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The invasive chytrid fungus of amphibians paralyzes lymphocyte responses., Fites JS, Ramsey JP, Holden WM, Collier SP, Sutherland DM, Reinert LK, Gayek AS, Dermody TS, Aune TM, Oswald-Richter K, Rollins-Smith LA., Science. October 18, 2013; 342 (6156): 366-9.

Toward embedded laboratory automation for smart Lab-on-a-Chip embryo arrays., Wang KI, Salcic Z, Yeh J, Akagi J, Zhu F, Hall CJ, Crosier KE, Crosier PS, Wlodkowic D., Biosens Bioelectron. October 15, 2013; 48 188-96.

The distribution of Dishevelled in convergently extending mesoderm., Panousopoulou E, Tyson RA, Bretschneider T, Green JB., Dev Biol. October 15, 2013; 382 (2): 496-503.   

Transient receptor potential channels encode volatile chemicals sensed by rat trigeminal ganglion neurons., Lübbert M, Kyereme J, Schöbel N, Beltrán L, Wetzel CH, Hatt H., PLoS One. October 8, 2013; 8 (10): e77998.   

The Small GTPase Rsg1 is important for the cytoplasmic localization and axonemal dynamics of intraflagellar transport proteins., Brooks ER, Wallingford JB., Cilia. October 7, 2013; 2 13.   

The severe autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa rhodopsin mutant Ter349Glu mislocalizes and induces rapid rod cell death., Hollingsworth TJ, Gross AK., J Biol Chem. October 4, 2013; 288 (40): 29047-55.   

The ZIC gene family encodes multi-functional proteins essential for patterning and morphogenesis., Houtmeyers R, Souopgui J, Tejpar S, Arkell R., Cell Mol Life Sci. October 1, 2013; 70 (20): 3791-811.

Tuning voltage-gated channel activity and cellular excitability with a sphingomyelinase., Combs DJ, Shin HG, Xu Y, Ramu Y, Lu Z., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 2013; 142 (4): 367-80.   

Two phloem nitrate transporters, NRT1.11 and NRT1.12, are important for redistributing xylem-borne nitrate to enhance plant growth., Hsu PK, Tsay YF., Plant Physiol. October 1, 2013; 163 (2): 844-56.

The orthosteric GABAA receptor ligand Thio-4-PIOL displays distinctly different functional properties at synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors., Hoestgaard-Jensen K, O'Connor RM, Dalby NO, Simonsen C, Finger BC, Golubeva A, Hammer H, Bergmann ML, Kristiansen U, Krogsgaard-Larsen P, Bräuner-Osborne H, Ebert B, Frølund B, Cryan JF, Jensen AA., Br J Pharmacol. October 1, 2013; 170 (4): 919-32.

Thyroid hormones in male reproductive development: evidence for direct crosstalk between the androgen and thyroid hormone axes., Flood DE, Fernandino JI, Langlois VS., Gen Comp Endocrinol. October 1, 2013; 192 2-14.

The carboxyl terminal residues 220-283 are not required for voltage gating of a chimeric connexin32 hemichannel., Kwon T, Dowd TL, Bargiello TA., Biophys J. September 17, 2013; 105 (6): 1376-82.

The Nedd4-binding protein 3 (N4BP3) is crucial for axonal and dendritic branching in developing neurons., Schmeisser MJ, Kühl SJ, Schoen M, Beth NH, Weis TM, Grabrucker AM, Kühl M, Boeckers TM., Neural Dev. September 17, 2013; 8 18.   

The identification of microRNAs in the whitespotted bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) liver by Illumina sequencing., Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhang X, Pan J, Nie Z, Zhang W, Yu W, Chen J, Liu L, Li J, Guo J, Wu W, Zhu H, Lv Z., Gene. September 15, 2013; 527 (1): 259-65.

The Dionaea muscipula ammonium channel DmAMT1 provides NH₄⁺ uptake associated with Venus flytrap's prey digestion., Scherzer S, Krol E, Kreuzer I, Kruse J, Karl F, von Rüden M, Escalante-Perez M, Müller T, Rennenberg H, Al-Rasheid KA, Neher E, Hedrich R., Curr Biol. September 9, 2013; 23 (17): 1649-57.

The Xenopus amygdala mediates socially appropriate vocal communication signals., Hall IC, Ballagh IH, Kelley DB., J Neurosci. September 4, 2013; 33 (36): 14534-48.   

The Prp19 complex directly functions in mitotic spindle assembly., Hofmann JC, Tegha-Dunghu J, Dräger S, Will CL, Lührmann R, Gruss OJ., PLoS One. September 3, 2013; 8 (9): e74851.   

The growth speed of microtubules with XMAP215-coated beads coupled to their ends is increased by tensile force., Trushko A, Schäffer E, Howard J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 3, 2013; 110 (36): 14670-5.

The human PDZome: a gateway to PSD95-Disc large-zonula occludens (PDZ)-mediated functions., Belotti E, Polanowska J, Daulat AM, Audebert S, Thomé V, Lissitzky JC, Lembo F, Blibek K, Omi S, Lenfant N, Gangar A, Montcouquiol M, Santoni MJ, Sebbagh M, Aurrand-Lions M, Angers S, Kodjabachian L, Reboul J, Borg JP., Mol Cell Proteomics. September 1, 2013; 12 (9): 2587-603.   

Two recombinant α-like scorpion toxins from Mesobuthus eupeus with differential affinity toward insect and mammalian Na(+) channels., Zhu L, Peigneur S, Gao B, Tytgat J, Zhu S., Biochimie. September 1, 2013; 95 (9): 1732-40.

The additional ACh binding site at the α4(+)/α4(-) interface of the (α4β2)2α4 nicotinic ACh receptor contributes to desensitization., Benallegue N, Mazzaferro S, Alcaino C, Bermudez I., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 2013; 170 (2): 304-16.

The phosphorylation of ARPP19 by Greatwall renders the auto-amplification of MPF independently of PKA in Xenopus oocytes., Dupré A, Buffin E, Roustan C, Nairn AC, Jessus C, Haccard O., J Cell Sci. September 1, 2013; 126 (Pt 17): 3916-26.

The RRM1 domain of the poly(A)-binding protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is critical to control of mRNA deadenylation., Zhang C, Lee DJ, Chiang YC, Richardson R, Park S, Wang X, Laue TM, Denis CL., Mol Genet Genomics. September 1, 2013; 288 (9): 401-12.

Transcriptional regulation and nuclear reprogramming: roles of nuclear actin and actin-binding proteins., Miyamoto K, Gurdon JB., Cell Mol Life Sci. September 1, 2013; 70 (18): 3289-302.   

TBX3 Directs Cell-Fate Decision toward Mesendoderm., Weidgang CE, Russell R, Tata PR, Kühl SJ, Illing A, Müller M, Lin Q, Brunner C, Boeckers TM, Bauer K, Kartikasari AE, Guo Y, Radenz M, Bernemann C, Weiß M, Seufferlein T, Zenke M, Iacovino M, Kyba M, Schöler HR, Kühl M, Liebau S, Kleger A., Stem Cell Reports. August 29, 2013; 1 (3): 248-65.   

Titration of four replication factors is essential for the Xenopus laevis midblastula transition., Collart C, Allen GE, Bradshaw CR, Smith JC, Zegerman P., Science. August 23, 2013; 341 (6148): 893-6.

The neutral, hydrophobic isoleucine at position I521 in the extracellular S4 domain of hERG contributes to channel gating equilibrium., Dou Y, Goodchild SJ, Velde RV, Wu Y, Fedida D., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 15, 2013; 305 (4): C468-78.

Trafficking defects in PAS domain mutant Kv11.1 channels: roles of reduced domain stability and altered domain-domain interactions., Ke Y, Ng CA, Hunter MJ, Mann SA, Heide J, Hill AP, Vandenberg JI., Biochem J. August 15, 2013; 454 (1): 69-77.

The cataract and glucosuria associated monocarboxylate transporter MCT12 is a new creatine transporter., Abplanalp J, Laczko E, Philp NJ, Neidhardt J, Zuercher J, Braun P, Schorderet DF, Munier FL, Verrey F, Berger W, Camargo SM, Kloeckener-Gruissem B., Hum Mol Genet. August 15, 2013; 22 (16): 3218-26.   

Toxicity of CuO nanoparticles and Cu ions to tight epithelial cells from Xenopus laevis (A6): effects on proliferation, cell cycle progression and cell death., Thit A, Selck H, Bjerregaard HF., Toxicol In Vitro. August 1, 2013; 27 (5): 1596-601.

The DEAD-box helicase Vasa: evidence for a multiplicity of functions in RNA processes and developmental biology., Lasko P., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 1, 2013; 1829 (8): 810-6.

The cytoskeletal protein Zyxin inhibits Shh signaling during the CNS patterning in Xenopus laevis through interaction with the transcription factor Gli1., Martynova NY, Ermolina LV, Ermakova GV, Eroshkin FM, Gyoeva FK, Baturina NS, Zaraisky AG., Dev Biol. August 1, 2013; 380 (1): 37-48.   

The water permeability of lens aquaporin-0 depends on its lipid bilayer environment., Tong J, Canty JT, Briggs MM, McIntosh TJ., Exp Eye Res. August 1, 2013; 113 32-40.

Trichodina xenopodus, a ciliated protozoan, in a laboratory-maintained Xenopus laevis., Collymore C, White JR, Lieggi C., Comp Med. August 1, 2013; 63 (4): 310-2.

The molecular yo-yo method: live jump detection improves throughput of single-molecule force spectroscopy for out-of-equilibrium transitions., Mack AH, Schlingman DJ, Kamenetska M, Collins R, Regan L, Mochrie SG., Rev Sci Instrum. August 1, 2013; 84 (8): 085119.

The neuroactive steroid pregnenolone sulfate stimulates trafficking of functional N-methyl D-aspartate receptors to the cell surface via a noncanonical, G protein, and Ca2+-dependent mechanism., Kostakis E, Smith C, Jang MK, Martin SC, Richards KG, Russek SJ, Gibbs TT, Farb DH., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2013; 84 (2): 261-74.

Three-dimensional model for the human Cl-/HCO3- exchanger, AE1, by homology to the E. coli ClC protein., Bonar P, Schneider HP, Becker HM, Deitmer JW, Casey JR., J Mol Biol. July 24, 2013; 425 (14): 2591-608.

Towards a humanized PPARγ reporter system for in vivo screening of obesogens., Punzon I, Latapie V, Le Mével S, Hagneau A, Jolivet P, Palmier K, Fini JB, Demeneix BA., Mol Cell Endocrinol. July 15, 2013; 374 (1-2): 1-9.

The nucleic acid-binding domain and translational repression activity of a Xenopus terminal uridylyl transferase., Lapointe CP, Wickens M., J Biol Chem. July 12, 2013; 288 (28): 20723-33.

Two salt bridges differentially contribute to the maintenance of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel function., Cui G, Freeman CS, Knotts T, Prince CZ, Kuang C, McCarty NA., J Biol Chem. July 12, 2013; 288 (28): 20758-67.

The proteomic profile of Stichodactyla duerdeni secretion reveals the presence of a novel O-linked glycopeptide., Cassoli JS, Verano-Braga T, Oliveira JS, Montandon GG, Cologna CT, Peigneur S, Pimenta AM, Kjeldsen F, Roepstorff P, Tytgat J, de Lima ME., J Proteomics. July 11, 2013; 87 89-102.

The centriolar satellite protein SSX2IP promotes centrosome maturation., Bärenz F, Inoue D, Yokoyama H, Tegha-Dunghu J, Freiss S, Draeger S, Mayilo D, Cado I, Merker S, Klinger M, Hoeckendorf B, Pilz S, Hupfeld K, Steinbeisser H, Lorenz H, Ruppert T, Wittbrodt J, Gruss OJ., J Cell Biol. July 8, 2013; 202 (1): 81-95.   

The nuclear F-actin interactome of Xenopus oocytes reveals an actin-bundling kinesin that is essential for meiotic cytokinesis., Samwer M, Dehne HJ, Spira F, Kollmar M, Gerlich DW, Urlaub H, Görlich D., EMBO J. July 3, 2013; 32 (13): 1886-902.   

The interface between membrane-spanning and cytosolic domains in Ca²+-dependent K+ channels is involved in β subunit modulation of gating., Sun X, Shi J, Delaloye K, Yang X, Yang H, Zhang G, Cui J., J Neurosci. July 3, 2013; 33 (27): 11253-61.

The Xenopus Tgfbi is required for embryogenesis through regulation of canonical Wnt signalling., Wang F, Hu W, Xian J, Ohnuma S, Brenton JD., Dev Biol. July 1, 2013; 379 (1): 16-27.   

Three calcium-sensitive genes, fus, brd3 and wdr5, are highly expressed in neural and renal territories during amphibian development., Bibonne A, Néant I, Batut J, Leclerc C, Moreau M, Gilbert T., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 1, 2013; 1833 (7): 1665-71.   

The origin of the tetrapod limb: from expeditions to enhancers., Schneider I, Shubin NH., Trends Genet. July 1, 2013; 29 (7): 419-26.

The linker pivot in Ci-VSP: the key to unlock catalysis., Hobiger K, Utesch T, Mroginski MA, Seebohm G, Friedrich T., PLoS One. July 1, 2013; 8 (7): e70272.   

Type 1 sodium-dependent phosphate transporter acts as a membrane potential-driven urate exporter., Miyaji T, Kawasaki T, Togawa N, Omote H, Moriyama Y., Curr Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 2013; 6 (2): 88-94.

Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs): a highly efficient and versatile tool for genome editing., Sun N, Zhao H., Biotechnol Bioeng. July 1, 2013; 110 (7): 1811-21.

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