentsch TJ., Nature. July 21, 2005; 436 (7049): 424-7.

Vertebrate GLD2 poly(A) polymerases in the germline and the brain., Rouhana L, Wang L, Buter N, Kwak JE, Schiltz CA, Gonzalez T, Kelley AE, Landry CF, Wickens M., RNA. July 1, 2005; 11 (7): 1117-30.

Vertebrate gastrulation: polarity genes control the matrix., Wallingford JB., Curr Biol. June 7, 2005; 15 (11): R414-6.   

Varenicline: an alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptor partial agonist for smoking cessation., Coe JW, Brooks PR, Vetelino MG, Wirtz MC, Arnold EP, Huang J, Sands SB, Davis TI, Lebel LA, Fox CB, Shrikhande A, Heym JH, Schaeffer E, Rollema H, Lu Y, Mansbach RS, Chambers LK, Rovetti CC, Schulz DW, Tingley FD, O'Neill BT., J Med Chem. May 19, 2005; 48 (10): 3474-7.

Volatile organic compounds inhibit human and rat neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Bale AS, Meacham CA, Benignus VA, Bushnell PJ, Shafer TJ., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. May 15, 2005; 205 (1): 77-88.

Vertebrate Nup53 interacts with the nuclear lamina and is required for the assembly of a Nup93-containing complex., Hawryluk-Gara LA, Shibuya EK, Wozniak RW., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2005; 16 (5): 2382-94.

Voltage-sensing arginines in a potassium channel permeate and occlude cation-selective pores., Tombola F, Pathak MM, Isacoff EY., Neuron. February 3, 2005; 45 (3): 379-88.

Vertebrate 2xRBD hnRNP proteins: a comparative analysis of genome, mRNA and protein sequences., Akindahunsi AA, Bandiera A, Manzini G., Comput Biol Chem. February 1, 2005; 29 (1): 13-23.

Voltage-dependent inhibition of recombinant NMDA receptor-mediated currents by 5-hydroxytryptamine., Kloda A, Adams DJ., Br J Pharmacol. February 1, 2005; 144 (3): 323-30.

Validation of an amphibian sperm inhibition toxicological test method using zinc., Christensen JR, Bishop CA, Richardson JS, Pauli B, Elliott J., Environ Toxicol Chem. December 1, 2004; 23 (12): 2950-5.

Visualizing long-range movement of the morphogen Xnr2 in the Xenopus embryo., Williams PH, Hagemann A, González-Gaitán M, Smith JC., Curr Biol. November 9, 2004; 14 (21): 1916-23.   

Van Gogh-like2 (Strabismus) and its role in planar cell polarity and convergent extension in vertebrates., Torban E, Kor C, Gros P., Trends Genet. November 1, 2004; 20 (11): 570-7.

Vertebrate shugoshin links sister centromere cohesion and kinetochore microtubule stability in mitosis., Salic A, Waters JC, Mitchison TJ., Cell. September 3, 2004; 118 (5): 567-78.

Voltage dependence of H+ buffering mediated by sodium bicarbonate cotransport expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Becker HM, Deitmer JW., J Biol Chem. July 2, 2004; 279 (27): 28057-62.

Video-rate nonlinear microscopy of neuronal membrane dynamics with genetically encoded probes., Roorda RD, Hohl TM, Toledo-Crow R, Miesenböck G., J Neurophysiol. July 1, 2004; 92 (1): 609-21.

Vitelline envelope gps 63 and 75 specifically bind sperm in "in vitro" assays in Discoglossus pictus., Infante V, Caputo M, Riccio S, De Filippis A, Carotenuto R, Vaccaro MC, Campanella C., Mol Reprod Dev. June 1, 2004; 68 (2): 213-22.

Voltage-dependent gating of hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated pacemaker channels: molecular coupling between the S4-S5 and C-linkers., Decher N, Chen J, Sanguinetti MC., J Biol Chem. April 2, 2004; 279 (14): 13859-65.

Vertebrate development requires ARVCF and p120 catenins and their interplay with RhoA and Rac., Fang X, Ji H, Kim SW, Park JI, Vaught TG, Anastasiadis PZ, Ciesiolka M, McCrea PD., J Cell Biol. April 1, 2004; 165 (1): 87-98.   

Vocal communication between male Xenopus laevis., Tobias ML, Barnard C, O'Hagan R, Horng SH, Rand M, Kelley DB., Anim Behav. February 1, 2004; 67 (2): 353-365.

Viral modulators of cell death provide new links to old pathways., Irusta PM, Chen YB, Hardwick JM., Curr Opin Cell Biol. December 1, 2003; 15 (6): 700-5.

Variants of the KCNMB3 regulatory subunit of maxi BK channels affect channel inactivation., Hu S, Labuda MZ, Pandolfo M, Goss GG, McDermid HE, Ali DW., Physiol Genomics. November 11, 2003; 15 (3): 191-8.

Voltage-gated sodium channel blockers as cytostatic inhibitors of the androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line PC-3., Anderson JD, Hansen TP, Lenkowski PW, Walls AM, Choudhury IM, Schenck HA, Friehling M, Höll GM, Patel MK, Sikes RA, Brown ML., Mol Cancer Ther. November 1, 2003; 2 (11): 1149-54.

VegT activation of the early zygotic gene Xnr5 requires lifting of Tcf-mediated repression in the Xenopus blastula., Hilton E, Rex M, Old R., Mech Dev. October 1, 2003; 120 (10): 1127-38.

VEGF and PlGF: two pleiotropic growth factors with distinct roles in development and homeostasis., Tjwa M, Luttun A, Autiero M, Carmeliet P., Cell Tissue Res. October 1, 2003; 314 (1): 5-14.

Vocal circuitry in Xenopus laevis: telencephalon to laryngeal motor neurons., Brahic CJ, Kelley DB., J Comp Neurol. September 15, 2003; 464 (2): 115-30.

Visually driven regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability improves stimulus detection in vivo., Aizenman CD, Akerman CJ, Jensen KR, Cline HT., Neuron. August 28, 2003; 39 (5): 831-42.

Vertebrate HoxB gene expression requires DNA replication., Fisher D, Méchali M., EMBO J. July 15, 2003; 22 (14): 3737-48.

Validation of the hexose transporter of Plasmodium falciparum as a novel drug target., Joet T, Eckstein-Ludwig U, Morin C, Krishna S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 24, 2003; 100 (13): 7476-9.

Visualization of the reconstituted FRGY2-mRNA complexes by electron microscopy., Matsumoto K, Tanaka KJ, Aoki K, Sameshima M, Tsujimoto M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 20, 2003; 306 (1): 53-8.

VegT induces endoderm by a self-limiting mechanism and by changing the competence of cells to respond to TGF-beta signals., Clements D, Woodland HR., Dev Biol. June 15, 2003; 258 (2): 454-63.   

Voltage-dependent profile of human ether-a-go-go-related gene channel block is influenced by a single residue in the S6 transmembrane domain., Sănchez-Chapula JA, Ferrer T, Navarro-Polanco RA, Sanguinetti MC., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2003; 63 (5): 1051-8.

Voltage-clamp study of the activation currents and fast block to polyspermy in the egg of Xenopus laevis., Glahn D, Nuccitelli R., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2003; 45 (2): 187-97.

VgRBP71 stimulates cleavage at a polyadenylation signal in Vg1 mRNA, resulting in the removal of a cis-acting element that represses translation., Kolev NG, Huber PW., Mol Cell. March 1, 2003; 11 (3): 745-55.   

Voltage-dependent priming of rat vanilloid receptor: effects of agonist and protein kinase C activation., Ahern GP, Premkumar LS., J Physiol. December 1, 2002; 545 (2): 441-51.

Variations on a 'T': orchestration of T-box signalling in development., Gibert Y, Begemann G., Trends Genet. December 1, 2002; 18 (12): 615-6.

Vertebrate development: wnt signals at the crest., LaBonne C., Curr Biol. October 29, 2002; 12 (21): R743-4.

Voltage-sensing mechanism is conserved among ion channels gated by opposite voltages., Männikkö R, Elinder F, Larsson HP., Nature. October 24, 2002; 419 (6909): 837-41.

Vascular endothelial growth factor protects cultured rat hippocampal neurons against hypoxic injury via an antiexcitotoxic, caspase-independent mechanism., Svensson B, Peters M, König HG, Poppe M, Levkau B, Rothermundt M, Arolt V, Kögel D, Prehn JH., J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. October 1, 2002; 22 (10): 1170-5.

Validation of an ex vivo Xenopus liver slice bioassay for environmental estrogens and estrogen mimics., Hurter E, Pool EJ, Van Wyk JH., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. September 1, 2002; 53 (1): 178-87.

Virtual cloning, functional expression, and gating analysis of human connexin31.9., White TW, Srinivas M, Ripps H, Trovato-Salinaro A, Condorelli DF, Bruzzone R., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2002; 283 (3): C960-70.

Visually driven modulation of glutamatergic synaptic transmission is mediated by the regulation of intracellular polyamines., Aizenman CD, Muñoz-Elías G, Cline HT., Neuron. May 16, 2002; 34 (4): 623-34.

Voltage-dependence of virus-encoded miniature K+ channel Kcv., Gazzarrini S, Etten JL, DiFrancesco D, Thiel G, Moroni A., J Membr Biol. May 1, 2002; 187 (1): 15-25.

Vitelline envelope of Bufo arenarum: biochemical and biological characterization., Barisone GA, Hedrick JL, Cabada MO., Biol Reprod. April 1, 2002; 66 (4): 1203-9.

Visualization of a Ran-GTP gradient in interphase and mitotic Xenopus egg extracts., Kalab P, Weis K, Heald R., Science. March 29, 2002; 295 (5564): 2452-6.

Voltage opens unopposed gap junction hemichannels formed by a connexin 32 mutant associated with X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Abrams CK, Bennett MV, Verselis VK, Bargiello TA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 19, 2002; 99 (6): 3980-4.

Voltage-dependent transient currents of human and rat 5-HT transporters (SERT) are blocked by HEPES and ion channel ligands., Li M, Farley RA, Lester HA., FEBS Lett. February 27, 2002; 513 (2-3): 247-52.

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