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Knockdown of NeuroD2 leads to seizure-like behavior, brain neuronal hyperactivity and a leaky blood-brain barrier in a Xenopus laevis tadpole model of DEE75., Banerjee S, Szyszka P, Beck CW., Genetics. July 8, 2024; 227 (3):

Kdm7a expression is spatiotemporally regulated in developing Xenopus laevis embryos, and its overexpression influences late retinal development., Martini D, Digregorio M, Voto IAP, Morabito G, Degl'Innocenti A, Giudetti G, Giannaccini M, Andreazzoli M., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2024; 253 (5): 508-518.   

Kif9 is an active kinesin motor required for ciliary beating and proximodistal patterning of motile axonemes., Konjikusic MJ, Lee C, Yue Y, Shrestha BD, Nguimtsop AM, Horani A, Brody S, Prakash VN, Gray RS, Verhey KJ, Wallingford JB., J Cell Sci. March 1, 2023; 136 (5):   

KCNC2 variants of uncertain significance are also associated to various forms of epilepsy., Seiffert S, Pendziwiat M, Hedrich UBS, Helbig I, Weber Y, Schwarz N., Front Neurol. January 1, 2023; 14 1212079.

Kap-β2/Transportin mediates β-catenin nuclear transport in Wnt signaling., Hwang WY, Kostiuk V, González DP, Lusk CP, Khokha MK., Elife. October 27, 2022; 11   

KCNQ5 activation by tannins mediates vasorelaxant effects of barks used in Native American botanical medicine., Manville RW, Redford KE, van der Horst J, Hogenkamp DJ, Jepps TA, Abbott GW., FASEB J. September 1, 2022; 36 (9): e22457.

Knockout of Katnal2 Leads to Autism-like Behaviors and Developmental Delay in Zebrafish., Zheng J, Long F, Cao X, Xiong B, Li Y., Int J Mol Sci. July 29, 2022; 23 (15):

K+ -independent Kir blockade by external Cs+ and Ba2., Gilles O., Physiol Rep. March 1, 2022; 10 (5): e15200.

Kinematic self-replication in reconfigurable organisms., Kriegman S, Blackiston D, Levin M, Bongard J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 7, 2021; 118 (49):   

KCND2 variants associated with global developmental delay differentially impair Kv4.2 channel gating., Zhang Y, Tachtsidis G, Schob C, Koko M, Hedrich UBS, Lerche H, Lemke JR, van Haeringen A, Ruivenkamp C, Prescott T, Tveten K, Gerstner T, Pruniski B, DiTroia S, VanNoy GE, Rehm HL, McLaughlin H, Bolz HJ, Zechner U, Bryant E, McDonough T, Kindler S, Bähring R., Hum Mol Genet. November 16, 2021; 30 (23): 2300-2314.

Kv3.1 channelopathy: a novel loss-of-function variant and the mechanistic basis of its clinical phenotypes., Li X, Zheng Y, Li S, Nair U, Sun C, Zhao C, Lu J, Zhang VW, Maljevic S, Petrou S, Lin J., Ann Transl Med. September 1, 2021; 9 (18): 1397.

Key interactions with deazariboflavin cofactor for light-driven energy transfer in Xenopus (6-4) photolyase., Morimoto A, Hosokawa Y, Miyamoto H, Verma RK, Iwai S, Sato R, Yamamoto J., Photochem Photobiol Sci. July 1, 2021; 20 (7): 875-887.

KCNK18 Biallelic Variants Associated with Intellectual Disability and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Alter TRESK Channel Activity., Pavinato L, Nematian-Ardestani E, Zonta A, De Rubeis S, Buxbaum J, Mancini C, Bruselles A, Tartaglia M, Pessia M, Tucker SJ, D'Adamo MC, Brusco A., Int J Mol Sci. June 4, 2021; 22 (11):   

Kindlin2 regulates neural crest specification via integrin-independent regulation of the FGF signaling pathway., Wang H, Wang C, Long Q, Zhang Y, Wang M, Liu J, Qi X, Cai D, Lu G, Sun J, Yao YG, Chan WY, Chan WY, Deng Y, Zhao H., Development. May 15, 2021; 148 (10):   

KCNQ and KCNE Isoform-Dependent Pharmacology Rationalizes Native American Dual Use of Specific Plants as Both Analgesics and Gastrointestinal Therapeutics., Abbott GW, Redford KE, Yoshimura RF, Manville RW, Moreira L, Tran K, Arena G, Kookootsedes A, Lasky E, Gunnison E., Front Physiol. January 1, 2021; 12 777057.

K+ Release Assay and K+ Measurement in Oocyte Assay., Li H., Bio Protoc. November 5, 2020; 10 (21): e3802.

Kunitz-Type Peptides from the Sea Anemone Heteractis crispa Demonstrate Potassium Channel Blocking and Anti-Inflammatory Activities., Gladkikh I, Peigneur S, Sintsova O, Lopes Pinheiro-Junior E, Klimovich A, Menshov A, Kalinovsky A, Isaeva M, Monastyrnaya M, Kozlovskaya E, Tytgat J, Leychenko E., Biomedicines. November 4, 2020; 8 (11):   

Knocking out histone methyltransferase PRMT1 leads to stalled tadpole development and lethality in Xenopus tropicalis., Shibata Y, Okada M, Miller TC, Shi YB., Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj. March 1, 2020; 1864 (3): 129482.

Kinesin Kif2C in regulation of DNA double strand break dynamics and repair., Zhu S, Paydar M, Wang F, Li Y, Wang L, Barrette B, Bessho T, Kwok BH, Peng A., Elife. January 17, 2020; 9   

Kif2a Scales Meiotic Spindle Size in Hymenochirus boettgeri., Miller KE, Session AM, Heald R., Curr Biol. November 4, 2019; 29 (21): 3720-3727.e5.   

KCNQ1 rescues TMC1 plasma membrane expression but not mechanosensitive channel activity., Harkcom WT, Papanikolaou M, Kanda V, Crump SM, Abbott GW., J Cell Physiol. August 1, 2019; 234 (8): 13361-13369.

Kinesin-5 Promotes Microtubule Nucleation and Assembly by Stabilizing a Lattice-Competent Conformation of Tubulin., Chen GY, Cleary JM, Asenjo AB, Chen Y, Mascaro JA, Arginteanu DFJ, Sosa H, Hancock WO., Curr Biol. July 22, 2019; 29 (14): 2259-2269.e4.

KCNC1-related disorders: new de novo variants expand the phenotypic spectrum., Park J, Koko M, Hedrich UBS, Hermann A, Cremer K, Haberlandt E, Grimmel M, Alhaddad B, Beck-Woedl S, Harrer M, Karall D, Kingelhoefer L, Tzschach A, Matthies LC, Strom TM, Ringelstein EB, Sturm M, Engels H, Wolff M, Lerche H, Haack TB., Ann Clin Transl Neurol. July 1, 2019; 6 (7): 1319-1326.   

Ketone body modulation of ligand-gated ion channels., Pflanz NC, Daszkowski AW, James KA, Mihic SJ., Neuropharmacology. April 1, 2019; 148 21-30.

Katanin catalyzes microtubule depolymerization independently of tubulin C-terminal tails., Belonogov L, Bailey ME, Tyler MA, Kazemi A, Ross JL., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). March 1, 2019; 76 (3): 254-268.   

KV1.2 channel-specific blocker from Mesobuthus eupeus scorpion venom: Structural basis of selectivity., Kuzmenkov AI, Nekrasova OV, Peigneur S, Tabakmakher VM, Gigolaev AM, Fradkov AF, Kudryashova KS, Chugunov AO, Efremov RG, Tytgat J, Feofanov AV, Vassilevski AA., Neuropharmacology. December 1, 2018; 143 228-238.

Katanin-like protein Katnal2 is required for ciliogenesis and brain development in Xenopus embryos., Willsey HR, Walentek P, Exner CRT, Xu Y, Lane AB, Harland RM, Heald R, Santama N., Dev Biol. October 15, 2018; 442 (2): 276-287.   

Kidney-specific WNK1 isoform (KS-WNK1) is a potent activator of WNK4 and NCC., Argaiz ER, Chavez-Canales M, Ostrosky-Frid M, Rodríguez-Gama A, Vázquez N, Gonzalez-Rodriguez X, Garcia-Valdes J, Hadchouel J, Ellison D, Gamba G., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. September 1, 2018; 315 (3): F734-F745.

KCNE1 tunes the sensitivity of KV7.1 to polyunsaturated fatty acids by moving turret residues close to the binding site., Larsson JE, Larsson HP, Liin SI., Elife. July 17, 2018; 7   

Kv4.2 autism and epilepsy mutation enhances inactivation of closed channels but impairs access to inactivated state after opening., Lin MA, Cannon SC, Papazian DM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 10, 2018; 115 (15): E3559-E3568.

Ketamine Modulates Zic5 Expression via the Notch Signaling Pathway in Neural Crest Induction., Shi Y, Li J, Chen C, Xia Y, Li Y, Zhang P, Xu Y, Li T, Zhou W, Song W., Front Mol Neurosci. February 7, 2018; 11 9.   

Kv12.1 channels are not sensitive to GqPCR-triggered activation of phospholipase Cβ., Dierich M, Leitner MG., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2018; 12 (1): 228-239.   

Karyopherins regulate nuclear pore complex barrier and transport function., Kapinos LE, Huang B, Rencurel C, Lim RYH., J Cell Biol. November 6, 2017; 216 (11): 3609-3624.   

Kinesin-2 motors adapt their stepping behavior for processive transport on axonemes and microtubules., Stepp WL, Merck G, Mueller-Planitz F, Ökten Z., EMBO Rep. November 1, 2017; 18 (11): 1947-1956.

KDM3A-mediated demethylation of histone H3 lysine 9 facilitates the chromatin binding of Neurog2 during neurogenesis., Lin H, Zhu X, Chen G, Song L, Gao L, Khand AA, Chen Y, Lin G, Tao Q., Development. October 15, 2017; 144 (20): 3674-3685.   

KCNE1 and KCNE3 modulate KCNQ1 channels by affecting different gating transitions., Barro-Soria R, Ramentol R, Liin SI, Perez ME, Kass RS, Larsson HP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 29, 2017; 114 (35): E7367-E7376.

K 2P 2.1 (TREK-1)-activator complexes reveal a cryptic selectivity filter binding site., Lolicato M, Arrigoni C, Mori T, Sekioka Y, Bryant C, Clark KA, Minor DL., Nature. July 20, 2017; 547 (7663): 364-368.

KCNQ-SMIT complex formation facilitates ion channel-solute transporter cross talk., Neverisky DL, Abbott GW., FASEB J. July 1, 2017; 31 (7): 2828-2838.

Kv3.1/Kv3.2 channel positive modulators enable faster activating kinetics and increase firing frequency in fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons., Boddum K, Hougaard C, Xiao-Ying Lin J, von Schoubye NL, Jensen HS, Grunnet M, Jespersen T., Neuropharmacology. May 15, 2017; 118 102-112.

KChIP2 genotype dependence of transient outward current (Ito) properties in cardiomyocytes isolated from male and female mice., Waldschmidt L, Junkereit V, Bähring R., PLoS One. January 3, 2017; 12 (1): e0171213.   

Key Structural Determinants in the Agonist Binding Loops of Human β2 and β4 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subunits Contribute to α3β4 Subtype Selectivity of α-Conotoxins., Cuny H, Kompella SN, Tae HS, Yu R, Adams DJ., J Biol Chem. November 4, 2016; 291 (45): 23779-23792.

KCNA4 deficiency leads to a syndrome of abnormal striatum, congenital cataract and intellectual disability., Kaya N, Alsagob M, D'Adamo MC, Al-Bakheet A, Hasan S, Muccioli M, Almutairi FB, Almass R, Aldosary M, Monies D, Mustafa OM, Alyounes B, Kenana R, Al-Zahrani J, Naim E, Binhumaid FS, Qari A, Almutairi F, Meyer B, Plageman TF, Pessia M, Colak D, Al-Owain M., J Med Genet. November 1, 2016; 53 (11): 786-792.

KCNE1 induces fenestration in the Kv7.1/KCNE1 channel complex that allows for highly specific pharmacological targeting., Wrobel E, Rothenberg I, Krisp C, Hundt F, Fraenzel B, Eckey K, Linders JT, Gallacher DJ, Towart R, Pott L, Pusch M, Yang T, Roden DM, Kurata HT, Schulze-Bahr E, Strutz-Seebohm N, Wolters D, Seebohm G., Nat Commun. October 12, 2016; 7 12795.   

Keeping in shape., Blackstone C, Prinz WA., Elife. September 13, 2016; 5

Kbot55, purified from Buthus occitanus tunetanus venom, represents the first member of a novel α-KTx subfamily., ElFessi-Magouri R, Peigneur S, Khamessi O, Srairi-Abid N, ElAyeb M, Mille BG, Cuypers E, Tytgat J, Kharrat R., Peptides. June 1, 2016; 80 4-8.

Kavain, the Major Constituent of the Anxiolytic Kava Extract, Potentiates GABAA Receptors: Functional Characteristics and Molecular Mechanism., Chua HC, Christensen ET, Hoestgaard-Jensen K, Hartiadi LY, Ramzan I, Jensen AA, Absalom NL, Chebib M., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (6): e0157700.   

Knock-Down of a Tonoplast Localized Low-Affinity Nitrate Transporter OsNPF7.2 Affects Rice Growth under High Nitrate Supply., Hu R, Qiu D, Chen Y, Miller AJ, Fan X, Pan X, Zhang M., Front Plant Sci. January 1, 2016; 7 1529.   

KCNE3 acts by promoting voltage sensor activation in KCNQ1., Barro-Soria R, Perez ME, Larsson HP., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 29, 2015; 112 (52): E7286-92.

Kv3.1 uses a timely resurgent K(+) current to secure action potential repolarization., Labro AJ, Priest MF, Lacroix JJ, Snyders DJ, Bezanilla F., Nat Commun. December 17, 2015; 6 10173.   

Katanin Severing and Binding Microtubules Are Inhibited by Tubulin Carboxy Tails., Bailey ME, Sackett DL, Ross JL., Biophys J. December 15, 2015; 109 (12): 2546-2561.

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