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Search Results

Requirement of aurora-A kinase in astral microtubule polymerization and spindle microtubule flux., Wang LH, Yan M, Xu DZ, Cao JX, Zhu XF, Zeng YX, Liu Q., Cell Cycle. April 15, 2008; 7 (8): 1104-11.

Roles of Greatwall kinase in the regulation of cdc25 phosphatase., Zhao Y, Haccard O, Wang R, Yu J, Kuang J, Jessus C, Goldberg ML., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2008; 19 (4): 1317-27.   

RASSF7 is a member of a new family of RAS association domain-containing proteins and is required for completing mitosis., Sherwood V, Manbodh R, Sheppard C, Chalmers AD., Mol Biol Cell. April 1, 2008; 19 (4): 1772-82.   

RanBP2: a tumor suppressor with a new twist on TopoII, SUMO, and centromeres., Navarro MS, Bachant J., Cancer Cell. April 1, 2008; 13 (4): 293-5.

Reduced retina microglial activation and improved optic nerve integrity with minocycline treatment in the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma., Bosco A, Inman DM, Steele MR, Wu G, Soto I, Marsh-Armstrong N, Hubbard WC, Calkins DJ, Horner PJ, Vetter ML., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. April 1, 2008; 49 (4): 1437-46.

Regulation of nuclear lamin polymerization by importin alpha., Adam SA, Sengupta K, Goldman RD., J Biol Chem. March 28, 2008; 283 (13): 8462-8.

Retinoic acid regulation of the Mesp-Ripply feedback loop during vertebrate segmental patterning., Moreno TA, Jappelli R, Izpisúa Belmonte JC, Kintner C., Dev Biol. March 15, 2008; 315 (2): 317-30.   

Reproduction, larval growth, and reproductive development in African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) exposed to atrazine., Du Preez LH, Kunene N, Everson GJ, Carr JA, Giesy JP, Gross TS, Hosmer AJ, Kendall RJ, Smith EE, Solomon KR, Van Der Kraak GJ., Chemosphere. March 1, 2008; 71 (3): 546-52.

Rohon-Beard sensory neurons are induced by BMP4 expressing non-neural ectoderm in Xenopus laevis., Rossi CC, Hernandez-Lagunas L, Zhang C, Choi IF, Kwok L, Klymkowsky M, Artinger KB., Dev Biol. February 15, 2008; 314 (2): 351-61.   

Removal of phospho-head groups of membrane lipids immobilizes voltage sensors of K+ channels., Xu Y, Ramu Y, Lu Z., Nature. February 14, 2008; 451 (7180): 826-9.

Regulation of the paracellular Na+ and Cl- conductances by the NaCl-generated osmotic gradient in a manner dependent on the direction of osmotic gradients., Tokuda S, Niisato N, Nakajima K, Marunaka Y., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 8, 2008; 366 (2): 464-70.

Relative impact of residues at the intracellular and extracellular ends of the human GABAC rho1 receptor M2 domain on picrotoxinin activity., Carland JE, Johnston GA, Chebib M., Eur J Pharmacol. February 2, 2008; 580 (1-2): 27-35.

Region-specific effects of N,N'-dodecane-1,12-diyl-bis-3-picolinium dibromide on nicotine-induced increase in extracellular dopamine in vivo., Rahman S, Zhang Z, Papke RL, Crooks PA, Dwoskin LP, Bardo MT., Br J Pharmacol. February 1, 2008; 153 (4): 792-804.

Relationship between intracellular ice formation in oocytes of the mouse and Xenopus and the physical state of the external medium--a revisit., Mazur P, Kleinhans FW., Cryobiology. February 1, 2008; 56 (1): 22-7.

Reconstitution of a chemical defense signaling pathway in a heterologous system., Cohen SA, Hatt H, Kubanek J, McCarty NA., J Exp Biol. February 1, 2008; 211 (Pt 4): 599-605.

Role(s) of Cdc48/p97 in mitosis., Meyer H, Popp O., Biochem Soc Trans. February 1, 2008; 36 (Pt 1): 126-30.

Regulation of CA(v)3.2 Ca2+ channel activity by protein tyrosine phosphorylation., Huh SU, Kang HW, Park JY, Lee JH., J Microbiol Biotechnol. February 1, 2008; 18 (2): 365-8.

Role of poly (A) tail as an identity element for mRNA nuclear export., Fuke H, Ohno M., Nucleic Acids Res. February 1, 2008; 36 (3): 1037-49.   

Roles of NR2A and NR2B in the development of dendritic arbor morphology in vivo., Ewald RC, Van Keuren-Jensen KR, Aizenman CD, Cline HT., J Neurosci. January 23, 2008; 28 (4): 850-61.

Regulation of respiratory and vocal motor pools in the isolated brain of Xenopus laevis., Zornik E, Kelley DB., J Neurosci. January 16, 2008; 28 (3): 612-21.

Retinal ganglion cells downregulate gene expression and lose their axons within the optic nerve head in a mouse glaucoma model., Soto I, Oglesby E, Buckingham BP, Son JL, Roberson ED, Steele MR, Inman DM, Vetter ML, Horner PJ, Marsh-Armstrong N., J Neurosci. January 9, 2008; 28 (2): 548-61.

Reconstitution of depolarization and Ca2+-evoked secretion in Xenopus oocytes monitored by membrane capacitance., Cohen R, Schmitt BM, Atlas D., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 440 269-82.

Retinoic acid is a negative regulator of matrix Gla protein gene expression in teleost fish Sparus aurata., Conceição N, Laizé V, Simões B, Pombinho AR, Cancela ML., Biochim Biophys Acta. January 1, 2008; 1779 (1): 28-39.

Retinoic acid metabolizing factor xCyp26c is specifically expressed in neuroectoderm and regulates anterior neural patterning in Xenopus laevis., Tanibe M, Michiue T, Yukita A, Danno H, Ikuzawa M, Ishiura S, Asashima M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (7): 893-901.   

Rotation in Xenopus laevis embryos after the appearance of the first cleavage furrow., Starodubov SM, Doronin YK, Golichenkov VA., Dokl Biol Sci. January 1, 2008; 421 251-3.

Regulation of convergent extension by non-canonical Wnt signaling in the Xenopus embryo., Petersen LF, Ninomiya H, Winklbauer R., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 469 477-84.

Role of the endocannabinoid system in regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis., Steiner MA, Wotjak CT., Prog Brain Res. January 1, 2008; 170 397-432.

Recent developments of biological reporter technology for detecting gene expression., Jiang T, Xing B, Rao J., Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev. January 1, 2008; 25 41-75.

RMD-1, a novel microtubule-associated protein, functions in chromosome segregation in Caenorhabditis elegans., Oishi K, Okano H, Sawa H., J Cell Biol. December 17, 2007; 179 (6): 1149-62.   

Regulation of the epithelial calcium channel TRPV6 by the serum and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase isoforms SGK1 and SGK3., Böhmer C, Palmada M, Kenngott C, Lindner R, Klaus F, Laufer J, Lang F., FEBS Lett. December 11, 2007; 581 (29): 5586-90.

Rab32 regulates melanosome transport in Xenopus melanophores by protein kinase a recruitment., Park M, Serpinskaya AS, Papalopulu N, Gelfand VI., Curr Biol. December 4, 2007; 17 (23): 2030-4.

Ryanodine is a positive modulator of acetylcholine receptor gating in cochlear hair cells., Zorrilla de San Martín J, Ballestero J, Katz E, Elgoyhen AB, Fuchs PA., J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. December 1, 2007; 8 (4): 474-83.

Regulation of adult intestinal epithelial stem cell development by thyroid hormone during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis., Ishizuya-Oka A, Shi YB., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2007; 236 (12): 3358-68.   

Rat's trick to escape Alzheimer's disease., Shen L, Ji HF., J Biomol Struct Dyn. December 1, 2007; 25 (3): 271-4.

Recruitment of Cdc42 through the GAP domain of RLIP participates in remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and is involved in Xenopus gastrulation., Boissel L, Houssin N, Chikh A, Rynditch A, Van Hove L, Moreau J., Dev Biol. December 1, 2007; 312 (1): 331-43.   

Regulation of extracellular matrix remodeling and cell fate determination by matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3 during thyroid hormone-dependent post-embryonic development., Shi YB, Fu L, Hasebe T, Ishizuya-Oka A., Pharmacol Ther. December 1, 2007; 116 (3): 391-400.

Replacement of histidine in position 105 in the α₅ subunit by cysteine stimulates zolpidem sensitivity of α₅β₂γ₂ GABA(A) receptors., Baur R, Sigel E., J Neurochem. December 1, 2007; 103 (6): 2556-64.

Redundancy and evolution of GATA factor requirements in development of the myocardium., Peterkin T, Gibson A, Patient R., Dev Biol. November 15, 2007; 311 (2): 623-35.   

Regulation of the response to Nodal-mediated mesoderm induction by Xrel3., Kennedy MW, Green KA, Ford RL, Andrews PG, Paterno GD, Gillespie LL, Kao KR., Dev Biol. November 15, 2007; 311 (2): 383-95.   

Reconfiguration of a vertebrate motor network: specific neuron recruitment and context-dependent synaptic plasticity., Li WC, Sautois B, Roberts A, Soffe SR., J Neurosci. November 7, 2007; 27 (45): 12267-76.

Rodent intestinal folate transporters (SLC46A1): secondary structure, functional properties, and response to dietary folate restriction., Qiu A, Min SH, Jansen M, Malhotra U, Tsai E, Cabelof DC, Matherly LH, Zhao R, Akabas MH, Goldman ID., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. November 1, 2007; 293 (5): C1669-78.

Reticulon 4a/NogoA locates to regions of high membrane curvature and may have a role in nuclear envelope growth., Kiseleva E, Morozova KN, Voeltz GK, Allen TD, Goldberg MW., J Struct Biol. November 1, 2007; 160 (2): 224-35.   

Rapid activation of ATM on DNA flanking double-strand breaks., You Z, Bailis JM, Johnson SA, Dilworth SM, Hunter T., Nat Cell Biol. November 1, 2007; 9 (11): 1311-8.

Regulation of cell cycle progression and gene expression by H2A deubiquitination., Joo HY, Zhai L, Yang C, Nie S, Erdjument-Bromage H, Tempst P, Chang C, Wang H., Nature. October 25, 2007; 449 (7165): 1068-72.

Regulation of neurogenin stability by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis., Vosper JM, Fiore-Heriche CS, Horan I, Wilson K, Wise H, Philpott A., Biochem J. October 15, 2007; 407 (2): 277-84.

Regulation of the Xenopus Xsox17alpha(1) promoter by co-operating VegT and Sox17 sites., Howard L, Rex M, Clements D, Woodland HR., Dev Biol. October 15, 2007; 310 (2): 402-15.   

RINGO/cdk1 and CPEB mediate poly(A) tail stabilization and translational regulation by ePAB., Kim JH, Richter JD., Genes Dev. October 15, 2007; 21 (20): 2571-9.

Reprogramming events of mammalian somatic cells induced by Xenopus laevis egg extracts., Miyamoto K, Furusawa T, Ohnuki M, Goel S, Tokunaga T, Minami N, Yamada M, Ohsumi K, Imai H., Mol Reprod Dev. October 1, 2007; 74 (10): 1268-77.

Richard Clothier: an appreciation., Balls M., Altern Lab Anim. October 1, 2007; 35 (5): 531-7.

Rat organic solute carrier protein 1 (rOscp1) mediated the transport of organic solutes in Xenopus laevis oocytes: isolation and pharmacological characterization of rOscp1., Izuno H, Kobayashi Y, Sanada Y, Nihei D, Suzuki M, Kohyama N, Ohbayashi M, Yamamoto T., Life Sci. September 22, 2007; 81 (15): 1183-92.

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