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Dissecting activation steps in P2X7 receptors., Gusic M, Benndorf K, Sattler C., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 10, 2021; 569 112-117.

DNA sequence-dependent positioning of the linker histone in a nucleosome: A single-pair FRET study., De M, Öztürk MA, Isbaner S, Tóth K, Wade RC., Biophys J. September 7, 2021; 120 (17): 3747-3763.

Differences of Extracellular Cues and Ca2+ Permeable Channels in the Signaling Pathways for Inducing Amphibian Sperm Motility., Sato T, Arimura T, Murata K, Kawamura M, Obama W, Suzuki M, Nakauchi Y, Tominaga A, Morita M, Hiraoka K, Takayama-Watanabe E, Watanabe A., Zoolog Sci. August 1, 2021; 38 (4): 343-351.

DLG5 variants are associated with multiple congenital anomalies including ciliopathy phenotypes., Marquez J, Mann N, Arana K, Deniz E, Ji W, Konstantino M, Mis EK, Deshpande C, Jeffries L, McGlynn J, Hugo H, Widmeier E, Konrad M, Tasic V, Morotti R, Baptista J, Ellard S, Lakhani SA, Hildebrandt F, Khokha MK., J Med Genet. July 1, 2021; 58 (7): 453-464.   

Delineation of the functional properties exhibited by the Zinc-Activated Channel (ZAC) and its high-frequency Thr128Ala variant (rs2257020) in Xenopus oocytes., Madjroh N, Davies PA, Smalley JL, Kristiansen U, Söderhielm PC, Jensen AA., Pharmacol Res. July 1, 2021; 169 105653.

Desformylflustrabromine (dFBr), a positive allosteric modulator of the α4β2 nicotinic receptor modulates the hypnotic response to ethanol., DeCristofano L, Decker S, Schulte MK, Suryanarayanan A., Alcohol. June 1, 2021; 93 35-44.

Defects in KCNJ16 Cause a Novel Tubulopathy with Hypokalemia, Salt Wasting, Disturbed Acid-Base Homeostasis, and Sensorineural Deafness., Schlingmann KP, Renigunta A, Hoorn EJ, Forst AL, Renigunta V, Atanasov V, Mahendran S, Barakat TS, Gillion V, Godefroid N, Brooks AS, Lugtenberg D, Lake J, Debaix H, Rudin C, Knebelmann B, Tellier S, Rousset-Rouvière C, Viering D, de Baaij JHF, Weber S, Palygin O, Staruschenko A, Kleta R, Houillier P, Bockenhauer D, Devuyst O, Vargas-Poussou R, Warth R, Zdebik AA, Konrad M., J Am Soc Nephrol. June 1, 2021; 32 (6): 1498-1512.

Do ectothermic vertebrates have a home in which to affinity mature their antibody responses?, Muthupandian A, Waly D, Magor BG., Dev Comp Immunol. June 1, 2021; 119 104021.

Diversity of functional alterations of the ClC-5 exchanger in the region of the proton glutamate in patients with Dent disease 1., Sakhi I, Bignon Y, Frachon N, Hureaux M, Arévalo B, González W, Vargas-Poussou R, Lourdel S., Hum Mutat. May 1, 2021; 42 (5): 537-550.

Dopamine D2 Receptor Agonist Binding Kinetics-Role of a Conserved Serine Residue., Ågren R, Stepniewski TM, Zeberg H, Selent J, Sahlholm K., Int J Mol Sci. April 15, 2021; 22 (8):   

Diversity and robustness of bone morphogenetic protein pattern formation., Madamanchi A, Mullins MC, Umulis DM., Development. April 1, 2021; 148 (7):   

Dissecting the Molecular Determinants of GABAA Receptors Current Rundown, a Hallmark of Refractory Human Epilepsy., Cifelli P, Di Angelantonio S, Alfano V, Morano A, De Felice E, Aronica E, Ruffolo G, Palma E., Brain Sci. March 30, 2021; 11 (4):   

Deconstruction - Reconstruction: Analysis of the Crucial Structural Elements of GluN2B-Selective, Negative Allosteric NMDA Receptor Modulators with 3-Benzazepine Scaffold., Ritter N, Korff M, Markus A, Schepmann D, Seebohm G, Schreiber JA, Wünsch B., Cell Physiol Biochem. March 3, 2021; 55 (S3): 1-13.

Differential Regulation of Human Serotonin Receptor Type 3A by Chanoclavine and Ergonovine., Eom S, Jung W, Lee J, Yeom HD, Lee S, Kim C, Park HD, Lee JH., Molecules. February 24, 2021; 26 (5):   

Design of novel Xenopus GLP-1-based dual glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)/glucagon receptor agonists., Jiang N, Jing L, Li Q, Su S, Yang Q, Zhou F, Chen X, Han J, Tang C, Tang W., Eur J Med Chem. February 15, 2021; 212 113118.

Dual Screen for Efficacy and Toxicity Identifies HDAC Inhibitor with Distinctive Activity Spectrum for BAP1-Mutant Uveal Melanoma., Kuznetsoff JN, Owens DA, Lopez A, Rodriguez DA, Chee NT, Kurtenbach S, Bilbao D, Roberts ER, Volmar CH, Wahlestedt C, Brothers SP, Harbour JW., Mol Cancer Res. February 1, 2021; 19 (2): 215-222.

Developmental reproductive toxicity and endocrine activity of propiconazole in the Xenopus tropicalis model., Svanholm S, Säfholm M, Brande-Lavridsen N, Larsson E, Berg C., Sci Total Environ. January 20, 2021; 753 141940.   

Development of Antimicrobial Stapled Peptides Based on Magainin 2 Sequence., Hirano M, Saito C, Yokoo H, Goto C, Kawano R, Misawa T, Demizu Y., Molecules. January 16, 2021; 26 (2):   

Developing Tadpole Xenopus laevis as a Comparative Animal Model to Study Mycobacterium abscessus Pathogenicity., Lopez A, Shoen C, Cynamon M, Dimitrakopoulou D, Paiola M, Pavelka MS, Robert J., Int J Mol Sci. January 15, 2021; 22 (2):   

Distinct roles for prominin-1 and photoreceptor cadherin in outer segment disc morphogenesis in CRISPR-altered X. laevis., Carr BJ, Stanar P, Moritz OL., J Cell Sci. January 11, 2021; 134 (1):   

Derivation of proliferative islet1-positive cells during metamorphosis and wound response in Xenopus., Umezawa S, Miyakawa M, Yamaura T, Kubo H, Kinoshita T., Histochem Cell Biol. January 1, 2021; 155 (1): 133-143.

Datamining and functional environmental genomics reassess the phylogenetics and functional diversity of fungal monosaccharide transporters., Barbi F, Vallon L, Guerrero-Galán C, Zimmermann SD, Melayah D, Abrouk D, Doré J, Lemaire M, Fraissinet-Tachet L, Luis P, Marmeisse R., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. January 1, 2021; 105 (2): 647-660.

DNA Damage Response in Xenopus laevis Cell-Free Extracts., Aparicio Casado T, Gautier J., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2021; 2267 103-144.

Detection of N6-Methyladenine in Eukaryotes., Liu B, Wang H., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2021; 1280 83-95.

Differential liver histopathological responses to amphibian chytrid infection., Salla RF, Jones-Costa M, Abdalla FC, Vidal FAP, Boeing GANS, Oliveira CR, Silva-Zacarin ECM, Franco-Belussi L, Rizzi-Possignolo GM, Lambertini C, Toledo LF., Dis Aquat Organ. December 17, 2020; 142 177-187.

Design, Synthesis, and Insecticidal Activity of 5,5-Disubstituted 4,5-Dihydropyrazolo[1,5-a]quinazolines as Novel Antagonists of GABA Receptors., Jiang X, Yang S, Yan Y, Lin F, Zhang L, Zhao W, Zhao C, Xu H., J Agric Food Chem. December 16, 2020; 68 (50): 15005-15014.

Design, Synthesis, and in vitro Evaluation of P2X7 Antagonists., T Pournara D, Durner A, Kritsi E, Papakostas A, Zoumpoulakis P, Nicke A, Koufaki M., ChemMedChem. December 15, 2020; 15 (24): 2530-2543.

DAAM2 Variants Cause Nephrotic Syndrome via Actin Dysregulation., Schneider R, Deutsch K, Hoeprich GJ, Marquez J, Hermle T, Braun DA, Seltzsam S, Kitzler TM, Mao Y, Buerger F, Majmundar AJ, Onuchic-Whitford AC, Kolvenbach CM, Schierbaum L, Schneider S, Halawi AA, Nakayama M, Mann N, Connaughton DM, Klämbt V, Wagner M, Riedhammer KM, Renders L, Katsura Y, Thumkeo D, Soliman NA, Mane S, Lifton RP, Shril S, Khokha MK, Hoefele J, Goode BL, Hildebrandt F., Am J Hum Genet. December 3, 2020; 107 (6): 1113-1128.

Design, synthesis and biological activities of piperidine-spirooxadiazole derivatives as α7 nicotinic receptor antagonists., Zhang H, He X, Wang X, Yu B, Zhao S, Jiao P, Jin H, Liu Z, Wang K, Zhang L, Zhang L., Eur J Med Chem. December 1, 2020; 207 112774.

Disease-associated HCN4 V759I variant is not sufficient to impair cardiac pacemaking., Erlenhardt N, Kletke O, Wohlfarth F, Komadowski MA, Clasen L, Makimoto H, Rinné S, Kelm M, Jungen C, Decher N, Meyer C, Klöcker N., Pflugers Arch. December 1, 2020; 472 (12): 1733-1742.   

Dact-4 is a Xenopus laevis Spemann organizer gene related to the Dapper/Frodo antagonist of β-catenin family of proteins., Colozza G, De Robertis EM., Gene Expr Patterns. December 1, 2020; 38 119153.   

Dusp1 modulates activin/smad2 mediated germ layer specification via FGF signal inhibition in Xenopus embryos., Umair Z, Kumar S, Rafiq K, Kumar V, Reman ZU, Lee SH, Kim S, Lee JY, Lee U, Kim J., Anim Cells Syst (Seoul). November 27, 2020; 24 (6): 359-370.   

Dinucleosome specificity and allosteric switch of the ISW1a ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler in transcription regulation., Bhardwaj SK, Hailu SG, Olufemi L, Brahma S, Kundu S, Hota SK, Persinger J, Bartholomew B., Nat Commun. November 20, 2020; 11 (1): 5913.

DNA content contributes to nuclear size control in Xenopus laevis., Heijo H, Shimogama S, Nakano S, Miyata A, Iwao Y, Hara Y., Mol Biol Cell. November 15, 2020; 31 (24): 2703-2717.   

Dissection of P2X4 and P2X7 Receptor Current Components in BV-2 Microglia., Trang M, Schmalzing G, Müller CE, Markwardt F., Int J Mol Sci. November 11, 2020; 21 (22):   

De novo mutations in FBRSL1 cause a novel recognizable malformation and intellectual disability syndrome., Ufartes R, Berger H, Till K, Salinas G, Sturm M, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Thiele H, Funke R, Apeshiotis N, Langen H, Wollnik B, Borchers A, Pauli S., Hum Genet. November 1, 2020; 139 (11): 1363-1379.   

Design, synthesis, and electrophysiological evaluation of NS6740 derivatives: Exploration of the structure-activity relationship for alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor silent activation., Pismataro MC, Horenstein NA, Stokes C, Quadri M, De Amici M, Papke RL, Dallanoce C., Eur J Med Chem. November 1, 2020; 205 112669.

Do muscle contractile properties drive differences in locomotor performance in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis in France?, Padilla P, Tallis J, Hurst J, Courant J, James RS, Herrel A., J Comp Physiol B. November 1, 2020; 190 (6): 771-778.

Dynamic expression of MMP28 during cranial morphogenesis., Gouignard N, Theveneau E, Saint-Jeannet JP., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. October 12, 2020; 375 (1809): 20190559.

Defining the Specific Pathogen-Free State of Xenopus Using TaqMan Assays., Hensley CL, Bowes KM, Feldman SH., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. October 1, 2020; 2020 (10):

Developmentally-programmed cellular senescence is conserved and widespread in zebrafish., Da Silva-Álvarez S, Guerra-Varela J, Sobrido-Cameán D, Quelle A, Barreiro-Iglesias A, Sánchez L, Collado M., Aging (Albany NY). September 29, 2020; 12 (18): 17895-17901.   

Diffusible GRAPHIC to visualize morphology of cells after specific cell-cell contact., Kinoshita N, Huang AJY, McHugh TJ, Miyawaki A, Shimogori T., Sci Rep. September 2, 2020; 10 (1): 14437.   

Disabled-2: a positive regulator of the early differentiation of myoblasts., Shang N, Lee JTY, Huang T, Wang C, Lee TL, Mok SC, Zhao H, Chan WY., Cell Tissue Res. September 1, 2020; 381 (3): 493-508.   

Disruption of Cav1.2-mediated signaling is a pathway for ketamine-induced pathology., Chen H, Vandorpe DH, Xie X, Alper SL, Zeidel ML, Yu W., Nat Commun. August 28, 2020; 11 (1): 4328.   

Development of Conformationally Constrained α-RgIA Analogues as Stable Peptide Antagonists of Human α9α10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors., Zheng N, Christensen SB, Blakely A, Dowell C, Purushottam L, McIntosh JM, Chou DH., J Med Chem. August 13, 2020; 63 (15): 8380-8387.

Diversity of Parasites from Xenopus Laevis (Amphibia: Pipidae) and their Seasonal Rate of Infection in Selected Habitats in the Limpopo Province, South Africa., Mbokane EM, Theron J, Luus-Powel WJ., Helminthologia. August 5, 2020; 57 (3): 252-267.   

Dynamical gene regulatory networks are tuned by transcriptional autoregulation with microRNA feedback., Minchington TG, Griffiths-Jones S, Papalopulu N., Sci Rep. July 31, 2020; 10 (1): 12960.

Defective heart chamber growth and myofibrillogenesis after knockout of adprhl1 gene function by targeted disruption of the ancestral catalytic active site., Smith SJ, Towers N, Demetriou K, Mohun TJ., PLoS One. July 29, 2020; 15 (7): e0235433.   

Discovery of Dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3(4H)-one-Based Second-Generation GluN2C- and GluN2D-Selective Positive Allosteric Modulators (PAMs) of the N-Methyl-d-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor., Epplin MP, Mohan A, Harris LD, Zhu Z, Strong KL, Bacsa J, Le P, Menaldino DS, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC., J Med Chem. July 23, 2020; 63 (14): 7569-7600.

Differential Coassembly of α1-GABAARs Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy., Hannan S, Affandi AHB, Minere M, Jones C, Goh P, Warnes G, Popp B, Trollmann R, Nizetic D, Smart TG., J Neurosci. July 15, 2020; 40 (29): 5518-5530.

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